Rise of the Triad Codes, command line params., etc.
ROTT Cheat codes:

  Type DIPSTICK then
     TOOSAD         God mode
     CHOJIN         Woundless with weapons (press INS)
     GOTO           Level select
     SIXTOYS        Useful items
     FLYBOY         Fly
     BADTRIP        Magic Mushroom Time...
     BOING          Elasto Mode
     GOOBERS        Restart level
     WHACK          Ouch
     SPEED          Auto run
     PANIC          Restore yourself to normal
     DIMON          Light diminishing ON
     DIMOFF         Light diminishing OFF
     LONDON         Fog ON
     NODNOL         Fog OFF
     GOGATES        Quit!
     GOARCH         Teleport straight to level end
     GOTA386        Turn floor and ceiling off
     GOTA486        Turn floor and ceiling on      
     SHOOTME        Bullet-proof armour
     BURNME         Fire-proof armour
     LUNGDUNG       Gas mask
     HUNTPACK       Outfit player
     86ME           Kill yourself
     REEN           Re-enter level
     JOHNWOO        Dual pistols
     PLUGEM         MP40 gun
     VANILLA        Bazooka gun
     HOTTIMES       Heat seeker gun 8
     BOOZE          Drunk missile gun
     FIREBOMB       Fire-bomb gun
     BONES          Flame wall gun
     SEEYA          Hand Of God (kinda like a smart missile...deadly)
     RIDE           Ride those missiles
     WHERE          Where the hell am I
     RECORD         Record a DEMO
     STOP           Stop recording DEMO
     PLAY           Play a DEMO

Type these after the ROTT command for special uses:  
  ?                     - Gives you a list of all the command line parameters.

  NOSOUND               - This option turns off all sounds (both music and
                          sound effects) for the game, and makes it silent.

  NOJOYS                - This turns off joystick detection.  Useful if you
                          are getting false joystick detection.  Use this if
                          the menus just start scrolling on their own, with
                          no input from you.

  NOMOUSE               - This turns off mouse detection.

  SPACEBALL             - This turns on detection for the Space Player

  CYBERMAN              - This turns on detection for the Cyberman controller.

  SILLY                 - When you play ROTT, during the loading screen, the
                          level name is displayed.  If you use this parameter,
                          the level name will be replaced with a silly saying.

  FILE                  - This is the name of a user added wad file for ROTT.
                          You wouldn't actually type FILE, you'd type in the
                          name of the file to be used by ROTT.  You can add
                          three such files at once using this method.

  SOUNDSETUP            - Makes ROTT go through setting up your sound card.

  VER                   - Shows the version of ROTT you are playing.

  SLOWDEATH             - When you die in ROTT, this will let you see your
                          death in slow motion, as opposed to the normal speed
                          it's shown at.

  NOWAIT                - This will bypass all opening cinematics and screens,
                          and will place you at the Main Menu.

  NOW                   - This will bypass all menus and screens, and will
                          automatically place you into the game in Level 1,
                          as the default character, and the default difficulty.

  PAUSE                 - This will bring up a "Press any key to continue"
                          prompt when you first run the game.  This is useful
                          if you need to contact Apogee for help, and they need
                          to ask you a few questions about ROTT and your

  MASTER                - This will force a specific client in Comm-Bat ROTT
                          to be Player 1 (or the Master).  Only the first use
                          of this in a game will be honored.  Any uses beyond
                          the first will be ignored.  If this is not used, the
                          first person to launch into a NetROTT game will be
                          the Master.  (This parameter can cause instability
                          in Comm-Bat ROTT.  We recommend against it's use.)

  MONO                  - This turns on support for the Monochrome region of
                          video.  If you have your system set up with a video
                          card that can access this at the same time you play
                          the game, you will see debug information about the
                          game (such as memory writes, etc).  The information
                          here is useless, but if you can see it, here it is!

  MAPSTATS              - This will output the map statistics (ie: Number of
                          different walls, doors, etc.) of the current level
                          to the file MAPINFO.TXT.

  TILESTATS             - This will output the tile statistics (ie: Number of
                          different actors, plants, objects, etc) of the
                          current level to the file MAPINFO.TXT.

  SCREENSHOTS           - Clean screen capture for shots

  SOUNDSETUP            - Setup sound for ROTT

  DOPEFISH              - Wait for credits at beginning

BONUS                  WHAT IT MEANS
  Supercharge Bonus      Got all powerups on level
  Adrenaline Bonus       100% Kills
  Bleeder Bonus          used all health items on level
  Skin of Teeth          ended level with 1 dot of health
  Republican Bonus 1     Got all missile weapons on level
  Republican Bonus 2     Destroyed all plants on level
  Democrat Bonus 1       Never used a handgun on level
  Democrat Bonus 2       All shrooms & healing basins used on level
  Ground Zero Bonus      Hit with your own missile (hint: FW)
  Bull in China Shop     Destroyed all life items on level
  Curiosity Bonus        Every switch, pushwall, pillar, sound area
                         pushed, messed with, or whatever
  Bonus Bonus            Got all bonuses

There are more bonuses at the end of the whole game in Dark War.

Genocide Bonus         Kill every one of the same type of actor in the game.
                       This can be gotten multiple times depending on how many
                       different types of actors you can wipe out.
DIP Bonus              Collect all three developer balls (Hmmmmm....)

Популярность: 33, Last-modified: Sat, 03 May 1997 08:56:01 GmT