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The Hugo Awards will be presented in the Anaheim Convention
Center, Anaheim, CA on Sunday, September 1, 1996
Stephen Baxter, The Time Ships (HarperPrism)
David Brin, Brightness Reef (Bantam)
Robert J. Sawyer, The Terminal Experiment (HarperPrism; serialized as
"Hobson's Choice", Analog, Mid-December 1994-March 1995)
Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age (Bantam)
Connie Willis, Remake (Bantam)
Nancy Kress, "Fault Lines", (Asimov's, August 1995)
Ursula K. Le Guin, "A Man of the People", (Asimov's, April 1995)
Ursula K. Le Guin, "A Woman's Liberation", (Asimov's, July 1995)
Mike Resnick and Susan Shwartz, "Bibi", (Asimov's, Mid-December 1995)
Allen Stele, "The Death of Captain Future", (Asimov's, October 1995)
Greg Egan, "Luminous" (Asimov's, September 1995)
Greg Egan, "TAP" (Asimov's, November 1995)
James Kelly, "Think Like a Dinosaur" (Asimov's, June 1995)
Mike Resnick, "When the Old Gods Die" (Asimov's, April 1995)
Allen Steele, "The Good Rat" (Analog, Mid-December 1995)
Harry Turtledove, "Must and Shall" (Asimov's, November 1995)
Michael A. Burstein, "TeleAbsence" (Analog, July 1995)
Tony Daniel, "Life on the Moon" (Asimov's, April 1995)
Esther M. Friesner, "A Birthday" (F&SF, August 1995)
Maureen F. McHugh, "The Lincoln Train" (F&SF, April 1995)
Michael Swanwick, "Walking Out" (Asimov's, February 1995)
Isaac Asimov, Yours, Isaac Asimov: A Lifetime of Letters, edited by Stanley
Asimov (Doubleday)
Cathy Burnett and Arnie Fenner (eds.), Spectrum 2: The Best in Contemporary
Fantastic Art, (Underwood)
John Clute, Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia (Dorling Kindersley)
Bob Eggleton, Alien Horizons: The Fantastic Art of Bob Eggleton
(Dragon's World/Paper Tiger)
Joanna Russ, To Write Like a Woman: Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction,
(Indiana University Press)
Best Dramatic Presentation
Apollo 13 (Universal) Brian Grazer, producer; Ron Howard, director; William
Broyles Jr. and Al Reinert, screenplay
"The Coming of Shadows" (Babylon 5) (Warner Brothers) J. Michael Straczynski,
Douglas Netter, John Copeland, producers; J. Michael Straczynski, screenplay;
Janet Greek, director
"The Visitor" (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) (Paramount Television) Rick Berman
and Ira Steven Behr, executive producers; Michael Taylor, screenplay; David
Livingston, director
Toy Story (Buena Vista) Ralph Guggenheim and Bonnie Arnold, producers; John
Lasseter, director; Joss Whedon, Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen, and Alec Sokolow,
12 Monkeys (Universal) Charles Roven, producer; Terry Gilliam, director; David
and Janet Peoples, screenplay
Ellen Datlow
Gardner Dozois
Scott Edelman
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Stanley Schmidt
Jim Burns
Thomas Canty
Bob Eggleton
Don Maitz
Michael Whelan
Best Professional Artwork
Bob Eggleton, cover of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October-November 1995
(illustrating "Dankden" by Marc Laidlaw)
Bob Eggleton, cover of Analog, January 1995 (illustrating "Tide of Stars" by
Julia Ecklar)
James Gurney, Dinotopia: The World Beneath (Turner)
George H. Krauter, cover of Analog, March 1995 (illustrating "Renascence" by
Poul Anderson)
Gary Lippincott, cover of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1995
(illustrating "Tea and Hamsters" by Michael Coney)
Crank!, edited by Bryan Cholfin
Interzone edited by David Pringle
Locus edited by Charles N. Brown
The New York Review of Science Fiction edited by David Hartwell, Ariel HamЩon,
and Tad Dembinski
Science Fiction Chronicle edited by Andrew I. Porter
Ansible edited by Dave Langford
Apparatchik, edited by Andrew Hooper and Victor Gonzalez
Attitude, edited by Michael Abbott, John Dallman, and Pam Wells
FOSFAX, edited by Timothy Lane and Elizabeth Garrott
Lan's Lantern edited by George Laskowski
Mimosa edited by Dick & Nicki Lynch
Sharon Farber
Andy Hooper
Dave Langford
Evelyn C. Leeper
Joseph T. Major
Ian Gunn
Teddy Harvia
Joe Mahew
Peggy Ranson
William Rotsler
John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer
Michael A. Burstein (1st year of eligibility)
David Feintuch (2nd year of eligibility)
Daniel Marcus (2nd year of eligibility)
Felicity Savage (2nd year of eleigibility)
Sharon Shinn (1st year of eligibility)
Tricia Sullivan (1st year of eligibility)
"The Fall of Night" (Babylon 5) received enough votes to be nominated for
Best Dramatic Presentation, but the producers declined its nomination in
favor of "The Coming of Shadows", the other Babylon 5 episode nominated. File
770 received enough votes to be nominated for Best Fanzine, but was ruled
ineligible because its editor, Mike Glyer, is a member of the Hugo Awards
subcommittee. Linda Nagata received enough votes to be nominated for the John
W. Campbell Award, but was ruled ineligible due to professional publication of
fiction in the science fiction and fantasy field prior to 1994.
In addition to the 1996 Hugos, the members of LAConIII will also award the
1946 Retro-Hugos
Популярность: 10, Last-modified: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 20:13:42 GmT