 Date: 26 May 1998

agora@kamakura.mss.co.jp - очень загружен , ответ приходит через сутки
webmail@www.ucc.ie  Нормальная кодировка русских серверов

getweb@usa.healthnet.org - работает быстро, но есть ограничения 20 стр.в неделю
getweb@unganisha.idrc.ca - работает быстро




 Subject: Accessing the Internet by E-Mail FAQ
 Date:    31 Aug 1997 09:30:20 GMT
 From:    Bob Rankin (BobRankin@MHV.net)
             alt.internet.services, alt.online-service,
             alt.bbs.internet, alt.answers, comp.mail.misc, comp.answers,
             news.newusers.questions, news.answers

Archive-name: internet-services/access-via-email
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 1997/08/07
Version: 6.9

        |        Accessing The Internet By E-Mail          |
        |  Doctor Bob's Guide to Offline Internet Access   |
        |            6th Edition - August 1997             |

             Copyright (c) 1994-97, "Doctor Bob" Rankin

   All rights reserved.  Permission is granted to make and distribute
   verbatim copies of this document provided the copyright notice and
   this permission notice are preserved on all copies.  Feel free to
            upload to your favorite BBS or Internet server!


If you don't have direct access to the Internet through your BBS
or online service, you're not alone.  Many of the world's countries
with Internet connections have only e-mail access to this world-wide
network of networks.

But if you think that sounds limiting, read on.  You can access almost any
Internet resource using e-mail.  Maybe you've heard of FTP, Gopher, Archie,
Veronica, Finger, Usenet, Whois, Netfind, WAIS, and the World-Wide Web but
thought they were out of your reach because you don't have a direct

Not so!  You can use simple e-mail commands to do all of this and much
more on the Internet.  And even if you do have full Internet access,
using e-mail services can save you time and money.  If you can send a
note to an Internet address, you're in the game.

I encourage you to read this entire document first and then go back and
try out the techniques that are covered.  This way, you will gain a
broader perspective of the information resources that are available, an
introduction to the tools you can work with, and the best methods for
finding the information you want.


6.9 Several new/deleted server addresses; Vigilant Filter closed.
6.8 Homepage by e-mail for German users only; LEO translation service;
    Reminders by e-mail; updated mail-to-usenet info; Mercury Mail by
    e-mail discontinued; WAISmail section removed
6.7 More servers closed due to abuse; a new Agora; Goodbye to Binky
6.6 Binky is revived; mortgage calculator, homepage by e-mail, URL-minder;
    new & updated server addresses
6.5 Forms support for webmail; New info on Usenet by e-mail; Binky is dead;


This document is now available from several automated mail servers.
To get the latest edition, send e-mail to one of the addresses below.

To: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu (for US, Canada & South America)
Enter only this line in the BODY of the note:
  send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email

To: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk (for Europe, Asia, etc.)
Enter only this line in the BODY of the note:
  send lis-iis e-access-inet.txt

You can also get the file by anonymous FTP at one of these sites:

Site: rtfm.mit.edu
   get pub/usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email
Site: ftp.mailbase.ac.uk
   get pub/lists/lis-iis/files/e-access-inet.txt

Or on the Web in HTML format at:


DR. BOB'S PAINLESS GUIDE to the Internet (And Amazing Things You Can Do
With E-Mail) is different than any other Internet book.  It's cheap--only
$12.95, and it's blissfully short--just 145 pages.  For online ordering,
visit Dr. Bob's web page at http://biz.mhv.net/drbob or send e-mail to
BobRankin@MHV.net with Subject: SEND BOOKINFO to get complete details.


Please make sure you have the latest version of this guide before writing
to the author with questions and updates.  Don't give up too quickly on
the busy e-mail servers, and if you get an error message, try your operation
again on a different day or time.  If you'd like to keep up with the latest
updates and announcements of new versions, send the command:

   SUBSCRIBE ACCMAIL Firstname Lastname

in the BODY of a message to the address "LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM".  In
fact, the ACCMAIL list is a great place to ask any questions you have about
this guide.  You're likely to get a quicker response from one of the list
subscribers, because the author gets several hundred messages per week!


Several readers have graciously volunteered to translate this text into
languages other than English.  Please contact the author if you would like
to assist in the translation of this document into another language.  The
list below shows the status of the translation work that has been done or
is in progress.  To obtain any of the completed texts, send e-mail with

Subject: send accmail.xx             (where "xx" is as shown below)
To: BobRankin@MHV.NET

 Translation             Filename     Translation             Filename
 ----------------------- ----------   ----------------------- ----------
 Catalan (5th Ed.)       accmail.ca   Chinese GB (6th Ed.)    accmail.cn
 Chinese BIG5 (5th Ed.)  accmail.tw   Croatian (4th Ed.)      accmail.hr
 Czech (6th Ed.)         accmail.cz   Danish (5th Ed.)        accmail.dk
 Dutch (6th Ed.)         accmail.nl   Esperanto (4th Ed.)     accmail.eo
 Farsi (5th Ed.)         accmail.ir   Finnish (6th Ed.)       accmail.fi
 French (6th Ed.)        accmail.fr   German (5th Ed.)        accmail.de
 Greek (6th Ed.)         accmail.gr   Hebrew (5th Ed.)        accmail.he
 Hungarian (4th Ed.)     accmail.hu   Irish (In progress)     accmail.ie
 Indonesian (4th Ed.)    accmail.id   Italian (5th Ed.)       accmail.it
 Lithuanian (6th Ed.)    accmail.lt   Japanese (6th Ed.)      accmail.jp
 Norwegian (4th Ed.)     accmail.no   Polish (4th Ed.)        accmail.pl
 Portuguese (6th Ed.)    accmail.pt   Romanian (6th Ed.)      accmail.ro
 Russian (6th Ed.)       accmail.ru   Serbian (6th Ed.)       accmail.sr
 Slovak (6th Ed.)        accmail.sk   Spanish  (6th Ed.)      accmail.sp
 Tagalog (In progress)   accmail.ph   Thai (6th Ed.)          accmail.th
 Turkish (In progress)   accmail.tr   Somali (5th Ed.)        accmail.so
 Ukranian (6th Ed.)      accmail.ua

NOTE: Your "send accmail.xx" request MUST be in the SUBJECT line!


This document is continually expanding and improving as a result of the
daily flood of comments and questions received by the author.  The following
individuals are hereby recognized for their work in translating "Accessing"
to various languages.  (If I forgot anyone, let me know and I'll gladly add
you to the list.)

   Flesch Balint - Hungarian             Ron Barak - Hebrew
   Nikola Borojevic - Croatian           Krzysztof Buniewicz - Polish
   Claude Bay - French                   Pierre Couillard - French
   Shahriar Eivazzadeh - Farsi           Vadim Fedorov - Russian
   Ricard Forner - Catalanian            Alonso Gustavo - Spanish
   Stefan Greundel - German              Mihai Jalobeanu - Romanian
   Paavo Juntunen - Finnish              Joao Neves - Portuguese
   Stanislav Ponca - Slovakian           Oe Wely Eko Raharjo - Indonesian
   Boonyakiat Saengwan - Thai            Vidar Sarvik - Norwegian
   Christian Schou - Danish              Darius Matuliauskas - Lithuanian
   Martin Slunecko - Czech               Zvonko Springer - Croatian
   Andras Sogor - Hungarian              Komatsu Toshiki - Japanese
   Rob Vandeweyer - Dutch                Dario Vercelli - Italian
   Ewa Poskrobko - Polish                Martin Weichert - Esperanto
   Yassin Ismail Ali - Somali            Ukranian - Dmitry V. Bisikalo
   Brankica Kranjac - Serbian            Ivan Stamenkovic - Serbian
   Grigoris Miliaresis - Greek           Alexander Kachanov - Russian


Many introductory texts on the Internet go into excruciating detail on
the history, composition and protocol of the Internet.  If you were
looking for that you won't find it here, because this is a "how to"
lesson, not a history book.

When you buy a new car, they don't make you read "The Life and Times of
Henry Ford" before you can turn the top down and squeal off the lot.
And when you get a new computer, nobody forces you to read a text on
logic design before you fire up Leisure Suit Larry or WordPerfect.

So if you're the type that wants to short-circuit the preliminaries and
just dig in, you've come to the right place.  I'm not going to bore you
with the gory details.  Instead, I'll just offer up my Reader's Digest
condensed definition of the Internet, and encourage you to find out
more as you gain skill at using the tools described herein.

Internet (noun) - A sprawling collection of computer networks that spans
the globe, connecting government, military, educational and commercial
institutions, as well as private citizens to a wide range of computer
services, resources, and information.  A set of network conventions and
common tools are employed to give the appearance of a single large
network, even though the computers that are linked together use many
different hardware and software platforms.


This document is meant to be both tutorial and practical, so there are
lots of actual commands and internet addresses listed herein.  You'll
notice that when these are included in the text they are indented by
several spaces for clarity.  Don't include the leading spaces when you
try these commands on your own!

You'll also see things like "" or "" appearing in this
document.  Think of these as place holders or variables which must
be replaced with an appropriate value.  Do NOT include the quotes or
brackets in your value unless specifically directed to do so.

Most e-mail servers understand only a small set of commands and are
not very forgiving if you deviate from what they expect.  So include
ONLY the specified commands in the Subject or body of your note, leaving
off any extraneous lines such as your signature, etc.

Unless otherwise specified, you can leave the Subject and/or body of the
note empty.  If your mail software insists on a Subject or body, just
type "XYZZY" or something equally non-sensical.

You should also ensure that you have one blank line between the note
headers and the body of your note.  And do pay attention to upper/lower
case in directory and file names when using e-mail servers.  It's almost
always important.

SPECIAL NOTE:  The e-mail servers listed in this guide are for the most
part operated by kind-hearted volunteers at companies or universities.
If you abuse (or over-use) the servers, there's a very good chance they
will be shut down permanently.  This actually happened to several of the
e-mail servers recently, so treat them with respect.

If you have direct Internet access, let others who are less fortunate use
the e-mail servers.  Try to limit your data transfers to one megabyte per
day.  Don't swamp the servers with many requests at a time.


------------- FTP stands for "file transfer protocol", and is a means of accessing files that are stored on remote computer systems (sites). Files at FTP sites are typically stored in a tree-like set of directories (or nested folders for Mac fans), each of which pertains to a different subject. When visiting an FTP site using a "live" internet connection, one would specify the name of the site, login with a userid & password, navigate to the desired directory and select one or more files to be transferred back to their local system. Using FTP by e-mail is very similar, except that the desired site is reached through a special "ftpmail server" which logs in to the remote site and returns the requested files to you in response to a set of commands in an e-mail message. Using FTP by e-mail can be nice even for those with full Internet access, because some popular FTP sites are heavily loaded and interactive response can be very sluggish. So it makes sense not to waste time and connect charges in these cases. To use FTP by e-mail, you first need a list of FTP "sites" which are the addresses of the remote computer systems that allow you to retrieve files anonymously (without having a userid and password on that system). There are some popular sites listed later in this guide, but you can get a comprehensive list of hundreds of anonymous FTP sites by sending an e-mail message to the internet address: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu and include these lines in the BODY of the note. send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/sitelist/part1 ... (19 lines omitted for brevity) ... send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/sitelist/part21 You will then receive (by e-mail) 21 files which comprise the "FTP Site List". Note that these files are each about 60K, so the whole lot will total over a megabyte! This could place a strain on your system, so first check around to see if the list is already available locally. Another file you might want to get is "FTP Frequently Asked Questions" which contains lots more info on using FTP services, so add this line to your note as well: send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/faq After you receive the site list you'll see dozens of entries like this, which tell you the site name, location and the kind of files that are stored there. Site : oak.oakland.edu Country: USA Organ : Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan System : Unix Comment: Simtel Software Repository mirror Files : BBS lists; ham radio; TCP/IP; Mac; modem protocol info; MS-DOS; MS-Windows; PC Blue; PostScript; Simtel-20; Unix If you find an interesting FTP site in the list, send e-mail to one of these ftpmail servers: ftpmail@sunsite.auc.dk (Denmark) ftpmail@obelix.vslib.cz (Czech) ftpmail@garbo.uwasa.fi (Finland) bitftp@vm.gmd.de (Germany) ftpmail@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de (Germany) ftpmail@dna.affrc.go.jp (Japan) ftpxcorreo@ftp.rcp.net.pe (Peru) bitftp@plearn.edu.pl (Poland) ftpmail@relay.interbit.ro (Romania) ftpmail@ftp.sunet.se (Sweden) ftpmail@ftp.luth.se (Sweden) bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu (United States) ftpmail@ftpmail.ramona.vix.com (United States) ftpmail@conicit.ve (Venezuela) ftpmail@src.doc.ic.ac.uk (CLOSED DUE TO ABUSE) ftpmail@ieunet.ie (CLOSED DUE TO ABUSE) It doesn't really matter which one you choose, but a server that is geographically close may respond quicker. (Please DON'T use the first one in the list just because it's there!) In the body of the note, include these lines: open * use "connect " for dec.com sites dir quit This will return to you a list of the files stored in the root directory at that site. See the figure below for an example of the output when using "oak.oakland.edu" for the site name. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ -r--r--r-- 1 w8sdz OAK 1255 Nov 9 16:32 README drwxr-xr-x 3 w8sdz OAK 8192 Feb 25 05:17 SimTel d--x--x--x 3 root system 8192 Jan 19 20:26 bin d--x--x--x 5 root system 8192 Dec 30 05:15 etc drwxr-xr-x 3 w8sdz OAK 8192 Jan 30 17:37 pub +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ In your next e-mail message you can navigate to other directories by inserting (for example) chdir pub (use "cd" if "chdir" doesn't work) before the "dir" command. (The "chdir" means "change directory" and "pub" is a common directory name, usually a good place to start.) Once you determine the name of a file you want to retrieve, use: get in the following note instead of the "dir" command. If the file you want to retrieve is plain text, this will suffice. If it's a binary file (an executable program, compressed file, etc.) you'll need to insert the command: binary in your note before the "get" command. Tip: Many directories at FTP sites contain a file called 00-index.txt, README, or something similarly named which gives a description of the files found there. If you're just exploring and your "dir" reveals one of these filenames, do a "get" on the file and save yourself some time. OK, let's grab the text of The Magna Carta. Here's the message you send to ftpmail@win.net (or another ftpmail server): open ftp.spies.com (The name of the FTP site) chdir Gov/World (The directory where the file lives) get magna.txt (Sign here please, John) quit (Bring it on home) Here are the commands you would send to to get a file from the Simtel Software Repository that was mentioned earlier. open oak.oakland.edu chdir SimTel/msdos/disasm binary (Because we're getting a ZIP file) get bubble.zip quit Some other interesting FTP sites you may want to "visit" are listed below. (Use these site names on the "open" command and the suggested directory name on your "chdir" command, as in the previous examples.) rtfm.mit.edu Try: pub/usenet/news.answers for USENET info oak.oakland.edu Try: SimTel/msdos for a huge DOS software library gatekeeper.dec.com Try: pub/recipes for a cooking & recipe archive Remember that you can't just send e-mail to ftpmail@, rather you send the "open " command to one of the known ftpmail servers. Notes: - The ftpmail servers tend to be quite busy. Your reply may not arrive for several minutes, hours, or days. - Some large files may be split into smaller pieces and returned to you as multiple messages. You can control this (and also override the return e-mail address) using special ftpmail commands. - The commands are not the same on every server - send the "help" command to find out how FTPMAIL works on the server you are using! - Often the ftpmail servers keep local archives. Open the local archives by not specifying a site on the "open" line. Using the local archives gives your request priority so it will be processed before all outside requests. If the file that is returned to you ends up looking something like what you see below, (the word "begin" with a number and the filename on one line, followed by a bunch of 61-character lines) it most likely is a binary file that has been "uuencoded" by the sender. (This is required in order to reliably transmit binary files by e-mail.) begin 666 answer2.zip M4$L#!`H`!@`.`/6H?18.$-Z$F@P```@?```,````5$5,25@S,34N5%A480I[ M!P8;!KL,2P,)!PL).PD'%@.(!@4.!P8%-@.6%PL*!@@*.P4.%00.%P4*.`4. You'll need to scrounge up a version of the "uudecode" program for your operating system (DOS, OS/2, Unix, Mac, etc.) in order to reconstruct the file. Most likely you'll find a copy already at your site or in your service provider's download library, but if not you can use the instructions in the next section to find out how to search FTP sites for a copy.


---------------- Let's say you know the name of a file, but you have no idea at which FTing like what you see below, (the word "begin" with a number and the filename on one line, followed by a bunch of 61-character lines) it most likely is a binary file that has been "uuencoded" by the sender. (This is required in order to reliably transmit binary files by e-mail.) begin 666 answer2.zip M4$L#!`H`!@`.`/6H?18.$-Z$F@P```@?```,````5$5,25@S,34N5%A480I[ M!P8;!KL,2P,)!PL).PD'%@.(!@4.!P8%-@.6%PL*!@@*.P4.%00.%P4*.`4. You'll need to scrounge up a version of the "uudecode" program for your operating system (DOS, OS/2, Unix, Mac, etc.) in order to reconstruct the file. Most likely you'll find a copy already at your site or in your service provider's download library, but if not you can use the instructions in the next section to find out how to search FTP sites for a copy.


---------------- Let's say you know the name of a file, but you have no idea at which FT.jp (Japan) archie@archie.icm.edu.pl (Poland) archie@archie.luth.se (Sweden) archie@archie.rediris.es (Spain) archie@archie.doc.ic.ac.uk (United Kingdom) archie@archie.bunyip.com (United States) archie@archie.internic.net (United States) To obtain detailed help for using Archie by mail, put the word help in the subject of the note and just send it off. You'll receive e-mail explaining how to use archie services. If you're the "just do it" type, then enter the command: find where "" is the name of the file to search for, in the BODY (not the subject) of the note. This will search for files that match your criteria exactly. If you want to find files that contain your search criteria anywhere in their name, insert the line set search sub before the "find" command. Some other useful archie commands you might want to use are: set maxhits 20 (limit output, default is 100 files) set match_domain usa (restrict output to FTP sites in USA) set output_format terse (return output in condensed form) When you get the results from your Archie query, it will contain the names of various sites at which the desired file is located. Use one of these site names and the directory/filename listed for your next FTP file retrieval request. Now you've learned enough to locate that UUDECODE utility mentioned in the last section. Let's send e-mail to archie@archie.rutgers.edu (or one of the other archie servers), and include the following lines in the message: set match_domain usa set search sub (looking for a substring match...) find uudecode (must contain this string...) Note: You'll be looking for the uudecode source code, not the executable version, which would of course be a binary file and would arrive uuencoded - a Catch 22! The output of your archie query will contain lots of information like this: Host ftp.clarkson.edu ( Last updated 06:31 9 Oct 1994 Location: /pub/simtel20-cdrom/msdos/starter FILE -r-xr-xr-x 5572 bytes 21:00 11 Mar 1991 uudecode.bas Location: /pub/simtel20-cdrom/msdos/starter FILE -r-xr-xr-x 5349 bytes 20:00 17 Apr 1991 uudecode.c Now you can use an ftpmail server to request "uudecode.bas" (if you have BASIC available) or "uudecode.c" (if you have a C compiler) from the ftp.clarkson.edu site. It should be noted that the latest version of uudecode can be found at the SimTel repository. Send e-mail to listserv@SimTel.net, including any or all of these commands in the BODY of the note, and the requested files will be returned to you by e-mail. get uudecode.bas get uudecode.c get uudecode.doc SPECIAL NOTE: For DOS users, there is an EXECUTABLE ASCII version of the UUDECODE.COM program available. This is a rare exception to the rule that executable files must be encoded to survive e-mail transmission. You can receive it via e-mail and execute it "as is". To get a copy, send e-mail to BobRankin@MHV.net with Subject: send uudecode.com (must be lowercase). For further info on using uudecode, request the "uudecode.how" file.


---------------- Gopher is a tool for exploring the Internet and is one way to find a resource if you know what you want, but not where to find it. Gopher systems are menu-based, and provide a user-friendly front end to Internet resources, searches and information retrieval. When visiting a Gopher site using a "live" Internet connection, one would specify the name of the site, navigate through a series of hierarchical menus to a desired resource, and then either read or transfer the information back to their home system. Using Gopher by e-mail is very similar, except that the desired site is reached through a special "gophermail server" which gophers to the remote site on your behalf and and returns the requested menu, submenu or file to you in response to a set of commands in an e-mail message. NOTE: In recent years, Gopher has fallen in popularity and most of the gophermail servers have closed down. But still there is quite a bit of information available on gopher servers, and a few working gophermail servers. Although not every item on every menu will be accessible by "gophermail", you'll still find plenty of interesting things using this technique. Down to brass tacks... let's send e-mail to one of these addresses: gopher@dna.affrc.go.jp Japan gopher@ncc.go.jp Japan gophermail@eunet.cz Czech Republic You can optionally specify the address of a known gopher site on the Subject line to get the main menu for that site instead. Here are some interesting gopher sites you may like to explore at your leisure. cwis.usc.edu gopher.micro.umn.edu english-server.hss.cmu.edu Let's be bold and skip the HELP stuff for now. Fire off a note to one of the gophermail servers and specify Subject: cwis.usc.edu You'll get a message back from the server that looks something like the text in the figure below. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Mail this file back to gopher with an X before the items you want. 1. About USCgopher/ 2. How To Find Things on Gopher/ 3. University Information/ 4. Campus Life/ 5. Computing Information/ 6. Library and Research Information/ 7. Health Sciences/ 8. Research and Technology Centers/ 9. Other Gophers & Info Resources/ You may edit the following numbers to set the maximum sizes after which GopherMail should send output as multiple email messages: Split=27K bytes/message <- For text, bin, HQX messages Menu=100 items/message <- For menus and query responses # Name=About USCgopher Numb=1 Type=1 Port=70 Path=1/About_USCgopher Host=cwis.usc.edu # ... (some lines deleted) ... Name=Other Gophers and Information Resources Numb=9 Type=1 Port=70 Path=1/Other_Gophers_and_Information_Resources Host=cwis.usc.edu +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ To proceed to a selection on the returned menu just e-mail the whole text of the note (from the menu downwards) back to the gopher server, placing an "x" next to the items(s) you want to explore. You'll then receive the next level of the gopher menu by e-mail. Some menu choices lead to other menus, some lead to text files, and some lead to searches. In the example above, let's select x 9. Other Gophers & Info Resources and mail the whole shebang right back at the gophermail server. You should then get a menu with a number of interesting selections including "Gopher Jewels". You'll find a LOT of good stuff along that path. The Gopher Jewels project is probably the best organized collection of Internet resources around. If a menu item is labelled "Search" you can select that item with an "x" and supply your search words in the Subject: of your reply. Note that your search criteria can be a single word or a boolean expression such as: document and (historic or government) Each of the results (the "hits") of your search will be displayed as an entry on yet another gopher menu! Note: You needn't actually return the entire gopher menu and all the routing info that follows it each time you reply to the gophermail server. If you want to minimize the size of your query, you can strip out the "menu" portion at the top and include only the portion below that pertains to the menu selection you want. Just remember that if you use this approach, you must specify "get all" on the Subject line. (Exception: for searching, specify only the search terms on the Subject line.) The example below is equivalent to selecting "option 9" as we did earlier. Split=0K bytes/message Menu=0 items/message # Name=Other Gophers Numb=9 Type=1 Port=70 Path=1/Other_Gophers_and_Information_Resources Host=cwis.usc.edu If this looks like nonsense to you, here's a human translation: Connect to PORT 70 of the HOST (computer) at "cwis.usc.edu", retrieve the sub-menu "Other Gophers", and send it to me in ONE PIECE, regardless of its size. Note: Sometimes gophermail requests return a blank menu or message. This is most likely because the server failed to connect to the host from which you were trying to get your information. Send your request again later and it'll probably work.


------------------ Speaking of searches, this is a good time to mention Veronica. Just as Archie provides a searchable index of FTP sites, Veronica provides this function for "gopherspace". Veronica will ask you what you want to look for (your search words) and then display another menu listing all the gopher menu items that match your search. In typical gopher fashion, you can then select one of these items and "go-pher it"! To try Veronica by e-mail, retrieve the main menu from a gophermail server using the method just described. Then try the choice labelled "Other Gopher and Information Servers". This menu will have an entry for Veronica. You'll have to select one (or more) Veronica servers to handle your query, specifying the search words in the Subject of your reply. Here's another example of where using e-mail servers can save time and money. Often the Veronica servers are very busy and tell you to "try again later". So select 2 or 3 servers, and chances are one of them will be able to handle your request the first time around.

    A Gophermail Shortcut:

---------------------- The path to some resources, files or databases can be a bit tedious, requiring several e-mail messages to the gophermail server. But here's the good news... If you've done it once, you can re-use any of the e-mail messages previously sent in, changing it to suit your current needs. As an example, here's a clipping from the Veronica menu you would get by following the previous instructions. You can send these lines to any gophermail server to run a Veronica search. Split=64K bytes/message <- For text, bin, HQX messages (0 = No split) Menu=100 items/message <- For menus and query responses (0 = No split) # Name=Search GopherSpace by Title word(s) (via NYSERNet) Type=7 Port=2347 Path= Host=empire.nysernet.org Specify the search words in the Subject line and see what turns up! You can use boolean expressions in Veronica searches. For a guide to composing Veronica searches, send these lines to a gophermail server: Name=How to Compose Veronica Queries Path=0/veronica/how-to-query-veronica Host=veronica.scs.unr.edu


---------------- Usenet is a collection of over 25000 discussion groups on every topic imaginable. In order to get a proper start and avoid embarrasing yourself needlessly, you must read the Usenet new users intro document, which can be obtained by sending e-mail to: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu and include this line in the BODY of the note: send usenet/news.answers/news-newusers-intro To get a listing of Usenet newsgroups, add these commands to your note: send usenet/news.answers/active-newsgroups/part1 (also get part2) send usenet/news.answers/alt-hierarchies/part1 (also get part2 & part3) To get the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file(s) for a given newsgroup, try a command like this: index usenet/ (Substitute dots for dashes if they appear in the newsgroup name.) If any FAQ files are available, they will be listed in the returned info, and you can request them with a command like: send usenet// Once you've handled the preliminaries, you'll need to know how to read and contribute to Usenet newsgroups by e-mail. To read a newsgroup, you can use the gophermail service discussed earlier in this guide. To obtain a list of recent postings to a particular newsgroup, send the following lines to one of the gophermail servers mentioned previously. Specify "Subject: get all" and include only these lines in the message body. (You must replace "" below with the name of the Usenet newsgroup you wish to access. eg: alt.answers, biz.comp.services, news.newusers.questions, etc.) Type=1 Port=4320 Path=nntp ls Host=services.canberra.edu.au If this doesn't work, you can try another Host by substituting one of the lines below. Host=gopher.ic.ac.uk Host=risc.upol.cz Host=gopher.tc.umn.edu (maybe, very busy) Note that some of these sites carry only a limited range of newsgroups, so you may have to try several before finding one which carries the newsgroup you're looking for. When the newsgroup does not exist, gophermail sends something like "'nntp ls ': path does not exist". When a site does not accept outside requests, gophermail sends something like "Sorry, we don't accept requests outside campus". If successful, the gophermail server will send you a typical gopher menu on which you may select the individual postings you wish to read. If your query returns nothing, or you get a "not found" message, try it at another time of day. The servers are very busy during regular business hours. NOTE: Gophermail servers are a vanishing breed. You can also get Usenet postings from several webmail servers listed in the WORLD-WIDE WEB BY E-MAIL section later in this document. There are two approaches: 1) Use a webmail server to access a gopher site which carries Usenet. The example from above when translated into a web address would be: gopher://services.canberra.edu.au:4320/1nntp 2) Look for an Agora server with a "Y" in the "Usenet Access" column and send a command like this in the message body: send news: With a little luck, you'll get a list of recent postings to the newsgroup, and then you can retrieve the individual postings by replying to the message from the Agora server. Make sure not to change the subject line of the reply message, and just put the number of the posting you want in the message BODY. If you decide to make a post of your own, mail the text of your post to: post-group.name@newspost.zippo.com group.name@news.uni-stuttgart.de (Requires permission) group.name@myriad.alias.net (Defunct?) group.name@news.cs.dal.ca (Defunct?) no.group.name@news.uninett.no (Norwegian newsgroups only) group.name@crs4gw.crs4.it (Italy users only) So to post to news.newusers.questions, you might send your message to: post-news.newusers.questions@newspost.zippo.com -OR- news.newusers.questions@news.uni-stuttgart.de NOTE: To use the news.uni-stuttgart.de service, first request permission by sending a message to: news@news.uni-stuttgart.de Be sure to include an appropriate Subject: line, and include your real name and e-mail address at the close of your note. There is another mail-to-newsgroup gateway, but it's a bit harder to use, and requires that you add a Newsgroups: header to your outgoing mail. For information, send to mail2news@anon.lcs.mit.edu with Subject: help Note: Some servers only support a limited range of newsgroups. The only way to know if the server supports a newsgroup is to try it! An updated listing of mail-to-news servers can be found by fetching the document at "http://students.cs.byu.edu/~don/mail2news.html". (See the "World-Wide Web By E-Mail" section below for help with this.) TIP: SEARCHING FOR USENET NEWSGROUPS - Don't know the name of the newsgroup? To search for Usenet groups about "pets", for example, send e-mail to an Agora server (see WWW section) with this line in the message BODY: send http://www.nova.edu/Inter-Links/cgi-bin/news.pl?pets Another way to find newsgroups: Send e-mail to "liszter@bluemarble.net" with news "keyword" in the BODY if the message. (The quotes force an exact match.)


--------------- A service called REFERENCE.COM makes it possible to search USENET newsgroups for postings that contain keywords of interest to you. You can even "subscribe" and receive a daily list of newsgroup postings that match your search criteria. Send mail to "email-queries@reference.com" with HELP in the body of note for full details.


------------------------ The World-Wide Web is the premier Internet navigational tool - a hypertext and multimedia system that lets you hop around the Net, read documents, and access images & sounds linked to a source. Have you ever heard someone say, "Wow, check out the cool stuff at http://www.somewhere.com/blah.html" and wondered what in the world they were talking about? Now you can retrieve WWW documents by e-mail using an Agora webmail server. All you need to know is the Uniform Resource Locator (or URL, that long ugly string starting with "http:", "gopher:", or "ftp:") which defines the address of the document, and you can retrieve it by sending e-mail to one of: Agora Server Address Location Usenet Access? --------------------------- -------------------- -------------- agora@dna.affrc.go.jp (Japan) Y agora@kamakura.mss.co.jp (Japan) Y agora@www.eng.dmu.ac.uk (United Kingdom) agora@mx.nsu.nsk.su (NSU.RU users ONLY) In the body of your note include one of these lines, replacing "" with the actual URL specification. send rsend (to override your return address) This will send you back the document you requested, with a list of all the documents referenced within, so that you may make further requests. To try WWW by e-mail send the following commands to an Agora server : www send http://www.w3.org In a few minutes you should receive the Agora help file and the "WWW Welcome Page" which will include references to other Web documents you'll want to explore. Please read the Agora help file, as it contains answers to many commonly asked questions! THERE ARE SOME OTHER webmail servers listed below, which run software other than Agora. They work pretty much the same, but it's a good idea to request the help file for the server you decide to use. Note: The GetWeb servers below can handle web pages which contain fill-in forms. Other webmail servers do not provide this ability. Address Syntax Comments ----------------------- ---------- ---------------------------- getweb@usa.healthnet.org GET Send HELP or HELP FORMS getweb@unganisha.idrc.ca GET Send HELP for usage info w3mail@gmd.de GET Send HELP command for info wwwfmail@linux.netmor.com Use 'Subject: info' for help webmail@www.ucc.ie GO Same as webmail@curia.ucc.ie web-mail@ebay.com Limited free searches Note: The webmail servers are sometimes unavailable for days (or weeks) at a time without explanation. If you get an error or no reply, please retry in a day or so.


-------------------- There's a lot of great stuff out on the Web, but how do you find it? Well, just like Archie and Veronica help you search FTP and gopher sites, there are several search engines that have been developed to search for information on the Web. But until now, you had to have direct Internet access to use them. After a bit of research, I have found that it is possible to use several WWW search mechanisms by e-mail. Here are some sample queries that you can use to search via Lycos and WebCrawler. Any of these lines can be sent to an Agora server (see above) to perform a search. If you're not interested in frogs, then by all means feel free to use your own keywords. For Lycos, append a dot to your keywords to force an exact match, or you will get a substring search by default. Separate words with a "+" sign. http://www.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?query=frog.+dissection. For WebCrawler searches you must separate words with a "+" sign. All searches are exact, no trailing dot required. http://webcrawler.com/cgi-bin/WebQuery?frog+dissection


------------- There are literally thousands of discussion groups that stay in touch using e-mail based systems known as "mailing lists". People interested in a topic "subscribe" to a "list" and then send and receive postings by e-mail. For a good introduction to this topic, send e-mail to: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU In the body of your note include only this command: GET NEW-LIST WOUTERS

    Finding a Mailing List

---------------------- To find out about mailing lists that are relevant to your interests, send e-mail to "liszter@bluemarble.net" with search "keyword" in the BODY if the message. (The quotes force an exact match.) (Of course you must replace "keyword" with your own search word such as "marketing", "bicycles", etc.)

    New in These Parts?

------------------- If you're new to the Internet, I suggest you subscribe to the HELP-NET list where you're likely to find answers to your questions. Send the command: SUBSCRIBE HELP-NET in the BODY of a note to LISTSERV@VM.TEMPLE.EDU, then e-mail your questions to the list address: HELP-NET@VM.TEMPLE.EDU


---------------- "Finger" is a utility that returns information about another user. Usually it's just boring stuff like last logon, etc., but sometimes people put fun or useful information in their finger replies. To try out finger, send this line (in the message BODY) to a webmail server: send http://www.mit.edu:8001/finger? Use one of the e-mail addresses below instead of ... nasanews@space.mit.edu coke@cs.cmu.edu quake@gldfs.cr.usgs.gov copi@oddjob.uchicago.edu


-------------------------------- "WHOIS" is a service that queries a database of Internet names and addresses. If you're looking for someone or you want to know where a particular Internet site is located, send e-mail with Subject: whois To: mailserv@internic.net Try substituting "mit.edu" or the last name of someone you know in place of "" and see what comes back! It should be noted that WHOIS is not a comprehensive listing of all Internet users. It contains mostly network administrators and some "notable" Internet figures. Another alternative name looker-upper is a database at MIT which keeps tabs on everyone who has posted a message on Usenet. Send e-mail to "mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu" and include this command ONLY in the BODY: send usenet-addresses/ Specify as much information as you can about the person (lastname, firstname, userid, site, etc.) to limit the amount of information that is returned to you. Here's a sample query to find the address of someone you think may be at Harvard University: send usenet-addresses/Jane Doe Harvard NETFIND is another more powerful search engine that uses a person's name and keywords describing a physical location to return a bunch of info about the person (or persons) who fit the bill. Let's say we want to find someone named Hardy at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Our Netfind query will be addressed to an Agora server (see list in WWW section) and will contain the only line: gopher://ds.internic.net:4320/7netfind%20dblookup?hardy+boulder+colorado Netfind works in two phases. First it displays a list of internet domains that match your keywords, then it looks for the person in the domain you select. Netfind by e-mail is very similar, in that you'll receive a listing of matching domains from which you must make one or more selections. Each selection is numbered and there are corresponding "gopher://" commands at the bottom of the listing. Let's pick the selection for cs.colorado.edu computer science dept, university of colorado, boulder which means that our next command to the Agora server will be: gopher://ds.internic.net:4320/0netfind%20netfind%20hardy%20cs.colorado.edu If all goes well, you'll receive a list something like this: full_name: HARDY, JOE (not a real person) email: CrazyJoe@Colorado.EDU phone: (303) 492-1234 address: Campus Box 777 department: COMPUTER SCIENCE Note that if you know the person's domain name already, you can jump right in with a query like the latter one above. You can also try the "Four11 Online User Directory", a free directory of users and their e-mail addresses. Send e-mail to info@four11.com for details on how to search the Four11 directory.


---------------------------------- This is a little on the technical side, but anyway the Mail Name Server offers some useful services by e-mail, such as translating host names to IP addresses or finding nameservers for a host. Send e-mail to service@nic.ddn.mil with a Subject line of 'help' to get info on similar services.


----------------- Sorry, it can't be done. Actually it CAN be done, but apparently nobody has done it. I'd love to be proven wrong on this!


----------------- Here are some other interesting things you can do by e-mail. (Some of them are accessible only by e-mail!) * THE INTERNET TOURBUS Take a virtual tour of the Internet - hop on The Internet TourBus! You'll receive a short mailing twice a week highlighting fun and interesting sites on the Internet. It's absolutely free, and you can join 75,000 others by sending SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS Firstname Lastname in the BODY of a message to "LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM". * GERMAN <-> ENGLISH TRANSLATION SERVICE The LEO translation service is now available by email, by sending to translate@leo.org. The helpfile at http://www.leo.org/dict/mail.html can be retrieved via webmail. * REMINDERS BY E-MAIL The E-minder service sends you reminders about your events. For directions on setting e-minder appointments by e-mail, send a message to e-minder@netmind.com, with Subject line "e-minder help". * FREE HOME PAGE BY E-MAIL (For German residents only) InetWire offers free non-commercial homepages with up to 500KB of space. Make a zip file with index.htm being the home page, put a URL something like "http://inetw.com/home/myname" in the Subject line and then send your zip file as an ATTACHMENT to attach@inetw.com. (If your e-mail program doesn't support file attachments, you're out of luck.) * RECEIVE E-MAIL WHEN YOUR FAVORITE WEBSITE CHANGES Try URL-minder by e-mail. Send a message to URL-minder@netmind.com with HELP in the Subject line for instructions. * MORTGAGE/LOAN CALCULATOR To calculate your monthly loan payment, send this line to an Agora server: http://www.ibc.wustl.edu/mort/mort.cgi?prin=100000&int=8.25&term=30 (Change the values for principle, interest and term as appropriate.) * VIRTUAL PIZZA! Order an electronic pizza by e-mail. Send e-mail to "pizza@ecst.csuchico.edu" with a subject of "pizza help" for details. * WEBSTER DICTIONARY LOOKUP To retrieve the definition of a word, send this line to an Agora server: send http://c.gp.cs.cmu.edu:5103/prog/webster?whatever * MORE WORD FUN! The wordserver at wsmith@wordsmith.org will serve up A.Word.A.Day, Thesaurus-by-mail, Acronym-by-mail, Anagram-by-mail and Rhyme-n-Reason. * PLAY GAMES BY E-MAIL Yoyodyne specializes in online games. Send mail to "win@yoyo.com". You can also play games via the PBeM Server, for info, send e-mail to "pbmserv@eiss.erols.com" with Subject: help * BIBLE SEARCH Search the King James version of the Bible. Examples below can be sent to an Agora server. Use "+" to specify multiple words; prefix proper names with "%23"; add "&PHRASE=ON" to find a phrase. send http://colet.uchicago.edu/htbin/KJV.sh?title=&word=angel+%23Mary send http://colet.uchicago.edu/htbin/KJV.sh?title=&word=fig+tree&PHRASE=ON * THE USENET ORACLE A cooperative, anonymous and humorous exchange of questions and answers. Send e-mail to oracle@cs.indiana.edu for more information. * SENDING A FAX BY E-MAIL Free faxing via the Internet? You bet. For details, send the line below to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu (in BODY of note) send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/fax-faq * U.S. CONGRESS AND THE WHITE HOUSE Find out if your congressperson has an electronic address! Just send mail to the address congress@hr.house.gov and you'll get a listing of congressional e-mail addresses. You can also contact the President (president@whitehouse.gov) or Vice President (vice.president@whitehouse.gov). * OTHER SOURCES OF US GOV'T INFO: Send the lines below to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu (in BODY of note) send usenet/news.answers/us-govt-net-pointers/part1 (also part2) * FINDING E-MAIL ADDRESSES For a guide to finding someone's e-mail addresses, send the line below to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu (in the BODY of the note) send usenet/news.answers/finding-addresses * SENDING MAIL TO VARIOUS NETWORKS For a guide to communicating with people on the various networks that make up the Internet, send the line below to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu (in the BODY of the note) send usenet/news.answers/mail/inter-network-guide * MOVIE INFO To learn how to get tons of info on movies, actors, & directors, send mailto movie@ibmpcug.co.uk with HELP in the Subject of note for details. * STOCK MARKET QUOTES If you want to get a current quote for just 1 or 2 stocks, you can use the QuoteCom service. They offer this free service along with other fee based services. For details, send e-mail to "services@quote.com" with a subject of HELP. * CURRENCY CONVERSION You can get foreign exchange rates for the U.S. dollar and other currencies by sending one of these lines to an Agora server: send http://cnnfn.com/markets/currencies.html send http://www.dna.lth.se/cgi-bin/kurt/rates/rates?USD+ALL * ANONYMOUS E-MAIL An "anon server" provides a front for sending mail messages and posting to Usenet newsgroups anonymously, should the need ever arise. To get instructions send e-mail to one of these addresses: help@nym.alias.net, help@weasel.owl.de, privacy@interlink-bbs.com * ASK DR. MATH Have a math question? No problem's too big or too small for The Swat Team. Write to dr.math@forum.swarthmore.edu * VIRUS PROTECTION SOFTWARE F-Prot, one of the top PC virus scanners can be requested by e-mail. To get the current version (uuencoded) send e-mail to f-prot-update@complex.is with this message body: send-as: uue * SCOUT REPORT ...is a weekly featuring announcements of new and interesting resources on the Internet. To subscribe, send e-mail to LISTSERV@lists.internic.net with "Subscribe scout-report Your Name" in the body. * SUICIDE HELPLINE There's a suicide helpline accessible by e-mail. Send your message to jo@samaritans.org -- No syntax, they have humans! * ISPs BY AREA CODE For a list of Internet Service Providers in your area code, send this line to an Agora server: http://thelist.iworld.com/areacode/???.html (where ???=your area code) * E-MAIL TO FAX Full-featured service with free trial period. They also accept resellers who are able to promote the service on a personal home page. For details, send e-mail to fax@hasada.com * E-MAIL TO SNAIL-MAIL Need to get a message to someone in Britain who doesn't have e-mail? Send it to PaperMail! For full details on this fee-based service, send e-mail to info@papermail.win-uk.net * FOR FURTHER READING A variety of helpful files are available by sending to one of the webmail servers listed earlier in this guide. Use the "send" commands below in the body of your message to the webmail server. send ftp://ftp.crl.com/users/iv/iverham/email4u.txt - for additional information on e-mail retrieval services send ftp://ftp.crl.com/users/iv/iverham/fun4u.txt - for other fun things you can do with e-mail send ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/gb/gboyd/wsintro.faq - more details on using web search engines by e-mail


------------------ This file should be somewhere between 1300 and 1400 lines of text, and about 58KB in size. If the file you have is much smaller, or says something like "part 2 of 2" near the top, you're missing something. Most likely, that's because your mail system has file size quotas that prevented part 1 from reaching you. Here's the solution: To get the file in multiple chunks, send to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu and enter only these lines in the BODY of the note: size 25000 send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email The mail server will break up the file into chunks of 25000 bytes and send them in separate messages. You can change "25000" to another number if it suits your needs.


--------------------- I welcome your feedback on this guide and can be reached at the following addresses. Send corrections, ideas, suggestions and comments by e-mail. I'll try to include any new services in future editions of this guide. E-Mail : BobRankin@MHV.net Web : http://biz.mhv.net/drbob US Mail : Bob Rankin / P.O. Box 39 / Tillson, NY / 12486 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1994-97, "Doctor Bob" Rankin All rights reserved. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Feel free to upload to your favorite BBS or Internet server! Persons wishing to summarize this document in other publications may do so, but please include the instructions herein for obtaining the full document. I also request that you kindly supply me with a copy of the article when published. # # #

Популярность: 48, Last-modified: Tue, 26 May 1998 10:44:00 GmT