By Glue 'n'
                            F X   F I G H T E R S                  HeaDPhonE
                                 MOVE  LIST 

   How this move listing Works:

       T=Towards    A=Away       If theres a ???, It means we know it exists
       U=Up         D=Down       But Dont know how to do it. *=New Move
       +=At the same time.       %=We Found a more appropiate Name
       Punch/Kick Respectivly    11 New Moves Since v1.2, and 17 From v1.1
     Dragon Uppercut    - A,T,Punch
     Backhand           - A,Punch
     Headbutt           - U,Punch
     Headkick           - U,Kick
     Kicking BackFlip   - (Half circle towards),Kick
     3-Hit Combo        - T,A,Punch
     Charging Punch     - T,T,Punch
     Twisting BackDive  - U+Punch (Opponent Must Be Lying Down)
    *Spinning HeadKick  - T,T,Kick
    *Cross Punch        - D+Punch

     Star Throw         - A,T,Punch
     Cheerleader Kick   - A,T,Kick
     Crane Kick         - T,T,Kick
     BackFlip           - A+Kick
     StepPunch          - T+Punch
     3-Hit Combo        - A,A+Punch
    *Screaming HighKick - T,Kick
    *Quick Killer Kick  - A+Kick

     BackFlip           - U+A+Kick
    *CartWheel          - T,T,Kick
     DoublePunch        - T,T+Punch
     Scream & Punch     - (Half Circle Towards)+Punch
    *Air Lift           - U+Punch (Must Be Touching Opponent)
    *Ground Slam        - T+Punch (Must Be Touching Opponent)
    *Knee Throw    - Back and Away + Punch

     Charging Forarm    - T,Punch
    *Flying Bomb        - A+Punch,(While Holding Punch press Towards)
     Cross Punch        - D+Punch
     Spinning RoundHouse- U+Kick
     RoundHouse         - A+Kick
     HandStand          - Kick,D+A+Kick
     2-RoundHouses      - T,U,Kick
     Telekinetic Push   - T,D,T+Punch
     Leg Slam           - U+Punch (Opponent Must Be Lying Down)
    *3-Hit Combo        - T,B,Punch

     Windmill Punch     - T,T+Punch
     Double Kick        - T,T+Kick
     Dive & Roll        - A,T,Punch
     Kick & Roll        - A+Kick
     Super High Kick    - T+Kick
     Helecopter         - D+Punch
     Head Crush         - T+Punch (Must Be Touching Opponent)
     Sky Drop           - U+Punch (Must Be Touching Opponent)
    %Super RoundHouse   - D+Kick
    %Stomach Dive       - U+Punch (Opponent Must Be Lying Down)
     Phsyco Punch       - A,T,Punch
     Charging Knee      - T+Kick
     Head Slap          - U+Punch
     Lifting Punch      - T,T,Punch
     FootStomp          - T,T,Kick
     Bear Hug           - A+Kick (Must Be Touching Opponent)
     Lava Breath        - A,T,Kick
     Mr. Pancake        - U,Punch (Opponent Must be Lying Down)

     Crawl Mode: (Down)
       Shell Charge     - A,T,Punch
       Leg Dive         - T,A+Punch
      *Screaming 4Hit   - A+U+Punch
       Phsyco Punch     - (Quarter circle Forward)+Punch
       Phsyco Kick      - (Quarter circle Forward)+Kick
     Normal Mode:
       Phsyco Cat       - T,A,Punch
       Claw 'n' Kick    - A,T+Kick
       Punching Wave    - U+Punch
       Reverse Catwheel - A,Kick
       Spinning Kick    - A+Kick
       LegGrab & Flip   - T,T,Kick
       Grab & Flip      - T,A,Punch

     Double Punch       - T+Kick
     Punch&Kick         - T,T+Punch
     Spinning Kick      - T,A+Punch
     Flip               - U,U+A,A
     Venom Spit         - A,T+P
     Head Sock          - U+T+Punch
     Dinner Time        - ???? (Must Be Touching Opponent)
    *Eat 'm' Up         - U+Punch (Opponent Must Be Lying Down)
    *Leg Grab and Throw - A,T+Punch (Must Be Touching Opponent)

  All moves should work as posted, If not, contact me at:
                                           *AND* Glue at: 

   Prefered Settings for 486Dx2-66: (From Headphone) 
                                    Player Detail: HIGH
                                    Textures: ON
                                    Shading: ON
                                    *SAME FOR PLAYER 2*
                                    Floor Detail: HIGH
                                    Floor Texture: FLAT
                                    Screen Size: FULL

   These are just my prefrences, and thought you might like them. 

  If you know any moves that arnt on here (There are alot), then Mail them to
  Me at the above Internet address. Now go kick some ass.

Популярность: 23, Last-modified: Sat, 03 May 1997 08:56:01 GmT