OCR: Íèêèòà Ýéñìîíò
riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and
Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passencore
rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy isthmus of Europe
Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war: nor had topsawyer's rocks by the
stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County's gorgios while they
went doublin their mumper all the time: nor avoice from afire bellowsed
mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick not yet, though venissoon after, had
a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac: not yet, though all's fair in
vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone nathandjoe. Rot a peck of pa's
malt had Jhem or Shen brewed by arclight and rory end to the regginbrow was
to be seen ringsome on the aquaface.
The fall (bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunnt-
rovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk!) of a once wallstrait oldparr is
retaled early in bed and later on life down through all christian
minstrelsy. The great fall of the offwall entailed at such short notice the
pftjschute of Finnegan, erse solid man, that the humptyhillhead of humself
prumptly sends an unquiring one well to the west in quest of his
tumptytumtoes: and their upturnpikepointandplace is at the knock out in the
park where oranges have been laid to rust upon the green since devlinsfirst
loved livvy.
What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishygods!
Br‚kkek K‚kkek K‚kkek K‚kkek! K¢ax K¢ax K¢ax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh!
Where the Baddelaries partisans are still out to mathmaster Malachus
Micgranes and the Verdons catapelting the camibalistics out of the
Whoyteboyce of Hoodie Head. Assiegates and boomeringstroms. Sod's brood, be
me fear! Sanglorians, save! Arms apeal with larms, appalling.
Killykillkilly: a toll, a toll. What chance cuddleys, what cashels aired and
ventilated! What bidimetoloves sinduced by what tegotetabsolvers! What true
feeling for their's hayair with what strawng voice of false jiccup! O here
here how hoth sprowled met the duskt the father of fornicationists but, (O
my shining stars and body!) how hath fanespanned most high heaven the
skysign of soft advertisement! But was iz? Iseut? Ere were sewers? The oaks
of ald now they lie in peat yet elms leap where askes lay. Phall if you but
will, rise you must: and none so soon either shall the pharce for the nunce
come to a setdown secular phoenish.
Bygmester Finnegan, of the Stuttering Hand, freemen's maurer, lived in
the broadest way immarginable in his rushlit toofarback for messuages before
joshuan judges had given us numbers or Helviticus committed deuteronomy (one
yeastyday he sternely struxk his tete in a tub for to watsch the future of
his fates but ere he swiftly stook it out again, by the might of moses, the
very water was eviparated and all the guenneses had met their exodus so that
ought to show you what a pentschanjeuchy chap he was!) and during mighty odd
years this man of hod, cement and edifices in Toper's Thorp piled buildung
supra buildung pon the banks for the livers by the Soangso. He addle liddle
phifie Annie ugged the little craythur. Wither hayre in honds tuck up your
part inher. Oftwhile balbulous, mithre ahead, with goodly trowel in grasp
and ivoroiled overalls which he habitacularly fondseed, like Haroun
Childeric Eggeberth he would caligulate by multiplicables the alltitude and
malltitude until he seesaw by neatlight of the liquor wheretwin 'twas born,
his roundhead staple of other days to rise in undress maisonry upstanded
(joygrantit!), a waalworth of a skyerscape of most eyeful hoyth entowerly,
erigenating from next to nothing and celescalating the himals and all,
hierarchitectitiptitoploftical, with a burning bush abob off its baubletop
and with larrons o'toolers clittering up and tombles a'buckets clottering
Of the first was he to bare arms and a name: Wassaily Booslaeugh of
Riesengeborg. His crest of huroldry, in vert with ancillars, troublant,
argent, a hegoak, poursuivant, horrid, horned. His scutschum fessed, with
archers strung, helio, of the second. Hootch is for husbandman handling his
hoe. Hohohoho, Mister Finn, you're going to be Mister Finnagain! Comeday
morm and, O, you're vine! Sendday's eve and, ah, you're vinegar! Hahahaha,
Mister Funn, you're going to be fined again!
What then agentlike brought about that tragoady thundersday this
municipal sin business? Our cubehouse still rocks as earwitness to the
thunder of his arafatas but we hear also through successive ages that shebby
choruysh of unkalified muzzlenimiissilehims that would blackguardise the
whitestone ever hurtleturtled out of heaven. Stay us wherefore in our search
for tighteousness, O Sustainer, what time we rise and when we take up to
toothmick and before we lump down upown our leatherbed and in the night and
at the fading of the stars ! For a nod to the nabir is better than wink to
the wabsanti. Otherways wesways like that provost scoffing bedoueen the
jebel and the jpysian sea. Cropherb the crunchbracken shall decide. Then
we'll know if the feast is a flyday. She has a gift of seek on site and she
allcasually ansars helpers, the dreamydeary. Heed! Heed ! It may half been a
missfired brick, as some say, or it mought have been due to a collupsus of
his back promises, as others looked at it. (There extand by now one thousand
and one stories, all told, of the same). But so sore did abe ite ivvy's
holired abbles, (what with the wallhall's horrors of rollsrights, carhacks,
stonengens, kisstvanes, tramtrees, fargobawlers, autokinotons,
hippohobbilies, streetfleets, tournintaxes, megaphoggs, circuses and
wardsmoats and basilikerks and aeropagods and the hoyse and the jollybrool
and the peeler in the coat and the mecklenburk bitch bite at his ear and the
merlinburrow burrocks and his fore old porecourts, the bore the more, and
his blightblack workingstacks at twelvepins a dozen and the noobibusses
sleighding along Safetyfirst Street and the derryjellybies snooping around
Tell-No-Tailors' Corner and the fumes and the hopes and the strupithump of
his ville's indigenous romekeepers, homesweepers, domecreepers, thurum and
thurum in fancymud murumd and all the uproor from all the aufroofs, a roof
for may and a reef for hugh butt under his bridge suits tony) wan warning
Phill filt tippling full. His howd feeled heavy, his hoddit did shake.
(There was a wall of course in erection) Dimb! He stottered from the latter.
Damb! he was dud. Dumb! Mastabatoom, mastabadtomm, when a mon merries his
lute is all long. For whole the world to see.
Shize? I should shee! Macool, Macool, orra whyi deed ye diie? of a
trying thirstay mournin? Sobs they sighdid at Fillagain's chrissormiss wake,
all the hoolivans of the nation, prostrated in their consternation and their
duodisimally profusive plethora of ululation. There was plumbs and grumes
and cheriffs and citherers and raiders and cinemen too. And the all gianed
in with the shoutmost shoviality. Agog and magog and the round of them
agrog. To the continuation of that celebration until Hanandhunigan's
extermination! Some in kinkin corass, more, kankan keening. Belling him up
and filling him down. He's stiff but he's steady is Priam Olim ! 'Twas he
was the dacent gaylabouring youth. Sharpen his pillowscone, tap up his bier!
E'erawhere in this whorl would ye hear sich a din again? With their deepbrow
fundigs and the dusty fidelios. They laid him brawdawn alanglast bed. With a
bockalips of finisky fore his feet. And a barrowload of guenesis hoer his
head. Tee the tootal of the fluid hang the twoddle of the fuddled, O !
Hurrah, there is but young gleve for the owl globe wheels in view which
is tautaulogically the same thing. Well, Him a being so on the flounder of
his bulk like an overgrown babeling, let wee peep, see, at Hom, well, see
peegee ought he ought, platterplate. Hum ! From Shopalist to Bailywick or
from ashtun to baronoath or from Buythebanks to Roundthehead or from the
foot of the bill to ireglint's eye he calmly extensolies. And all the way (a
horn!) from fiord to fjell his baywinds' oboboes shall wail him rockbound
(hoahoahoah!) in swimswamswum and all the livvylong night, the delldale
dalppling night, the night of bluerybells, her flittaflute in tricky
trochees (O carina! O carina!) wake him. With her issavan essavans and her
patterjackmartins about all them inns and ouses. Tilling a teel of a tum,
telling a toll of a teary turty Taubling. Grace before Glutton. For what we
are, gifs a gross if we are, about to believe. So pool the begg and pass the
kish for crawsake. Omen. So sigh us. Grampupus is fallen down but grinny
sprids the boord. Whase on the joint of a desh? Finfoefom the Fush. Whase be
his baken head? A loaf of Singpantry's Kennedy bread. And whase hitched to
the hop in his tayle? A glass of Danu U'Dunnell's foamous olde Dobbelin
ayle. But, lo, as you would quaffoff his fraudstuff and sink teeth through
that pyth of a flowerwhite bodey behold of him as behemoth for he is
noewhemoe. Finiche! Only a fadograph of a yestern scene. Almost rubicund
Salmosalar, ancient fromout the ages of the Agapemonides, he is smolten in
our mist, woebecanned and packt away. So that meal's dead off for summan,
schlook, schlice and goodridhirring.
Yet may we not see still the brontoichthyan form outlined aslumbered,
even in our own nighttime by the sedge of the troutling stream that Bronto
loved and Brunto has a lean on. Hic cubat edilis. Apud libertinam parvulam.
Whatif she be in flags or flitters, reekierags or sundyechosies, with a mint
of mines or beggar a
pinnyweight. Arrah, sure, we all love little Anny Ruiny, or, we mean to
say, lovelittle Anna Rayiny, when unda her brella, mid piddle med puddle,
she ninnygoes nannygoes nancing by. Yoh! Brontolone slaaps, yoh snoores.
Upon Benn Heather, in Seeple Isout too. The cranic head on him, caster of
his reasons, peer yuthner in yondmist. Whooth? His clay feet, swarded in
verdigrass, stick up starck where he last fellonem, by the mund of the
magazine wall, where our maggy seen all, with her sisterin shawl. While over
against this belles' alliance beyind Ill Sixty, ollollowed ill! bagsides of
the fort, bom, tarabom, tarabom, lurk the ombushes, the site of the
lyffing-in-wait of the upjock and hockums. Hence when the clouds roll by,
jamey, a proudseye view is enjoyable of our mounding's mass, now Wallinstone
national museum, with, in some greenish distance, the charmful waterloose
country and the two quitewhite villagettes who hear show of themselves so
gigglesomes minxt the follyages, the prettilees! Penetrators are permitted
into the museomound free. Welsh and the Paddy Patkinses, one shelenk!
Redismembers invalids of old guard find poussepousse pousseypram to sate the
sort of their butt. For her passkey supply to the janitrix, the mistress
Kathe. Tip.
This the way to the museyroom. Mind your hats goan in! Now yiz are in
the Willingdone Museyroom. This is a Prooshious gunn. This is a ffrinch.
Tip. This is the flag of the Prooshious, the Cap and Soracer. This is the
bullet that byng the flag of the Prooshious. This is the ffrinch that fire
on the Bull that bang the flag of the Prooshious. Saloos the Crossgunn! Up
with your pike and fork! Tip. (Bullsfoot! Fine!) This is the triplewon hat
of Lipoleum. Tip. Lipoleumhat. This is the Willingdone on his same white
harse, the Cokenhape. This is the big Sraughter Willingdone, grand and
magentic in his goldtin spurs and his ironed dux and his quarterbrass
woodyshoes and his magnate's gharters and his bangkok's best and goliar's
goloshes and his pulluponeasyan wartrews. This is his big wide harse. Tip.
This is the three lipoleum boyne grouching down in the living detch. This is
an inimyskilling inglis, this is a scotcher grey, this is a davy, stooping.
This is the bog lipoleum mordering the lipoleum beg. A Gallawghurs
argaumunt. This is the petty lipoleum boy that was nayther bag nor bug.
Assaye, assaye! Touchole Fitz Tuomush. Dirty MacDyke. And Hairy O'Hurry. All
of them arminus-varminus. This is Delian alps. This is Mont Tivel, this is
Mont Tipsey, this is the Grand Mons Injun. This is the crimealine of the
alps hooping to sheltershock the three lipoleums. This is the jinnies with
their legahorns feinting to read in their handmade's book of stralegy while
making their war undisides the Willingdone. The jinnies is a cooin her hand
and the jinnies is a ravin her hair and the Willingdone git the band up.
This is big Willingdone mormorial tallowscoop Wounderworker obscides on the
flanks of the jinnies. Sexcaliber hrosspower. Tip. This is me Belchum
sneaking his phillippy out of his most Awful Grimmest Sunshat Cromwelly.
Looted. This is the jinnies' hastings dispatch for to irrigate the
Willingdone. Dispatch in thin red lines cross the shortfront of me Belchum.
Yaw, yaw, yaw! Leaper Orthor. Fear siecken! Fieldgaze thy tiny frow.
Hugacting. Nap. That was the tictacs of the jinnies for to fontannoy the
Willingdone. Shee, shee, shee! The jinnies is jillous agincourting all the
lipoleums. And the lipoleums is gonn boycottoncrezy onto the one
Willingdone. And the Willingdone git the band up. This is bode Belchum,
bonnet to busby, breaking his secred word with a ball up his ear to the
Willingdone. This is the Willingdone's hurold dispitchback. Dispitch
desployed on the regions rare of me Belchum. Salamangra! Ayi, ayi, ayi!
Cherry jinnies. Figtreeyou! Damn fairy ann, Voutre. Willingdone. That was
the first joke of Willingdone, tic for tac. Hee, hee, hee! This is me
Belchum in his twelvemile cowchooks, weet, tweet and stampforth foremost,
footing the camp for the jinnies. Drink a sip, drankasup, for he's as sooner
buy a guinness than he'd stale store stout. This is Rooshious balls. This is
a ttrinch. This is mistletropes. This is Canon Futter with the popynose.
After his hundred days' indulgence. This is the blessed. Tarra's widdars!
This is jinnies in the bonny bawn blooches. This is lipoleums in the rowdy
howses. This is the Willingdone, by the splinters of Cork, order fire.
Tonnerre! (Bullsear! Play!) This is camelry, this is floodens, this is the
solphereens in action, this is their mobbily, this is panickburns.
Almeidagad! Arthiz too loose! This is Willingdone cry. Brum! Brum! Cumbrum!
This is jinnies cry. Underwetter! Goat strip Finnlambs! This is jinnies
rinning away to their ousterlists dowan a bunkersheels. With a nip nippy nip
and a trip trippy trip so airy. For their heart's right there. Tip. This is
me Belchum's tinkyou tankyou silvoor plate for citchin the crapes in the
cool of his canister. Poor the pay! This is the bissmark of the marathon
merry of the jinnies they left behind them. This is the Willingdone branlish
his same marmorial tallowscoop SophyKey-Po for his royal divorsion on the
rinnaway jinnies. Gambariste della porca! Dalaveras fimmieras! This is the
pettiest of the lipoleums, Toffeethief, that spy on the Willingdone from his
big white harse, the Capeinhope. Stonewall Willingdone is an old maxy
montrumeny. Lipoleums is nice hung bushellors. This is hiena hinnessy
laughing alout at the Willingdone. This is lipsyg dooley krieging the funk
from the hinnessy. This is the hinndoo Shimar Shin between the dooley boy
and the hinnessy. Tip. This is the wixy old Willingdone picket up the half
of the threefoiled hat of lipoleums fromoud of the bluddle filth. This is
the hinndoo waxing ranjymad for a bombshoob. This is the Willingdone hanking
the half of the hat of lipoleums up the tail on the buckside of his big
white harse. Tip. That was the last joke of Willingdone. Hit, hit, hit! This
is the same white harse of the Willingdone, Culpenhelp, waggling his
tailoscrupp with the half of a hat of lipoleums to insoult on the hinndoo
seeboy. Hney, hney, hney! (Bullsrag! Foul!) This is the seeboy,
madrashattaras, upjump and pumpim, cry to the Willingdone: Ap Pukkaru! Pukka
Yurap! This is the Willingdone, bornstable ghentleman, tinders his maxbotch
to the cursigan Shimar Shin. Basucker youstead! This is the dooforhim seeboy
blow the whole of the half of the hat of lipoleums off of the top of the
tail on the back of his big wide harse. Tip (Bullseye! Game!) How Copenhagen
ended. This way the museyroom. Mind your boots goan out.
What a warm time we were in there but how keling is here the airabouts!
We nowhere she lives but you mussna tell annaone for the lamp of
Jig-a-Lanthern! It's a candlelittle houthse of a month and one windies.
Downadown, High Downadown. And nummered quaintlymine. And such reasonable
weather too ! The wagrant wind's awalt'zaround the piltdowns and on every
blasted knollyrock (if you can spot fifty I spy four more) there's that
gnarlybird ygathering, a runalittle, doalittle, preealittle, pouralittle,
wipealittle, kicksalittle,severalittle,eatalittle,whinealittle,kenalittle,
helfalittle,pelfalittle gnarlybird. A verytableland of bleakbardfields!
Under his seven wrothschields lies one, Lumproar. His glav toside him. Skud
ontorsed. Our pigeons pair are flewn for northcliffs. The three of crows
have flapped it southenly, kraaking of de baccle to the kvarters of that sky
whence triboos answer; Wail, 'tis well! She niver comes out when Thon's on
shower or when Thon's flash with his Nixy girls or when Thon's blowing
toomcracks down the gaels of Thon. No nubo no! Neblas on you liv! Her would
be too moochy afreet. Of Burymeleg and Bindmerollingeyes and all the deed in
the woe. Fe fo fom! She jist does hopes till byes will be byes. Here, and it
goes on to appear now, she comes, a peacefugle, a parody's bird, a peri
potmother, a pringlpik in the ilandiskippy, with peewee and powwows in
beggybaggy on her bickybacky and a flick flask fleckflinging its
pixylighting pacts' huemeramybows, picking here, pecking there, pussypussy
plunderpussy. But it's the armitides toonigh, militopucos, and toomourn we
wish for a muddy kissmans to the minutia workers and there's to be a
gorgeups truce for happinest childher everwere. Come nebo me and suso sing
the day we sallybright. She's burrowed the coacher's headlight the better to
pry (who goes cute goes siocur and shoos aroun) and all spoiled goods go
into her nabsack: curtrages and rattlin buttins, nappy spattees and flasks
of all nations, clavicures and scampulars, maps, keys and woodpiles of
haypennies and moonled brooches with bloodstaned breeks in em, boaston
nightgarters and masses of shoesets and nickelly nacks and foder allmicheal
and a lugly parson of cates and howitzer muchears and midgers and maggets,
ills and ells with loffs of toffs and pleures of bells and the last sigh
that come fro the hart (bucklied!) and the fairest sin the sunsaw (that's
cearc!). With Kiss. Kiss Criss. Cross Criss. Kiss Cross. Undo lives 'end.
How bootifull and how truetowife of her, when strengly forebidden, to
steal our historic presents from the past postpropheticals so as to will
make us all lordy heirs and ladymaidesses of a pretty nice kettle of fruit.
She is livving in our midst of debt and laffing through all plores for us
(her birth is uncontrollable), with a naperon for her mask and her sabboes
kickin arias (so sair! so solly!) if yous ask me and I saack you. Hou! Hou!
Gricks may rise and Troysirs fall (there being two sights for ever a
picture) for in the byways of high improvidence that's what makes lifework
leaving and the world's a cell for citters to cit in. Let young wimman run
away with the story and let young min talk smooth behind the butteler's
back. She knows her knight's duty while Luntum sleeps. Did ye save any tin?
says he. Did I what? with a grin says she. And we all like a marriedann
because she is mercenary. Though the length of the land lies under
liquidation (floote!) and there's nare a hairbrow nor an eyebush on this
glaubrous phace of Herrschuft Whatarwelter she'll loan a vesta and hire some
peat and sarch the shores her cockles to heat and she'll do all a turfwoman
can to piff the business on. Paff. To puff the blaziness on. Poffpoff. And
even if Humpty shell fall frumpty times as awkward again in the
beardsboosoloom of all our grand remonstrancers there'll be iggs for the
brekkers come to mournhim, sunny side up with care. So true is it that
therewhere's a turnover the tay is wet too and when you think you ketch
sight of a hind make sure but you're cocked by a hin.
Then as she is on her behaviourite job of quainance bandy, fruting for
firstlings and taking her tithe, we may take our review of the two mounds to
see nothing of the himples here as at elsewhere, by sixes and sevens, like
so many heegills and collines, sitton aroont, scentbreeched ant somepotreek,
in their swishawish satins and their taffetaffe tights, playing Wharton's
Folly, at a treepurty on the planko in the purk. Stand up, mickos! Make
strake for minnas ! By order, Nicholas Proud. We may see and hear nothing if
we choose of the shortlegged bergins off Corkhill or the bergamoors of
Arbourhill or the bergagambols of Summerhill or the bergincellies of
Miseryhill or the countrybossed bergones of Constitutionhill though every
crowd has its several tones and every trade has its clever mechanics and
each harmonical has a point of its own, Olaf's on the rise and Ivor's on the
lift and Sitric's place's between them. But all they are all there scraping
along to sneeze out a likelihood that will solve and salve life's robulous
rebus, hopping round his middle like kippers on a griddle, O, as he lays
dormont from the macroborg of Holdhard to the microbirg of Pied de Poudre.
Behove this sound of Irish sense. Really? Here English might be seen.
Royally? One sovereign punned to petery pence. Regally? The silence speaks
the scene. Fake!
So This Is Dyoublong?
Hush! Caution ! Echoland !
How charmingly exquisite! It reminds you of the outwashed engravure
that we used to be blurring on the blotchwall of his innkempt house. Used
they? (I am sure that tiring chabelshoveller with the mujikal chocolat box,
Miry Mitchel, is listening) I say, the remains of the outworn gravemure
where used to be blurried the Ptollmens of the Incabus. Used we? (He is only
pretendant to be stugging at the jubalee harp from a second existed
lishener, Fiery Farrelly.) It is well known. Lokk for himself and see the
old butte new. Dbln. W. K. O. O. Hear? By the mausolime wall. Fimfim fimfim.
With a grand funferall. Fumfum fumfum. 'Tis optophone which ontophanes.
List! Wheatstone's magic lyer. They will be tuggling foriver. They will be
lichening for allof. They will be pretumbling forover. The harpsdischord
shall be theirs for ollaves.
Four things therefore, saith our herodotary Mammon Lujius in his grand
old historiorum, wrote near Boriorum, bluest book in baile's annals, f t. in
Dyffinarsky ne'er sall fail til heathersmoke and cloudweed Eire's ile sall
pall. And here now they are,the fear of um. T. Totities! Unum. (Adar.) A
bulbenboss surmounted upon an alderman. Ay, ay! Duum. (Nizam.) A shoe on a
puir old wobban. Ah, ho! Triom. (Tamuz.) An auburn mayde, o'brine a'bride,
to be desarted. Adear, adear! Quodlibus. (Marchessvan.) A penn no weightier
nor a polepost. And so. And all. (Succoth.)
So, how idlers' wind turning pages on pages, as innocens with anaclete
play popeye antipop, the leaves of the living in the boke of the deeds,
annals of themselves timing the cycles of events grand and national, bring
fassilwise to pass how.
II32 A.D. Men like to ants or emmets wondern upon a groot hwide
Whallfisk which lay in a Runnel. Blubby wares upat Ublanium.
566 A.D. On Baalfire's night of this year after deluge a crone that
hadde a wickered Kish for to hale dead tunes from the bog lookit under the
blay of her Kish as she ran for to sothisfeige her cowrieosity and be me
sawl but she found hersell sackvulle of swart goody quickenshoon ant small
illigant brogues, so rich in sweat. Blurry works at Hurdlesford.
566 A.D. At this time it fell out that a brazenlockt damsel grieved
(sobralasolas!) because that Puppette her minion was ravisht-of her by the
ogre Puropeus Pious. Bloody wars in Ballyaughacleeaghbally.
II32. A.D. Two sons at an hour were born until a goodman and his hag.
These sons called themselves Caddy and Primas. Primas was a santryman and
drilled all decent people. Caddy went to Winehouse and wrote o peace a
farce. Blotty words for Dublin.
Somewhere, parently, in the ginnandgo gap between antediluvious and
annadominant the copyist must have fled with his scroll. The billy flood
rose or an elk charged him or the sultrup worldwright from the
excelsissimost empyrean (bolt, in sum) earthspake or the Dannamen gallous
banged pan the bliddy duran. A scribicide then and there is led off under
old's code with some fine covered by six marks or ninepins in metalmen for
the sake of his labour's dross while it will be only now and again in our
rear of o'er era, as an upshoot of military and civil engagements, that a
gynecure was let on to the scuffold for taking that same fine sum covertly
by meddlement with the drawers of his neighbour's safe.
Now after all that farfatch'd and peragrine or dingnant or clere lift
we our ears, eyes of the darkness, from the tome of Liber Lividus and,
(toh!), how paisibly eirenical, all dimmering dunes and gloamering glades,
selfstretches afore us our fredeland's plain! Lean neath stone pine the
pastor lies with his crook; young pricket by pricket's sister nibbleth on
returned viridities; amaid her rocking grasses the herb trinity shams
lowliness; skyup is of evergrey. Thus, too, for donkey's years. Since the
bouts of Hebear and Hairyman the cornflowers have been staying at Ballymun,
the duskrose has choosed out Goatstown's hedges, twolips have pressed
togatherthem by sweet Rush, townland of twinedlights, the whitethorn and the
redthorn have fairygeyed the mayvalleys of Knockmaroon, and, though for
rings round them, during a chiliad of perihelygangs, the Formoreans have
brittled the tooath of the Danes and the Oxman has been pestered by the
Firebugs and the Joynts have thrown up jerrybuilding to the Kevanses and
Little on the Green is childsfather to the City (Year! Year! And
laughtears!), these paxsealing buttonholes have quadrilled across the
centuries and whiff now whafft to us, fresh and made-of-all-smiles as, on
the eve of Killallwho.
The babbelers with their thangas vain have been (confusium hold them!)
they were and went; thigging thugs were and houhnhymn songtoms were and
comely norgels were and pollyfool fiansees. Menn have thawed, clerks have
surssurhummed, the blond has sought of the brune: Elsekiss thou may, mean
Kerry piggy?: and the duncledames have countered with the hellish fellows:
Who ails tongue coddeau, aspace of dumbillsilly? And they fell upong one
another: and themselves they have fallen. And still nowanights and by nights
of yore do all bold floras of the field to their shyfaun lovers say only:
Cull me ere I wilt to thee!: and, but a little later: Pluck me whilst I
blush! Well may they wilt, marry, and profusedly blush, be troth! For that
saying is as old as the howitts. Lave a whale a while in a whillbarrow
(isn't it the truath I'm tallin ye?) to have fins and flippers that shimmy
and shake. Tim Timmycan timped hir, tampting Tam. Fleppety! Flippety!
In the name of Anem this carl on the kopje in pelted thongs a parth a
lone who the joebiggar be he? Forshapen his pigmaid hoagshead, shroonk his
plodsfoot. He hath locktoes, this shortshins, and, Obeold that's pectoral,
his mammamuscles most mousterious. It is slaking nuncheon out of some
thing's brain pan. Me seemeth a dragon man. He is almonthst on the kiep fief
by here, is Comestipple Sacksoun, be it junipery or febrewery, marracks or
alebrill or the ramping riots of pouriose and froriose. What a quhare soort
of a mahan. It is evident the michindaddy. Lets we overstep his fire
defences and these kraals of slitsucked marrogbones. (Cave!) He can
prapsposterus the pillory way to Hirculos pillar. Come on, fool porterfull,
hosiered women blown monk sewer? Scuse us, chorley guy! You tollerday donsk?
N. You tolkatiff scowegian? Nn. You spigotty anglease? Nnn. You phonio saxo?
Nnnn. Clear all so! 'Tis a Jute. Let us swop hats and excheck a few strong
verbs weak oach eather yapyazzard abast the blooty creeks.
Jute.-- Yutah!
Mutt.-- Mukk's pleasurad.
Jute.-- Are you jeff?
Mutt.-- Somehards.
Jute.-- But you are not jeffmute?
Mutt.-- Noho. Only an utterer.
Jute.-- Whoa? Whoat is the mutter with you?
Mutt.-- I became a stun a stummer.
Jute.-- What a hauhauhauhaudibble thing, to be cause! How,
Mutt.-- Aput the buttle, surd.
Jute.-- Whose poddle? Wherein?
Mutt.-- The Inns of Dungtarf where Used awe to be he.
Jute.-- You that side your voise are almost inedible to me.
Become a bitskin more wiseable, as if I were
Mutt.-- Has? Has at? Hasatency? Urp, Boohooru! Booru
Usurp! I trumple from rath in mine mines when I
rimimirim !
Jute.-- One eyegonblack. Bisons is bisons. Let me fore all
your hasitancy cross your qualm with trink gilt. Here
have sylvan coyne, a piece of oak. Ghinees hies good
for you.
Mutt.-- Louee, louee! How wooden I not know it, the intel
lible greytcloak of Cedric Silkyshag! Cead mealy
faulty rices for one dabblin bar. Old grilsy growlsy!
He was poached on in that eggtentical spot. Here
where the liveries, Monomark. There where the mis
sers moony, Minnikin passe.
Jute.-- Simply because as Taciturn pretells, our wrongstory
shortener, he dumptied the wholeborrow of rubba
ges on to soil here.
Mutt.-- Just how a puddinstone inat the brookcells by a
Jute.-- Load Allmarshy! Wid wad for a norse like?
Mutt.-- Somular with a bull on a clompturf. Rooks roarum
rex roome! I could snore to him of the spumy horn,
with his woolseley side in, by the neck I am sutton
on, did Brian d' of Linn.
Jute.-- Boildoyle and rawhoney on me when I can beuraly
forsstand a weird from sturk to finnic in such a pat
what as your rutterdamrotter. Onheard of and um
scene! Gut aftermeal! See you doomed.
Mutt.-- Quite agreem. Bussave a sec. Walk a dun blink
roundward this albutisle and you skull see how olde
ye plaine of my Elters, hunfree and ours, where wone
to wail whimbrel to peewee o'er the saltings, where
wilby citie by law of isthmon, where by a droit of
signory, icefloe was from his Inn the Byggning to
whose Finishthere Punct. Let erehim ruhmuhrmuhr.
Mearmerge two races, swete and brack. Morthering
rue. Hither, craching eastuards, they are in surgence:
hence, cool at ebb, they requiesce. Countlessness of
livestories have netherfallen by this plage, flick as
flowflakes, litters from aloft, like a waast wizzard all of
whirlworlds. Now are all tombed to the mound, isges
to isges, erde from erde. Pride, O pride, thy prize!
Jute.-- 'Stench!
Mutt.-- Fiatfuit! Hereinunder lyethey. Llarge by the smal an'
everynight life olso th'estrange, babylone the great
grandhotelled with tit tit tittlehouse, alp on earwig,
drukn on ild, likeas equal to anequal in this sound
seemetery which iz leebez luv.
Jute.-- 'Zmorde!
Mutt.-- Meldundleize! By the fearse wave behoughted. Des
pond's sung. And thanacestross mound have swollup
them all. This ourth of years is not save brickdust
and being humus the same roturns. He who runes
may rede it on all fours. O'c'stle, n'wc'stle, tr'c'stle,
crumbling! Sell me sooth the fare for Humblin! Hum
blady Fair. But speak it allsosiftly, moulder! Be in
your whisht!
Jute.-- Whysht?
Mutt.-- The gyant Forficules with Amni the fay.
Jute.-- Howe?
Mutt.-- Here is viceking's graab.
Jute.-- Hwaad !
Mutt.-- Ore you astoneaged, jute you?
Jute.-- Oye am thonthorstrok, thing mud.
(Stoop) if you are abcedminded, to this claybook, what curios of signs
(please stoop), in this allaphbed! Can you rede (since We and Thou had it
out already) its world? It is the same told of all. Many. Miscegenations on
miscegenations. Tieckle. They lived und laughed ant loved end left. Forsin.
Thy thingdome is given to the Meades and Porsons. The meandertale, aloss and
again, of our old Heidenburgh in the days when Head-in-Clouds walked the
earth. In the ignorance that implies impression that knits knowledge that
finds the nameform that whets the wits that convey contacts that sweeten
sensation that drives desire that adheres to attachment that dogs death that
bitches birth that entails the ensuance of existentiality. But with a rush
out of his navel reaching the reredos of Ramasbatham. A terricolous
vivelyonview this; queer and it continues to be quaky. A hatch, a celt, an
earshare the pourquose of which was to cassay the earthcrust at all of
hours, furrowards, bagawards, like yoxen at the turnpaht. Here say figurines
billycoose arming and mounting. Mounting and arming bellicose figurines see
here. Futhorc, this liffle effingee is for a firefing called a flintforfall.
Face at the eased! O I fay! Face at the waist! Ho, you fie! Upwap and dump
em, Face to Face! When a part so ptee does duty for the holos we soon grow
to use of an allforabit. Here (please to stoop) are selveran cued peteet
peas of quite a pecuniar interest inaslittle as they are the pellets that
make the tomtummy's pay roll. Right rank ragnar rocks and with these rox
orangotangos rangled rough and rightgorong. Wisha, wisha, whydidtha? Thik is
for thorn that's thuck in its thoil like thumfool's thraitor thrust for
vengeance. What a mnice old mness it all mnakes! A middenhide hoard of
objects! Olives, beets, kimmells, dollies, alfrids, beatties, cormacks and
daltons. Owlets' eegs (O stoop to please!) are here, creakish from age and
all now quite epsilene, and oldwolldy wobblewers, haudworth a wipe o grass.
Sss! See the snake wurrums everyside! Our durlbin is sworming in sneaks.
They came to our island from triangular Toucheaterre beyond the wet prairie
rared up in the midst of the cargon of prohibitive pomefructs but along
landed Paddy Wippingham and the his garbagecans cotched the creeps of them
pricker than our whosethere outofman could quick up her whatsthats.
Somedivide and sumthelot but the tally turns round the same balifuson.
Racketeers and bottloggers.
Axe on thwacks on thracks, axenwise. One by one place one be three
dittoh and one before. Two nursus one make a plausible free and idim behind.
Starting off with a big boaboa and threelegged calvers and ivargraine
jadesses with a message in their mouths. And a hundreadfilled unleavenweight
of liberorumqueue to con an we can till allhorrors eve. What a
meanderthalltale to unfurl and with what an end in view of squattor and
anntisquattor and postproneauntisquattor! To say too us to be every tim,
nick and larry of us, sons of the sod, sons, littlesons, yea and
lealittlesons, when usses not to be, every sue, siss and sally of us,
dugters of Nan! Accusative ahnsire! Damadam to infinities
True there was in nillohs dieybos as yet no lumpend papeer in the
waste,and mightmountain Penn still groaned for the micies to let flee. All
was of ancientry. You gave me a boot (signs on it!) and I ate the wind. I
quizzed you a quid (with for what?) and you went to the quod. But the world,
mind, is, was and will be writing its own wrunes for ever, man, on all
matters that fall under the ban of our infrarational senses fore the last
milchcamel, the heartvein throbbing between his eyebrowns, has still to moor
before the tomb of his cousin charmian where his date is tethered by the
palm that's hers. But the horn, the drinking, the day of dread are not now.
A bone, a pebble, a ramskin; chip them, chap them, cut them up allways;
leave them to terracook in the muttheringpot: and Gutenmorg with his
cromagnom charter, tintingfast and great primer must once for omniboss step
rubrickredd out of the wordpress else is there no virtue more in alcohoran.
For that (the rapt one warns) is what papyr is meed of, made of, hides and
hints and misses in prints. Till ye finally (though not yet endlike) meet
with the acquaintance of Mister Typus, Mistress Tope and all the little
typtopies. Fillstup. So you need hardly spell me how every word will be
bound over to carry three score and ten toptypsical readings throughout the
book of Doublends Jined (may his forehead be darkened with mud who would
sunder!) till Daleth, mahomahouma, who oped it closeth thereof the. Dor.
Cry not yet! There's many a smile to Nondum, with sytty maids per man,
sir, and the park's so dark by kindlelight. But look what you have in your
handself! The movibles are scrawling in motions, marching, all of them ago,
in pitpat and zingzang for every busy eerie whig's a bit of a torytale to
tell. One's upon a thyme and two's behind their lettice leap and three's
among the strubbely beds. And the chicks picked their teeths and the dombkey
he begay began. You can ask your ass if he believes it. And so cuddy me only
wallops have heels. That one of a wife with folty barnets. For then was the
age when hoops ran high. Of a noarch and a chopwife; of a pomme full grave
and a fammy of levity; or of golden youths that wanted gelding; or of what
the mischievmiss made a man do. Malmarriedad he was reversogassed by the
frisque of her frasques and her prytty pyrrhique. Maye faye, she's la gaye
this snaky woman! From that trippiery toe expectungpelick! Veil, volantine,
valentine eyes. She's the very besch Winnie blows Nay on good. Flou inn,
flow ann. Hohore! So it's sure it was her not we! But lay it easy, gentle
mien, we are in rearing of a norewhig. So weenybeenyveenyteeny. Comsy see!
Het wis if ee newt. Lissom! lissom! I am doing it. Hark, the corne entreats!
And the larpnotes prittle.
It was of a night, late, lang time agone, in an auldstane eld, when
Adam was delvin and his madameen spinning watersilts, when mulk mountynotty
man was everybully and the first leal ribberrobber that ever had her ainway
everybuddy to his lovesaking eyes and everybilly lived alove with everybiddy
else, and Jarl van Hoother had his burnt head high up in his lamphouse,
laying cold hands on himself. And his two little jiminies, cousins of ourn,
Tristopher and Hilary, were kickaheeling their dummy on the oil cloth flure
of his homerigh, castle and earthenhouse. And, be dermot, who come to the
keep of his inn only the nieceof-his-in-law, the prankquean. And the
prankquean pulled a rosy one and made her wit foreninst the dour. And she
lit up and fireland was ablaze. And spoke she to the dour in her petty
perusienne: Mark the Wans, why do I am alook alike a poss of porterpease?
And that was how the skirtmisshes began. But the dour handworded her grace
in dootch nossow: Shut! So her grace o'malice kidsnapped up the jiminy
Tristopher and into the shandy westerness she rain, rain, rain. And Jarl van
Hoother warlessed after her with soft dovesgall: Stop deef stop come back to
my earin stop. But she swaradid to him: Unlikelihud. And there was a
brannewail that same sabboath night of falling angles somewhere in Erio. And
the prankquean went for her forty years' walk in Tourlemonde and she washed
the blessings of the lovespots off the jiminy with soap sulliver suddles and
she had her four owlers masters for to tauch him his tickles and she
convorted him to the onesure allgood and he became a luderman. So then she
started to rain and to rain and, be redtom, she was back again at Jarl van
Hoother's in a brace of samers and the jiminy with her in her pinafrond,
lace at night, at another time. And where did she come but to the bar of his
bristolry. And Jarl von Hoother had his baretholobruised heels drowned in
his cellarmalt, shaking warm hands with himself and the jimminy Hilary and
the dummy in their first infancy were below on the tearsheet, wringing and
coughing, like brodar and histher. And the prankquean nipped a paly one and
lit up again and redcocks flew flackering from the hillcombs. And she made
her witter before the wicked, saying: Mark the Twy, why do I am alook alike
two poss of porterpease? And: Shut! says the wicked, handwording her
madesty. So her madesty 'a forethought' set down a jiminy and took up a
jiminy and all the lilipath ways to Woeman's Land she rain, rain, rain. And
Jarl von Hoother bleethered atter her with a loud finegale: Stop domb stop
come back with my earring stop. But the prankquean swaradid: Am liking it.
And there was a wild old grannewwail that laurency night of starshootings
somewhere in Erio. And the prankquean went for her forty years' walk in
Turnlemeem and she punched the curses of cromcruwell with the nail of a top
into the jiminy and she had her four larksical monitrix to touch him his
tears and she provorted him to the onecertain allsecure and he became a
tristian. So then she started raining, raining, and in a pair of changers,
be dom ter, she was back again at Jarl von Hoother's and the Larryhill with
her under her abromette. And why would she halt at all if not by the ward of
his mansionhome of another nice lace for the third charm? And Jarl von
Hoother had his hurricane hips up to his pantrybox, ruminating in his
holdfour stomachs (Dare! O dare!), ant the jiminy Toughertrees and the dummy
were belove on the watercloth, kissing and spitting, and roguing and
poghuing, like knavepaltry and naivebride and in their second infancy. And
the prankquean picked a blank and lit out and the valleys lay twinkling. And
she made her wittest in front of the arkway of trihump, asking: Mark the
Tris, why do I am alook alike three poss of porter pease? But that was how
the skirtmishes endupped. For like the campbells acoming with a fork lance
of-lightning, Jarl von Hoother Boanerges himself, the old terror of the
dames, came hip hop handihap out through the pikeopened arkway of his three
shuttoned castles, in his broadginger hat and his civic chollar and his
allabuff hemmed and his bullbraggin soxangloves and his ladbroke breeks and
his cattegut bandolair and his furframed panuncular cumbottes like a rudd
yellan gruebleen orangeman in his violet indigonation, to the whole longth
of the strongth of his bowman's bill. And he clopped his rude hand to his
eacy hitch and he ordurd and his thick spch spck for her to shut up shop,
dappy. And the duppy shot the shutter clup
And they all drank free. For one man in his armour was a fat match always
for any girls under shurts. And that was the first peace of illiterative
porthery in all the flamend floody flatuous world. How kirssy the tiler made
a sweet unclose to the Narwhealian captol. Saw fore shalt thou sea. Betoun
ye and be. The prankquean was to hold her dummyship and the jimminies was to
keep the peacewave and van Hoother was to git the wind up. Thus the
hearsomeness of the burger felicitates the whole of the polis.
O foenix culprit! Ex nickylow malo comes mickelmassed bonum. Hill,
rill, ones in company, billeted, less be proud of. Breast high and bestride!
Only for that these will not breathe upon Norronesen or Irenean the secrest
of their soorcelossness. Quarry silex, Homfrie Noanswa! Undy gentian
festyknees, Livia Noanswa? Wolkencap is on him, frowned; audiurient, he
would evesdrip, were it mous at hand, were it dinn of bottles in the far
ear. Murk, his vales are darkling. With lipth she lithpeth to him all to
time of thuch on thuch and thow on thow. She he she ho she ha to la.
Hairfluke, if he could bad twig her! Impalpabunt, he abhears. The soundwaves
are his buffeteers; they trompe him with their trompes; the wave of roary
and the wave of hooshed and the wave of hawhawhawrd and the wave of
neverheedthemhorseluggarsandlisteltomine. Landloughed by his
neaghboormistress and perpetrified in his offsprung, sabes and suckers, the
moaning pipers could tell him to his faceback, the louthly one whose loab we
are devorers of, how butt for his hold halibutt, or her to her pudor puff,
the lipalip one whose libe we drink at, how biff for her tiddywink of a
windfall, our breed and washer givers, there would not be a holey spier on
the town nor a vestal flouting in the dock, nay to make plein avowels, nor a
yew nor an eye to play cash cash in Novo Nilbud by swamplight nor a' toole
o' tall o' toll and noddy hint to the convaynience.
He dug in and dug out by the skill of his tilth for himself and all
belonging to him and he sweated his crew beneath his auspice for the living
and he urned his dread, that dragon volant, and he made louse for us and
delivered us to boll weevils amain, that mighty liberator,
Unfru-Chikda-Uru-Wukru and begad he did, our ancestor most worshipful, till
he thought of a better one in his windower's house with that blushmantle
upon him from earsend to earsend. And would again could whispring grassies
wake him and may again when the fiery bird disembers. And will again if so
be sooth by elder to his youngers shall be said. Have you whines for my
wedding, did you bring bride and bedding, will you whoop for my deading is
a? Wake? Usgueadbaugham!
Anam muck an dhoul ! Did ye drink me doornail?
Now be aisy, good Mr Finnimore, sir. And take your laysure like a god
on pension and don't be walking abroad. Sure you'd only lose yourself in
Healiopolis now the way your roads in Kapelavaster are that winding there
after the calvary, the North Umbrian and the Fivs Barrow and Waddlings Raid
and the Bower Moore and wet your feet maybe with the foggy dew's abroad.
Meeting some sick old bankrupt or the Cottericks' donkey with his shoe
hanging, clankatachankata, or a slut snoring with an impure infant on a
bench. 'Twould turn you against life, so 'twould. And the weather's that
mean too. To part from Devlin is hard as Nugent knew, to leave the clean
tanglesome one lushier than its neighbour enfranchisable fields but let your
ghost have no grievance. You're better off, sir, where you are, primesigned
in the full of your dress, bloodeagle waistcoat and all, remembering your
shapes and sizes on the pillow of your babycurls under your sycamore by the
keld water where the Tory's clay will scare the varmints and have all you
want, pouch, gloves, flask, bricket, kerchief, ring and amberulla, the whole
treasure of the pyre, in the land of souls with Homin and Broin Baroke and
pole ole Lonan and Nobucketnozzler and the Guinnghis Khan. And we'll be
coming here, the ombre players, to rake your gravel and bringing you
presents, won't we, fenians? And il isn't our spittle we'll stint you of, is
it, druids? Not shabbty little imagettes, pennydirts and dodgemyeyes you buy
in the soottee stores. But offerings of the field. Mieliodories, that Doctor
Faherty, the madison man, taught to gooden you. Poppypap's a passport out.
And honey is the holiest thing ever was, hive, comb and earwax, the food for
glory, (mind you keep the pot or your nectar cup may yield too light !) and
some goat's milk, sir, like the maid used to bring you. Your fame is
spreading like Basilico's ointment since the Fintan Lalors piped you
overborder and there's whole households beyond the Bothnians and they
calling names after you. The menhere's always talking of you sitting around
on the pig's cheeks under the sacred rooftree, over the bowls of memory
where every hollow holds a hallow, with a pledge till the drengs, in the
Salmon House. And admiring to our supershillelagh where the palmsweat on
high is the mark of your manument. All the toethpicks ever Eirenesians
chewed on are chips chepped from that battery block. If you were bowed and
soild and letdown itself from the oner of the load it was that paddyplanters
might pack up plenty and when you were undone in every point fore the laps
of goddesses you showed our labourlasses how to free was easy. The game old
Gunne, they do be saying, (skull !) that was a planter for you, a spicer of
them all. Begog but he was, the G.O.G! He's duddandgunne now and we're apter
finding the sores of his sedeq but peace to his great limbs, the buddhoch,
with the last league long rest of him, while the millioncandled eye of
Tuskar sweeps the Moylean Main ! There was never a warlord in Great Erinnes
and Brettland, no, nor in all Pike County like you, they say. No, nor a king
nor an ardking, bung king, sung king or hung king. That you could fell an
elmstree twelve urchins couldn't ring round and hoist high the stone that
Liam failed. Who but a Maccullaghmore the reise of our fortunes and the
faunayman at the funeral to compass our cause? If you was hogglebully itself
and most frifty like you was taken waters still what all where was your like
to lay the cable or who was the batter could better Your Grace? Mick Mac
Magnus MacCawley can take you off to the pure perfection and Leatherbags
Reynolds tries your shuffle and cut. But as Hopkins and Hopkins puts it, you
were the pale eggynaggy and a kis to tilly up. We calls him the journeyall
Buggaloffs since he went Jerusalemfaring in Arssia Manor. You had a gamier
cock than Pete, Jake or Martin and your archgoose of geese stubbled for All
Angels' Day. So may the priest of seven worms and scalding tayboil, Papa
Vestray, come never anear you as your hair grows wheater beside the Liffey
that's in Heaven! Hep, hep, hurrah there! Hero! Seven times thereto we
salute you! The whole bag of kits, falconplumes and jackboots incloted, is
where you flung them that time. Your heart is in the system of the Shewolf
and your crested head is in the tropic of Copricapron. Your feet are in the
cloister of Virgo. Your olala is in the region of sahuls. And that's ashore
as you were born. Your shuck tick's swell. And that there texas is tow
linen. The loamsome roam to Laffayette is ended. Drop in your tracks, babe!
Be not unrested ! The headboddylwatcher of the chempel of Isid, Totumcalmum,
saith: I know thee, metherjar, I know thee, salvation boat. For we have
performed upon thee, thou abramanation, who comest ever without being
invoked, whose coming is unknown, all the things which the company of the
precentors and of the grammarians of Christpatrick's ordered concerning thee
in the matter of the work of thy tombing. Howe of the shipmen, steep wall!
Everything's going on the same or so it appeals to all of us, in the
old holmsted here. Coughings all over the sanctuary, bad scrant to me aunt
Florenza. The horn for breakfast, one o'gong for lunch and dinnerchime. As
popular as when Belly the First was keng and his members met in the Diet of
Man. The same shop slop in the window. Jacob's lettercrackers and Dr
Tipple's Vi-Cocoa and the Eswuards' desippated soup beside Mother Seagull's
syrup. Meat took a drop when Reilly-Parsons failed. Coal's short but we've
plenty of bog in the yard. And barley's up again, begrained to it. The lads
is attending school nessans regular, sir, spelling beesknees with hathatansy
and turning out tables by mudapplication. Allfor the books and never pegging
smashers after Tom Bowe Glassarse or Timmy the Tosser. 'Tisraely the truth!
No isn't it, roman pathoricks? You were the doublejoynted janitor the
morning they were delivered and you'll be a grandfer yet entirely when the
ritehand seizes what the lovearm knows. Kevin's just a doat with his cherub
cheek, chalking oghres on walls, and his little lamp and schoolbelt and bag
of knicks, playing postman's knock round the diggings and if the seep were
milk you could lieve his olde by his ide but, laus sake, the devil does be
in that knirps of a Jerry sometimes, the tarandtan plaidboy, making
encostive inkum out of the last of his lavings and writing a blue streak
over his bourseday shirt. Hetty Jane's a child of Mary. She'll be coming
(for they're sure to choose her) in her white of gold with a tourch of ivy
to rekindle the flame on Felix Day. But Essie Shanahan has let down her
skirts. You remember Essie in our Luna's Convent? They called her Holly
Merry her lips were so ruddyberry and Pia de Purebelle when the redminers
riots was on about her. Were I a clerk designate to the
Williamswoodsmenufactors I'd poster those pouters on every jamb in the town.
She's making her rep at Lanner's twicenightly. With the tabarine tamtammers
of the whirligigmagees. Beats that cachucha flat. 'Twould dilate your heart
to go.
Aisy now, you decent man, with your knees and lie quiet and repose your
honour's lordship! Hold him here, Ezekiel Irons, and may God strengthen you!
It's our warm spirits, boys, he's spooring. Dimitrius O'Flagonan, cork that
cure for the Clancartys ! You swamped enough since Portobello to float the
Pomeroy. Fetch neahere, Pat Koy! And fetch nouyou, Pam Yates! Be nayther
angst of Wramawitch! Here's lumbos. Where misties swaddlum, where misches
lodge none, where mystries pour kind on, O sleepy! So be yet!
I've an eye on queer Behan and old Kate and the butter, trust me.
She'll do no jugglywuggly with her war souvenir postcards to help to build
me murial, tippers! I'll trip your traps! Assure a sure there! And we put on
your clock again, sir, for you. Did or didn't we, sharestutterers? So you
won't be up a stump entirely. Nor shed your remnants. The sternwheel's
crawling strong. I seen your missus in the hall. Like the queenoveire.
Arrah, it's herself that's fine, too, don't be talking! Shirksends? You
storyan Harry chap longa me Harry chap storyan grass woman plelthy good
trout. Shakeshands. Dibble a hayfork's wrong with her only her lex's salig.
Boald Tib does be yawning and smirking cat's hours on the Pollockses' woolly
round tabouretcushion watching her sewing a dream together, the tailor's
daughter, stitch to her last. Or while waiting for winter to fire the
enchantement, decoying more nesters to fall down the flue. It's allavalonche
that blows nopussy food. If you only were there to explain the meaning, best
of men, and talk to her nice of guldenselver. The lips would moisten once
again. As when you drove with her to Findrinny Fair. What with reins here
and ribbons there all your hands were employed so she never knew was she on
land or at sea or swooped through the blue like Airwinger's bride. She was
flirtsome then and she's fluttersome yet. She can second a song and adores a
scandal when the last post's gone by. Fond of a concertina and pairs passing
when she's had her forty winks for supper after kanekannan and abbely
dimpling and is in her merlin chair assotted, reading her Evening World. To
see is it smarts, full lengths or swaggers. News, news, all the news. Death,
a leopard, kills fellah in Fez. Angry scenes at Stormount. Stilla Star with
her lucky in goingaways. Opportunity fair with the China floods and we hear
these rosy rumours. Ding Tams he noise about all same Harry chap. She's
seeking her way, a chickle a chuckle, in and out of their serial story, Les
Loves of Selskar et Pervenche, freely adapted to The Novvergin's Viv.
There'll be bluebells blowing in salty sepulchres the night she signs her
final tear. Zee End. But that's a world of ways away. Till track laws time.
No silver ash or switches for that one! While flattering candles flare. Anna
Stacey's how are you! Worther waist in the noblest, says Adams and Sons, the
wouldpay actionneers. Her hair's as brown as ever it was. And wivvy and
wavy. Repose you now! Finn no more!
For, be that samesake sibsubstitute of a hooky salmon, there's already
a big rody ram lad at random on the premises of his haunt of the hungred
bordles, as it is told me. Shop Illicit, flourishing like a lordmajor or a
buaboabaybohm, litting flop a deadlop (aloose!) to lee but lifting a
bennbranch a yardalong (Ivoeh!) the breezy side (for showm!), the height of
Brewster's chimpney and as broad below as Phineas Barnum; humphing his share
of the showthers is senken on him he's such a grandfallar, with a pocked
wife in pickle that's a flyfire and three lice nittle clinkers, two twilling
bugs and one midgit pucelle. And aither he cursed and recursed and was
everseen doing what your fourfootlers saw or he was never done seeing what
you coolpigeons know, weep the clouds aboon for smiledown witnesses, and
that'll do now about the fairyhees and the frailyshees. Though Eset fibble
it to the zephiroth and Artsa zoom it round her heavens for ever. Creator he
has created for his creatured ones a creation. White monothoid? Red
theatrocrat? And all the pinkprophets cohalething? Very much so! But however
'twas 'tis sure for one thing, what sherif Toragh voucherfors and Mapqiq
makes put out, that the man, Humme the Cheapner, Esc, overseen as we thought
him, yet a worthy of the naym, came at this timecoloured place where we live
in our paroqial fermament one tide on another, with a bumrush in a hull of a
wherry, the twin turbane dhow, The Bey for Dybbling, this archipelago's
first visiting schooner, with a wicklowpattern waxenwench at her prow for a
figurehead, the deadsea dugong updipdripping from his depths, and has been
repreaching himself like a fishmummer these siktyten years ever since, his
shebi by his shide, adi and aid, growing hoarish under his turban and
changing cane sugar into sethulose starch (Tuttut's cess to him!) as also
that, batin the bulkihood he bloats about when innebbiated, our old offender
was humile, commune and ensectuous from his nature, which you may gauge
after the bynames was put under him, in lashons of languages, (honnein suit
and praisers be!) and, totalisating him, even hamissim of himashim that he,
sober serious, he is ee and no counter he who will be ultimendly
respunchable for the hubbub caused in Edenborough.
Now (to forebare for ever solittle of Iris Trees and Lili O'Rangans),
concerning the genesis of Harold or Humphrey Chimpden's occupational agnomen
(we are back in the presurnames prodromarith period, of course just when
enos chalked halltraps) and discarding once for all those theories from
older sources which would link him back with such pivotal ancestors as the
Glues, the Gravys, the Northeasts, the Ankers and the Earwickers of
Sidlesham in the Hundred of Manhood or proclaim him offsprout of vikings who
had founded wapentake and seddled hem in Herrick or Eric, the best
authenticated version, the Dumlat, read the Reading of Hofed-ben-Edar, has
it that it was this way. We are told how in the beginning it came to pass
that like cabbaging Cincinnatus the grand old gardener was saving daylight
under his redwoodtree one sultry sabbath afternoon, Hag Chivychas Eve, in
prefall paradise peace by following his plough for rootles in the rere
garden of mobhouse, ye olde marine hotel,when royalty was announced by
runner to have been pleased to have halted itself on the highroad along
which a leisureloving dogfox had cast followed, also at walking pace, by a
lady pack of cocker spaniels. Forgetful of all save his vassal's plain
fealty to the ethnarch Humphrey or Harold stayed not to yoke or saddle but
stumbled out hotface as he was (his sweatful bandanna loose from his
pocketcoat) hasting to the forecourts of his public in topee, surcingle,
solascarf and plaid, plus fours, puttees and bulldog boots ruddled cinnabar
with flagrant marl, jingling his turnpike keys and bearing aloft amid the
fixed pikes of the hunting party a high perch atop of which a flowerpot was
fixed earthside hoist with care. On his majesty, who was, or often feigned
to be, noticeably longsighted from green youth and had been meaning to
inquire what, in effect, had caused yon causeway to be thus potholed, asking
substitutionally to be put wise as to whether paternoster and silver doctors
were not now more fancied bait for lobstertrapping honest blunt Haromphreyld
answered in no uncertain tones very similarly with a fearless forehead: Naw,
yer maggers, aw war jist a cotchin on thon bluggy earwuggers. Our sailor
king, who was draining a gugglet of obvious adamale, gift both and gorban,
upon this, ceasing to swallow, smiled most heartily beneath his walrus
moustaches and indulging that none too genial humour which William the Conk
on the spindle side had inherited with the hereditary whitelock and some
shortfingeredness from his greataunt Sophy, turned towards two of his
retinue of gallowglasses, Michael, etheling lord of Leix and Offaly and the
jubilee mayor of Drogheda, Elcock, (the two scatterguns being Michael M.
Manning, protosyndic of Waterford and an Italian excellency named Giubilei
according to a later version cited by the learned scholarch Canavan of
Canmakenoise), in either case a triptychal religious family symbolising
puritas of doctrina, business per usuals and the purchypatch of hamlock
where the paddish preties grow and remarked dilsydulsily: Holybones of Saint
Hubert how our red brother of Pouringrainia would audibly fume did he know
that we have for surtrusty bailiwick a turnpiker who is by turns a
pikebailer no seldomer than an earwigger For he kinned Jom Pill with his
court so gray and his haunts in his house in the mourning. (One still hears
that pebble crusted laughta, japijap cheerycherrily, among the roadside tree
the lady Holmpatrick planted and still one feels the amossive silence of the
cladstone allegibelling: Ive mies outs ide Bourn.) Comes the question are
these the facts of his nominigentilisation as recorded and accolated in both
or either of the collateral andrewpaulmurphyc narratives. Are those their
fata which we read in sibylline between the fas and its nefas? No dung on
the road?And shall Nohomiah be our place like? Yea, Mulachy our kingable
khan? We shall perhaps not so soon see. Pinck poncks that bail for seeks
alicence where cumsceptres with scentaurs stay. Bear in mind, son of Hokmah,
if so be you have metheg in your midness, this man is mountain and unto
changeth doth one ascend. Heave we aside the fallacy, as punical as finikin,
that it was not the king kingself but his inseparable sisters,
uncontrollable nighttalkers, Skertsiraizde with Donyahzade, who afterwards,
when the robberers shot up the socialights,came down into the world as
amusers and were staged by Madame Sudlow as Rosa and Lily Miskinguette in
the pantalime that two pitts paythronosed, Miliodorus and Galathee. The
great fact emerges that after that historic date all holographs so far
exhumed initialled by Haromphrey bear the sigla H.C.E. and while he was only
and long and always good Dook Umphrey for the hungerlean spalpeens of
Lucalizod and Chimbers to his cronies it was equally certainly a pleasant
turn of the populace which gave him as sense of those normative letters the
nickname Here Comes Everybody. An imposing everybody he always indeed
looked, constantly the same as and equal to himself and magnificently well
worthy of any and all such universalisation, every time he continually
surveyed, amid vociferatings from in front of Accept these few nutties! and
Take off that white hat!, relieved with Stop his Grog and Put It in the Log
and Loots in his (bassvoco) Boots, from good start to happy finish the truly
catholic assemblage gathered together in that king's treat house of satin
alustrelike above floats and footlights from their assbawlveldts and oxgangs
unanimously to clapplaud (the inspiration of his lifetime and the hits of
their careers) Mr Wallenstein Washington Semperkelly's immergreen tourers in
a command performance by special request with the courteous permission for
pious purposes the homedromed and enliventh performance of problem passion
play of the millentury, running strong since creation, A Royal Divorce, then
near the approach towards the summit of its climax, with ambitious interval
band selections from The Bo' Girl and The Lily on all horserie show command
nights from his viceregal booth (his bossaloner is ceilinged there a
cuckoospit less eminent than the redritualhoods of Maccabe and Cullen)
where, a veritable Napoleon the Nth, our worldstage's practical jokepiece
and retired cecelticocommediant in his own wise,this folksforefather all of
the time sat,having the entirety of his house about him, with the invariable
broadstretched kerchief cooling his whole neck, nape and shoulderblades and
in a wardrobe panelled tuxedo completely thrown back from a shirt well
entitled a swallowall, on every point far outstarching the laundered
clawhammers and marbletopped highboys of the pit stalls and early
amphitheatre. The piece was this: look at the lamps. The cast was thus: see
under the clock. Ladies circle: cloaks may be left. Pit, prommer and
parterre, standing room only. Habituels conspicuously emergent.
A baser meaning has been read into these characters the literal sense
of which decency can safely scarcely hint. It has been blurtingly bruited by
certain wisecrackers (the stinks of Mohorat are in the nightplots of the
morning), that he suffered from a vile disease. Athma, unmanner them! To
such a suggestion the one selfrespecting answer is to affirm that there are
certain statements which ought not to be, and one should like to hope to be
able to add, ought not to be allowed to be made. Nor have his detractors,
who, an imperfectly warmblooded race, apparently conceive him as a great
white caterpillar capable of any and every enormity in the calendar recorded
to the discredit of the Juke and Kellikek families, mended their case by
insinuating that, alternately, he lay at one time under the ludicrous
imputation of annoying Welsh fusiliers in the people's park. Hay, hay, hay!
Hoq, hoq, hoq! Faun and Flora on the lea love that little old joq. To anyone
who knew and loved the christlikeness of the big cleanminded giant H. C.
Earwicker throughout his excellency long vicefreegal existence the mere
suggestion of him as a lustsleuth nosing for trouble in a boobytrap rings
particularly preposterous. Truth, beard on prophet, compels one to add that
there is said to have been quondam (pfuit! pfuit!) some case of the kind
implicating, it is interdum believed, a quidam (if he did not exist it would
be necessary quoniam to invent him) abhout that time stambuling haround
Dumbaling in leaky sneakers with his tarrk record who has remained
topantically anonymos but (let us hue him Abdullah Gamellaxarksky) was, it
is stated, posted at Mallon's at the instance of watch warriors of the
vigilance committee and years afterwards, cries one even greater, Ibid, a
commender of the frightful, seemingly, unto such as were sulhan sated,
tropped head (pfiat! pfiat!) waiting his first of the month froods turn for
thatt chopp pah kabbakks alicubi on the old house for the chargehard, Roche
Haddocks off Hawkins Street. Lowe, you blondy liar, Gob scene you in the
narked place and she what's edith ar home defileth these boyles! There's a
cabful of bash indeed in the homeur of that meal. Slander, let it lie its
flattest, has never been able to convict our good and great and no ordinary
Southron Earwicker, that homogenius man, as a pious author called him, of
any graver impropriety than that, advanced by some woodwards or regarders,
who did not dare deny, the shomers, that they had, chin Ted, chin Tam,
chinchin Taffyd, that day consumed their soul of the corn, of having behaved
with ongentilmensky immodus opposite a pair of dainty maidservants in the
swoolth of the rushy hollow whither, or so the two gown and pinners pleaded,
dame nature in all innocency had spontaneously and about the same hour of
the eventide sent them both but whose published combinations of silkinlaine
testimonies are, where not dubiously pure, visibly divergent, as wapt from
wept, on minor points touchwhich was admittedly an incautious but, at its
wildest, a partial exing the intimate nature of this, a first offence in
vert or venison posure with such attenuating circumstances (garthen gaddeth
green hwere sokeman brideth girling) as an abnormal Saint Swithin's summer
and, (Jesses Rosasharon!) a ripe occasion to provoke it.
We can't do without them. Wives, rush to the restyours! Ofman will
toman while led is the lol. Zessid's our kadem, villapleach, vollapluck.
Fikup, for flesh nelly, el mundo nov, zole flen ! If she's a lilyth, pull
early! Pauline, allow! And malers abushed, keep black, keep black! Guiltless
of much laid to him he was clearly for once at least he clearly expressed
himself as being with still a trace of his erstwhile burr sod hence it has
been received of us that it is true. They tell the story (an amalgam as
absorbing as calzium chloereydes and hydrophobe sponges could make it) how
one happygogusty Ides-of-April morning (the anniversary, as it fell out,of
his first assumption of his mirthday suit and rights in appurtenance to the
confusioning of human races) ages and ages after the alleged misdemeanour
when the tried friend of all creation, tigerwood roadstaff to his stay, was
billowing across the wide expanse of our greatest park in his caoutchouc
kepi and great belt and hideinsacks and his blaufunx fustian and ironsides
jackboots and Bhagafat gaiters and his rubberised inverness, he met a cad
with a pipe. The latter, the luciferant not the oriuolate (who, the odds
are, is still berting dagabout in the same straw bamer, carryin his overgoat
under his schulder, sheepside out, so as to look more like a coumfry
gentleman and signing the pledge as gaily as you please) hardily accosted
him with: Guinness thaw tool in jew me dinner ouzel fin? (a nice
how-do-you-do in Poolblack at the time as some of our olddaisers may still
tremblingly recall) to ask could he tell him how much a clock it was that
the clock struck had he any idea by cock's luck as his watch was bradys.
Hesitency was clearly to be evitated. Execration as cleverly to be
honnisoid. The Earwicker of that spurring instant, realising on fundamental
liberal principles the supreme importance, nexally and noxally, of physical
life (the nearest help relay being pingping K. O. Sempatrick's Day and the
fenian rising) and unwishful as he felt of being hurled into eternity right
then, plugged by a softnosed bullet from the sap, halted, quick on the draw,
and replyin that he was feelin tipstaff, cue, prodooced from his gunpocket
his Jurgensen's shrapnel waterbury, ours by communionism, his by usucapture,
but, on the same stroke, hearing above the skirling of harsh Mother East old
Fox Goodman, the bellmaster, over the wastes to south, at work upon the ten
ton tonuant thunderous tenor toller in the speckled church (Couhounin's
call!) told the inquiring kidder, by Jehova, it was twelve of em sidereal
and tankard time, adding, buttall, as he bended deeply with smoked sardinish
breath to give more pondus to the copperstick he presented (though this
seems in some cumfusium with the chapstuck ginger which, as being of sours,
acids, salts, sweets and bitters compompounded, we know him to have used as
chawchaw for bone, muscle, blood, flesh and vimvital,) that whereas the
hakusay accusation againstm had been made, what was known in high quarters
as was stood stated in Morganspost, by a creature in youman form who was
quite beneath parr and several degrees lower than yore triplehydrad snake.
In greater support of his word (it, quaint 'anticipation of a famous phrase,
has been reconstricted out of oral style into the verbal for all time with
ritual rhythmics, in quiritary quietude, and toosammenstucked from
successive accounts by Noah Webster in the redaction known as the Sayings
Attributive of H. C. Earwicker, prize on schillings, postlots free), the
flaxen Gygas tapped his chronometrum drumdrum and, now standing full erect,
above the ambijacent floodplain, scene of its happening, with one Berlin
gauntlet chopstuck in the hough of his ellboge (by ancientest signlore his
gesture meaning: ~!) pointed at an angle of thirtytwo degrees towards his
duc de Fer's overgrown milestone as fellow to his gage and after a
rendypresent pause averred with solemn emotion's fire: Shsh shake,
co-comeraid! Me only, them five ones, he is equal combat. I have won
straight. Hence my nonation wide hotel and creamery establishments which for
the honours of our mewmew mutual daughters, credit me, I am woowoo willing
to take my stand, sir, upon the monument, that sign of our ruru redemption,
any hygienic day to this hour and to make my hoath to my sinnfinners, even
if I get life for it, upon the Open Bible and before the Great Taskmaster's
(I lift my hat!) and in the presence of the Deity Itself andwell of Bishop
and Mrs Michan of High Church of England as of all such of said my immediate
withdwellers and of every living sohole in every corner wheresoever of this
globe in general which useth of my British to my backbone tongue and
commutative justice that there is not one tittle of truth, allow me to tell
you, in that purest of fibfib fabrications.
Gaping Gill, swift to mate errthors, stern to checkself, (diagnosing
through eustacetube that it was to make with a markedly postpuberal
hypertituitary type of Heidelberg mannleich cavern ethics) lufted his
slopingforward, bad Sweatagore good murrough and dublnotch on to it as he
was greedly obliged, and like a sensible ham, with infinite tact in the
delicate situation seen the touchy nature of its perilous theme, thanked um
for guilders received and time of day (not a little token abock all the same
that that was owl the God's clock it was) and, upon humble duty to greet his
Tyskminister and he shall gildthegap Gaper and thee his a mouldy voids, went
about his business, whoever it was, saluting corpses, as a metter of corse
(one could hound him out had one hart to for the monticules of scalp and
dandruff droppings blaze his trail) accompanied by his trusty snorler and
his permanent reflection,verbigracious; I have met with you, bird, too late,
or if not, too worm and early: and with tag for ildiot repeated in his
secondmouth language as many of the bigtimer's verbaten words which he could
balbly call to memory that same kveldeve, ere the hour of the twattering of
bards in the twitterlitter between Druidia and the Deepsleep Sea, when
suppertide and souvenir to Charlatan Mall jointly kem gently and along the
quiet darkenings of Grand and Royal, ff, flitmansfluh, and, kk, 't crept i'
hedge whenas to many a softongue's pawkytalk mude unswer u sufter poghyogh,
Arvanda always aquiassent, while, studying castelles in the blowne and
studding cowshots over the noran, he spat in careful convertedness a musaic
dispensation about his hearthstone, if you please, (Irish saliva, mawshe dho
hole, but would a respectable prominently connected fellow of Iro-European
ascendances with welldressed ideas who knew the correct thing such as Mr
Shallwesigh or Mr Shallwelaugh expectorate after such a callous fashion, no
thank yous! when he had his belcher spuckertuck in his pucket, pthuck?)
musefed with his thockits after having supped of the dish sot and pottage
which he snobbishly dabbed Peach Bombay (it is rawly only Lukanpukan
pilzenpie which she knows which senaffed and pibered him), a supreme of
excelling peas, balled under minnshogue's milk into whitemalt winesour, a
proviant the littlebilker hoarsely relished, chaff it, in the snevel season,
being as fain o't as your rat wi'fennel; and on this celebrating occasion of
the happy escape, for a crowning of pot valiance, this regional platter,
benjamin of bouillis, with a spolish olive to middlepoint its zaynith, was
marrying itself (porkograso!) erebusqued very deluxiously with a bottle of
Phenice-Bruerie '98, followed for second nuptials by a Piessporter, Grand
Cur, of both of which cherished tablelights (though humble the bounquet 'tis
a leaman's farewell) he obdurately sniffed the cobwebcrusted corks.
Our cad's bit of strife (knee Bareniece Maxwelton) with a quick ear for
spittoons (as the aftertale hath it) glaned up as usual with dumbestic
husbandry (no persicks and armelians for thee, Pomeranzia!) but, slipping
the clav in her claw, broke of the matter among a hundred and eleven others
in her usual curtsey (how faint these first vhespers womanly are, a secret
pispigliando, amad the lavurdy den of their manfolker!) the next night nudge
one as was Hegesippus over a hup a ' chee, her eys dry and small and speech
thicklish because he appeared a funny colour like he couldn't stood they old
hens no longer, to her particular reverend, the director, whom she had been
meaning in her mind primarily to speak with (hosch, intra! jist a
timblespoon!) trusting, between cuppled lips and annie lawrie promises
(mighshe never have Esnekerry pudden come Hunanov for her pecklapitschens!)
that the gossiple so delivered in his epistolear, buried teatoastally in
their Irish stew would go no further than his jesuit's cloth, yet (in vinars
venitas! volatiles valetotum!) it was this overspoiled priest Mr Browne,
disguised as a vincentian, who, when seized of the facts, was overheard, in
his secondary personality as a Nolan and underreared, poul soul, by
accident--if, that is, the incident it was an accident for here the ruah of
Ecclectiastes of Hippo outpuffs the writress of Havvah-ban-Annah--to
pianissime a slightly varied version of Crookedribs confidentials, (what
Mere Aloyse said but for Jesuphine's sake !) hands between hahands, in
fealty sworn (my bravor best! my fraur!) and, to the strains of The Secret
of Her Birth, hushly pierce the rubiend aurellum of one Philly Thurnston, a
layteacher of rural science and orthophonethics of a nearstout figure and
about the middle of his forties during a priestly flutter for safe and sane
bets at the hippic runfields of breezy Baldoyle on a date (W. W. goes
through the cald) easily capable of rememberance by all pickersup of events
national and Dublin details, the doubles of Perkin and Paullock, peer and
prole, when the classic Encourage Hackney Plate was captured by two noses in
a stablecloth finish,ek and nek, some and none, evelo nevelo, from the cream
colt Bold Boy Cromwell after a clever getaway by Captain Chaplain Blount's
roe hinny Saint Dalough, Drummer Coxon, nondepict third, at breakneck odds,
thanks to you great little, bonny little, portey little, Winny Widger!
you're all their nappies! who in his neverrip mud and purpular cap was
surely leagues unlike any other phantomweight that ever toppitt our timber
'Twas two pisononse Timcoves (the wetter is pest, the renns are overt
and come and the voax of the turfur is hurled on our lande) of the name of
Treacle Tom as was just out of pop following the theft of a leg of Kehoe,
Donnelly and Packenham's Finnish pork and his own blood and milk brother
Frisky Shorty, (he was, to be exquisitely punctilious about them, both
shorty and frisky) a tipster, come off the hulks, both of them awful poor,
what was out on the bumaround for an oofbird game for a jimmy o'goblin or a
small thick un as chanced, while the Seaforths was making the colleenbawl,
to ear the passon in the motor clobber make use of his law language (Edzo,
Edzo on), touchin the case of Mr Adams what was in all the sundays about it
which he was rubbing noses with and having a gurgle off his own along of the
butty bloke in the specs.
This Treacle Tom to whom reference has been made had been absent from
his usual wild and woolly haunts in the land of counties capalleens for some
time previous to that (he was, in fact, in the habit of frequenting common
lodginghouses where he slept in a nude state, hailfellow with meth, in
strange men's cots) but on racenight, blotto after divers tots of hell fire,
red biddy, bull dog, blue ruin and creeping jenny, Eglandine's choicest
herbage, supplied by the Duck and Doggies, the Galopping Primrose, Brigid
Brewster's, the Cock, the Postboy's Horn, the Little Old Man's and All Swell
That Aimswell, the Cup and the Stirrup, he sought his wellwarmed leababobed
in a housingroom Abide With Oneanother at Block W.W., (why didn't he back
it?) Pump Court, The Liberties, and, what with moltapuke on voltapuke,
resnored alcoh alcoho alcoherently to the burden of I come, my horse
delayed, nom num, the substance of the tale of the evangelical bussybozzy
and the rusinurbean (the 'girls' he would keep calling them for the
collarette and skirt, the sunbonnet and carnation) in parts (it seemed he
was before the eyots of martas or otherwales the thirds of fossilyears, he
having beham with katya when lavinias had her mens lease to sea in a
psumpship doodly show whereat he was looking for fight niggers with whilde
roarses) oft in the chilly night (the metagonistic! the epickthalamorous!)
during uneasy slumber in their hearings of a small and stonybroke
cashdraper's executive, Peter Cloran (discharged), O'Mara, an exprivate
secretary of no fixed abode (locally known as Mildew Lisa), who had passed
several nights, funnish enough, in a doorway under the blankets of
homelessness on the bunk of iceland, pillowed upon the stone of destiny
colder than man's knee or woman's breast, and Hosty, (no slouch of a name),
an illstarred beachbusker, who, sans rootie and sans scrapie, suspicioning
as how he was setting on a twoodstool on the verge of selfabyss, most
starved, with melancholia over everything in general, (night birman, you
served him with natigal's nano !) had been towhead tossing on his shakedown,
devising ways and manners of means, of what he loved to ifidalicence somehow
or other in the nation getting a hold of some chap's parabellum in the hope
of taking a wing sociable and lighting upon a sidewheel dive somewhere off
the Dullkey Downlairy and Bleakrooky tramaline where he could throw true and
go and blow the sibicidal napper off himself for two bits to boldywell
baltitude in the peace and quitybus of a one sure shot bottle, he after
having being trying all he knew with the lady's help of Madam Gristle for
upwards of eighteen calanders to get out of Sir Patrick Dun's, through Sir
Humphrey Jervis's and into the Saint Kevin's bed in the Adelaide's
hosspittles (from these incurable welleslays among those uncarable
wellasdays through Sant Iago by his cocklehat, goot Lazar, deliver us!)
without after having been able to jerrywangle it anysides. Lisa O'Deavis and
Roche Mongan (who had so much incommon, epipsychidically; if the phrase be
permitted hostis et odor insuper petroperfractus) as an understood thing
slept their sleep of the swimborne in the one sweet undulant mother of
tumblerbunks with Hosty just how the shavers in the shaw the yokels in the
yoats or, well, the wasters in the wilde, and the bustling
tweenydawn-of-all-works (meed of anthems here we pant!) had not been many
jiffies furbishing potlids, doorbrasses, scholars' applecheeks and linkboy's
metals when, ashhopperminded like no fella he go make bakenbeggfuss longa
white man, the rejuvenated busker (for after a goodnight's rave and rumble
and a shinkhams topmorning with his coexes he was not the same man) and his
broadawake bedroom suite (our boys, as our Byron called them) were up and
ashuffle from the hogshome they lovenaned The Barrel, cross Ebblinn's
chilled hamlet (thrie routes and restings on their then superficies
curiously correspondant with those linea and puncta where our tubenny
habenny metro maniplumbs below the oberflake underrails and stations at this
time of riding) to the thrummings of a crewth fiddle which, cremoaning and
cronauning, levey grevey, witty and wevey, appy, leppy and playable,
caressed the ears of the subjects of King Saint Finnerty the Festive who, in
brick homes of their own and in their flavory fraiseberry beds, heeding
hardly cry of honeyman, soed lavender or foyneboyne salmon alive, with their
priggish mouths all open for the larger appraisiatiOn of this longawaited
Messiagh of roaratorios, were only halfpast atsweeeep and after a brisk
pause at a pawnbroking establishment for the prothetic purpose of redeeming
the songster-s truly admirable false teeth and a prolonged visit to a house
of call at Cujas Place, fizz, the Old Sots' Hole in the parish of Saint
Cecily within the liberty of Ceolmore not a thousand or one national
leagues, that was, by Griffith's valuation, from the site of the statue of
Primewer Glasstone setting a match to the march of a maker (last of the
stewards peut-ˆtre), where, the tale rambles along, the trio of
whackfolthediddlers was joined by a further-- intentions--apply--tomorrow
casual and a decent sort of the hadbeen variety who had just been touching
the weekly insult, phewit, and all figblabbers (who saith of noun?) had
stimulants in the shape of gee and gees stood by the damn decent sort after
which stag luncheon and a few ones more just to celebrate yesterday, flushed
with their firestufffortered friendship, the rascals came out of the
licensed premises, (Browne's first, the small p.s. ex-exexecutive capahand
in their sad rear like a lady's postscript: I want money. Pleasend), wiping
their laughleaking lipes on their sleeves, how the bouckaleens shout their
roscan generally (seinn fion, seinn fion's araun.) and the rhymers' world
was with reason the richer for a wouldbe ballad, to the balledder of which
the world of cumannity singing owes a tribute for having placed on the
planet's melomap his lay of the vilest bogeyer but most attractionable
avatar the world has ever had to explain for.
This, more krectly lubeen or fellow -- me -- lieder was first poured
forth where Riau Liviau riots and col de Houdo humps, under the shadow of
the monument of the shouldhavebeen legislator (Eleutheriodendron! Spare,
woodmann, spare!) to an overflow meeting of all the nations in Lenster
fullyfilling the visional area and, as a singleminded supercrowd, easily
representative, what with masks, whet with faces, of all sections and cross
sections (wineshop and cocoahouse poured out to brim up the broaching) of
our liffeyside people (to omit to mention of the mainland minority and such
as had wayfared via Watling, Ernin, Icknild and Stane, in chief a halted
cockney car with its quotal of Hardmuth's hacks, a northern tory, a southern
whig, an eastanglian chronicler and a landwester guardian) ranging from
slips of young dublinos from Cutpurse Row having nothing better to do than
walk about with their hands in their kneepants, sucking airwhackers,
weedulicet, jumbobricks, side by side with truant officers, three woollen
balls and poplin in search of a croust of pawn to busy professional
gentlemen, a brace of palesmen with dundrearies, nooning toward Daly's,
fresh from snipehitting and mallardmissing on Rutland heath, exchanging cold
sneers, massgoing ladies from Hume Street in their chairs, the bearers
baited, some wandering hamalags out of the adjacent cloverfields of Mosse's
Gardens, an oblate father from Skinner's Alley, bricklayers, a fleming, in
tabinet fumant, with spouse and dog, an aged hammersmith who had some
chisellers by the hand, a bout of cudgel players, not a few sheep with the
braxy, two bluecoat scholars, four broke gents out of Simpson's on the
Rocks, a portly and a pert still tassing Turkey Coffee and orange shrub in
tickeyes door, Peter Pim and Paul Fry and then Elliot and, O, Atkinson,
suffering hell's delights from the blains of their annuitants' acorns not
forgetting a deuce of dianas ridy for the hunt, a particularist prebendary
pondering on the roman easter, the tonsure question and greek uniates, plunk
em, a lace lappet head or two or three or four from a window, and so on down
to a few good old souls, who,as they were juiced after taking their pledge
over at the uncle's place, were evidently under the spell of liquor, from
the wake of Tarry the Tailor a fair girl, a jolly postoboy thinking off
three flagons and one, a plumodrole, a half sir from the weaver's almshouse
who clings and clings and chatchatchat clings to her, a wholedam's cloudhued
pittycoat, as child, as curiolater, as Caoch O'Leary. The wararrow went
round, so it did, (a nation wants a gaze) and the ballad, in the felibrine
trancoped metre affectioned by Taiocebo in his Casudas de Poulichinello
Artahut, stumpstampaded on to a slip of blancovide and headed by an
excessively rough and red woodcut, privately printed at the rimepress of
Delville, soon fluttered its secret on white highway and brown byway to the
rose of the winds and the blew of the gaels, from archway to lattice and
from black hand to pink ear, village crying to village, through the five
pussyfours green of the united states of Scotia Picta--and he who denays it,
may his hairs be rubbed in dirt! To the added strains (so peacifold) of his
majesty the flute, that onecrooned king of inscrewments, Piggott's purest,
ciello alsoliuto, which Mr Delaney (Mr Delacey?), horn, anticipating a
perfect downpour of plaudits among the rapsods, piped out of his decentsoort
hat, looking still more like his purseyful namesake as men of Gaul noted,
but before of to sputabout, the snowycrested curl amoist the leader's wild
and moulting hair, 'Ductor' Hitchcock hoisted his fezzy fuzz at bludgeon's
height signum to his companions of the chalice for the Loud Fellow, boys'
and silentium in curia! (our maypole once more where he rose of old) and the
canto was chantied there chorussed and christened where by the old tollgate,
Saint Annona's Street and Church.
And around the lawn the rann it rann and this is the rann that Hosty
made. Spoken. Boyles and Cahills, Skerretts and Pritchards, viersified and
piersified may the treeth we tale of live in stoney. Here line the refrains
of. Some vote him Vike, some mote him Mike, some dub him Llyn and Phin while
others hail him Lug Bug Dan Lop, Lex, Lax, Gunne or Guinn. Some apt him
Arth, some bapt him Barth, Coll, Noll, Soll, Will, Weel, Wall but I parse
him Persse O'Reilly else he's called no name at all. Together. Arrah, leave
it to Hosty, frosty Hosty, leave it to Hosty for he's the mann to rhyme the
rann, the rann, the rann, the king of all ranns. Have you here? (Some ha)
Have we where? (Some hant) Have you hered? (Others do) Have we whered?
(Others dont) It's cumming, it's brumming! The clip, the clop! (All cla)
Glass crash. The
Ardite, arditi!
Music cue
Have you heard of one Humpty Dumpty How he fell with a roll and a
rumble And curled up like Lord Olofa Crumple By the butt of the Magazine
(Chorus) Of the Magazine Wall,
Hump, helmet and all?
He was one time our King of the Castle Now he's kicked about like a
rotten old parsnip. And from Green street he'll be sent by order of His
Worship To the penal jail of Mountjoy
(Chorus) To the jail of Mountjoy!
Jail him and joy.
He was fafafather of all schemes for to bother us Slow coaches and
immaculate contraceptives for the populace, Mare's milk for the sick, seven
dry Sundays a week, Openair love and religion's reform,
(Chorus) And religious reform,
Hideous in form.
Arrah, why, says you, couldn't he manage it? I'll go bail, my fine
dairyman darling, Like the bumping bull of the Cassidys All your butter is
in your horns.
(Chorus) His butter is in his horns.
Butter his horns!
(Repeat) Hurrah there, Hosty, frosty Hosty, change that shirt
[on ye, Rhyme the rann, the king of all ranns!
Balbaccio, balbuccio! We had chaw chaw chops, chairs, chewing gum, the
[pox and china chambers Universally provided by this soffsoaping
salesman. Small wonder He'll Cheat E'erawan our local lads nicknamed him
When Chimpden first took the floor
(Chorus) With his bucketshop store
Down Bargainweg, Lower.
So snug he was in his hotel premises sumptuous But soon we'll bonfire
all his trash, tricks and trumpery And'tis short till sheriff Clancy'll be
winding up his unlimited
[company With the bailiff's bom at the door,
(Chorus) Bimbam at the door.
Then he'll bum no more.
Sweet bad luck on the waves washed to our island The hooker of that
hammerfast viking And Gall's curse on the day when Eblana bay Saw his black
and tan man-o'-war.
(Chorus) Saw his man-o'-war.
On the harbour bar.
Where from? roars Poolbeg. Cookingha'pence, he bawls Donnez
[moi scampitle, wick an wipin'fampiny Fingal Mac Oscar Onesine
Bargearse Boniface Thok's min gammelhole Norveegickers moniker Og as ay are
at gammelhore Norveegickers cod.
(Chorus) A Norwegian camel old cod.
He is, begod.
Lift it, Hosty, lift it, ye devil ye! up with the rann, the rhyming
It was during some fresh water garden pumping Or, according to the
Nursing Mirror, while admiring the mon
[keys That our heavyweight heathen Humpharey Made bold a maid to woo
(Chorus) Woohoo, what'll she doo!
The general lost her maidenloo!
He ought to blush for himself, the old hayheaded philosopher, For to go
and shove himself that way on top of her. Begob, he's the crux of the
catalogue Of our antediluvial zoo,
(Chorus) Messrs. Billing and Coo.
Noah's larks, good as noo.
He was joulting by Wellinton's monument Our rotorious hippopopotamuns
When some bugger let down the backtrap of the omnibus And he caught his
death of fusiliers,
(Chorus) With his rent in his rears.
Give him six years.
'Tis sore pity for his innocent poor children But look out for his
missus legitimate! When that frew gets a grip of old Earwicker Won't there
be earwigs on the green?
(Chorus) Big earwigs on the green,
The largest ever you seen.
Suffoclose! Shikespower! Seudodanto! Anonymoses!
Then we'll have a free trade Gaels' band and mass meeting For to sod
the brave son of Scandiknavery. And we'll bury him down in Oxmanstown Along
with the devil and Danes,
(Chorus) With the deaf and dumb Danes,
And all their remains.
And not all the king's men nor his horses Will resurrect his corpus For
there's no true spell in Connacht or hell
(bis) That's able to raise a Cain.
Chest Cee! 'Sdense! Corpo di barragio! you spoof of visibility in a
freakfog, of mixed sex cases among goats hill cat and plain mousey, Bigamy
Bob and his old Shanvocht! The Blackfriars treacle plaster outrage be
liddled! Therewith was released in that kingsrick of Humidia a poisoning
volume of cloud barrage indeed. Yet all they who heard or redelivered are
now with that family of bards and Vergobretas himself and the crowd of
Caraculacticors as much no more as be they not yet now or had they then
notever been. Canbe in some future we shall presently here amid those zouave
players of Inkermann the mime mumming the mick and his nick miming their
maggies, Hilton St Just (Mr Frank Smith), Ivanne Ste Austelle (Mr J. F.
Jones), Coleman of Lucan taking four parts, a choir of the O'Daley O'Doyles
doublesixing the chorus in Fenn Mac Call and the Serven Feeries of Loch
Neach, Galloper Troppler and Hurleyquinn the zitherer of the past with his
merrymen all, zimzim, zimzim. Of the persins sin this Eyrawyggla saga
(which, thorough readable to int from and, is from tubb to buttom all
falsetissues, antilibellous and nonactionable and this applies to its whole
wholume) of poor Osti-Fosti, described as quite a musical genius in a small
way and the owner of an exceedingly niced ear, with tenorist voice to match,
not alone, but a very major poet of the poorly meritary order (he began
Tuonisonian but worked his passage up as far as the we-allhang-together
Animandovites) no one end is known. If they whistled him before he had
curtains up they are whistling him still after his curtain's doom's doom. Ei
f--. His husband, poor old A'Hara (Okaroff?) crestfallen by things and down
at heels at the time, they squeak, accepted the (Zassnoch!) ardree's
shilling at the conclusion of the Crimean war and, having flown his wild
geese, alohned in crowds to warnder on like Shuley Luney, enlisted in
Tyrone's horse, the Irish whites, and soldiered a bit with Wolsey under the
assumed name of Blanco Fusilovna Bucklovitch (spurious) after which the
cawer and the marble halls of Pump Court Columbarium, the home of the old
seakings, looked upon each other and queth their haven evermore for it
transpires that on the other side of the water it came about that on the
field of Vasileff's Cornix inauspiciously with his unit he perished, saying,
this papal leafless to old chap give, rawl chawclates for mouther-in-louth.
Booil. Poor old dear Paul Horan, to satisfy his literary as well as his
criminal aspirations, at the suggestion thrown out by the doomster in
loquacity lunacy, so says the Dublin Intelligence, was thrown into a
Ridley's for inmates in the northern counties. Under the name of Orani he
may have been the utility man of the troupe capable of sustaining long parts
at short notice. He was. Sordid Sam, a dour decent deblancer, the unwashed,
haunted always by his ham, the unwished, at a word from Israfel the
Summoner, passed away painlessly after life's upsomdowns one hallowe'en
night, ebbrous and in the state of nature, propelled from Behind into the
great Beyond by footblows coulinclouted upon his oyster and atlas on
behanged and behooved and behicked and behulked of his last fishandblood
bedscrappers, a Northwegian and his mate of the Sheawolving class. Though
the last straw glimt his baring this stage thunkhard is said (the pitfallen
gagged him as 'Promptboxer') to have solemnly said -- as had the brief thot
but fell in till his head like a bass dropt neck fust in till a bung crate
(cogged!): Me drames, O'Loughlins, has come through! Now let the centuple
celves of my egourge as Micholas de Cusack calls them, -- of all of whose I
in my hereinafter of course by recourse demission me -- by the coincidance
of their contraries reamalgamerge in that indentity of undiscernibles where
the Baxters and the Fleshmans may they cease to bidivil uns and (but at this
poingt though the iron thrust of his cockspurt start might have prepared us
we are wellnigh stinkpotthered by the mustardpunge in the tailend) this
outandin brown candlestock melt Nolan's into peese! Han var. Disliken as he
was to druriodrama, her wife Langley, the prophet, and the decentest
dozendest short of a frusker whoever stuck his spickle through his spoke,
disappeared, (in which toodooing he has taken all the French leaves
unveilable out of Calomnequiller's Pravities) from the sourface of this
earth, that austral plain he had transmaried himself to, so entirely
spoorlessly (the mother of the book with a dustwhisk tabularasing his
obliteration done upon her involucrum) as to tickle the speculative to all
but opine (since the Levey who might have been Langley may have really been
a redivivus of paganinism or a volunteer Vousden) that the hobo (who
possessed a large amount of the humoresque) had transtuled his funster's
latitat to its finsterest interrimost. Bhi she. Again, if Father San Browne,
tea and toaster to that quaintesttest of yarnspinners is Padre Don Bruno,
treu and troster to the queen of Iar-Spain, was the reverend, the sodality
director, that eupeptic viceflayer, a barefaced carmelite,to whose
palpitating pulpit (which of us but remembers the rarevalent and hornerable
Fratomistor Nawlanmore and Brawne.) sinning society sirens (see the [Roman
Catholic] presspassim) fortunately became so enthusiastically attached and
was an objectionable ass who very occasionally cockaded a raffles ticket on
his hat which he wore all to one side like the hangle of his pan (if Her
Elegance saw him she'd have the canary!) and was semiprivately convicted of
malpractices with his hotwashed tableknife (glossing over the cark in his
pocket) that same snob of the dunhill, fully several yearschaums riper,
encountered by the General on that redletter morning or maynoon jovesday and
were they? Fuitfuit.
When Phishlin Phil wants throws his lip 'tis pholly to be fortune
flonting and whoever's gone to mix Hotel by the salt say water there's nix
to nothing we can do for he's never again to sea. It is nebuless an
autodidact fact of the commonest that the shape of the average human
cloudyphiz, whereas sallow has long daze faded, frequently altered its ego
with the possing of the showers (Not original!). Whence it is a slopperish
matter, given the wet and low visibility (since in this scherzarade of one's
thousand one nightinesses that sword of certainty which would indentifide
the body never falls) to idendifine the individuone in scratch wig,
squarecuts, stock lavaleer, regattable oxeter, baggy pants and shufflers (he
is often alluded to as Slypatrick, the llad in the llane) with already an
incipience (lust!) in the direction of area baldness (one is continually
firstmeeting with odd sorts of others at all sorts of ages!) who was asked
by free boardschool shirkers in drenched coats overawall, Will, Conn and
Otto, to tell them overagait, Vol, Pov and Dev, that fishabed ghoatstory of
the haardly creditable edventyres of the Haberdasher, the two Curchies and
the three Enkelchums in their Bearskin ghoats! Girles and jongers,but he has
changed alok syne Thorkill's time! Ya, da, tra, gathery, pimp, shesses,
shossafat, okodeboko, nine! Those many warts, those slummy patches,
halfsinster wrinkles, (what has come over the face on wholebroader E?), and
(shrine of Mount Mu save us!) the large fungopark he has grown! Drink!
Sport's a common thing. It was the Lord's own day for damp (to wait for
a postponed regatta's eventualising is not of Battlecock Shettledore --
Juxta -- Mare only) and the request for a fully armed explanation was put
(in Loo of Pat) to the porty (a native of the sisterisle -- Meathman or
Meccan? -- by his brogue, exrace eyes, lokil calour and lucal odour which
are said to have been average clownturkish (though the capelist's voiced
nasal liquids and the way he sneezed at zees haul us back to the craogs and
bryns of the Silurian Ordovices) who, the lesser pilgrimage accomplished,
had made, pats' and pigs' older inselt, the southeast bluffs of the stranger
stepshore, a regifugium persecutorum, hence hindquarters) as he paused at
evenchime for some or so minutes (hit the pipe dannyboy! Time to won,
barmon. I'll take ten to win.) amid the devil's one duldrum (Apple by her
blossom window and Charlotte at her toss panomancy his sole admirers, his
only tearts in store) for a fragrend culubosh during his weekend pastime of
executing with Anny Oakley deadliness (the consummatory pairs of
provocatives, of which remained provokingly but two, the ones he fell for,
Lili and Tutu, cork em!) empties which had not very long before contained
Reid's family (you ruad that before, soaky, but all the bottles in sodemd
histry will not soften your bloodathirst!) stout. Having reprimed his
repeater and resiteroomed his timespiece His Revenances, with still a life
or two to spare for the space of his occupancy of a world at a time, rose to
his feet and there, far from Tolkaheim, in a quiet English garden
(commonplace!), since known as Whiddington Wild, his simple intensive
curolent vocality, my dearbraithers, my most dearbrathairs, as he, so is a
supper as is a sipper, spake of the One and told of the Compassionate,
called up before the triad of precoxious scaremakers (scoretaking: Spegulo
ne helpas al malbellulo, Mi Kredas ke vi estas prava, Via dote la vizago
rispondas fraulino) the now to ushere mythical habiliments of Our Farfar and
Arthor of our doyne.
Television kills telephony in brothers' broil. Our eyes demand their
turn. Let them be seen! And wolfbone balefires blaze the trailmost if only
that Mary Nothing may burst her bibby buckshee. When they set fire then
she's got to glow so we may stand some chances of warming to what every
soorkabatcha, tum or hum, would like to know. The first Humphrey's
latitudinous baver with puggaree behind, (calaboose belong bigboss belong
Kang the Toll) his fourinhand bow, his elbaroom surtout, the refaced
unmansionables of gingerine hue, the state slate umbrella, his gruff
woolselywellesly with the finndrinn knopfs and the gauntlet upon the hand
which in an hour not for him solely evil had struck down the might he
mighthavebeen d'Esterre of whom his nation seemed almost already to be about
to have need. Then, stealing his thunder, but in the befitting legomena of
the smaller country, (probable words, possibly said, of field family
gleaming) a bit duskish and flavoured with a smile, seein as ow his thoughts
consisted chiefly of the cheerio, he aptly sketched for our soontobe second
parents (sukand see whybe!) the touching seene. The solence of that
stilling! Here one might a fin fell. Boomster rombombonant! It scenes like a
landescape from Wildu Picturescu or some seem on some dimb Arras, dumb as
Mum's mutyness, this mimage of the seventyseventh kusin of kristansen is
odable to os across the wineless Ere no oedor nor mere eerie nor liss potent
of suggestion than in the tales of the tingmount. (Prigged !)
And there oftafter, jauntyjogging, on an Irish visavis, insteadily with
shoulder to shoulder Jehu will tell to Christianier, saint to sage, the
humphriad of that fall and rise while daisy winks at her pinker sister among
the tussocks and the copoll between the shafts mocks the couple on the car.
And as your who may look like how on the owther side of his big belttry your
tyrs and cloes your noes and paradigm maymay rererise in eren. Follow we up
his whip vindicative. Thurston's! Lo bebold! La arboro, lo petrusu. The
augustan peacebetothem oaks, the monolith rising stark from the moonlit
pinebarren. In all fortitudinous ajaxious rowdinoisy tenuacity. The angelus
hour with ditchers bent upon their farm usetensiles, the soft belling of the
fallow deers (doerehmoose genuane!) advertising their milky approach as
midnight was striking the hours (letate!), and how brightly the great
tribune outed the sharkskin smokewallet (imitation!) from his frock,
kippers, and by Joshua, he tips un a topping swank cheroot, none of your
swellish soide, quoit the reverse, and how manfally he says, pluk to pluk
and lekan for lukan, he was to just pluggy well suck that brown boyo, my
son, and spend a whole half hour in Havana. Sorer of the kreeksmen, would
not thore be old high gothsprogue! Wherefore he met Master, he mean to say,
he do, sire, bester of redpublicans, at Eagle Cock Hostel on Lorenzo Tooley
street and how he wished his Honour the bannocks of Gort and Morya and Bri
Head and Puddyrick, yore Loudship, and a starchboxsitting in the pit of his
St Tomach's, -- a strange wish for you, my friend, and it would poleaxe your
sonson's grandson utterly though your own old sweatandswear floruerunts
heaved it hoch many as the times, when they were turrified by the hitz.
Chee chee cheers for Upkingbilly and crow cru cramwells Downaboo! Hup,
boys, and hat him! See! Oilbeam they're lost we've fount rerembrandtsers,
their hours to date link these heirs to here but wowhere are those yours of
Yestersdays? Farseeingetherich and Poolaulwoman Charachthercuss and his Ann
van Vogt. D.e.e.d! Edned, ended or sleeping soundlessly? Favour with your
tongues! Intendite!
Any dog's life you list you may still hear them at it, like sixes and
seventies as eversure as Halley's comet, ulemamen, sobranjewomen,
storthingboys and dumagirls, as they pass its bleak and bronze portal of
your Casaconcordia: Huru more Nee, minny frickans? Hwoorledes har Dee de*
Losdoor onleft mladies, cue. Millecientotrigintadue scudi. Tippoty, kyrie,
tippoty. Cha kai rotty kai makkar, sahib? Despenseme Usted, senhor, en son
succo, sabez. O thaw bron orm, A'Cothraige, thinkinthou gaily?
Lick-Pa-flai-hai-pa-Pa-li-si-lang-lang. Epi alo, ecou, Batiste, tuvavnr dans
Lptit boing going. Ismeme de bumbac e meias de portocallie. O.O. Os pipos
mios es demasiada gruarso por O piccolo pocchino. Wee fee? Ung duro.
Kocshis, szabad? Mercy, and you? Gomagh, thak.
And, Cod, says he with mugger's tears: Would you care to know the prise
of a liard? Maggis, nick your nightynovel! Mass Travener's at the mike
again! And that bag belly is the buck to goat it! Meggeg, m'gay chapjappy
fellow, I call our univalse to witness, as sicker as moyliffey eggs is known
by our good househalters from yorehunderts of mamooth to be which they
commercially are in ahoy high British quarters (conventional!) my guesthouse
and cowhaendel credits will immediately stand ohoh open as straight as that
neighbouring monument's fabrication before the hygienic gllll (this was
where the reverent sabboth and bottlebreaker with firbalk forthstretched
touched upon his tricoloured boater, which he uplifted by its pickledhoopy
(he gave Stetson one and a penny for it) whileas oleaginosity of
ancestralolosis sgocciolated down the both pendencies of his mutsohito
liptails (Sencapetulo, a more modestuous conciliabulite never curled a tom
pocketmouth), cordially inwiting the adullescence who he was wising up to do
in like manner what all did so as he was able to add) lobe before the Great
Schoolmaster's. (I tell you no story.) Smile!
The house of Atreox is fallen indeedust (Ilyam, Ilyum! Maeromor
Mournomates !) averging on blight like the mundibanks of Fennyana, but deeds
bounds going arise again. Life, he himself said once, (his biografiend, in
fact, kills him verysoon, if yet not, after) is a wake, livit or krikit, and
on the bunk of our breadwinning lies the cropse of our seedfather, a phrase
which the establisher of the world by law might pretinately write across the
chestfront of all manorwombanborn. The scene, refreshed, reroused, was never
to be forgotten, the hen and crusader everintermutuomergent, for later in
the century one of that puisne band of factferreters, (then an excivily (out
of the custom huts) (retired), (hurt), under the sixtyfives act) in a dressy
black modern style and wewere shiny tan burlingtons, (tam, homd and dicky,
quopriquos and peajagd) rehearsed it, pippa pointing, with a dignified
(copied) bow to a namecousin of the late archdeacon F. X. Preserved
Coppinger (a hot fellow in his night, may the mouther of guard have mastic
on him!) in a pullwoman of our first transhibernian with one still sadder
circumstance which is a dirkandurk heartskewerer if ever to bring bouncing
brimmers from marbled eyes. Cycloptically through the windowdisks and with
eddying awes the round eyes of the rundreisers,back to back, buck to bucker,
on their airish chaunting car, beheld with intouristing anterestedness the
clad pursue the bare, the bare the green, the green the frore, the frore the
cladagain, as their convoy wheeled encirculingly abound the gigantig's
lifetree, our fireleaved loverlucky blomsterbohm, phoenix in our
woodlessness, haughty, cacuminal, erubescent (repetition!) whose roots they
be asches with lustres of peins. For as often as the Archicadenus, pleacing
aside his Irish Field and craving their auriculars to recepticle particulars
before they got the bump at Castlebar (mat and far!) spoke of it by request
all, hearing in this new reading of the part whereby, because of Dyas in his
machina, the new garrickson's grimacing grimaldism hypostasised by
substintuation the axiomatic orerotundity of that once grand old elrington
bawl, the copycus's description of that fellowcommuter's play upon
countenants, could simply imagine themselves in their bosom's inmost core,
as pro tem locums, timesported acorss the yawning (abyss), as once they were
seasiders, listening to the cockshyshooter's evensong evocation of the
doomed but always ventriloquent Agitator, (nonot more plangorpound the
billows o'er Thounawahallya Reef!) silkhouatted, a whallrhosmightiadd,
aginsst the dusk of skumring, (would that fane be Saint Muezzin's calling --
holy places ! -- and this fez brimless as brow of faithful toucher of the
ground, did wish it were -- blessed be the bones ! -- the ghazi, power of
his sword.) his manslayer's gunwielder protended towards that overgrown
leadpencil which was soon, monumentally at least, to rise as Molyvdokondylon
to, to be, to be his mausoleum (O'dan stod tillsteyne at meisies aye skould
show pon) while olover his exculpatory features, as Roland rung, a wee
dropeen of grief about to sillonise his jouejous, the ghost of resignation
diffused a spectral appealingness, as a young man's drown o'er the fate of
his waters may gloat, similar in origin and akkurat in effective to a beam
of sunshine upon a coffin plate.
Not olderwise Inn the days of the Bygning would our Traveller remote,
unfriended, from van Demon's Land, some lazy skald or maundering pote, lift
wearywilly his slowcut snobsic eyes to the semisigns of his zooteac and
lengthily lingering along flaskneck, cracket cup, downtrodden brogue,
turfsod, wildbroom, cabbageblad, stockfisch, longingly learn that there at
the Angel were herberged for him poteen and tea and praties and baccy and
wine width woman wordth warbling: and informally quasi-begin to
presquesm'ile to queasithin' (Nonsense! There was not very much windy Nous
blowing at the given moment through the hat of Mr Melancholy Slow!)
But in the pragma what formal cause made a smile of that tothink? Who
was he to whom? (O'Breen's not his name nor the brown one his maid.) Whose
are the placewheres? Kiwasti, kisker, kither, kitnabudja? Tal the tem of the
tumulum. Giv the gav of the grube. Be it cudgelplayers' country,
orfishfellows' town or leeklickers' land or panbpanungopovengreskey. What
regnans raised the rains have levelled but we hear the pointers and can
gauge their compass for the melos yields the mode and the mode the manners
plicyman, plansiman, plousiman, plab. Tsin tsin tsin tsin! The forefarther
folkers for a prize of two peaches with Ming, Ching and Shunny on the lie
low lea. We'll sit down on the hope of the ghouly ghost for the titheman
troubleth but his hantitat hies not here. They answer from their Zoans; Hear
the four of them! Hark torroar of them! I, says Armagh, and a'm proud o'it.
I, says Clonakilty, God help us! I, says Deansgrange, and say nothing. I,
says Barna, and whatabout it? Hee haw! Before he fell hill he filled heaven:
a stream, alplapping streamlet, coyly coiled um, cool of her curls: We were
but thermites then, wee, wee. Our antheap we sensed as a Hill of Allen, the
Barrow for an People, one Jotnursfjaell: and it was a grummelung amung the
porktroop that wonderstruck us as a thunder, yunder.
Thus the unfacts, did we possess them, are too imprecisely few to
warrant our certitude, the evidencegivers by legpoll too untrustworthily
irreperible where his adjugers are semmingly freak threes but his
judicandees plainly minus twos. Nevertheless Madam's Toshowus waxes largely
more lifeliked (entrance, one kudos; exits, free) and our notional gullery
is now completely complacent, an exegious monument, aerily perennious.
Oblige with your blackthorns; gamps, degrace! And there many have paused
before that exposure of him by old Tom Quad, a flashback in which he sits
sated, gowndabout, in clericalease habit, watching bland sol slithe
dodgsomely into the nethermore, a globule of maugdleness about to
corrugitate his mild dewed cheek and the tata of a tiny victorienne, Alys,
pressed by his limper looser.
Yet certes one is. Eher the following winter had overed the pages of
nature's book and till Ceadurbar-atta-Cleath became Dablena Tertia, the
shadow of the huge outlander, maladik, multvult, magnoperous, had bulked at
the bar of a rota of tribunals in manor hall as in thieves' kitchen, mid
pillow talk and chithouse chat, on Marlborough Green as through Molesworth
Fields, here sentenced pro tried with Jedburgh justice, there acquitted
contestimony with benefit of clergy. His Thing Mod have undone him: and his
madthing has done him man. His beneficiaries are legion in the part he
created: they number up his years. Greatwheel Dunlop was the name was on
him: behung, all we are his bisaacles. As hollyday in his house so was he
priest and king to that: ulvy came, envy saw, ivy conquered. Lou ! Lou! They
have waved his green boughs o'er him as they have torn him limb from lamb.
For his muertification and uxpiration and dumnation and annuhulation. With
schreis and grida, deprofound souspirs. Steady, sullivans! Mannequins pause!
Longtong's breach is fallen down but Graunya's spreed's abroad. Ahdostay,
feedailyones, and feel the Flucher's bawls for the total of your flouts is
not fit to fan his fettle,O! Have a ring and sing wohl! Chin, chin! Chin,
chin! And of course all chimed din width the eatmost boviality. Swiping rums
and beaunes and sherries and ciders and negus and citronnades too. The
strongers. Oho, oho, Mester Begge, you're about to be bagged in the bog
again. Bugge. But softsies seufsighed: Eheu, for gassies! But, lo! lo! by
the threnning gods, human, erring and condonable, what the statues of our
kuo, who is the messchef be our kuang, ashu ashure there, the unforgettable
treeshade looms up behind the jostling judgements of those, as all should
owe, malrecapturable days.
Tap and pat and tapatagain, (fire firstshot, Missiers the Refuseleers!
Peingpeong! For saxonlootie!) three tommix, soldiers free, cockaleak and
cappapee, of the Coldstream. Guards were walking, in (pardonnez-leur, je
vous en prie, eh?) Montgomery Street. One voiced an opinion in which on
either wide (pardonnez!), nodding, all the Finner Camps concurred (je vous
en prie, eh?). It was the first woman, they said, souped him, that fatal
wellesday, Lili Coninghams, by suggesting him they go in a field. Wroth mod
eldfar, ruth redd stilstand, wrath wrackt wroth, confessed private Pat
Marchison retro. (Terse!) Thus contenters with santoys play. One of our
coming Vauxhall ontheboards who is resting for the moment (she has been
callit by a noted stagey elecutioner a wastepacket Sittons) was interfeud in
a waistend pewty parlour. Looking perhaps even more pewtyflushed in her
cherryderry padouasoys, girdle and braces by the halfmoon and Seven Stars,
russets from the Blackamoor's Head, amongst the climbing boys at his Eagle
and Child and over the corn and hay emptors at their Black and All Black,
Mrs F . . . A . . . saidaside, half in stage of whisper to her confidante
glass, while recoopering her cartwheel chapot (ahat! -- and we now know what
thimbles a baquets on lallance a talls mean), she hoped Sid Arthar would git
a Chrissman's portrout of orange and lemonsized orchids with hollegs and
ether, from the feeatre of the Innocident, as the worryld had been uncained.
Then, while it is odrous comparisoning to the sprangflowers of his burstday
which was a viridable goddinpotty for the reinworms and the charlattinas and
all branches of climatitis, it has been such a wanderful noyth untirely,
added she, with many regards to Maha's pranjapansies. (Tart!) Prehistoric,
obitered to his dictaphone an entychologist: his propenomen is a
properismenon. A dustman nocknamed Sevenchurches in the employ of Messrs
Achburn, Soulpetre and Ashreborn, prairmakers, Glintalook, was asked by the
sisterhood the vexed question during his midday collation of leaver and
buckrom alternatively with stenk and kitteney phie in a hashhoush and,
thankeaven, responsed impulsively: We have just been propogandering his
nullity suit and what they took out of his ear among my own crush. All our
fellows at O'Dea's sages with Aratar Calaman he is a cemented brick, buck it
all! A more nor usually sober cardriver, who was jauntingly hosing his
runabout, Ginger Jane, took a strong view. Lorry hosed her as he talked and
this is what he told rewritemen: Irewaker is just a plain pink joint
reformee in private life but folks all have it by brehemons laws he has
parliamentary honours. Eiskaffier said (Louigi's, you know that man's,
brillant Savourain): Mon foie, you wish to ave some homelette, yes, lady!
Good,mein leber! Your hegg he must break himself See,I crack, so, he sit in
the poele, umbedimbt! A perspirer (over sixty) who was keeping up his
tennises panted he kne ho har twa to clect infamatios but a diffpair
flannels climb wall and trespassing on doorbell. After fullblown Braddon
hear this fresky troterella! A railways barmaid's view (they call her
Spilltears Rue) was thus expressed: to sympathisers of the Dole Line, Death
Avenue,anent those objects of her pity-prompted ministrance, to wet, man and
his syphon. Ehim! It is ever too late to whissle when Phyllis floods her
stable. It would be skarlot shame to jailahim in lockup, as was proposed to
him by the Seddoms creature what matter what merrytricks went off with his
revulverher in connections with ehim being a norphan and enjoining such
wicked illth, ehim! Well done, Drumcollakill! Kitty Tyrrel is proud of you,
was the reply of a B.O.T. official (O blame gnot the board !) while the
Daughters Benkletter murmured in uniswoon: Golforgilhisjurylegs! Brian
Lynsky, the cub curser, was questioned at his shouting box, Bawlonabraggat,
and gave a snappy comeback, when saying: Paw! Once more I'll hellbowl! I am
for caveman chase and sahara sex, burk you! Them two bitches ought to be
leashed, canem! Up hog and hoar hunt! Paw! A wouldbe martyr, who is
attending on sanit Asitas where he is being taught to wear bracelets, when
grilled on the point, revealed the undoubted fact that the consequence would
be that so long as Sankya Moondy played his mango tricks under the
mysttetry, with shady apsaras sheltering in his leaves' licence and his
shadowers torrifried by the potent bolts of indradiction, there would be
fights all over Cuxhaven. (Tosh!) Missioner Ida Wombwell, the
seventeenyearold revivalist, said concerning the coincident of interfizzing
with grenadines and other respectable and disgusted peersons using the park:
That perpendicular person is a brut! But a magnificent brut! 'Caligula' (Mr
Danl Magrath, bookmaker, wellknown to Eastrailian poorusers of the Sydney
Parade Ballotin) was, as usual, antipodal with his: striving todie, hopening
tomellow, Ware Splash. Cobbler. We have meat two hourly, sang out El Caplan
Buycout, with the famous padre's turridur's capecast, meet too ourly,
matadear! Dan Meiklejohn, precentor, of S.S. Smack and Olley's was
probiverbal with his upsiduxit: mutatus mutandus. Dauran's lord ('Sniffpox')
and Moirgan's lady ('Flatterfun') took sides and crossed and bowed to each
other's views and recrossed themselves. The dirty dubs upin their flies,
went too free, echoed the dainly drabs downin their scenities, una mona.
Sylvia Silence, the girl detective (Meminerva, but by now one hears
turtlings all over Doveland!) when supplied with informations as to the
several facets of the case in her cozydozy bachelure's flat, quite
overlooking John a'Dream's mews, leaned back in her really truly easy chair
to query restfully through her vowelthreaded syllabelles: Have you evew
thought, wepowtew, that sheew gweatness was his twadgedy? Nevewtheless
accowding to my considewed attitudes fow this act he should pay the full
penalty, pending puwsuance, as pew Subsec. 32, section II, of the C. L. A.
act 1885, anything in this act to the contwawy notwithstanding. Jarley Jilke
began to silke for he couldn't get home to Jelsey but ended with: He's got
the sack that helped him moult instench of his gladsome rags. Meagher, a
naval rating, seated on one of the granite cromlech setts of our new
fishshambles for the usual aireating after the ever popular act, with whom
were Questa and Puella, piquante and quoite, (this had a cold in her brain
while that felt a sink in her summock, wit's wat, wot's wet) was encouraged,
although nearvanashed himself, by one of his co-affianced to get your
breath, Walt, and gobbit and when ther chidden by her fastra sastra to
saddle up your pance, Naville, thus cor replied to her other's
thankskissing: I lay my two fingerbuttons, fiancee Meagher, (he speaks!) he
was to blame about your two velvetthighs up Horniman's Hill -- as hook and
eye blame him or any other piscman? -- but I also think, Puellywally, by the
siege of his trousers there was someone else behind it -- you bet your
boughtem blarneys -- about their three drummers down Keysars Lane. (Trite!).
Be these meer marchant taylor's fablings of a race referend with oddman
rex? Is now all seenheard then forgotten? Can it was, one is fain in this
leaden age of letters now to wit, that so diversified outrages (they have
still to come!) were planned and partly carried out against so staunch a
covenanter if it be true than any of those recorded ever took place for
many, we trow, beyessed to and denayed of, are given to us by some who use
the truth but sparingly and we, on this side ought to sorrow for their
pricking pens on that account. The seventh city, Urovivla, his citadear of
refuge, whither (would we believe the laimen and their counts), beyond the
outraved gales of Atreeatic, changing clues with a baggermalster, the
hejirite had fled, silentioussuemeant under night's altosonority, shipalone,
a raven of the wave, (be mercy, Mara! A he whence Rahoulas!) from the
ostmen's dirtby on the old vic, to forget in expiating manslaughter and,
reberthing in remarriment out of dead seekness to devine previdence, (if you
are looking for the bilder deep your ear on the movietone!) to league his
lot, palm and patte, with a papishee. For mine qvinne I thee giftake and
bind my hosenband I thee halter. The wastobe land, a lottuse land, a
luctuous land, Emeraldilluim, the peasant pastured, in which by the fourth
commandment with promise his days apostolic were to be long by the abundant
mercy of Him Which Thundereth From On High, murmured, would rise against him
with all which in them were, franchisables and inhabitands, astea as agora,
helotsphilots, do him hurt, poor jink, ghostly following bodily, as were he
made a curse for them, the corruptible lay quick, all saints of
incorruption-of-an holy nation, the common or ere-in-garden castaway, in red
resurrection to condemn so they might convince him, first pharoah, Humpheres
Cheops Exarchas, of their proper sins. Business bred to speak with a stiff
upper lip to all men and most occasions the Man we wot of took little short
of fighting chances but for all that he or his or his care were subjected to
the horrors of the premier terror of Errorland. (perorhaps!)
We seem to us (the real Us !) to be reading our Amenti in the sixth
sealed chapter of the going forth by black. It was after the show at
Wednesbury that one tall man, humping a suspicious parcel, when returning
late amid a dense particular on his home way from the second house of the
Boore and Burgess Christy Menestrels by the old spot, Roy's Corner, had a
barkiss revolver placed to his faced with the words: you're shot, major: by
an unknowable assailant (masked) against whom he had been jealous over,
Lotta Crabtree or Pomona Evlyn. More than that Whenn the Waylayer (not a
Lucalizod diocesan or even of the Glendalough see, but hailing fro' the prow
of Little Britain), mentioning in a bytheway that he, the crawsopper, had,
in edition to Reade's cutless centiblade, a loaded Hobson's which left only
twin alternatives as, viceversa, either he would surely shoot her, the aunt,
by pistol, (she could be okaysure of that!) or, failing of such, bash in
Patch's blank face beyond recognition, pointedly asked with gaeilish gall
wodkar blizzard's business Thornton had with that Kane's fender only to be
answered by the aggravated assaulted that that that was the snaps for him,
Midweeks, to sultry well go and find out if he was showery well able. But
how transparingly nontrue, gentlewriter ! His feet one is not a tall man,
not at all,man. No such parson. No such fender. No such lumber. No such
race. Was it supposedly in connection with a girls, Myramy Huey or Colores
Archer, under Flaggy Bridge (for ann there is but one liv and hir newbridge
is her old) or to explode his twelvechamber and force a shrievalty entrance
that the heavybuilt Abelbody in a butcherblue blouse from One Life One Suit
(a men's wear store), with a most decisive bottle of single in his
possession, seized after dark by the town guard at Haveyoucaught-emerod's
temperance gateway was there in a gate's way.
Fifthly, how parasoliloquisingly truetoned on his first time of hearing
the wretch's statement that, muttering Irish, he had had had o'gloriously
a'lot too much hanguest or hoshoe fine to drink in the House of Blazes, the
Parrot in Hell, the Orange Tree, the Glibt, the Sun, the Holy Lamb and,
lapse not leashed, in Ramitdown's ship hotel since the morning moment he
could dixtinguish a white thread from a black till the engine of the laws
declosed unto Murray and was only falling fillthefluthered up against the
gatestone pier which, with the cow's bonnet a'top o'it, he falsetook for a
cattlepillar with purest peaceablest intentions. Yet how lamely hobbles the
hoy of his then pseudojocax axplanation how, according to his own story, he
vas a process server and was merely trying to open zozimus a bottlop stoub
by mortially hammering his magnum bonum (the curter the club the sorer the
savage) against the bludgey gate for the boots about the swan,Maurice Behan,
who hastily into his shoes with nothing his hald barra tinnteack and came
down with homp, shtemp and jumphet to the tiltyard from the wastes a'sleep
in his obi ohny overclothes or choker, attracted by the norse of guns
playing Delandy is cartager on the raglar rock to Dulyn, said war' prised
safe in bed as he dreamed that he'd wealthes in mormon halls when wokenp by
a fourth loud snore out of his land of byelo while hickstrey's maws was
grazing in the moonlight by hearing hammering on the pandywhank scale
emanating from the blind pig and anything like it (oonagh!oonagh!) in the
whole history of the Mullingcan Inn he never. This battering babel allower
the door and sideposts, he always said, was not in the very remotest like
the belzey babble of a bottle of boose which would not rouse him out o'
slumber deep but reminded him loads more of the martiallawsey marses of
foreign musikants' instrumongs or the overthrewer to the third last days of
Pompery, if anything. And that after this most nooningless knockturn the
young reine came down desperate and the old liffopotamus started ploring all
over the plains, as mud as she cud be, ruinating all the bouchers' schurts
and the backers' wischandtugs so that be the chandeleure of the
Rejaneyjailey they were all night wasching the walters of, the weltering
walters off. Whyte.
Just one moment. A pinch in time of the ideal, musketeers! Alphos,
Burkos and Caramis, leave Astrelea for the astrollajerries and for the love
of the saunces and the honour of Keavens pike puddywhackback to Pamintul.
And roll away the reel world, the reel world, the reel world! And call all
your smokeblushes, Snowwhite and Rosered, if you will have the real cream!
Now for a strawberry frolic ! Filons, filoosh ! Cherchons la flamme!
Fammfamm! Fammfamm!
Come on, ordinary man with that large big nonobli head, and that blanko
berbecked fischial ekksprezzion Machinsky Scapolopolos, Duzinascu or other.
Your machelar's mutton leg's getting musclebound from being too pulled. Noah
Beery weighed stone thousand one when Hazel was a hen. Now her fat's falling
fast. Therefore, chatbags, why not yours? There are 29 sweet reasons why
blossomtime's the best. Elders fall for green almonds when they're raised on
bruised stone root ginger though it winters on their heads as if auctumned
round their waistbands. If you'd had pains in your hairs you wouldn't look
so orgibald. You'd have Colley Macaires on your lump of lead. Now listen, Mr
Leer! And stow that sweatyfunnyadams Simper! Take an old geeser who calls on
his skirt. Note his sleek hair, so elegant, tableau vivant. He vows her to
be his own honeylamb, swears they will be papa pals, by Sam, and share good
times way down west in a guaranteed happy lovenest when May moon she shines
and they twit twinkle all the night, combing the comet's tail up right and
shooting popguns at the stars. Creampuffs all to dime! Every nice,
missymackenzies! For dear old grumpapar, he's gone on the razzledar, through
gazing and crazing and blazing at the stars. Compree! She wants her wardrobe
to hear from above by return with cash so as she can buy her Peter Robinson
trousseau and cut a dash with Arty, Bert or possibly Charley Chance (who
knows?) so tolloll Mr Hunker you're too dada for me to dance (so off she
goes !) and that's how half the gels in town has got their bottom drars
while grumpapar he's trying to hitch his braces on to his trars. But old
grum he's not so clean dippy between sweet you and yum (not on your life,
boy! not in those trousers! not by a large jugful!) for someplace on the
sly,where Furphy he isn't by, old grum has his gel number two (bravevow, our
Grum!) and he would like to canoodle her too some part of the time for he is
downright fond of his number one but O he's fair mashed on peaches number
two so that if he could only canoodle the two, chivee chivoo, all three
would feel genuinely happy, it's as simple as A. B. C., the two mixers, we
mean, with their cherrybum chappy (for he is simply shamming dippy) if they
all were afloat in a dreamlifeboat, hugging two by two in his
zoo-doo-you-doo, a tofftoff for thee, missymissy for me and
howcameyou-e'enso for Farber, in his tippy, upindown dippy, tiptoptippy
canoodle, can you? Finny.
Ack, ack, ack. With which clap, trap and soddenment, three to a loaf,
our mutual friends the fender and the bottle at the gate seem to be
implicitly in the same bateau, so to singen, bearing also several of the
earmarks of design, for there is in fact no use in putting a tooth in a
snipery of that sort and the amount of all those sort of things which has
been going on onceaday in and twiceaday out every other nachtistag among all
kinds of promiscious individuals at all ages in private homes and reeboos
publikiss and allover all and elsewhere throughout secular sequence the
country over and overabroad has been particularly stupendous. To be
continued. Federals' Uniteds' Transports' Unions' for Exultations' of
Triumphants' Ecstasies.
But resuming inquiries. Will it ever be next morning the postal
unionist's (officially called carrier's, Letters Scotch, Limited) strange
fate (Fierceendgiddyex he's hight, d.e., the losel that hucks around
missivemaids' gummibacks) to hand in a huge chain envelope, written in seven
divers stages of ink, from blanchessance to lavandaiette, every pothook and
pancrook bespaking the wisherwife, superscribed and subpencilled by yours A
Laughable Party, with afterwite, S.A.G., to Hyde and Cheek, Edenberry,
Dubblenn, WC? Will whatever will be written in lappish language with
inbursts of Maggyer always seem semposed, black looking white and white
guarding black, in that siamixed twoatalk used twist stern swift and jolly
roger? Will it bright upon us, nightle, and we plunging to our plight? Well,
it might now, mircle, so it light. Always and ever till Cox's wife, twice
Mrs Hahn, pokes her beak into the matter with Owen K. after her, to see
whawa smutter after, will this kiribis pouch filled with litterish fragments
lurk dormant in the paunch of that halpbrother of a herm, a pillarbox?
The coffin, a triumph of the illusionist's art, at first blench
naturally taken for a handharp (it is handwarp to tristinguish jubabe from
jabule or either from tubote when all three have just been invened) had been
removed from the hardware premises of Oetzmann and Nephew, a noted house of
the gonemost west, which in the natural course of all things continues to
supply funeral requisites of every needed description. Why needed, though?
Indeed needed (wouldn't you feel like rattanfowl if you hadn't the oscar!)
because the flash brides or bride in their lily boleros one games with at
the Nivynubies' finery ball and your upright grooms that always come right
up with you (and by jingo when they do!) what else in this mortal world, now
ours, when meet there night, mid their nackt, me there naket, made their
nought the hour strikes, would bring them rightcame back in the flesh,
thumbs down, to their orses and their hashes.
To proceed. We might leave that nitrience of oxagiants to take its free
of the air and just analectralyse that very chymerical combination, the
gasbag where the warderworks. And try to pour somour heiterscene up
thealmostfere. In the bottled heliose case continuing, Long Lally Tobkids,
the special, sporting a fine breast of medals, and a conscientious
scripturereader to boot in the brick and tin choorch round the coroner,
swore like a Norewheezian tailliur on the stand before the proper
functionary that he was up against a right querrshnorrt of a mand in the
butcher of the blues who, he guntinued, on last epening after delivering
some carcasses mattonchepps and meatjutes on behalf of Messrs Otto Sands and
Eastman, Limericked, Victuallers, went and, with his unmitigated
astonissment, hickicked at the dun and dorass against all the runes and,
when challenged about the pretended hick (it was kickup and down with him)
on his solemn by the imputant imputed, said simply: I appop pie oath,
Phillyps Captain. You did, as I sostressed before. You are deepknee in
error, sir, Madam Tomkins, let me then tell you, replied with a
gentlewomanly salaam MackPartland, (the meatman's family, and the oldest in
the world except nick, name.) And Phelps was flayful with his peeler. But
his phizz fell.
Now to the obverse. From velveteens to dimities is barely a fivefinger
span and hence these camelback excesses are thought to have been instigated
by one or either of the causing causes of all, those rushy hollow heroines
in their skirtsleeves, be she magretta be she the posque. Oh! Oh! Because it
is a horrible thing to have to say to say to day but one dilalah, Lupita
Lorette, shortly after in a fit of the unexpectednesses drank carbolic with
all her dear placid life before her and paled off while the other soiled
dove that's her sister-in-love, Luperca Latouche, finding one day while
dodging chores that she stripped teasily for binocular man and that her
jambs were jimpjoyed to see each other, the nautchy girly soon found her
fruitful hat too small for her and rapidly taking time,look,she rapidly took
to necking, partying and selling her spare favours in the haymow or in
lumber closets or in the greenawn ad huck (there are certain intimacies in
all ladies' lavastories we just lease to imagination) or in the sweet
churchyard close itself for a bit of soft coal or an array of thin trunks,
serving whom in fine that same hot coney a la Zingara which our own little
Graunya of the chilired cheeks dished up to the greatsire of Oscar, that son
of a Coole. Houri of the coast of emerald, arrah of the lacessive poghue,
Aslim-all-Muslim, the resigned to her surrender, did not she, come
leinster's even, true dotter of a dearmud, (her pitch was Forty Steps and
his perch old Cromwell's Quarters) with so valkirry a licence as sent many a
poor pucker packing to perdition, again and again, ay, and again sfidare
him, tease fido, eh tease fido, eh eh tease fido, toos topples topple, stop,
dug of a dog of a dgiaour, ye! Angealousmei! And did not he, like Arcoforty,
farfar off Bissavolo, missbrand her behaveyous with iridescent huecry of
down right mean false sop lap sick dope? Tawfulsdreck! A reine of the shee,
a shebeen quean, a queen of pranks. A kingly man, of royal mien, regally
robed, exalted be his glory! So gave so take: Now not, not now! He would
just a min. Suffering trumpet! He thought he want. Whath? Hear, O hear,
living of the land! Hungreb, dead era, hark! He hea, eyes ravenous on her
lippling lills. He hear her voi of day gon by. He hears! Zay, zay, zay! But,
by the beer of his profit, he cannot answer. Upterputty till rise and shine!
Nor needs none shaft ne stele from Phenicia or Little Asia to obelise on the
spout, neither pobalclock neither folksstone, nor sunkenness in Tomar's Wood
to bewray how erpressgangs score off the rued. The mouth that tells not will
ever attract the unthinking tongue and so long as the obseen draws theirs
which hear not so long till allearth's dumbnation shall the blind lead the
deaf. Tatcho, tawney yeeklings! The column of lumps lends the pattrin of the
leaves behind us. If violence to life, limb and chattels, often as not, has
been the expression, direct or through an agent male, of womanhid offended,
(ah! ah!), has not levy of black mail from the times the fairies were in it,
and fain for wilde erthe blothoms followed an impressive private reputation
for whispered sins?
Now by memory inspired, turn wheel again to the whole of the wall.
Where Gyant Blyant fronts Peannlueamoore There was once upon a wall and a
hooghoog wall a was and such a wallhole did exist. Ere ore or ire in
Aaarlund. Or you Dair's Hair or you Diggin Mosses or your horde of orts and
oriorts to garble a garthen of Odin and the lost paladays when all the
eddams ended with aves. Armen? The doun is theirs and still to see for
menags if he strikes a lousaforitch and we'll come to those baregazed
shoeshines if you just shoodov a second. And let oggs be good old gaggles
and Isther Estarr play Yesther Asterr. In the drema of Sorestost Areas,
Diseased. A stonehinged gate then was for another thing while the
suroptimist had bought and enlarged that shack under fair rental of one
yearlyng sheep, (prime) value of sixpence, and one small yearlyng goat
(cadet) value of eightpence, to grow old and happy (hogg it and kidd him)
for the reminants of his years; and when everything was got up for the
purpose he put an applegate on the place by no means as some pretext a
bedstead in loo thereof to keep out donkeys (the pigdirt hanging from the
jags to this hour makes that clear) and just thenabouts the iron gape, by
old custom left open to prevent the cats from getting at the gout, was
triplepatlockt on him on purpose by his faithful poorters to keep him inside
probably and possibly enaunter he felt like sticking out his chest too far
and tempting gracious providence by a stroll on the peoplade's eggday,
unused as he was yet to being freely clodded.
O, by the by, lets wee brag of praties, it ought to be always
remembered in connection with what has gone before that there was a
northroomer, Herr Betreffender, out for his zimmer holedigs, digging in
number 32 at the Rum and Puncheon (Branch of Dirty Dick's free house) in
Laxlip (where the Sockeye Sammons were stopping at the time orange fasting)
prior to that, a Kommerzial (Gorbotipacco, he was wreaking like Zentral
Oylrubber) from Osterich, the U.S.E. paying (Gaul save the mark!) II/- in
the week (Gosh, these wholly romads!) of conscience money in the first deal
of Yuly wheil he was, swishing beesnest with blessure,and swobbing broguen
eeriesh myth brockendootsch, making his reporterage on Der Fall Adams for
the Frankofurto Siding, a Fastland payrodicule, and er, consstated that one
h,ad on him the Lynn O'Brien, a meltoned lammswolle, disturbed, and wider he
might the same zurichschicken other he would, with tosend and obertosend
tonnowatters, one monkey's damages become. Now you must know, franksman, to
make a heart of glass, that the game of gaze and bandstand butchery was
merely a Patsy O'Strap tissue of threats and obuses such as roebucks raugh
at pinnacle's peak and after this sort. Humphrey's unsolicited visitor, Davy
or Titus, on a burgley's clan march from the middle west, a hikely excellent
crude man about road who knew his Bullfoost Mountains like a starling bierd,
after doing a long dance untidled to Cloudy Green, deposend his bockstump on
the waityoumaywantme, after having blew some quaker's (for you! Oates!) in
through the houseking's keyhole to attract attention, bleated through the
gale outside which the tairor of his clothes was hogcallering, first, be the
hirsuiter, that he would break his bulsheywigger's head for him, next, be
the heeltapper, that he would break the gage over his lankyduckling head the
same way he would crack a nut with a monkeywrench and, last of all, be the
stirabouter, that he would give him his (or theumperom's or anybloody
else's) thickerthanwater to drink and his bleday steppebrodhar's into the
bucket. He demanded more wood alcohol to pitch in with, alleging that his
granfather's was all taxis and that it was only after ten o'connell, and
this his isbar was a public oven for the sake of irsk irskusky, and then,
not easily discouraged, opened the wrathfloods of his atillarery and went on
at a wicked rate, weathering against him in mooxed metaphores from eleven
thirty to two in the afternoon without even a luncheonette interval for
House, son of Clod, to come out, you jewbeggar, to be Executed Amen.
Earwicker, that patternmind, that paradigmatic ear, receptoretentive as his
of Dionysius, longsuffering although whitening under restraint in the
sititout corner of his conservatory, behind faminebuilt walls, his thermos
flask and ripidian flabel by his side and a walrus whiskerbristle for a
tuskpick, compiled, while he mourned the flight of his wild guineese, a long
list (now feared in part lost) to be kept on file of all abusive names he
was called (we have been compelled for the rejoicement of foinne loidies ind
the humours of Milltown etcetera by Josephine Brewster in the collision
known as Contrastations with Inkermann and so on and sononward, lacies in
loo water, flee, celestials, one clean turv): Firstnighter, Informer, Old
Fruit, Yellow Whigger, Wheatears, Goldy Geit, Bogside Beauty, Yass We've Had
His Badannas, York's Porker, Funnyface, At Baggotty's Bend He Bumped, Grease
with the Butter, Opendoor Ospices, Cainandabler, Ireland's Eighth Wonderful
Wonder, Beat My Price, Godsoilman, Moonface the Murderer, Hoary Hairy Hoax,
Midnight Sunburst, Remove that Bible, Hebdromadary Publocation, Tummer the
Lame the Tyrannous, Blau Clay, Tight before Teatime, Real Your Pantojoke,
Acoustic Disturbance, Thinks He's Gobblasst the Good Dook of Ourguile,
W.D.'s Grace, Gibbering Bayamouth of Dublin, His Farther was a Mundzucker
and She had him in a Growler, Burnham and Bailey, Artist, Unworthy of the
Homely Protestant Religion, Terry Cotter, You're Welcome to Waterfood,
signed the Ribbonmen, Lobsterpot Lardling, All for Arthur of this Town,
Hooshed the Cat from the Bacon, Leathertogs Donald, The Ace and Deuce of
Paupering, O'Reilly's Delights to Kiss the Man behind the Borrel, Magogagog,
Swad Puddlefoot, Gouty Ghibeline, Loose Luther, Hatches Cocks' Eggs, Muddle
the Plan, Luck before Wedlock, I Divorce Thee Husband, Tanner and a Make, Go
to Hellena or Come to Connies, Piobald Puffpuff His Bride, Purged out of
Burke's, He's None of Me Causin, Barebarean, Peculiar Person, Grunt Owl's
Facktotem, Twelve Months Aristocrat, Lycanthrope, Flunkey Beadle Vamps the
Tune Letting on He's Loney, Thunder and Turf Married into Clandorf, Left
Boot Sent on Approval, Cumberer of Lord's Holy Ground, Stodge Arschmann,
Awnt Yuke, Tommy Furlong's Pet Plagues, Archdukon Cabbanger, Last Past the
Post, Kennealey Won't Tell Thee off Nancy's Gown, Scuttle to Cover, Salary
Grab, Andy Mac Noon in Annie's Room, Awl Out, Twitchbratschballs, Bombard
Street Bester, Sublime Porter, A Ban for Le King of the Burgaans and a Bom
for Ye Sur of all the Ruttledges, O'Phelim's Cutprice, And at Number Wan Wan
Wan, What He Done to Castlecostello, Sleeps with Feathers end Ropes, It is
Known who Sold Horace the Rattler, Enclosed find the Sons of Fingal, Swayed
in his Falling, Wants a Wife and Forty of Them, Let Him Do the Fair,
Apeegeequanee Chimmuck, Plowp Goes his Whastle, Ruin of the Small Trader,
He---- Milkinghoneybeaverbrooker, Vee was a Vindner, Sower Rapes, Armenian
Atrocity, Sickfish Bellyup, Edomite,--'Man Devoyd of the Commoner
Characteristics of an Irish Nature, Bad Humborg, Hraabhraab, Coocoohandler,
Dirt, Miching Daddy, Born Burst Feet Foremost, Woolworth's Worst, Easyathic
Phallusaphist, Guilteypig's Bastard, Fast in the Barrel, Boose in the Bed,
Mister Fatmate, In Custody of the Polis, Boawwll's Alocutionist, Deposed,
but anarchistically respectsful of the liberties of the noninvasive
individual, did not respond a solitary wedgeword beyond such sedentarity,
though it was as easy as kissanywhere for the passive resistant in the booth
he was in to reach for the hello gripes and ring up Kimmage Outer 17.67,
because, as the fundamentalist explained, when at last shocked into speech,
touchin his woundid feelins in the fuchsiar the dominican mission for the
sowsealist potty was on at the time and he thought the rowmish devowtion
known as the howly rowsary might reeform ihm, Gonn. That more than
considerably unpleasant bullocky before he rang off drunkishly pegged a few
glatt stones, all of a size, by way of final mocks for his grapes, at the
wicket in support of his words that he was not guilphy but, after he had so
slaunga vollayed, reconnoitring through his semisubconscious the seriousness
of what he might have done had he really polished off his terrible
intentions finally caused him to change the bawling and leave downg the
whole grumus of brookpebbles pangpung and, having sobered up a bit, paces
his groundould diablen lionndub, the flay the flegm, the floedy fleshener,
(purse, purse, pursyfurse, I'll splish the splume of them all!) this
backblocks boor bruskly put out his langwedge and quite quit the paleologic
scene, telling how by his selfdenying ordnance he had left Hyland on the
dissenting table, after exhorting Earwicker or, in slightly modified
phraseology, Messrs or Missrs Earwicker, Seir, his feminisible name of
multitude, to cocoa come outside to Mockerloo out of that for the honour of
Crumlin, with his broody old flishguds, Gog's curse to thim, so as he could
brianslog and burst him all dizzy, you go bail, like Potts Fracture did with
Keddle Flatnose and nobodyatall with Wholyphamous and build rocks over him,
or if he didn't, for two and thirty straws, be Cacao Campbell,he didn't know
what he wouldn't do for him nor nobody else nomore nor him after which,
batell martell, a brisha a milla a stroka a boola, so the rage of Malbruk,
playing on the least change of his manjester's voice, the first heroic
couplet from the fuguall tropical, Opus Elf, Thortytoe: My schemes into
obeyance for This time has had to fall: they bit goodbyte to their thumb
and, his bandol eer his solgier, dripdropdrap on pool or poldier, wishing
the loff a falladelfian in the morning, proceeded with a Hubbleforth slouch
in his slips backwords (Et Cur Heli!) in the directions of the duff and demb
institutions about ten or eleven hundred years lurch away in the moonshiny
gorge of Patself on the Bach. Adyoe!
And thus, with this rochelly exetur of Bully Acre, came to close that
last stage in the siegings round our archicitadel which we would like to
recall, if old Nestor Alexis would wink the worth for us, as Bar-le-Duc and
Dog-an-Doras and Bangen-opZoom.
Yed he med leave to many a door beside of Oxmanswold for so witness his
chambered cairns a cloudletlitter silent that are at browse up hill and down
coombe and on eolithostroton, at Howth or at Coolock or even at Enniskerry,
a theory none too rectiline of the evoluation of human society and a
testament of the rocks from all the dead unto some the living. Olivers lambs
we do call them, skatterlings of a stone, and they shall be gathered unto
him, their herd and paladin, as nubilettes to cumule, in that day hwen, same
the lightning lancer of Azava Arthurhonoured (some Finn, some Finn avant!),
he skall wake from earthsleep, haught crested elmer, in his valle of briers
of Greenman's Rise O, (lost leaders live! the heroes return!) and o'er dun
and dale the Wulverulverlord (protect us!) his mighty horn skall roll,
orland, roll.
For in those deyes his Deyus shall ask of Allprohome and call to himm:
Allprohome! And he make answer: Add some. Nor wink nor wunk. Animadiabolum,
mene credidisti mortuum? Silence was in thy faustive halls, O Truiga, when
thy green woods went dry but there will be sounds of manymirth on the
night's ear ringing when our pantriarch of Comestowntonobble gets the
pullover on his boots.
Liverpoor? Sot a bit of it! His braynes coolt parritch, his pelt nassy,
his heart's adrone, his bluidstreams acrawl, his puff but a piff, his
extremeties extremely so: Fengless, Pawmbroke, Chilblaimend and Baldowl.
Humph is in his doge. Words weigh no no more to him than raindrips to
Rethfernhim. Which we all like. Rain. When we sleep. Drops. But wait until
our sleeping. Drain. Sdops.
As the lion,in our teargarten remembers the nenuphars of his Nile
(shall Ariuz forget Arioun or Boghas the baregams of the Marmarazalles from
Marmeniere?) it may be, tots wearsense full a naggin in twentyg have
sigilposted what in our brievingbust, the besieged bedreamt him stil and
solely of those lililiths undeveiled which hat undone him, gone for age, and
knew not the watchful treachers at his wake, and theirs to stay. Fooi, fooi,
chamermissies! Zeepyzoepy, larcenlads! Zijnzijn Zijnzijn! It may be, we
moest ons hasten selves te declareer it, that he reglimmed? presaw? the
fields of heat and yields of wheat where corngold Ysit? shamed and shone. It
may be, we habben to upseek a bitty door our good township's courants want
we knew't, that with his deepseeing insight (had not wishing oftebeen but
good time wasted), within his patriarchal shamanah, broadsteyne 'bove citie
(Twillby! Twillby!) he conscious of enemies, a kingbilly whitehorsed in a
Finglas mill, prayed, as he sat on anxious seat, (kunt ye neat gift mey toe
bout a peer saft eyballds !) during that three and a hellof hours' agony of
silence, ex profundis malorum, and bred with unfeigned charity that his
wordwounder (an engles to the teeth who, nomened Nash of Girahash,would go
anyold where in the weeping world on his mottled belly (the rab, the
kreeponskneed!) for milk, music or married missusses) might,mercy to
providential benevolence's who hates prudencies' astuteness, unfold into the
first of a distinguished dynasty of his posteriors, blackfaced connemaras
not of the fold but elder children of his household, his most besetting of
ideas ( pace his twolve predamanant passions) being the formation, as in
more favoured climes, where the Meadow of Honey is guestfriendly and the
Mountain of Joy receives, of a truly criminal stratum, Ham's cribcracking
yeggs, thereby at last eliminating from all classes and masses with directly
derivative decasualisation: sigarius (sic!) vindicat urbes terrorum
(sicker!): and so, to mark a bank taal she arter, the obedience of the
citizens elp the ealth of the ole.
Now gode. Let us leave theories there and return to here's here. Now
hear. 'Tis gode again. The teak coffin, Pughglasspanelfitted, feets to the
east, was to turn in later, and pitly patly near the porpus, materially
effecting the cause. And this, liever, is the thinghowe. Any number of
conservative public bodies, through a number of select and other committees
having power to add to their number, before voting themselves and himself,
town, port and garrison, by a fit and proper resolution, following a koorts
order of the groundwet, once for all out of plotty existence, as a forescut,
so you maateskippey might to you cuttinrunner on a neuw pack of klerds, made
him, while his body still persisted, their present of a protem grave in
Moyelta of the best Lough Neagh pattern, then as much in demand among
misonesans as the Isle of Man today among limniphobes. Wacht even! It was in
a fairly fishy kettlekerry, after the Fianna's foreman had taken his
handful, enriched with ancient woods and dear dutchy deeplinns mid which
were an old knoll and a troutbeck, vainyvain of her osiery and a chatty
sally with any Wilt or Walt who would ongle her as Izaak did to the tickle
of his rod and watch her waters of her sillying waters of and there now
brown peater arripple (may their quilt gild lightly over his somnolulutent
form!) Whoforyou lies his last, by the wrath of Bog, like the erst curst Hun
in the bed of his treubleu Donawhu.
Best. This wastohavebeen underground heaven, or mole's paradise which
was probably also an inversion of a phallopharos, intended to foster wheat
crops and to ginger up tourist trade (its architecht, Mgr Peurelachasse,
having been obcaecated lest he should petrifake suchanevver while the
contractors Messrs T. A. Birkett and L. O. Tuohalls were made invulnerably
venerable) first in the west, our misterbilder, Castlevillainous, openly
damned and blasted by means of a hydromine, system,Sowan and Belting,
exploded from a reinvented T.N.T. bombingpost up ahoy of eleven and thirty
wingrests (circiter) to sternbooard out of his aerial thorpeto, Auton
Dynamon, contacted with the expectant minefield by tins of improved ammonia
lashed to her shieldplated gunwale, and fused into tripupcables, slipping
through tholse and playing down from the conning tower into the ground
battery fuseboxes, all differing as clocks from keys since nobody appeared
to have the same time of beard, some saying by their Oorlog it was
Sygstryggs to nine, more holding with the Ryan vogt it was Dane to pfife. He
afterwards whaanever his blaetther began to fail off him and his rough bark
was wholly husky and, stoop by stoop, he neared it (wouldmanspare!)
carefully lined the ferroconcrete result with rotproof bricks and mortar,
fassed to fossed, and retired beneath the heptarchy of his towerettes, the
beauchamp, byward, bull and lion, the white, the wardrobe and bloodied, so
encouraging (insteppen, alls als hats beliefd!) additional useful councils
public with hoofd offdealings which were welholden of ladykants te huur out
such as the Breeders' Union, the Guild of Merchants of the Staple et, a.u.c.
to present unto him with funebral pomp, over and above that, a stone slab
with the usual Mac Pelah address of velediction, a very fairworded instance
of falsemeaning adamelegy: We have done ours gohellt with you, Heer
Herewhippit, overgiven it, skidoo!
But t'house and allaboardshoops ! Show coffins, winding sheets, goodbuy
bierchepes, cinerary urns, liealoud blasses, snuffchests, poteentubbs,
lacrimal vases, hoodendoses, reekwaterbeckers, breakmiddles, zootzaks for
eatlust, including upyourhealthing rookworst and meathewersoftened
forkenpootsies and for that matter, javel also, any kind of inhumationary
bric au brac for the adornment of his glasstone honophreum, would, met these
trein of konditiens, naturally follow, halas, in the ordinary course,
enabling that roundtheworlder wandelingswight, did suches pass him, to live
all safeathomely the presenile days of his life of opulence, ancient ere
decrepitude, late lents last lenience, till stuffering stage, whaling away
the whole of the while (hypnos chilia eonion!) lethelulled between explosion
and reexplosion (Donnaurwatteur! Hunderthunder!) from grosskopp to megapod,
embalmed, of grand age, rich in death anticipated.
But abide Zeit's sumonserving, rise afterfall. Blueblitzbolted from
there, knowing the hingeworms of the hallmirks of habitationlesness, buried
burrowing in Gehinnon, to proliferate through all his Unterwealth, seam by
seam, sheol om sheol, and revisit our Uppercrust Sideria of Utilitarios, the
divine one, the hoarder hidden propaguting his plutorpopular progeniem of
pots and pans and pokers and puns from biddenland to boughtenland, the
spearway fore the spoorway.
The other spring offensive on the heights of Abraham may have come
about all quite by accidence, Foughtarundser (for Breedabrooda had at length
presuaded him to have himself to be as septuply buried as the murdered Cian
in Finntown), had not been three monads in his watery grave (what vigilantes
and ridings then and spuitwyne pledges with aardappel frittling!) when
portrifaction, dreyfussed as ever, began to ramp, ramp, ramp, the boys are
parching. A hoodenwinkle gave the signal and a blessing paper freed the
flood. Why did the patrizien make him scares with his gruntens? Because the
druiven were muskating at the door. From both Celtiberian camps (granting at
the onset for the sake of argument that men on the two sides in New South
Ireland and Vetera Uladh, bluemin and pillfaces, during the ferment With the
Pope or On the Pope, had, moors or letts, grant ideas, grunted) all
conditions, poor cons and dives mor, each, of course, on the purely
doffensive since the eternals were owlwise on their side every time, were
drawn toowards their Bellona's Black Bottom, once Woolwhite's Waltz (Ohiboh,
how becrimed, becursekissed and bedumbtoit!) some for want of proper feeding
in youth, others already caught in the honourable act of slicing careers for
family and carvers in conjunction; and, if emaciated nough, the person
garrotted may have suggested to whomever he took the ham of, the plain being
involved in darkness, low cirque waggery, nay, even the first old wugger of
himself in the flesh, whiggissimus incarnadined, when falsesighted by the
ifsuchhewas bully on the hill for there had circulated freely fairly among
his opposition the feeling that in so hibernating Massa Ewacka, who,
previous to that demidetached life, had been known of barmicidal days, cook
said, between soups and savours, to get outside his own length of rainbow
trout and taerts atta tarn as no man of woman born, nay could, like the
great crested brebe, devour his threescoreten of roach per lifeday, ay, and
as many minnow a minute (the big mix, may Gibbet choke him !) was, like the
salmon of his ladderleap all this time of totality secretly and by suckage
feeding on his own misplaced fat.
Ladies did not disdain those pagan ironed times of the firs; city
(called after the ugliest Danadune) when a frond was a friend inneed to
carry, as earwigs do their dead, their soil to the earthball where indeeth
we shall calm decline, our legacy unknown. Venuses were gigglibly
temptatrix, vulcans guffawably eruptious and the whole wives' world frockful
of fickles. Fact, any human inyon you liked any erenoon or efter would take
her bare godkin out, or an even pair of hem, (lugod ! lugodoo !) and
prettily pray with him (or with em even) everyhe to her taste, long for
luck, tapette and tape petter and take pettest of all. (Tip!) Wells she'd
woo and wills she's win but how the deer knowed where she'd marry! Arbour,
bucketroom, caravan, ditch? Coach, carriage, wheelbarrow, dungcart?
Kate Strong, a widow (Tiptip!)--she pulls a lane picture for us, in a
dreariodreama setting, glowing and very vidual, of old dumplan as she nosed
it, a homelike cottage of elvanstone with droppings of biddies, stinkend
pusshies, moggies' duggies, rotten witchawubbles, festering rubbages and
beggars' bullets, if not worse, sending salmofarious germs in gleefully
through the smithereen panes--Widow Strong, then, as her weaker had turned
him to the wall (Tiptiptip!), did most all the scavenging from good King
Hamlaugh's gulden dayne though her lean besom cleaned but sparingly and her
bare statement reads that, there being no macadamised sidetracks on those
old nekropolitan nights in, barring a footbatter, Bryant's Causeway,
bordered with speedwell, white clover and sorrel a wood knows, which left
off, being beaten, where the plaintiff was struck, she left down, as
scavengers, who will be scavengers must, her filthdump near the Serpentine
in Phornix Park (at her time called Finewell's Keepsacre but later
tautaubapptossed Pat's Purge), that dangerfield circling butcherswood where
fireworker oh flaherty engaged a nutter of castlemallards and ah for archer
stunned's turk, all over which fossil footprints, bootmarks, fingersigns,
elbowdints, breechbowls, a. s. o. were all successively traced of a most
envolving description. What subtler timeplace of the weald than such
wolfsbelly castrament to will hide a leabhar from Thursmen's brandihands or
a loveletter, lostfully hers, that would be lust on Ma, than then when
ructions ended, than here where race began: and by four hands of forethought
the first babe of reconcilement is laid in its last cradle of hume sweet
hume. Give over it! And no more of it! So pass the pick for child sake! O
For hear Allhighest sprack for krischnians as for propagana fidies and
his nuptial eagles sharped their beaks of prey: and every morphyl man of us,
pome by pome, falls back into this terrine: as it was let it be, says he!
And it is as though where Agni araflammed and Mithra monished and Shiva slew
as mayamutras the obluvial waters of our noarchic memory withdrew, windingly
goharksome, to some hastyswasty timberman torchpriest, flamenfan, the ward
of the wind that lightened the fire that lay in the wood that Jove bolt, at
his rude word. Posidonius O'Fluctuary! Lave that bloody stone as it is! What
are you doing your dirty minx and his big treeblock way up your path? Slip
around, you, by the rare of the ministers'! And, you, take that barrel back
where you got it, Mac Shane's, and go the way your old one went,
Hatchettsbury Road! And gish! how they gushed away, the pennyfares, a whole
school for scamper, with their sashes flying sish behind them, all the
little pirlypettes! Issy-la-Chapelle! Any lucans, please?
Yes, the viability of vicinals if invisible is invincible. And we are
not trespassing on his corns either. Look at all the plotsch! Fluminian! If
this was Hannibal's walk it was Hercules' work. And a hungried thousand of
the unemancipated slaved the way. The mausoleum lies behind us (O Adgigasta,
multipopulipater!) and there are milestones in their cheadmilias faultering
along the tramestrack by Brahm and Anton Hermes! Per omnibus secular
seekalarum. Amain. But the past has made us this present of a rhedarhoad. So
more boher O'Connell! Though rainyhidden, you're rhinohide. And if he's not
a Romeo you may scallop your hat. Wereupunder in the fane of Saint Fiacre !
Halte !
It was hard by the howe's there, plainly on this disoluded and a buchan
cold spot, rupestric then, resurfaced that now is, that Luttrell sold if
Lautrill bought, in the saddle of the Brennan's (now Malpasplace?) pass,
versts and versts from true civilisation, not where his dreams top their
traums halt (Beneathere! Benathere!) but where livland yontide meared with
the wilde, saltlea with flood, that the attackler, a cropatkin, though under
medium and between colours with truly native pluck, engaged the Adversary
who had more in his eye than was less to his leg but whom for plunder sake,
he mistook in the heavy rain to be Oglethorpe or some other ginkus, Parr
aparrently, to whom the headandheelless chickenestegg bore some
Michelangiolesque resemblance, making use of sacrilegious languages to the
defect that he would challenge their hemosphores to exterminate them but he
would cannonise the b -- y b -- r's life out of him and lay him out
contritely as smart as the b--r had his b--y nightprayers said, three
patrecknocksters and a couplet of hellmuirries (tout est sacr‚ pour un
sacreur, femme ... barbe ou homme-nourrice) at the same time, so as to plugg
well let the blubbywail ghoats out of him, catching holst of an oblong bar
he had and with which he usually broke furnitures he rose the stick at him.
The boarder incident prerepeated itself. The pair (whethertheywere
Nippoluono engaging Wei-Ling-Taou or de Razzkias trying to reconnoistre the
general Boukeleff, man may not say), struggled apairently for some
considerable time, (the cradle rocking equally to one and oppositely from
the other on its law of capture and recapture), under the All In rules
around the booksafe, fighting like purple top and tipperuhry Swede,
(Secremented Servious of the Divine Zeal !) and in the course of their
tussle the toller man, who had opened his bully bowl to beg, said to the
miner who was carrying the worm (a handy term for the portable distillery
which consisted of three vats, two jars and several bottles though we
purposely say nothing of the stiff, both parties having an interest in the
spirits): Let me go, Pautheen! I hardly knew ye. Later on, after the
solstitial pause for refleshmeant, the same man (or a different and younger
him of the same ham) asked in the vermicular with a very oggly
chew-chin-grin: Was six victolios fifteen pigeon takee offa you, tell he me,
stlongfella, by picky-pocky ten to foul months behindaside? There were some
further collidabanter and severe tries to convert for the best part of an
hour and now a woden affair in the shape of a webley (we at once recognise
our old friend Ned of so many illortemporate letters) fell from the intruser
who, as stuck as that cat to that mouse in that tube of that christchurch
organ, (did the imnage of Girl Cloud Pensive flout above them light young
charm, in ribbons and pigtail?) whereupon became friendly and, saying not
his shirt to tear, to know wanted, joking and knobkerries, all aside laying,
if his change companion who stuck still to the invention of his strongbox,
with a tenacity corrobberating their mutual tenitorial rights, happened to
have the loots change of a tenpound crickler about him at the moment,
addling that hap so, he would pay him back the six vics odd, do you see, out
of that for what was taken on the man of samples last Yuni or Yuly, do you
follow me, Capn? To this the other, Billi with the Boule, who had mummed and
mauled up to that (for he was hesitency carried to excelcism) rather
amusedly replied: Woowoo would you be grossly surprised, Hill, to learn
that, as it so happens, I honestly have not such a thing as the loo, as the
least chance of a tinpanned crackler anywhere about me at the present
mohomoment but I believe I can see my way, as you suggest, it being Yuletide
or Yuddanfest and as it's mad nuts, son, for you when it's hatter's hares,
mon, for me, to advance you something like four and sevenpence between
hopping ar_d trapping which you might just as well have, boy baches, to buy
J. J. and S. with. There was a minute silence before memory's fire's
rekindling and then. Heart alive ! Which at very first wind of gay gay and
whiskwigs wick's ears pricked up, the starving gunman, strike him pink,
became strangely calm and forthright sware by all his lards porsenal that
the thorntree of sheol might ramify up his Sheofon to the lux apointlex but
he would go good to him suntime marx my word fort, for a chip off the old
Flint, (in the Nichtian glossery which purveys aprioric roots for
aposteriorious tongues this is nat language at any sinse of the world and
one might as fairly go and kish his sprogues as fail to certify whether the
wartrophy eluded at some lives earlier was that somethink like a jug, to
what, a coctable) and remarxing in languidoily, seemingly much more highly
pleased than tongue could tell at this opening of a lifetime and the
foretaste of the Dun Bank pearlmothers and the boy to wash down which he
would feed to himself in the Ruadh Cow at Tallaght and then into the Good
Woman at Ringsend and after her inat Conway's Inn at Blackrock and, first to
fall, cursed be all, where appetite would keenest be, atte, funeral fare or
fun fain real, Adam and Eve's in Quantity Street by the grace of gamy queen
Tailte, her will and testament: You stunning little southdowner! I'd know
you anywhere, Declaney, let me truthfully tell you in or out of the
lexinction of life and who the hell else, be your blanche patch on the boney
part! Goalball I've struck this daylit dielate night of nights, by golly! My
hat, you have some bully German grit, sundowner! He spud in his faust
(axin); he toped the raw best (pardun); he poked his pick (a tip is a tap):
and he tucked his friend's leave.And, with French hen or the portlifowlium
of hastes and leisures, about to continue that,the queer mixture exchanged
the pax in embrace or poghue puxy as practised between brothers of the same
breast, hillelulia, killelulia, allenalaw, and, having ratified before the
god of the day their torgantruce which belittlers have schmallkalled the
treatyng to cognac, turning his fez menialstrait in the direction of Moscas,
he first got rid of a few mitsmillers and hurooshoos and levanted off with
tubular jurbulance at a bull's run over the assback bridge,spitting his
teeths on rooths,with the seven and four in danegeld and their humoral
hurlbat or other uncertain weapon of lignum vitae, but so evermore
rhumanasant of a toboggan poop, picked up to keep some crowplucking
appointment with some rival rialtos anywheres between Pearidge and the
Littlehorn while this poor delaney, who they left along with the confederate
fender behind and who albeit ballsbluffed, bore up wonderfully wunder all of
it with a whole number of plumsized contusiums, plus alasalah bruised
coccyx, all over him, reported the occurance in the best way he could, to
the flabbergaze of the whole lab, giving the Paddybanners the military
salute as for his exilicy's the O'Daffy, in justifiable hope that, in
nobiloroman review of the hugely sitisfactuary conclusium of their
negotiations and the jugglemonkysh agripment deinderivative, some lotion or
fomentation of poppyheads would be jennerously exhibited to the parts, at
the nearest watchhouse in Vicar Lane, the white ground of his face all
covered with digonally redcrossed nonfatal mammalian blood as proofpositive
of the seriousness of his character and that he was bleeding in self
defience (stanch it!) from the nostrils, lips, pavilion and palate, while
some of his hitter's hairs had been pulled off his knut's head by Colt
though otherwise his allround health appeared to be middling along as it
proved most fortunate that not one of the two hundred and six bones and five
hundred and one muscles in his corso was a whit the whorse for her whacking.
Nowthen, leaving clashing ash, brawn and muscle and brassmade to oust
earthernborn and rockcrystal to wreck isinglass but wurming along gradually
for our savings backtowards motherwaters so many miles from bank and Dublin
stone (olympiading even till the eleventh dynasty to reach that
thuddysickend Hamlaugh) and to the question of boney's unlawfully obtaining
a pierced paraflamme and claptrap fireguard there crops out the still more
salient point of the politish leanings and town pursuits of our forebeer, El
Don De Dunelli, (may his ship thicked stick in the bottol of the river and
all his crewsers stock locked in the burral of the seas!) who, when within
the black of your toenail, sir, of being mistakenly ambushed by one of the
uddahveddahs, and as close as made no matter, mam, to being kayoed offhand
when the hyougono heckler with the Peter the Painter wanted to hole him, was
consistently practising the first of the primary and imprescriptible
liberties of the pacific subject by circulating (be British, boys to your
bellybone and chuck a chum a chance!) alongst one of our umphrohibited
semitary thrufahrts, open to buggy and bike, to walk, Wellington Park road,
with the curb or quaker's quacknostrum under his auxter and his alpenstuck
in his redhand, a highly commendable exercise, or, number two of our acta
legitima plebeia, on the brink (beware to baulk a man at his will!) of
taking place upon a public seat, to what, bare by Butt's, most easterly (but
all goes west!) of blackpool bridges, as a public protest and naturlikevice,
without intent to annoy either, being praisegood thankfully for the
wrathbereaved ringdove and the fearstung boaconstrictor and all the more
right jollywell pleased, which he was, at having other people's weather.
But to return to the atlantic and Phenitia Proper. As if that were not
to be enough for anyone but little headway, if any, was made in solving the
wasnottobe crime cunundrum when a child of Maam, Festy King, of a family
long and honourably associated with the tar and feather industries, who gave
an address in old plomansch Mayo of the Saxons in the heart of a foulfamed
potheen district, was subsequently haled up at the Old Bailey on the calends
of Mars, under an incompatibly framed indictment of both the counts (from
each equinoxious points of view, the one fellow's fetch being the other
follow's person) that is to see, flying cushats out of his ouveralls and
making fesses immodst his forces on the field. Oyeh! Oyeh! When the
prisoner, soaked in methylated, appeared in dry dock, appatently
ambrosiaurealised, like Kersse's Korduroy Karikature, wearing, besides
stains, rents and patches, his fight shirt, straw braces, souwester and a
policeman's corkscrew trowswers, all out of the true (as he had purposely
torn up all his cymtrymanx bespokes in the mamertime), deposing for his
exution with all the fluors of sparse in the royal Irish vocabulary how the
whole padderjagmartin tripiezite suet and all the sulfeit of copperas had
fallen off him quatz unaccountably like the chrystalisations of Alum on Even
while he was trying for to stick fire to himcell, (in feacht he was dripping
as he found upon stripping for a pipkin ofmalt as he feared the coold raine)
it was attempted by the crown (P.C. Robort) to show that King, elois
Crowbar, once known as Meleky, impersonating a climbing boy, rubbed some
pixes of any luvial peatsmoor o'er his face, plucks and pussas, with a
clanetourf as the best means of disguising himself and was to the
middlewhite fair in Mudford of a Thoorsday, feishts of Peeler and Pole,
under the illassumed names of Tykingfest and Rabworc picked by him and
Anthony out of a tellafun book, ellegedly with a pedigree pig (unlicensed)
and a hyacinth. They were on that sea by the plain of Ir nine hundred and
ninetynine years and they never cried crack or ceased from regular
paddlewicking till that they landed their two and a trifling selves, amadst
camel and ass, greybeard and suckling, priest and pauper, matrmatron and
merrymeg, into the meddle of the mudstorm. The gathering, convened by the
Irish Angricultural and Prepostoral Ouraganisations, to help the Irish muck
to look his brother dane in the face and attended thanks to Larry by large
numbers, of christies and jew's totems, tospite of the deluge, was
distinctly of a scattery kind when the ballybricken he could get no good of,
after cockofthewalking through a few fancyfought mains ate some of the
doorweg, the pikey later selling the gentleman ratepayer because she,
Francie's sister, that is to say,ate a whole side of his (the animal's) sty,
on a struggle Street, Qui Sta Troia, in order to pay off, hiss or lick, six
doubloons fifteen arrears of his, the villain's not the rumbler's rent.
Remarkable evidence was given, anon, by an eye, ear, nose and throat
witness, whom Wesleyan chapelgoers suspected of being a plain clothes priest
W.P., situate at Nullnull, Medical Square, who, upon letting down his rice
and peacegreen coverdisk and having been sullenly cautioned against yawning
while being grilled, smiled (he had had a onebumper at parting from Mrs
Molroe in the morning) and stated to his eliciter under his morse
mustaccents (gobbless!) that he slept with a bonafides and that he would be
there to remember the filth of November, hatinaring, rowdy O, which, with
the jiboulees of Juno and the dates of ould lanxiety, was going, please the
Rainmaker, to decembs within the ephemerides of profane history, all one
with Tournay, Yetstoslay and Temorah, and one thing which would
pigstickularly strike a person of such sorely tried observational powers as
Sam, him and Moffat, though theirs not to reason why, the striking thing
about it was that he was patrified to see, hear, taste and smell, as his
time of night, how Hyacinth O'Donnell, B.A., described in the calendar as a
mixer and wordpainter, with part of a sivispacem (Gaeltact for dungfork) on
the fair green at the hour of twenty-four o'clock sought (the bullycassidy
of the friedhoffer!) to sack, sock, stab and slaughter singlehanded another
two of the old kings, Gush Mac Gale and Roaring O'Crian, Jr., both
changelings, unlucalised, of no address and in noncommunicables, between him
and whom, ever since wallops before the Mise of Lewes, bad blood existed on
the ground of the boer's trespass on the bull or because he firstparted his
polarbeeber hair in twoways, or because they were creepfoxed andt
grousuppers over a nippy in a noveletta, or because they could not say
meace, (mute and daft) meathe. The litigants, he said, local congsmen and
donalds, kings of the arans and the dalkeys, kings of mud and tory, even the
goat king of Killorglin, were egged on by their supporters in the shape of
betterwomen with bowstrung hair of Carrothagenuine ruddiness, waving crimson
petties and screaming from Isod's towertop. There were cries from the
thicksets in court and from the macdublins on the bohernabreen of: Mind the
bank from Banagher, Mick, sir! Prodooce O'Donner. Ay! Exhibit his relics!
Bu! Use the tongue mor! Give lip less! But it oozed out in Deadman's Dark
Scenery Court through crossexanimation of the casehardened testis that when
and where that knife of knifes the treepartied ambush was laid (roughly
spouting around half hours 'twixt dusk in dawn, by Waterhose's Meddle
Europeic Time, near Stop and Think, high chief evervirens and only
abfalltree in auld the land) there was not as much light from the widowed
moon as would dim a child's altar. The mixer, accordingly, was bluntly
broached, and in the best basel to boot, as to whether he was one of those
lucky cocks for whom the audible-visible-gnosible-edible world existed. That
he was only too cognitively conatively cogitabundantly sure of it because,
living, loving, breathing and sleeping morphomelosophopancreates, as he most
significantly did, whenever he thought he heard he saw he felt he made a
bell clipperclipperclipperclipper. Whether he was practically sure too of
his lugs and truies names in this king and blouseman business? That he was
pediculously so. Certified? As cad could be. Be lying ! Be the lonee I will.
It was Morbus O' Somebody? A'Quite. Szerday's Son? A satyr in weddens. And
how did the greeneyed mister arrive at the B.A.? That it was like his poll.
A crossgrained trapper with murty odd oogs, awflorated ares, inquiline nase
and a twithcherous mouph? He would be. Who could bit you att to a
tenyerdfuul when aastalled? Ballera jobbera. Some majar bore too? Iguines.
And with tumblerous legs, redipnominated Helmingham Erchenwyne Rutter Egbert
Crumwall Odin Maximus Esme Saxon Esa Vercingetorix Ethelwulf Rupprecht
Ydwalla Bentley Osmund Dysart Yggdrasselmann? Holy Saint Eiffel, the very
phoenix! It was Chudley Magnall once more between the deffodates and the
dumb scene? The two childspies waapreesing him auza de Vologue but the
renting of his rock was from the three wicked Vuncouverers Forests bent down
awhits, arthou sure? Yubeti, Cumbilum comes! One of the oxmen's
thingabossers, hvad? And had he been refresqued by the founts of bounty
playing there -- is -- a -- pain -- aleland in Long's gourgling barral? A
loss of Lordedward and a lack of sirphilip a surgeonet showeradown could
suck more gargling bubbles out of the five lamps in Portterand's praise.
Wirrgeling and maries? As whose wouldn't, laving his leaftime in Blackpool.
But, of course, he could call himself Tem, too, if he had time to? You butt
he could anytom. When he pleased? Win and place. A stoker temptated by
evesdripping aginst the driver who was a witness as well? Sacred avatar, how
the devil did they guess it! Two dreamyums in one dromium? Yes and no error.
And both as like as a duel of lentils? Peacisely. So he was pelted out of
the coram populo, was he? Be the powers that be he was. The prince in
principel should not expose his person? Macchevuole! Rooskayman kamerad?
Sooner Gallwegian he would say. Not unintoxicated, fair witness? Drunk as a
fishup. Askt to whether she minded whither he smuked? Not if he barkst into
phlegms. Anent his ajaciulations to his Crosscann Lorne, cossa? It was corso
in cursu on coarser again. The gracious miss was we not doubt sensible how
yellowatty on the forx was altered? That she esually was, O'Dowd me not! As
to his religion, if any? It was the see-you-Sunday sort. Exactly what he
meant by a pederast prig? Bejacob's, just a gent who prayed his lent. And if
middleclassed. portavorous was a usual beast? Bynight as useful as a vomit
to a shorn man. If he had rognarised dtheir gcourts marsheyls? Dthat nday in
ndays he had. Lindendelly, coke or skilllies spell me gart without a gate?
Harlyadrope. The grazing rights (Mrs Magistra Martinetta) expired with the
expiry of the goat's sire, if they were not mistaken? That he exactly could
not tell the worshipfuls but his mother-in-waders had the recipis for the
price of the coffin and that he was there to tell them that herself was the
velocipede that could tell them kitcat. A maundarin tongue in a pounderin
jowl? Father ourder about the mathers of prenanciation. Distributary
endings? And we recommends. Quare hircum? No answer. Unde gentium fe . . . ?
No ah. Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano? Siar, I am deed. And
how olld of him? He was intendant to study pulu. Which was meant in a shirt
of two shifts macoghamade or up Finn, threehatted ladder? That a head in
thighs under a bush at the sunface would bait a serpent to a millrace
through the heather. Arm bird colour defdum ethnic fort perharps? Sure and
glomsk handy jotalpheson as well. Hokey jasons, then, in a pigeegeeses? On a
pontiff's order as ture as there's an ital on atac. As a gololy bit to joss?
Leally and tululy. But, why this hankowchaff and whence this second tone,
son-yet-sun? He had the cowtaw in his buxers flay of face. So this that
Solasistras, setting odds evens at defiance, took the laud from Labouriter?
What displaced Tob, Dilke and Halley, not been greatly in love with the
game. And, changing the venders, from the king's head to the republican's
arms, as to the pugnaxities evinxed from flagfall to antepost during the
effrays round fatherthyme's beckside and the regents in the plantsown
raining, with the skiddystars and the morkernwindup, how they appealed to
him then? That it was wildfires night on all the bettygallaghers.
Mickmichael's soords shrieking shrecks through the wilkinses and
neckanicholas' toastingforks pricking prongs up the tunnybladders. Let there
be fight? And there was. Foght. On the site of the Angel's, you said?
Guinney's Gap, he said, between what they said and the pussykitties. In the
middle of the garth, then? That they mushn't toucht it. The devoted couple
was or were only two disappainted solicitresses on the job of the
unfortunate class on Saturn's mountain fort? That was about it, jah! And
Camellus then said to Gemellus: I should know you? Parfaitly. And Gemellus
then said to Camellus: Yes, your brother? Obsolutely. And if it was all
about that, egregious sir? About that and the other. If he was not alluding
to the whole in the wall? That he was when he was not eluding from the whole
of the woman. Briefly, how such beginall finally struck him now? Like the
crack that bruck the bank in Multifarnham. Whether he fell in with what they
meant? Cursed that he suppoxed he did. Thos Thoris, Thomar's Thom? The
rudacist rotter in Roebuckdom. Surtopical? And subhuman. If it was, in
yappanoise language, ach bad clap? Oo! Ah! Augs and ohrs with Rhian O'kehley
to put it tertianly, we wrong? Shocking! Such as turly pearced our really's
that he might, that he might never, that he might never that night? Treely
and rurally.
Bladyughfoulmoecklenburgwhurawhorascortastrumpapornanennykocksapastippata --
ppatupperstrippuckputtanach, eh? You have it alright.
Meirdreach an Oincuish ! But a new complexion was put upon the matter
when to the perplexedly uncondemnatory bench (whereon punic judgeship strove
with penal law) the senior king of all, Pegger Festy, as soon as the outer
layer of stucckomuck had been removed at the request of a few live jurors,
declared in a loudburst of poesy, through his Brythonic interpreter on his
oath, mhuith peisth mhuise as fearra bheura muirre hriosmas, whereas take
notice be the relics of the bones of the story bouchal that was ate be
Cliopatrick (the sow) princess of parked porkers, afore God and all their
honours and king's commons that, what he would swear to the Tierney of
Dundalgan or any other Tierney, yif live thurkells folloged him about sure
that was no steal and that, nevertheless, what was deposited from that
eyebold earbig noseknaving gutthroat, he did not fire a stone either before
or after he was born down and up to that time. And, incidentalising that
they might talk about Markarthy or they might walk to Baalastartey or they
might join the nabour party and come on to Porterfeud this the sockdologer
had the neck to endorse with the head bowed on him over his outturned
noreaster by protesting to his lipreaders with a justbeencleaned
barefacedness, abeam of moonlight's hope, in the same trelawney what he
would impart, pleas bench. to the Llwyd Josus and the gentlemen in Jury's
and the four of Masterers who had been all those yarns yearning for that
good one about why he left Dublin, that, amreeta beaker coddling doom, as an
Inishman was as good as any cantonnatal, if he was to parish by the market
steak before the dorming of the mawn, he skuld never ask to see sight or
light of this world or the other world or any either world, of Tyrenan-Og,
as true as he was there in that jackabox that minute, or wield or wind (no
thanks t'yous !) the inexousthausthible wassailhorn tot of iskybaush the
hailth up the wailth of the endknown abgod of the fire of the moving way of
the hawks with his heroes in Warhorror if ever in all his exchequered career
he up or lave a chancery hand to take or throw the sign of a mortal stick or
stone at man, yoelamb or salvation army either before or after being
puptised down to that most holy and every blessed hour. Here, upon the
halfkneed castleknocker's attempting kithoguishly to lilt his holymess the
paws and make the sign of the Roman Godhelic faix, (Xaroshie, zdrst!--in his
excitement the laddo had broken exthro Castilian into which the whole
audience perseguired and pursuited him olla podrida) outbroke much
yellachters from owners in the heall (Ha!) in which, under the mollification
of methaglin, the testifighter reluctingly, but with ever so ladylike
indecorum, joined. (Ha! Ha!)
The hilariohoot of Pegger's Windup cumjustled as neatly with the
tristitone of the Wet Pinter's as were they isce et ille equals of
opposites, evolved by a onesame power of nature or of spirit, iste, as the
sole condition and means of its himundher manifestation and polarised for
reunion by the symphysis of their antipathies. Distinctly different were
their duasdestinies. Whereas the maidies of the bar, (a pairless trentene, a
lunarised score) when the eranthus myrrmyrred: Show'm the Posed: fluttered
and flattered around the willingly pressed, nominating him for the swiney
prize, complimenting him, the captivating youth, on his having all his
senses about him, stincking thyacinths through his curls (O feen! O deur!)
and bringing busses to his cheeks, their masculine Oirisher Rose (his neece
cleur!), and legando round his nice new neck for him and pizzicagnoling his
woolywags, with their dindy dandy sugar de candy mechree me postheen flowns
courier to belive them of all his untiring young dames and send treats in
their times. Ymen. But it was not unobserved of those presents, their
worships, how, of one among all, her deputised to defeme him by the Lunar
Sisters' Celibacy Club, a lovelooking leapgirl, all all alonely, Gentia
Gemma of the Makegiddyculling Reeks, he, wan and pale in his unmixed
admiration, seemed blindly, mutely, tastelessly, tactlessly, innamorate with
heruponhim in shining aminglement, the shaym of his hisu shifting into the
shimmering of her hers, (youthsy, beautsy, hee's her chap and shey'll tell
memmas when she gays whom) till the wild wishwish of her sheeshea melted
most musically mid Ihe dark deepdeep of his shayshaun.
And whereas distracted (for was not just this in effect which had just
caused that the effect of that which it had caused to occur?) the four
justicers laid their wigs together, Untius, Muncius, Punchus and Pylax but
could do no worse than promulgate their standing verdict of Nolans Brumans
whereoneafter King, having murdered all the English he knew, picked out his
pockets and left the tribunal scotfree, trailing his Tommeylommey's tunic in
his hurry, thereinunder proudly showing off the blink patch to his britgits
to prove himself (an't plase yous!) a rael genteel. To the Switz
bobbyguard's curial but courtlike: Commodore valley O hairy, Arthre
jennyrosy?: the firewaterloover returted with such a vinesmelling fortytudor
ages rawdownhams tanyouhide as would the latten stomach even of a tumass
equinous (we were prepared for the chap's clap cap, the accent, but, took us
as, by surprise and now we're geshing it like gush gash from a burner!) so
that all the twofromthirty advocatesses within echo, pulling up their briefs
at the krigkry: Shun the Punman!: safely and soundly soccered that fenemine
Parish Poser, (how dare he!) umprumptu rightoway hames, much to his thanks,
gratiasagam, to all the wrong donatrices, biss Drinkbattle's Dingy Dwellings
where (for like your true venuson Esau he was dovetimid as the dears at
Bottome) he shat in (zoo), like the muddy goalbind who he was (dun), the
chassetitties belles conclaiming: You and your gift of your gaft of your
garbage abaht our Farvver! and gaingridando: Hon! Verg! Nau! Putor! Skam!
Schams! Shames!
And so it all ended. Artha kama dharma moksa. Ask Kavya for the kay.
And so everybody heard their plaint and all listened to their plause. The
letter! The litter! And the soother the bitther! Of eyebrow pencilled, by
lipstipple penned. Borrowing a word and begging the question and stealing
tinder and slipping like soap. From dark Rasa Lane a sigh and a weep, from
Lesbia Looshe the beam in her eye, from lone Coogan Barry his arrow of song,
from Sean Kelly's anagrim a blush at the name, from I am the Sullivan that
trumpeting tramp, from Suffering Dufferin the Sit of her Style, from
Kathleen May Vernon her Mebbe fair efforts, from Fillthepot Curran his
scotchlove machreether, from hymn Op. 2 Phil Adolphos the weary O, the
leery, O, from Samyouwill Leaver or Damyouwell Lover thatjolly old molly bit
or that bored saunter by, from Timm Finn again's weak tribes, loss of
strenghth to his sowheel, from the wedding on the greene, agirlies, the
gretnass of joyboys, from Pat Mullen, Tom Mallon, Dan Meldon, Don Maldon a
slickstick picnic made in Moate by Muldoons. The solid man saved by his
sillied woman. Crackajolking away like a hearse on fire. The elm that
whimpers at the top told the stone that moans when stricken. Wind broke it.
Wave bore it. Reed wrote of it. Syce ran with it. Hand tore it and wild went
war. Hen trieved it and plight pledged peace. It was folded with cunning,
sealed with crime, uptied by a harlot, undone by a child. It was life but
was it fair? It was free but was it art? The old hunks on the hill read it
to perlection. It made ma make merry and sissy so shy and rubbed some shine
off Shem and put some shame into Shaun. Yet Una and Ita spill famine with
drought and Agrippa, the propastored, spells tripulations in his threne. Ah,
furchte fruchte, timid Danaides! Ena milo melomon, frai is frau and swee is
too, swee is two when swoo is free, ana mala woe is we! A pair of
sycopanties with amygdaleine eyes, one old obster lumpky pumpkin and three
meddlars on their slies. And that was how framm Sin fromm Son, acity arose,
finfin funfun, a sitting arrows. Now tell me, tell me, tell me then!
What was it?
A .......... !
? ..........0! So there you are now there they were, when all was over
again, the four with them, setting around upin their judges' chambers, in
the muniment room, of their marshalsea, under the suspices of Lally, around
their old traditional tables of the law like Somany Solans to talk it over
rallthesameagain. Well and druly dry. Suffering law the dring. Accourting to
king's evelyns. So help her goat and kiss the bouc. Festives and highajinks
and jintyaun and her beetyrossy bettydoaty and not to forget now a'duna
o'darnel. The four of them and thank court now there were no more of them.
So pass the push for port sake. Be it soon. Ah ho! And do you remember,
Singabob, the badfather, the same, the great Howdoyoucallem, and his old
nickname, Dirty Daddy Pantaloons, in his monopoleums, behind the war of the
two roses, with Michael Victory, the sheemen's preester, before he caught
his paper dispillsation from the poke, old Minace and Minster York? Do I
mind? I mind the gush off the mon like Ballybock manure works on a
tradewinds day. And the O'Moyly gracies and the O'Briny rossies chaffing him
bluchface and playing him pranks. How do you do, todo, North Mister? Get
into my way! Ah dearome forsailoshe! Gone over the bays! When ginabawdy
meadabawdy! Yerra, why would he heed that old gasometer with his hooping
coppin and his dyinboosycough and all the birds of the southside after her,
Minxy Cunningham, their dear divorcee darling, jimmies and jonnies to be her
jo? Hold hard. There's three other corners to our isle's cork float. Sure,
'tis well I can telesmell him H2 C E3 that would take a township's breath
away! Gob and I nose him too well as I do meself, heaving up the Kay Wall by
the 32 to II with his limelooking horsebags full of sesameseed, the
Whiteside Kaffir, and his sayman's effluvium and his scentpainted voice,
puffing out his thundering big brown cabbage! Pa! Thawt I'm glad a gull for
his pawsdeen fiunn! Goborro, sez he, Lankyshied! Gobugga ye, sez I! O
breezes! I sniffed that lad long before anyone. It was when I was in my
farfather out at the west and she and myself, the redheaded girl,
firstnighting down Sycomore Lane. Fine feelplay we had of it mid the
kissabetts frisking in the kool kurkle dusk of the lushiness. My perfume of
the pampas, says she (meaning me) putting out her netherlights, and I'd
sooner one precious sip at your pure mountain dew than enrich my
acquaintance with that big brewer's belch.
And so they went on, the fourbottle men, the analists, unguam and
nunguam and lunguam again, their anschluss about her whosebefore and his
whereafters and how she was lost away away in the fern and how he was
founded deap on deep in anear, and the rustlings and the twitterings and the
raspings and the snappings and the sighings and the paintings and the
ukukuings and the (hist!) the springapartings and the (hast!) the
bybyscuttlings and all the scandalmunkers and the pure craigs that used to
be (up) that time living and lying and rating and riding round Nunsbelly
Square. And all the buds in the bush. And the laughing jackass. Harik!
Harik! Harik! The rose is white in the darik! And Sunfella's nose has got
rhinoceritis from haunting the roes in the parik! So all rogues lean to
rhyme. And contradrinking themselves about Lillytrilly law pon hilly and Mrs
Niall of the Nine Corsages and the old markiss their besterfar, and, arrah,
sure there was never a marcus at all at all among the manlies and dear Sir
Armoury, queer Sir Rumoury, and the old house by the churpelizod, and all
the goings on so very wrong long before when they were going on retreat, in
the old gammeldags, the four of them, in Milton's Park under lovely Father
Whisperer and making her love with his stuffstuff in the languish of flowers
and feeling to find was she mushymushy, and wasn't that vely both of them,
the saucicissters, a drahereen o machree !, and (peep !) meeting waters most
improper (peepette!) ballround the garden, trickle trickle trickle triss,
please, miman, may I go flirting? farmers gone with a groom and how they
used her, mused her, licksed her and cuddled. I differ with ye ! Are you
sure of yourself now? You're a liar, excuse me! I will not and you're
another! And Lully holding their breach of the peace for them. Pool loll
Lolly! To give and to take! And to forego the pasht! And all will be
forgotten! Ah ho! It was too too bad to be falling out about her kindness
pet and the shape of O O O O O O O O Ourang's time. Well, all right, Lelly.
And shakeahand. And schenkusmore. For Craig sake. Be it suck.
Well, even should not the framing up of such figments in the evidential
order bring the true truth to light as fortuitously as a dim seer's setting
of a starchart might (heaven helping it!) uncover the nakedness of an
unknown body in the fields of blue or as forehearingly as the sibspeeches of
all mankind have foliated (earth seizing them!) from the root of some
funner's stotter all the soundest sense to be found immense our special
mentalists now holds (securus iudicat orbis terrarum) that by such playing
possum our hagious curious encestor bestly saved his brush with his
posterity, you, charming coparcenors, us, heirs of his tailsie. Gundogs of
all breeds were beagling with renounced urbiandorbic bugles, hot to run him,
given law, on a scent breasthigh, keen for the worry. View! From his holt
outratted across the Juletide's genial corsslands of Humfries Chase from
Mullinahob and Peacockstown, then bearing right upon Tankardstown, the
outlier, a white noelan which Mr Loewensteil Fitz Urse's basset beaters had
first misbadgered for a bruin of some swart, led bayers the run, then
through Raystown and Horlockstown and, louping the loup, to Tankardstown
again. Ear canny hare for doubling through Cheeverstown they raced him,
through Loughlinstown and Nutstown to wind him by the Boolies. But from the
good turn when he last was lost, check, upon Ye Hill of Rut in full winter
coat with ticker pads, pointing for his rooming house his old nordest in his
rolltoproyal hessians a deaf fuchser's volponism hid him close in covert,
miraculously ravenfed and buoyed up, in rumer, reticule, onasum and
abomasum, upon (may Allbrewham have his mead!) the creamclotted sherriness
of cinnamon syllabub, Mikkelraved, Nikkelsaved. Hence hounds hied home.
Preservative perseverance in the reeducation of his intestines was the
rebuttal by whilk he sort of git the big bulge on the whole bunch of
spasoakers, dieting against glues and gravies, in that sometime prestreet
protown. Vainly violence, virulence and vituperation sought wellnigh utterly
to attax and abridge, to derail and depontify, to enrate and inroad, to
ongoad and unhume the great shipping mogul and underlinen overlord.
But the spoil of hesitants, the spell of hesitency. His atake is it
ashe, tittery taw tatterytail, hasitense humponadimply, heyheyheyhey a
Assembly men murmured. Reynard is slow!
One feared for his days. Did there yawn? 'Twas his stommick. Eruct? The
libber. A gush? From his visuals. Pung? Delivver him, orelode! He had laid
violent hands on himself, it was brought in Fugger's Newsletter, lain down,
all in,fagged out, with equally melancholy death. For the triduum of
Saturnalia his goatservant had paraded hiz willingsons in the Forum while
the jenny infanted the lass to be greeted raucously (the Yardstated) with
houx and epheus and measured with missiles too from a hundred of manhood and
a wimmering of weibes. Big went the bang: then wildewide was quiet: a
report: silence: last Fama put it under ether. The noase or the loal had
dreven him blem, blem, stun blem. Sparks flew. He had fled again (open
shunshema!) this country of exile, sloughed off,sidleshomed via the
subterranean shored with bedboards, stowed away and ankered in a dutch
bottom tank, the Arsa, hod S.S. Finlandia, and was even now occupying, under
an islamitic newhame in his seventh generation, a physical body Cornelius
Magrath's (badoldkarakter, commonorrong canbung) in Asia Major, where as
Turk of the theater (first house all flatty: the king, eleven sharps) he had
bepiastered the buikdanseuses from the opulence of his omnibox while as arab
at the streetdoor he bepestered the bumbashaws for the alms of a para's
pence. Wires hummed. Peacefully general astonishment assisted by
regrettitude had put a term till his existence: he saw the family saggarth,
resigned, put off his remainders, was recalled and scrapheaped by the Maker.
Chirpings crossed. An infamous private ailment (vulgovarioveneral) had
claimed endright, closed his vicious circle, snap. Jams jarred. He had
walked towards the middle of an ornamental lilypond when innebriated up to
the point where braced shirts meet knickerbockers, as wangfish daring the
buoyant waters, when rodmen's firstaiding hands had rescued un from very
possibly several feel of demifrish water. Mush spread. On Umbrella Street
where he did drinks from a pumps a kind workman, Mr Whitlock, gave him a
piece of wood. What words of power were made fas between them, ekenames and
auchnomes, acnomina ecnumina? That, O that, did Hansard tell us, would gar
ganz Dub's ear wag in every pub of all the citta! Batty believes a baton
while Hogan hears a hod yet Heer prefers a punsil shapner and Cope and Bull
go cup and ball. And the Cassidy--Craddock rome and reme round e'er a wiege
ne'er a waage is still immer and immor awagering over it,a cradle with a
care in it or a casket with a kick behind. Toties testies quoties questies.
The war is in words and the wood is the world. Maply me, willowy we, hickory
he and yew yourselves. Howforhim chirrupeth evereachbird! From golddawn
glory to glowworm gleam. We were lowquacks did we not tacit turn. Elsewere
there here no concern of the Guinnesses. But only the ruining of the rain
has heard. Estout pourporteral ! Cracklings cricked. A human pest cycling
(pist!) and recycling (past!) about the sledgy streets, here he was (pust!)
again! Morse nuisance noised. He was loose at large and (Oh baby!) might be
anywhere when a disguised exnun, of huge standbuild and masculine manners in
her fairly fat forties, Carpulenta Gygasta, hattracted hattention by
harbitrary conduct with a homnibus. Aerials buzzed to coastal listeners of
an oertax bror collector's budget, fullybigs, sporran, tie, tuft, tabard and
bloody antichill cloak, its tailor's (Baernfather's) tab reading V.P.H.,
found nigh Scaldbrothar's Hole, and divers shivered to think what kaind of
beast, wolves, croppis's or fourpenny friars, had devoured him. C. W. cast
wide. Hvidfinns lyk, drohneth svertgleam, Valkir lockt. On his pinksir's
postern, the boys had it, at Whitweekend had been nailed an inkedup name and
title, inscribed in the national cursives, accelerated, regressive,
filiform, turreted and envenomoloped in piggotry: Move up. Mumpty! Mike room
for Rumpty! By order, Nickekellous Plugg; and this go, no pentecostal jest
about it, how gregarious his race soever or skilful learned wise cunning
knowledgable clear profound his saying fortitudo fraught or prudentiaproven,
were he chief, count, general, fieldmarshal, prince, king or Myles the
Slasher in his person, with a moliamordhar mansion in the Breffnian empire
and a place of inauguration on the hill of Tullymongan, there had been real
murder, of the rayheallach royghal raxacraxian variety, the MacMahon chaps,
it was, that had done him in. On the fidd of Verdor the rampart combatants
had left him lion with his dexter handcoup wresterected in a pureede paumee
bloody proper. Indeed not a few thick and thin wellwishers, mostly of the
clontarfminded class, (Colonel John Bawle O'Roarke, fervxamplus), even
ventured so far as to loan or beg copies of D. Blayncy's trilingual
triweekly, Scatterbrains' Aftening Posht,so as to make certain sure onetime
and be satisfied of their quasicontribusodalitarian's having become
genuinely quite beetly dead whether by land whither by water. Transocean
atalaclamoured him; The latter! The latter! Shall their hope then be silent
or Macfarlane lack of lamentation? He lay under leagues of it in deep
Bartholoman's Deep.
Achdung! Pozor! Attenshune! Vikeroy Besights Smucky Yung Pigeschoolies.
Tri Paisdinernes Eventyr Med Lochlanner Fathach I Fiounnisgehaven.
Bannalanna Bangs Ballyhooly Out Of Her Buddaree Of A Bullavogue.
But, their bright little contemporaries notwithstanding, on the
morrowing morn of the suicidal murder of the unrescued expatriate, aslike as
asnake comes sliduant down that oaktree onto the duke of beavers, (you may
have seen some liquidamber exude exotic from a balsam poplar at
Parteen-a-lax Limestone. Road and cried Abies Magnifica! not, noble fir?) a
quarter of nine, imploring his resipiency, saw the infallible spike of
smoke's jutstiff punctual from the seventh gable of our Quintus Centimachus'
porphyroid buttertower and then thirsty p.m. with oaths upon his lastingness
(En caecos harauspices ! Annos longos patimur !) the lamps of maintenance,
beaconsfarafield innerhalf the zuggurat, all brevetnamed, the wasting
wyvern, the tawny of his mane, the swinglowswaying bluepaw, the outstanding
man, the lolllike lady, being litten for the long (O land, how long!)
lifesnight, with suffusion of fineglass transom and leadlight panes.
Wherefore let it hardly by any being thinking be said either or thought
that the prisoner of that sacred edifice, were he an Ivor the Boneless or an
Olaf the Hide, was at his best a onestone parable, a rude breathing on the
void of to be, a venter hearing his own bauchspeech in backwords, or, more
strictly, but tristurned initials, the cluekey to a worldroom beyond the
roomwhorld, for scarce one, or pathetically few of his dode canal
sammenlivers cared seriously or for long to doubt with Kurt Iuld van Dijke
(the gravitational pull perceived by certain fixed residents and the capture
of uncertain comets chancedrifting through our system suggesting an
authenticitatem of his aliquitudinis) the canonicity of his existence as a
tesseract. Be still, O quick! Speak him dumb! Hush ye fronds of Ulma!
Dispersal women wondered. Was she fast?
Do tell us all about. As we want to hear allabout. So tellus tellas
allabouter. The why or whether she looked alottylike like ussies and whether
he had his wimdop like themses shut? Notes and queries, tipbids and answers,
the laugh and the shout, the ards and downs. Now listed to one aneither and
liss them down and smoothen out your leaves of rose. The war is o'er. Wimwim
wimwim! Was it Unity Moore or Estella Swifte or Varina Fay or Quarta
Quaedam? Toemaas, mark oom for yor ounckel! Pigeys, hold op med yer leg!
Who, but who (for second time of asking) was then the scourge of the parts
about folkrich Lucalizod it was wont to be asked, as, in ages behind of the
Homo Capite Erectus, what price Peabody's money, or, to put it bluntly,
whence is the herringtons' white cravat, as, in epochs more cainozoic, who
struck Buckley though nowadays as thentimes every schoolfilly of sevenscore
moons or more who knowher intimologies and every colleen bawl aroof and
every redflammelwaving warwife and widowpeace upon Dublin Wall for ever
knows as yayas is yayas how it was Buckleyself (we need no blooding paper to
tell it neither) who struck and the Russian generals, da! da!, instead of
Buckley who was caddishly struck by him when be herselves. What fullpried
paulpoison in the spy of three castles or which hatefilled smileyseller? And
that such a vetriol of venom, that queen's head affranchisant, a quiet
stinkingplaster zeal could cover, prepostered or postpaid! The loungelizards
of the pumproom had their nine days' ~er, and pratschkats at their
platschpails too and holenpolendom beside, Szpaszpas Szpissmas, the
zhanyzhonies, when, still believing in her owenglass, when izarres were
twinklins, that the upper reaches of her mouthless face and her impermanent
waves were the better half of her, one nearer him, dearer than all, first
warming creature of his early morn, bondwoman of the man of the house, and
murrmurr of all the mackavicks, she who had given his eye for her bed and a
tooth for a child till one one and one ten and one hundred again, O me and O
ye ! cadet and prim, the hungray and anngreen (and if she is older now than
her teeth she has hair that is younger than thighne, my dear!) she who
shuttered him after his fall and waked him widowt sparing and gave him keen
and made him able and held adazillahs to each arche of his noes, she who
will not rast her from her running to seek him till, with the help of the
okeamic, some such time that she shall have been after hiding the crumbends
of his enormousness in the areyou lookingfor Pearlfar sea, (ur, uri, uria!)
stood forth, burnzburn the gorggony old danworld, in gogor's name, for
gagar's sake, dragging the countryside in her train, finickin here and
funickin there, with her louisequean's brogues and her culunder buzzle and
her litde bolero boa and all and two times twenty curlicornies for her
headdress, specks on her eyeux, and spudds on horeilles and a circusfix
riding her Parisienne's cockneze, a vaunt her straddle from Equerry Egon,
when Tinktink in the churchclose clinked Steploajazzyma Sunday, Sola, with
pawns, prelates and pookas pelotting in her piecebag, for Handiman the
Chomp, Esquoro, biskbask, to crush the slander's head.
Wery weeny wight, plead for Morandmor! Notre Dame de la Ville, mercy of
thy balmheartzyheat! Ogrowdnyk's beyond herbata tay, wort of the drogist.
Bulk him no bulkis. And let him rest, thou wayfarre, and take no gravespoil
from him! Neither mar his mound! The bane of Tut is on it. Ware! But there's
a little lady waiting and her name is A.L.P. And you'll agree. She must be
she. For her holden heirheaps hanging down her back. He spenth his strenth
amok haremscarems. Poppy Narancy, Giallia, Chlora, Marinka, Anileen, Parme.
And ilk a those dames had her rainbow huemoures yet for whilko her whims but
he coined a cure. Tifftiff today, kissykissy tonay and agelong pine
tomauranna. Then who but Crippled-with-Children would speak up for
Sold him her lease of ninenineninetee,
Tresses undresses so dyedyedaintee,
Goo, the groot gudgeon, gulped it all.
Hoo was the C. O. D.?
Bum !
At Island Bridge she met her tide.
Attabom, attabom, attabombomboom!
The Fin had a flux and his Ebba a ride.
Attabom, attabom, attabombomboom!
We're all up to the years in hues and cribies.
That's what she's done for wee!
Nomad may roam with Nabuch but let naaman laugh at Jordan! For we, we
have taken our sheet upon her stones where we have hanged our hearts in her
trees; and we list, as she bibs us, by the waters of babalong.
In the name of Annah the Allmaziful, the Everliving, the Bringer of
Plurabilities, haloed be her eve, her singtime sung, her rill be run,
unhemmed as it is uneven!
Her untitled mamafesta memorialising the Mosthighest has gone by many
names at disjointed times. Thus we hear of, The Augusta Angustissimost for
Old Seabeastius' Salvation, Rockabill Booby in the Wave Trough, Here's to
the Relicts of All Decencies, Anna Stessa's Rise to Notice, Knickle Down
Duddy Gunne and Arishe Sir Cannon, My Golden One and My Selver Wedding,
Amoury Treestam and Icy Siseule, Saith a Sawyer til a Strame, Ik dik
dopedope et tu mihimihi, Buy Birthplate for a Bite, Which of your Hesterdays
Mean Ye to Morra? Hoebegunne the Hebrewer Hit Waterman the Brayned, Arcs in
His Ceiling Flee Chinx on the Flur, Rebus de Hibernicis, The Crazier
Letters, Groans of a Britoness, Peter Peopler Picked a Plot to Pitch his
Poppolin, An Apology for a Big (some such nonoun as Husband or husboat or
hosebound is probably understood for we have also the plutherplethoric My
Hoonsbood Hansbaad's a Journey to Porthergill gone and He Never Has the
Hour), Ought We To Visit Him? For Ark see Zoo, Cleopater's Nedlework
Ficturing Aldborougham on the Sahara with the Coombing of the Cammmels and
the Parlourmaids of Aegypt, Cock in the Pot for Father, Placeat Vestrae, A
New Cure for an Old Clap, Where Portentos they'd Grow Gonder how I'd Wish I
Woose a Geese; Gettle Nettie, Thrust him not, When the Myrtles of Venice
Played to Bloccus's Line, To Plenge Me High He Waives Chiltern on Friends,
Oremunds Queue Visits Amen Mart, E'en Tho' I Granny a-be He would Fain Me
Cuddle, Twenty of Chambers, Weighty Ten Beds and a Wan Ceteroom, I Led the
Life, Through the Boxer Coxer Rising in the House with the Golden Stairs,
The Following Fork, He's my O'Jerusalem and I'm his Po, The Best in the
West, By the Stream of Zemzem under Zigzag Hill, The Man That Made His
Mother in the Marlborry Train, Try Our Taal on a Taub, The Log of Anny to
the Base All, Nopper Tipped a Nappiwenk to his Notylytl Dantsigirls, Prszss
Orel Orel the King of Orlbrdsz, Intimier Minnelisp of an Extorreor
Monolothe, Drink to Him, My Juckey, and Dhoult Bemine Thy Winnowing Sheet, I
Ask You to Believe I was his Mistress, He Can Explain, From Victrolia
Nuancee to Allbart Noahnsy, Da's a Daisy so Guimea your Handsel too, What
Barbaras Done to a Barrel Organ Before the Rank, Tank and Bonnbtail, Huskvy
Admortal, What Jumbo made to Jalice and what Anisette to Him, Ophelia's
Culpreints, Hear Hubty Hublin, My Old Dansh, I am Older northe Rogues among
Whisht I Slips and He Calls Me his Dual of Ayessha, Suppotes a
Ventriliquorst Merries a Corpse, Lapps for Finns This Funnycoon's Week, How
the Buckling Shut at Rush in January, Look to the Lady, From the Rise of the
Dudge Pupublick to the Fall of the Potstille, Of the Two Ways of Opening the
Mouth, I have not Stopped Water Where It Should Flow and I Know the
Twentynine Names of Attraente, The Tortor of Tory Island Traits Galasia like
his Milchcow, From Abbeygate to Crowalley Through a Lift in the Lude, Smocks
for Their Graces and Me Aunt for Them Clodshoppers, How to Pull a Good
Horuscoup even when Oldsire is Dead to the World, Inn the Gleam of Waherlow,
Fathe He's Sukceded to My Esperations, Thee Steps Forward, Two Stops Back,
My Skin Appeals to Three Senses and My Curly Lips Demand Columbkisses; Gage
Street on a Crany's Savings, Them Lads made a Trion of Battlewatschers and
They Totties a Doeit of Deers, In My Lord's Bed by One Whore Went Through
It, Mum It is All Over, Cowpoyride by Twelve Acre Terriss in the Unique
Estates of Amessican, He Gave me a Thou so I serve Him with Thee, Of all the
Wide Torsos in all the Wild Glen, O'Donogh, White Donogh, He's Hue to Me
Cry, I'm the Stitch in his Baskside You'd be Nought Without Mom, To Keep the
Huskies off the Hustings and Picture Pets from Lifting Shops, Norsker
Torsker Find the Poddle, He Perssed Me Here with the Ardour of a
Tonnoburkes, A Boob Was Weeping This Mower was Reaping, O'Loughlin, Up from
the Pit of my Stomach I Swish you the White of the Mourning, Inglo-Andeen
Medoleys from Tommany Moohr, The Great Polynesional Entertrainer Exhibits
Ballantine Brautchers with the Link of Natures, The Mimic of Meg Neg end the
Mackeys, Entered as the Lastest Pigtarial and My Pooridiocal at
Stitchioner's Hall, Siegfield Follies and or a Gentlehomme's Faut Pas, See
the First Book of Jealesies Pessim, The Suspended Sentence, A Pretty Brick
Story for Childsize Heroes, As Lo Our Sleep, I Knew I'd Got it in Me so Thit
settles That, Thonderbalt Captain Smeth and La Belle Sauvage Pocahonteuse,
Way for Wet Week Welikin's Douchka Marianne, The Last of the Fingallians, It
Was Me Egged Him on to the Stork Exchange and Lent my Dutiful Face to His
Customs, Chee Chee Cheels on their China Miction, Pickedmeup Peters,
Lumptytumtumpty had a Big Fall, Pimpimp Pimpimp, Measly Ventures of Two Lice
and the Fall of Fruit, The Fokes Family Interior, If my Spreadeagles Wasn't
so Tight I'd Loosen my Cursits on that Bunch of Maggiestraps, Allolosha
Popofetts and Howke Cotchme Eye, Seen Aples and Thin Dyed, i big U to
Beleaves from Love and Mother, Fine's Fault was no Felon, Exat Delvin Renter
Life,The Flash that Flies from Vuggy's Eyes has Set Me Hair On Fire, His is
the House that Malt Made, Divine Views from Back to the Front, Abe to Sare
Stood Icyk Neuter till Brahm Taulked Him Common Sex, A Nibble at Eve Will
That Bowal Relieve, Allfor Guineas, Sounds and Compliments Libidous, Seven
Wives Awake Aweek, Airy Ann and Berber Blut, Amy Licks Porter While Huffy
Chops Eads, Abbrace of Umbellas or a Tripple of Caines, Buttbutterbust, From
the Manorlord Hoved to the Misses O'Mollies and from the Dames to their
Sames, Manyfestoons for the Colleagues on the Green, An Outstanding Back and
an Excellent Halfcentre if Called on, As Tree is Quick and Stone is White So
ts My Washing Done by Night, First and Last Only True Account au about the
Honorary Mirsu Earwicker, L.S.D., and the Snake (Nuggets!) by a Woman of the
World who only can Tell Naked Truths about a Dear Man and all his
Conspirators how they all Tried to Fall him Putting it all around Lucalizod
about Privates Earwicker and a Pair of Sloppy Sluts plainly Showing all the
Unmentionability falsely Accusing about the Raincoats.
The proteiform graph itself is a polyhedron of scripture. There was a
time when naif alphabetters would have written it down the tracing of a
purely deliquescent recidivist, possibly ambidextrous, snubnosed probably
and presenting a strangely profound rainbowl in his (or her) occiput. To the
hardily curiosing entomophilust then it has shown a very sexmosaic of
nymphosis in which the eternal chimerahunter Oriolopos, now frond of sugars,
then lief of saults, the sensory crowd in his belly coupled with an eye for
the goods trooth bewilderblissed by their night effluvia with guns like
drums and fondlers like forceps persequestellates his vanessas from flore to
flore. Somehows this sounds like the purest kidooleyoon wherein our
madernacerution of lour lore is rich. All's so herou from us him in a
kitchernott darkness, by hasard and worn rolls arered, we must grope on till
Zerogh hour like pou owl giaours as we are would we salve aught of moments
for our aysore today. Amousin though not but. Closer inspection of the
bordereau would reveal a multiplicity of personalities inflicted on the
documents or document and some prevision of virtual crime or crimes might be
made by anyone unwary enough before any suitable occasion for it or them had
so far managed to happen along. In fact, under the closed eyes of the
inspectors the traits featuring the chiaroscuro coalesce, their
contrarieties eliminated, in one stable somebody similarly as by the
providential warring of heartshaker with housebreaker and of dramdrinker
against freethinker our social something bowls along bumpily, experiencing a
jolting series of prearranged disappointments, down the long lane of (it's
as semper as oxhousehumper! generations, more generations and still more
Say, baroun lousadoor, who in hallhagal wrote the durn thing anyhow?
Erect, beseated, mountback, against a partywall, below freezigrade, by the
use of quill or style, with turbid or pellucid mind, accompanied or the
reverse by mastication, interrupted by visit of seer to scribe or of scribe
to site, atwixt two showers or atosst of a trike, rained upon or blown
around, by a rightdown regular racer from the soil or by a too pained
whittlewit laden with the loot of learning?
Now, patience; and remember patience is the great thing, and above all
things else we must avoid anything like being or becoming out of patience. A
good plan used by worried business folk who may not have had many momentums
to master Kung's doctrine of the meang or the propriety codestruces of
Carprimustimus is just to think of all the sinking fund of patience
possessed in their conjoint names by both brothers Bruce with whom are
incorporated their Scotch spider and Elberfeld's Calculating Horses. If
after years upon years of delving in ditches dark one tubthumper more than
others, Kinihoun or Kahanan, giardarner or mear measenmanonger, has got up
for the darnall same purpose of reassuring us with all the barbar of the
Carrageehouse that our great ascendant was properly speaking three syllables
less than his own surname (yes, yes, less!), that the ear of Fionn Earwicker
aforetime was the trademark of a broadcaster with wicker local jargon for an
ace's patent (Hear! Calls! Everywhair!) then as to this radiooscillating
epiepistle to which, cotton, silk or samite, kohol, gall or brickdust, we
must ceaselessly return, whereabouts exactly at present in Siam, Hell or
Tophet under that glorisol which plays touraloup with us in this Aludin's
Cove of our cagacity is that bright soandsuch to slip us the dinkum oil?
Naysayers we know. To conclude purely negatively from the positive
absence of political odia and monetary requests that its page cannot ever
have been a penproduct of a man or woman of that period or those parts is
only one more unlookedfor conclusion leaped at, being tantamount to
inferring from the nonpresence of inverted commas (sometimes called
quotation marks) on any page that its author was always constitutionally
incapable of misappropriating the spoken words of others.
Luckily there is another cant to the questy. Has any fellow, of the
dime a dozen type, it might with some profit some dull evening quietly be
hinted--has any usual sort of ornery josser, flatchested fortyish, faintly
flatulent and given to ratiocination by syncopation in the elucidation of
complications,of his greatest Fung Yang dynasdescendanced,only another the
son of, in fact, ever looked sufficiently longly at a quite everydaylooking
stamped addressed envelope? Admittedly it is an outer husk: its face, in all
its featureful perfection of imperfection, is its fortune: it exhibits only
the civil or military clothing of whatever passionpallid nudity or
plaguepurple nakedness may happen to tuck itself under its flap. Yet to
concentrate solely on the literal sense or even the psychological content of
any document to the sore neglect of the enveloping facts themselves
circumstantiating it is just as hurtful to sound sense (and let it be added
to the truest taste) as were some fellow in the act of perhaps getting an
intro from another fellow turning out to be a friend in need of his, say, to
a lady of the latter's acquaintance, engaged in performing the elaborative
antecistral ceremony of upstheres, straightaway to run off and vision her
plump and plain in her natural altogether, preferring to close his
blinkhard's eyes to the ethiquethical fact that she was, after all, wearing
for the space of the time being some definite articles of evolutionary
clothing, inharmonious creations, a captious critic might describe them as,
or not strictly necessary or a trifle irritating here and there, but for all
that suddenly full of local colour and personal perfume and suggestive, too,
of so very much more and capable of being stretched, filled out, if need or
wish were, of having their surprisingly like coincidental parts separated
don't they now, for better survey by the deft hand of an expert, don't you
know? Who in his heart doubts either that the facts of feminine clothiering
are there all the time or that the feminine fiction, stranger than the
facts, is there also at the same time, only a little to the rere? Or that
one may be separated from the other? Or that both may then be contemplated
simultaneously? Or that each may be taken up and considered in turn apart
from the other?
Here let a few artifacts fend in their own favour. The river felt she
wanted salt. That was just where Brien came in. The country asked for
bearspaw for dindin! And boundin aboundin it got it surly. We who live under
heaven, we of the clovery kingdom, we middlesins people have often watched
the sky overreaching the land. We suddenly have. Our isle is Sainge. The
place. That stern chuckler Mayhappy Mayhapnot, once said to repeation in
that lutran conservatory way of his that Isitachapel-Asitalukin was the one
place, ult aut nult, in this madh vaal of tares (whose verdhure's yellowed
therever Phaiton parks his car while its tamelised tay is the drame of
Drainophilias) where the possible was the improbable and the improbable the
inevitable. If the proverbial bishop of our holy and undivided with this me
ken or no me ken Zot is the Quiztune havvermashed had his twoe nails on the
head we are in for a sequentiality of improbable possibles though possibly
nobody after having grubbed up a lock of cwold cworn aboove his subject
probably in Harrystotalies or the vivle will go out of his way to applaud
him on the onboiassed back of his remark for utterly impossible as are all
these events they are probably as like those which may have taken place as
any others which never took person at all are ever likely to be. Ahahn!
About that original hen. Midwinter (fruur or kuur?) was in the offing
and Premver a promise of a pril when, as kischabrigies sang life's old
sahatsong, an iceclad shiverer, merest of bantlings observed a cold fowl
behaviourising strangely on that fatal midden or chip factory or
comicalbottomed copsjute (dump for short) afterwards changed into the
orangery when in the course of deeper demolition unexpectedly one bushman's
holiday its limon threw up a few spontaneous fragments of orangepeel, the
last remains of an outdoor meal by some unknown sunseeker or placehider
illico way back in his mistridden past. What child of a strandlooper but
keepy little Kevin in the despondful surrounding of such sneezing cold would
ever have trouved up on a strate that was called strete a motive for future
saintity by euchring the finding of the Ardagh chalice by another heily
innocent and beachwalker whilst trying with pious clamour to wheedle
Tipperaw raw raw reeraw puteters out of Now Sealand in spignt of the
patchpurple of the massacre, a dual a duel to die to day, goddam and biggod,
sticks and stanks, of most of the Jacobiters.
The bird in the case was Belinda of the Dorans,a more than
quinquegintarian (Terziis prize with Serni medal, Cheepalizzy's Hane
Exposition) and what she was scratching at the hour of klokking twelve
looked for all this zogzag world like a goodishsized sheet of letterpaper
originating by transhipt from Boston (Mass.) of the last of the first to
Dear whom it proceded to mention Maggy well & allathome's health well only
the hate turned the mild on the van Houtens and the general's elections with
a lovely face of some born gentleman with a beautiful present of wedding
cakes for dear thankyou Chriesty and with grand funferall of poor Father
Michael don't forget unto life's & Muggy well how are you Maggy & hopes soon
to hear well & must now close it with fondest to the twoinns with four
crosskisses for holy paul holey comer holipoli whollyisland pee ess from
(locust may eat all but this sign shall they never) affectionate
largelooking tache of tch. The stain, and that a teastain (the
overcautelousness of the masterbilker here, as usual, signing the page
away), marked it off on the spout of the moment as a genuine relique of
ancient Irish pleasant pottery of that lydialike languishing class known as
a hurry-me-o'er-the-hazy.
Why then how?
Well, almost any photoist worth his chemicots will tip anyone asking
him the teaser that if a negative of a horse happens to melt enough while
drying, well, what you do get is, well, a positively grotesquely distorted
macromass of all sorts of horsehappy values and masses of meltwhile horse.
Tip. Well, this freely is what must have occurred to our missive (there's a
sod of a turb for you! please wisp off the grass!) unfilthed from the
boucher by the sagacity of a lookmelittle likemelong hen. Heated residence
in the heart of the orangeflavoured mudmound had partly obliterated the
negative to start with, causing some features palpably nearer your pecker to
be swollen up most grossly while the farther back we manage to wiggle the
more we need the loan of a lens to see as much as the hen saw. Tip.
You is feeling like you was lost in the bush, boy? You says: It is a
puling sample jungle of woods. You most shouts out: Bethicket me for a stump
of a beech if I have the poultriest notions what the farest he all means.
Gee up, girly! The quad gospellers may own the targum but any of the Zingari
shoolerim may pick a peck of kindlings yet from the sack of auld hensyne.
Lead, kindly fowl! They always did: ask the ages. What bird has done
yesterday man may do next year, be it fly, be it moult, be it hatch, be it
agreement in the nest. For her socioscientific sense is sound as a bell,
sir, her volucrine automutativeness right on normalcy: she knows, she just
feels she was kind of born to lay and love eggs (trust her to propagate the
species and hoosh her fluffballs safe through din and danger!); lastly but
mostly, in her genesic field it is all game and no gammon; she is ladylike
in everything she does and plays the gentleman's part every time. Let us
auspice it! Yes, before all this has time to end the golden age must return
with its vengeance. Man will become dirigible, Ague will be rejuvenated,
woman with her ridiculous white burden will reach by one step sublime
incubation, the manewanting human lioness with her dishorned discipular
manram will lie down together publicly flank upon fleece. No, assuredly,
they are not justified, those gloompourers who grouse that letters have
never been quite their old selves again since that weird weekday in bleak
Janiveer (yet how palmy date in a waste's oasis!) when to the shock of both,
Biddy Doran looked at literature.
And. She may be a mere marcella, this midget madgetcy, Misthress of
Arths. But. It is not a hear or say of some anomorous letter, signed Toga
Girilis, (teasy dear). We have a cop of her fist right against our nosibos.
We note the paper with her jotty young watermark: Notre Dame du Bon March‚.
And she has a heart of Arin! What lumililts as she fols with her
fallimineers and her nadianods. As a strow will shaw she does the wind
blague, recting to show the rudess of a robur curling and shewing the
fansaties of a frizette. But how many of her readers realise that she is not
out to dizzledazzle with a graith uncouthrement of postmantuam glasseries
from the lapins and the grigs. Nuttings on her wilelife! Grabar gooden
grandy for old almeanium adamologists like Dariaumaurius and
Zovotrimaserovmeravmerouvian; (dmzn!); she feel plain plate one flat fact
thing and if, lastways firdstwise, a man alones sine anyon anyons utharas
has no rates to done a kik at with anyon anakars about tutus milking fores
and the rereres on the outerrand asikin the tutus to be forrarder.
Mesdaims, Marmouselles, Mescerfs! Silvapais! All schwants (schwrites) ischt
tell the cock's trootabout him. Kapak kapuk. No minzies matter. He had to
see life foully the plak and the smut, (schwrites). There were three men in
him (schwrites). Dancings (schwrites) was his only ttoo feebles. With apple
harlottes. And a little mollvogels. Spissially (schwrites) when they
peaches. Honeys wore camelia paints. Yours very truthful. Add dapple inn.
Yet is it but an old story, the tale of a Treestone with one Ysold, of a
Mons held by tentpegs and his pal whatholoosed on the run, what Cadman could
but Badman wouldn't, any Genoaman against any Venis, and why Kate takes
charge of the waxworks.
Let us now, weather, health, dangers, public orders and other
circumstances permitting, of perfectly convenient, if you police, after you,
policepolice, pardoning mein, ich beam so fresch, bey? drop this
jiggerypokery and talk straight turkey meet to mate, for while the ear, be
we mikealls or nicholists, may sometimes be inclined to believe others the
eye, whether browned or nolensed, find it devilish hard now and again even
to believe itself. Habes aures et num videbis? Habes oculos ac
mannepalpabuat? Tip ! Drawing nearer to take our slant at it (since after
all it has met with misfortune while all underground), let us see all there
may remain to be seen.
I am a worker, a tombstone mason, anxious to pleace averyburies and
jully glad when Christmas comes his once ayear. You are a poorjoist,
unctuous to polise nopebobbies and tunnibelly soully when 'tis thime took
o'er home, gin. We cannot say aye to aye. We cannot smile noes from noes.
Still. One cannot help noticing that rather more than half of the lines run
north-south in the Nemzes and Bukarahast directions while the others go
west-east in search from Maliziies with Bulgarad for, tiny tot though it
looks when schtschupnistling alongside other incunabula,it has its cardinal
points for all that. These ruled barriers along which the traced words, run,
march, halt, walk, stumble at doubtful points, stumble up again in
comparative safety seem to have been drawn first of all in a pretty checker
with lampblack and blackthorn. Such crossing is antechristian of course, but
the use of the homeborn shillelagh as an aid to calligraphy shows a distinct
advance from savagery to barbarism. It is seriously believed by some that
the intention may have been geodetic, or, in the view of the cannier,
domestic economical. But by writing thithaways end to end and turning,
turning and end to end hithaways writing and with lines of litters
slittering up and louds of latters slettering down, the old semetomyplace
and jupetbackagain from tham Let Rise till Hum Lit. Sleep, where in the
waste is the wisdom?
Another point, in addition to the original sand, pounce powder,
drunkard paper or soft rag used (any vet or inhanger in ous sot's social can
see the seen for seemself, a wee ftofty od room, the cheery spluttered on
the one karrig, a darka disheen of voos from Dalbania, any gotsquantity of
racky, a portogal and some buk setting out on the sofer, you remember the
sort of softball sucker motru used to tell us when we were all biribiyas or
nippies and messas) it has acquired accretions of terricious matter whilst
loitering in the past. The teatimestained terminal (say not the tag, mummer,
or our show's a failure!) is a cosy little brown study all to oneself and,
whether it be thumbprint, mademark or just a poor trait of the artless, its
importance in establishing the identities in the writer complexus (for if
the hand was one, the minds of active and agitated were more than so) will
be best appreciated by never forgetting that both before and after the
battle of the Boyne it was a habit not to sign letters always. Tip. And it
is surely a lesser ignorance to write a word with every consonant too few
than to add all too many. The end? Say it with missiles then and thus
arabesque the page. You have your cup of scalding Souchong, your taper's
waxen drop, your cat's paw, the clove or coffinnail you chewed or champed as
you worded it, your lark in clear air. So why, pray, sign anything as long
as every word, letter, penstroke, paperspace is a perfect signature of its
own? A true friend is known much more easily, and better into the bargain,
by his personal touch, habits of full or undress, movements, response to
appeals for charity than by his footwear, say. And, speaking anent Tiberias
and other incestuish salacities among gerontophils, a word of warning about
the tenderloined passion hinted at. Some softnosed peruser might mayhem take
it up erogenously as the usual case of spoons, prostituta in herba plus
dinky pinks deliberatively summersaulting off her bisexycle, at the main
entrance of curate's perpetual soutane suit with her one to see and awoh!
who picks her up as gingerly as any balmbearer would to feel whereupon the
virgin was most hurt and nicely asking: whyre have you been so grace a
mauling and where were you chaste me child? Be who, farther potential? and
so wider but we grisly old Sykos who have done our unsmiling bit on 'alices,
when they were yung and easily freudened, in the penumbra of the procuring
room and what oracular comepression we have had apply to them! could (did we
care to sell our feebought silence in camera) tell our very moistnostrilled
one that father in such virgated contexts is not always that undemonstrative
relative (often held up to our contumacy) who settles our hashbill for us
and what an innocent allabroad's adverb such as Michaelly looks like can be
suggestive of under the pudendascope and, finally, what a neurasthene
nympholept, endocrine-pineal typus, of inverted parentage with a
prepossessing drauma present in her past and a priapic urge for congress
with agnates before cognates fundamentally is feeling for under her
lubricitous meiosis when she refers with liking to some feeler she fancie's
face. And Mm. We could. Yet what need to say? 'Tis as human a little story
as paper could well carry, in affect, as singsing so Salaman susuing to
swittvitles while as unbluffingly blurtubruskblunt as an Esra? the cat, the
cat's meeter, the meeter's cat's wife, the meeter's cat's wife's half
better, the meeter's cat's wife's half better's meeter, and so back to our
horses, for we also know, what we have perused from the pages of I Was A
Gemral, that Showting up of Bulsklivism by 'Schottenboum', that Father
Michael about this red time of the white terror equals the old regime and
Margaret is the social revolution while cakes mean the party funds and dear
thank you signifies national gratitude. In fine, we have heard, as it
happened, of Spartacus intercellular. We are not corknered yet,dead hand! We
can recall, with voluntears, the froggy jew, and sweeter far 'twere now
westhinks in Dumbil's fair city ere one more year is o'er. We tourned our
coasts to the good gay tunes. When from down swords the sea merged the
oldowth guns and answer made the bold O' Dwyer. But. Est modest in verbos.
Let a prostitute be whoso stands before a door and winks or parks herself in
the fornix near a makeussin wall (sinsin! sinsin!) and the curate one who
brings strong waters (gingin! gingin!), but also, and dinna forget, that
there is many asleeps between someathome's first and moreinausland's last
and that the beautiful presence of waiting kates will until life's (!) be
more than enough to make any milkmike in the language of sweet tarts punch
hell's hate into his twin nicky and that Maggy's tea, or your majesty, if
heard as a boost from a born gentleman is (?). For if the lingo gasped
between kicksheets, however basically English, were to be preached from the
mouths of wickerchurchwardens and metaphysicians in the row and advokaatoes,
allvoyous, demivoyelles, languoaths, lesbiels, dentelles, gutterhowls and
furtz, where would their practice be or where the human race itself were the
Pythagorean sesquipedalia of the panepistemion, however apically Volapucky,
grunted and gromwelled, ichabod, habakuk, opanoff, uggamyg, hapaxle,
gomenon, ppppfff, over country stiles, behind slated dwellinghouses, down
blind lanes, or, when all fruit fails, under some sacking left on a coarse
cart? So hath been, love: tis tis: and will be: till wears and tears and
ages. Thief us the night, steal we the air, shawl thiner liefest, mine!
Here, Ohere, insult the fair! Traitor, bad hearer, brave! The lightning
look, the birding cry, awe from the grave, everflowing on the times.
Feueragusaria iordenwater; now godsun shine on menday's daughter; a good
clap, a fore marriage, a bad wake, tell hell's well; such is manowife's lot
of lose and win again, like he's gruen quhiskers on who's chin again, she
plucketed them out but they grown in again. So what are you going to do
about it? O dear!
If juness she saved! Ah ho! And if yulone he pouved! The olold
stoliolum! From quiqui quinet to michemiche chelet and a jambebatiste to a
brulobrulo! It is told in sounds in utter that, in signs so adds to, in
universal, in polygluttural, in each auxiliary neutral idiom, sordomutics,
florilingua, sheltafocal, flayflutter, a con's cubane, a pro's tutute,
strassarab, ereperse and anythongue athall. Since nozzy Nanette tripped
palmyways with Highho Harry there's a spurtfire turf a'kind o'kindling when
oft as the souffsouff blows her peaties up and a claypot wet for thee, my
Sitys, and talkatalka tell Tibbs has eve: and whathough (revilous life
proving aye the death of ronaldses when winpower wine has bucked the kick on
poor won man) billiousness has been billiousness during milliums of
millenions and our mixed racings have been giving two hoots or three jeers
for the grape, vine and brew and Pieter's in Nieuw Amsteldam and Paoli's
where the poules go and rum smelt his end for him and he dined off sooth
american (it would give one the frier even were one a normal Kettlelicker)
this oldworld epistola of their weatherings and their marryings and their
buryings and their natural selections has combled tumbled down to us fersch
and made-at-all-hours like an ould cup on tay. As I was hottin me souser.
Haha! And as you was caldin your dutchy hovel. Hoho! She tole the tail or
her toon. Huhu!
Now, kapnimancy and infusionism may both fit as tight as two trivets
but while we in our wee free state, holding to that prestatute in our
charter, may have our irremovable doubts as to the whole sense of the lot,
the interpretation of any phrase in the whole, the meaning of every word of
a phrase so far deciphered out of it, however unfettered our Irish daily
independence, we must vaunt no idle dubiosity as to its genuine authorship
and holusbolus authoritativeness. And let us bringtheecease to beakerings on
that clink, olmond bottler! On the face of it, to volt back to our desultory
horses, and for your roughshod mind, bafflelost bull, the affair is a thing
once for all done and there you are somewhere and finished in a certain
time, be it a day or a year or even supposing, it should eventually turn out
to be a serial number of goodness gracious alone knows how many days or
years. Anyhow, somehow and somewhere, before the bookflood or after her ebb,
somebody mentioned by name in his telephone directory, Coccolanius or
Gallotaurus, wrote it, wrote it all, wrote it all down, and there you are,
full stop. O, undoubtedly yes, and very potably so, but one who deeper
thinks will always bear in the baccbuccus of his mind that this downright
there you are and there it is is only all in his eye. Why?
Because, Soferim Bebel, if it goes to that, (and dormerwindow gossip
will cry it from the housetops no surelier than the writing on the wall will
hue it to the mod of men that mote in the main street) every person, place
and thing in the chaosmos of Alle anyway connected with the gobblydumped
turkery was moving and changing every part of the time: the travelling
inkhorn (possibly pot), the hare and turtle pen and paper, the continually
more and less intermisunderstanding minds of the anticollaborators, the as
time went on as it will variously inflected, differently pronounced,
otherwise spelled, changeably meaning vocable scriptsigns. No, so holp me
Petault, it is not a miseffectual whyacinthinous riot of blots and blurs and
bars and balls and hoops and wriggles and juxtaposed jottings linked by
spurts of speed: it only looks as like it as damn it; and, sure, we ought
really to rest thankful that at this deleteful hour of dungflies dawning we
have even a written on with dried ink scrap of paper at all to show for
ourselves, tare it or leaf it, (and we are lufted to ourselves as the
soulfisher when he led the cat out of the bout) after all that we lost and
plundered of it even to the hidmost coignings of the earth and all it has
gone through and by all means, after a good ground kiss to Terracussa and
for wars luck our lefftoff's flung over our home homoplate, cling to it as
with drowning hands, hoping against hope all the while that, by the light of
philophosy, (and may she never folsage us!) things will begin to clear up a
bit one way or another within the next quarrel of an hour and be hanged to
them as ten to one they will too, please the pigs, as they ought to
categorically, as, stricly between ourselves,there is a limit to all things
so this will never do.
For, with that farmfrow's foul flair for that flayfell foxfetor, (the
calamite's columitas calling for calamitous calamitance) who that
scrutinising marvels at those indignant whiplooplashes; those so prudently
bolted or blocked rounds; the touching reminiscence of an incompletet trail
or dropped final; a round thousand whirligig glorioles, prefaced by (alas!)
now illegible airy plumeflights, all tiberiously ambiembellishing the
initials majuscule of Earwicker: the meant to be baffling chrismon trilithon
sign ~Tl, finally called after some his hes hecitency Hec,which, moved
contrawatchwise, represents his title in sigla as the smaller ÷, fontly
called following a certain change of state of grace of nature alp or delta,
when single, stands for or tautologically stands beside the consort: (though
for that matter, since we have heard from Cathay cyrcles how the hen is not
mirely a tick or two after the first fifth fourth of the second eighth
twelfth -- siangchang hongkong sansheneul -- but yirely the other and
thirtieth of the ninth from the twentieth, our own vulgar 432 and 1132
irrespectively, why not take the former for a village inn, the latter for an
upsidown bridge, a multiplication marking for crossroads ahead, which you
like pothook for the family gibbet, their old fourwheedler for the bucker's
field, a tea anyway for a tryst someday, and his onesidemissing for an
allblind alley leading to an Irish plot in the Champ de Mors, not?) the
steady monologuy of the interiors; the pardonable confusion for which some
blame the cudgel and more blame the soot but unthanks to which the pees with
their caps awry are quite as often as not taken for kews with their tails in
their or are quite as often as not taken for pews with their tails in their
mouths, thence your pristopher polombos, hence our Kat Kresbyterians; the
curt witty wotty dashes never quite just right at the trim trite truth
letter; the sudden spluttered petulance of some capItalIsed Middle; a word
as cunningly hidden in its maze of confused drapery as a fieldmouse in a
nest of coloured ribbons: that absurdly bullsfooted bee declaring with an
even plainer dummpshow than does the mute commoner with us how hard a thing
it is to mpe mporn a gentlerman: and look at this prepronominal funferal,
engraved and retouched and edgewiped and puddenpadded,very like a whale's
egg farced with pemmican,as were it sentenced to be nuzzled over a full
trillion times for ever and a night till his noddle sink or swim by that
ideal reader suffering from an ideal insomnia: all those red raddled obeli
cayennepeppercast over the text, calling unnecessary attention to errors,
omissions, repetitions and misalignments: that (probably local or personal)
variant maggers for the more generally accepted majesty which is but a
trifle and yet may quietly amuse: those superciliouslooking crisscrossed
Greek ees awkwardlike perched there and here out of date like sick owls
hawked back to Athens: and the geegees too, jesuistically formed at first
but afterwards genuflected aggrily toewards the occident: the Ostrogothic
kakography affected for certain phrases of Etruscan stabletalk and, in
short, the learning betrayed at almost every line's end: the headstrength
(at least eleven men of thirtytwo palfrycraft) revealed by a constant labour
to make a ghimel pass through the eye of an iota: this, for instance,
utterly unexpected sinistrogyric return to one peculiar sore point in the
past; those throne open doubleyous (of an early muddy terranean origin
whether man chooses to damn them agglutinatively loo -- too -- blue -- face
-- ache or illvoodawpeehole or, kants koorts, topplefouls) seated with such
floprightdown determination and reminding uus ineluctably of nature at her
naturalest while that fretful fidget eff, the hornful digamma of your
bornabarbar, rarely heard now save when falling from the unfashionable
lipsus of some hetarosexual (used always in two boldfaced print types -- one
of them as wrongheaded as his Claudian brother, is it worth while
interrupting to say?-- throughout the papyrus as the revise mark) stalks all
over the page broods ~~~ sensationseeking an idea, amid the verbiage, gaunt,
stands dejectedly in the diapered window margin, with its basque of
bayleaves all aflutter about its forksfrogs, paces with a frown, jerking to
and fro, flinging phrases here, there, or returns inhibited, with some
half-halted suggestion, F, dragging its shoestring; the curious warning sign
before our protoparent's ipsissima verba (a very pure nondescript, by the
way, sometimes a palmtailed otter, more often the arbutus fruitflowerleaf of
the cainapple) which paleographers call a leak in the thatch or the aranman
ingperwhis through the hole of his hat, indicating that the words which
follow may be taken in any order desired, hole of Aran man the hat through
the whispering his ho (here keen again and begin again to make soundsense
and sensesound kin again); those haughtypitched disdotted aiches easily of
the rariest inasdroll as most of the jaywalking eyes we do plough into
halve, unconnected, principial, medial or final, always jims in the jam,
sahib, as pipless as threadworms: the innocent exhibitionism of those frank
yet capricious underlinings: that strange exotic serpentine, since so
properly banished from our scripture, about as freakwing a wetterhand now as
to see a rightheaded ladywhite don a corkhorse, which, in its invincible
insolence ever longer more and of more morosity, seems to uncoil spirally
and swell lacertinelazily before our eyes under pressure of the writer's
hand; the ungainly musicianlessness so painted in sculpting selfsounder ah
ha as blackartful as a podatus and dumbfounder oh ho oaproariose as ten
canons in skelterfugue: the studious omission of year number and era name
from the date, the one and only time when our copyist seems at least to have
grasped the beauty of restraint; the lubricitous conjugation of the last
with the first: the gipsy mating of a grand stylish gravedigging with
secondbest buns (an interpolation: these munchables occur only in the
Bootherbrowth family of MSS., Bb -- Cod IV, Pap II, Brek XI, Lun III, Dinn
XVII, Sup XXX, Fullup M D C X C: the scholiast has hungrily misheard a
deadman's toller as a muffinbell): the four shortened ampersands under which
we can glypse at and feel for ourselves across all those rushyears the warm
soft short pants of the quickscribbler: the vocative lapse from which it
begins and the accusative hole in which it ends itself; the aphasia of that
heroic agony of recalling a once loved number leading slip by slipper to a
general amnesia of misnomering one's own: next those ars, rrrr! those ars
all bellical, the highpriest's hieroglyph of kettletom and oddsbones,
wrasted redhandedly from our hallowed rubric prayer for truce with booty,
O'Remus pro Romulo, and rudely from the fane's pinnacle tossed down by
porter to within an aim's ace of their quatrain of rubyjets among Those Who
arse without the Temple nor since Roe's Distillery burn'd have quaff'd
Night's firefill'd Cup But jig jog jug as Day the Dicebox Throws, whang,
loyal six I lead, out wi'yer heart's bluid, blast ye, and there she's for
you, sir, whang her, the fine ooman, rouge to her lobster locks, the rossy,
whang, God and O'Mara has it with his ruddy old Villain Rufus, wait, whang,
God and you're another he hasn't for there's my spoil five of spuds's
trumps, whang, whack on his pigsking's Kisser for him, K.M. O'Mara where are
you?; then (coming over to the left aisle corner down) the cruciform
postscript from which three basia or shorter and smaller oscula have been
overcarefully scraped away, plainly inspiring the tenebrous Tunc page of the
Book of Kells (and then it need not be lost sight of that there are exactly
three squads of candidates for the crucian rose awaiting their turn in the
marginal panels of Columkiller, chugged in their three ballotboxes, then set
apart for such hanging committees, where two was enough for anyone, starting
with old Matthew himself, as he with great distinction said then just as
since then people speaking have fallen into the custom, when speaking to a
person, of saying two is company when the third person is the person darkly
spoken of, and then that last labiolingual basium might be read as a suavium
if whoever the embracer then was wrote with a tongue in his (or perhaps her)
cheek as the case may have been then) and the fatal droopadwindle slope of
the blamed scrawl, a sure sign of imperfectible moral blindness; the
toomuchness, the fartoomanyness of all those fourlegged ems: and why spell
dear god with a big thick dhee (why, O why, O why?): the cut and dry aks and
wise form of the semifinal; and, eighteenthly or twentyfourthly, but at
least, thank Maurice, lastly when all is zed and done, the penelopean
patience of its last paraphe, a colophon of no fewer than seven hundred and
thirtytwo strokes tailed by a leaping lasso-- who thus at all this
marvelling but will press on hotly to see the vaulting feminine libido of
those interbranching ogham sex upandinsweeps sternly controlled and easily
repersuaded by the uniform matteroffactness of a meandering male fist?
Duff-Muggli, who now may be quoted by very kind arrangement (his
dectroscophonious photosensition under suprasonic light control may be
logged for by our none too distant futures as soon astone values can be
turned out from Chromophilomos, Limited at a millicentime the microamp),
first called this kind of paddygoeasy partnership the ulykkhean or
tetrachiric or quadrumane or ducks and drakes or debts and dishes perplex
(v. Some Forestallings over that Studium of Sexophonologistic
Schizophrenesis, vol. xxiv, pp. 2-555) after the wellinformed observation,
made miles apart from the Master by Tung-Toyd (cf. Later Frustrations
amengst the Neomugglian Teachings abaft the Semiunconscience, passim) that
in the case of the littleknown periplic bestteller popularly associated with
the names of the wretched mariner (trianforan deffwedoff our plumsucked
pattern shapekeeper) a Punic admiralty report, From MacPerson's Oshean Round
By the Tides of Jason's Cruise, had been cleverly capsized and saucily
republished as a dodecanesian baedeker of the everytale-a-treat-in-itself
variety which could hope satisfactorily to tickle me gander as game as your
The unmistaken identity of the persons in the Tiberiast duplex came to
light in the most devious of ways. The original document was in what is
known as Hanno O'Nonhanno's unbrookable script, that is to say, it showed no
signs of punctuation of any sort. Yet on holding the verso against a lit
rush this new book of Morses responded most remarkably to the silent query
of our world's oldest light and its recto let out the piquant fact that it
was but pierced butnot punctured (in the university sense of the term) by
numerous stabs and foliated gashes made by a pronged instrument. These paper
wounds, four in type, were gradually and correctly understood to mean stop,
please stop, do please stop, and O do please stop respectively, and
following up their one true clue, the circumflexuous wall of a singleminded
men's asylum, accentuated by bi tso fb rok engl a ssan dspl itch ina, --
Yard inquiries pointed out ÷ that they ad bin "provoked" ay ÷ fork, of ...
grave BrofŠsor; ...th ‚'s BrŠak -- fast -- table; ; ac--tely profŠssionally
piqu‚d, to = introd--ce a notion of time [--pon ... plane (?) s-- ' '
f...‡'e'] by p--nct! ingh oles (sic) in Ispace?! Deeply religious by nature
and position, and warmly attached to Thee, and smearbread and better and Him
and newlaidills, it was rightly suspected that such ire could not have been
visited by him Brotfressor Prenderguest even underwittingly, upon the
ancestral pneuma of one whom, with rheuma, he venerated shamelessly at least
once a week at Cockspur Common as his apple in his eye and her first boys'
best friend and, though plain English for a married lady misled heaps by the
way, yet when some peerer or peeress detected that the fourleaved shamrock
or quadrifoil jab was more recurrent wherever the script was clear and the
term terse and that these two were the selfsame spots naturally selected for
her perforations by Dame Partlet on her dungheap, thinkers all put grown in
waterungspillfull Pratiland only and a playful fowl and musical me and not
you in any case, two and two together, and, with a swarm of bisses
honeyhunting after, a sigh for shyme (O, the pettybonny rouge!) separated
modest mouths. So be it. And it was. The lettermaking of the explots of
Fjorgn Camhelsson when he was in the Kvinnes country with Soldru's men. With
acknowledgment of our fervour of the first instant he remains years most
fainfully. For postscrapt see spoils. Though not yet had the sailor sipped
that sup nor the humphar foamed to the fill. And fox and geese still kept
the peace around L'Auberge du Pere Adam.
Small need after that, old Jeromesolem, old Huffsnuff, old Andycox, old
Olecasandrum, for quizzing your weekenders come to the R.Q. with: shoots off
in a hiss, muddles up in a mussmass and his whole's a dismantled
noondrunkard's son. Howbeit we heard not a son of sons to leave by him to
oceanic society in his old man without a thing in his ignorance, Tulko
MacHooley. And it was thus he was at every time, that son, and the other
time, the day was in it and after the morrow Diremood is the name is on the
writing chap of the psalter, the juxtajunctor of a dearmate and he passing
out of one desire into its fellow. The daughters are after going and loojing
for him, Torba's nicelookers of the fair neck. Wanted for millinary servance
to olderly's person by the Totty Askinses. Formelly confounded with amother.
Maybe growing a moustache, did you say, with an adorable look of amuzement?
And uses noclass billiardhalls with an upandown ladder? Not Hans the Curier
though had he had have only had some little laughings and some less of
cheeks and were he not so warried by his bulb of persecussion he could have,
ay, and would have, as true as Essex bridge. And not Gopheph go gossip, I
declare to man! Noe! To all's much relief one's half hypothesis of that
jabberjaw ape amok the showering jestnuts of Bruisanose was hotly dropped
and his room taken up by that odious and still today insufficiently
malestimated notesnatcher (kak, pfooi, bosh and fiety, much earny, Gus,
poteen? Sez you!) Shem the Penman.
Who do you no tonigh, lazy and gentleman?
The echo is where in the back of the wodes; callhim forth!
(Shaun Mac Irewick, briefdragger, for the concern of Messrs Jhon
Jhamieson and Song, rated one hundrick and thin per storehundred on this
nightly quisquiquock of the twelve apostrophes, set by Jockit Mic Ereweak.
He misunderstruck and aim for am ollo of number three of them and left his
free natural ripostes to four of them in their own fine artful disorder.)
I. What secondtonone myther rector and maximost bridgesmaker was the
first to rise taller through his beanstale than the bluegum buaboababbaun or
the giganteous Wellingtonia Sequoia; went nudiboots with trouters into a
liffeyette when she was barely in her tricklies; was well known to claud a
conciliation cap onto the esker of his hooth; sports a chainganger's albert
solemenly over his hullender's epulence; thought he weighed a new ton when
there felled his first lapapple; gave the heinousness of choice to
everyknight betwixt yesterdicks and twomaries; had sevenal
successivecoloured serebanmaids on the same big white drawringroam horthrug;
is a Willbeforce to this hour at house as he was in heather; pumped the
catholick wartrey and shocked the prodestung boyne; killed his own hungery
self in anger as a young man; found fodder for five when allmarken rose
goflooded; with Hirish tutores Cornish made easy; voucher of rotables, toll
of the road; bred manyheaded stepsons for one leapyourown taughter; is too
funny for a fish and has too much outside for an insect; like a heptagon
crystal emprisoms trues and fauss for us; is infinite swell in unfitting
induments; once was he shovelled and once was he arsoned and once was he
inundered and she hung him out billbailey; has a quadrant in his tile to
tell Toler cad a'clog it is; offers chances to Long on but stands up to
Legge before; found coal at the end of his harrow and mossroses behind the
seams; made a fort out of his postern and wrote F.E.R.T. on his buckler; is
escapemaster-in-chief from all sorts of houdingplaces; if he outharrods
against barkers, to the shoolbred he acts whiteley; was evacuated at the
mere appearance of three germhuns and twice besieged by a sweep; from
zoomorphology to omnianimalism he is brooched by the spin of a coin; towers,
an eddistoon amid the lampless, casting swannbeams on the deep; threatens
thunder upon malefactors and sends whispers up fraufrau's froufrous; when
Dook Hookbackcrook upsits his ass booseworthies jeer and junket but they
boos him oos and baas his aas when he lukes like Hunkett Plunkett; by
sosannsos and search a party on a lady of this city; business, reading
newspaper, smoking cigar, arranging tumblers on table, eating meals,
pleasure, etcetera, etcetera, pleasure, eating meals, arranging tumblers on
table, smoking cigar, reading newspaper, business; minerals, wash and brush
up, local views, juju toffee, comic and birthdays cards; those were the days
and he was their hero; pink sunset shower, red clay cloud, sorrow of Sahara,
oxhide on Iren; arraigned and attainted, listed and lited, pleaded and
proved; catches his check at banck of Indgangd and endurses his doom at
chapel exit; brain of the franks, hand of the christian, tongue of the
north; commands to dinner and calls the bluff; has a block at Morgen's and a
hatache all the afternunch; plays gehamerat when he's ernst but misses
mausey when he's lustyg; walked as far as the Head where he sat in state as
the Rump; shows Early English tracemarks and a marigold window with manigilt
lights, a myrioscope, two remarkable piscines and three wellworthseeing
ambries; arches all portcullised and his nave dates from dots; is a horologe
unstoppable and the Benn of all bells; fuit, isst and herit and though he's
mildewstaned he's mouldystoned; is a quercuss in the forest but plane member
for Megalopolis; mountunmighty, faunonfleetfoot; plank in our platform,
blank in our scouturn; hidal, in carucates he is enumerated, hold as an
earl, he counts; shipshaped phrase of buglooking words with a form like the
easing moments of a graminivorous; to our dooms brought he law, our manoirs
he made his vill of; was an overgrind to the underground and acqueduced for
fierythroats; sends boys in socks acoughawhooping when he lets farth his
carbonoxside and silk stockings show her shapings when he looses hose on
hers; stocks dry puder for the Ill people and pinkun's pellets for all the
Pale; gave his mundyfoot to Miserius, her pinch to Anna Livia, that
superfine pigtail to Cerisia Cerosia and quid rides to Titius, Caius and
Sempronius; made the man who had no notion of shopkeepers feel he'd rather
play the duke than play the gentleman; shot two queans and shook three
caskles when he won his game of dwarfs; fumes inwards like a strombolist
till he smokes at both ends; manmote, befier of him, womankind, pietad!;
shows one white drift of snow among the gorsegrowth of his crown and a
chaperon of repentance on that which shed gore; pause and quies, triple
bill; went by metro for the polis and then hoved by; to the finders, hail!
woa, you that seek!; whom fillth had plenished, dearth devoured; hock is
leading, cocoa comes next, emery tries for the flag; can dance the O'Bruin's
polerpasse at Noolahn to his own orchistruss accompaniment; took place
before the internatural convention of catholic midwives and found stead
before the congress for the study of endonational calamities; makes a
delictuous entr‚e and finishes off the course between sweets and savouries;
flouts for forecasts, flairs for finds and the fun of the fray on the
fairground; cleared out three hundred sixty five idles to set up one all
khalassal for henwives hoping to have males; the flawhoolagh, the grasping
one, the kindler of paschal fire; forbids us our trespassers as we forgate
him; the phoenix be his pyre, the cineres his sire!; piles big pelium on
little ossas like the pilluls of hirculeads; has an eatupus complex and a
drinkthedregs kink; wurstmeats for chumps and cowcarlows for scullions; when
he plies for our favour is very trolly ours; two psychic espousals and three
desertions; may be matter of fact now but was futter of magd then;
Cattermole Hill, exmountain of flesh was reared up by stress and sank under
strain; tank it up, dank it up, tells the tailor to his tout; entoutcas for
a man, but bit a thimble for a maid; blimp, blump; a dud letter, a sing a
song a sylble; a byword, a sentence with surcease; while stands his
canyouseehim frails shall fall; was hatched at Cellbridge but ejoculated
abrood; as it gan in the biguinnengs so wound up in a battle of Boss;
Roderick, Roderick, Roderick, O, you've gone the way of the Danes; variously
catalogued, regularly regrouped; a bushboys holoday, a quacker's mating, a
wenches' sandbath; the same homoheatherous checkinlossegg as when sollyeye
airly blew ye; real detonation but false report; spa mad but inn sane; half
emillian via bogus census but a no street hausmann when allphannd; is the
handiest of all andies and a most alleghant spot to dump your hump; hands
his secession to the new patricius but plumps plebmatically for the bloody
old centuries; eats with doors open and ruts with gates closed; some dub him
Rotshield and more limn him Rockyfellow; shows he's fly to both demisfairs
but thries to cover up his tracers; seven dovecotes cooclaim to have been
pigeonheim to this homer, Smerrnion, Rhoebok, Kolonsreagh, Seapoint,
Quayhowth, Ashtown, Ratheny; independent of the lordship of chamberlain,
acknowledging the rule of Rome; we saw thy farm at Useful Prine, Domhnall,
Domhnall; reeks like Illbelpaese and looks like Iceland's ear; lodged at
quot places, lived through tot reigns; takes a szumbath for his weekend and
a wassarnap for his refreskment; after a good bout at stoolball enjoys
Giroflee Giroflaa; what Nevermore missed and Colombo found; believes in
everyman his own goaldkeeper and in Africa for the fullblacks; the arc of
his drive was forty full and his stumps were pulled at eighty; boasts him to
the thick-inthews the oldest creater in Aryania and looks down on the Suiss
family Collesons whom he calls les nouvelles roches; though his heart, soul
and spirit turn to pharaoph times, his love, faith and hope stick to
futuerism; light leglifters cense him souriantes from afore while boor
browbenders curse him grommelants to his hindmost; between youlasses and
yeladst glimse of Even; the Lug his peak has, the Luk his pile; drinks tharr
and wodhar for his asama and eats the unparishable sow to styve off reglar
rack; the beggars cloak them reclined about his paddystool, the whores
winken him as they walk their side; on Christienmas at Advent Lodge, New
Yealand, after a lenty illness the roeverand Mr Easterling of pentecostitis,
no followers by bequest, fanfare all private; Gone Where Glory Waits Him
(Ball, bulletist) but Not Here Yet (Maxwell, clark); comminxed under
articles but phoenished a borgiess; from the vat on the bier through the
burre in the dark to the buttle of the bawn; is AI an the highest but Roh re
his root; filled fanned of hackleberries whenas all was tuck and toss up for
him as a yangster to fall fou of hockinbechers wherein he had gauged the use
of raisin; ads aliments, das doles, raps rustics, tams turmoil; sas seed
enough for a semination but sues skivvies on the sly; learned to speak from
hand to mouth till he could talk earish with his eyes shut; hacked his way
through hickheckhocks but hanged hishelp from there hereafters; rialtos,
annesleyg, binn and balls to say nothing atolk of New Comyn; the gleam of
the glow of the shine of the sun through the dearth of the dirth on the
blush of the brick of the viled ville of Barnehulme has dust turned to
brown; these dyed to tartan him, rueroot, dulse, bracken, teasel, fuller's
ash, sundew and cress; long gunn but not for cotton; stood his sharp assault
of famine but grew girther, girther and girther; he has twenty four or so
cousins germinating in the United States of America and a namesake with an
initial difference in the once kingdom of Poland; his first's a young rose
and his second's FrenchEgyptian and his whole means a slump at Christie's;
forth of his pierced part came the woman of his dreams, blood thicker then
water last trade overseas; buyshop of Glintylook, eorl of Hoed; you and I
are in him surrented by brwn bldns; Elin's flee polt pelhaps but Hwang Chang
evelytime; he one was your of highbigpipey boys but fancy him as smoking
fags his at time of life; Mount of Mish, Mell of Moy; had two cardinal
ventures and three capitol sinks; has a peep in his pocketbook and a
packetboat in his keep; B.V.H., B.L.G., P.P.M., T.D.S., V.B.D., T.C.H.,
L.O.N.; is Breakfates, Lunger, Diener and Souper; as the streets were paved
with cold he felt his topperairy; taught himself skating and learned how to
fall; distinctly dirty but rather a dear; hoveth chieftains evrywehr, with
morder; Ostman Effendi, Serge Paddishaw; baases two mmany, outpriams al' his
parisites; first of the fenians, roi des fain‚ants; his Tiara of scones was
held unfillable. till one Liam Fail felled him in Westmunster; was struck
out of his sittem when he rowed saulely to demask us and to our appauling
predicament brought as plagues from Buddapest; put a matchhead on an
aspenstalk and set the living a fire; speared the rod and spoiled the
lightning; married with cakes and repunked with pleasure; till he was buried
howhappy was he and he made the welkins ring with Up Micawber!; god at the
top of the staircase, carrion on the mat of straw; the false hood of a
spindler web chokes the cavemouth of his unsightliness but the nestlings
that liven his leafscreen sing him a lover of arbuties; we strike hands over
his bloodied warsheet but we are pledged entirely to his green mantle; our
friend vikelegal, our swaran foi; under the four stones by his streams who
vanished the wassailbowl at the joy of shells; Mora and Lora had a hill of a
high time looking down on his confusion till firm look in readiness, forward
spear and the windfoot of curach strewed the lakemist of Lego over the last
of his fields; we darkened for you, faulterer, in the year of mourning but
we'll fidhil to the dimtwinklers when the streamy morvenlight calls up the
sunbeam; his striped pantaloons, his rather strange walk; hereditatis
columna erecta, hagion chiton eraphon; nods a nap for the nonce but crows
cheerio when they get ecunemical; is a simultaneous equator of elimbinated
integras when three upon one is by inspection improper; has the most conical
hodpiece of confusianist heronim and that chuchuffuous chinchin of his is
like a footsey kungoloo around Taishantyland; he's as globeful as a
gasometer of lithium and luridity and he was thrice ten anular years before
he wallowed round Raggiant Circos; the cabalstone at the coping of his cavin
is a canine constant but only an amirican could apparoxemete the
apeupresiosity of his atlast's alongement; sticklered rights and lefts at
Baddersdown in his hunt for the boar trwth but made his end with the
modareds that came at him in Camlenstrete; a hunnibal in exhaustive
conflict, an otho to return; burning body to aiger air on melting mountain
in wooing wave; we go into him sleepy children, we come out of him
strucklers for life; he divested to save from the Mrs Drownings their rival
queens while Grimshaw, Bragshaw and Renshaw made off with his storen
clothes; taxed and rated, licensed and ranted; his threefaced stonehead was
found on a whitehorse hill and the print of his costellous feet is seen in
the goat's grasscircle; pull the blind, toll the deaf and call dumb, lame
and halty; Miraculone, Monstrucceleen; led the upplaws at the Creation and
hissed a snake charmer off her stays; hounded become haunter, hunter become
fox; harrier, marrier, terrier, tav; Olaph the Oxman, Thorker the Tourable;
you feel he is Vespasian yet you think of him as Aurelius; whugamore,
tradertory, socianist, commoniser; made a summer assault on our shores and
begiddy got his sands full; first he shot down Raglan Road and then he tore
up Marlborough Place; Cromlechheight and Crommalhill were his farfamed
feetrests when our lurch as lout let free into the Lubar heloved;
mareschalled his wardmotes and delimited the main; netted before nibbling,
can scarce turn a scale but, grossed after meals, weighs a town in himself;
Banba prayed for his conversion, Beurla missed that grand old voice; a
Colossus among cabbages, the Melarancitrone of fruits; larger than life,
doughtier than death; Gran Turco, orege forment; lachsembulger, leperlean;
the sparkle of his genial fancy, the depth of his calm sagacity, the
clearness of his spotless honour, the flow of his boundless benevolence; our
family furbear, our tribal tarnpike; quary was he invincibled and cur was he
burked; partitioned Irskaholm, united Irishmen; he took a svig at his own
methyr but she tested a bit gorky and as for the salmon he was coming up in
him all life long; comm, eilerdich hecklebury and sawyer thee ,warden;
silent as the bee in honey, stark as the breath on hauwck, Costello,
Kinsella, Mahony, Moran, though you rope Amrique your home ruler is Dan;
figure right, he is hoisted by the scurve of his shaggy neck, figure left,
he is rationed in isobaric patties among the crew; one asks was he poisoned,
one thinks how much did he leave; ex-gardener (Riesengebirger), fitted up
with planturous existencies would make Roseoogreedy (mite's) little hose;
taut sheets and scuppers awash but the oil silk mack Liebsterpet micks his
aquascutum; the enjoyment he took in kay women, the employment he gave to
gee men; sponsor to a squad of piercers, ally to a host of rawlies; against
lightning, explosion, fire, earthquake, flood, whirlwind, burglary, third
party, rot, loss of cash, loss of credit, impact of vehicles; can rant as
grave as oxtail soup and chat as gay as a porto flippant; is unhesitent in
his unionism and yet a pigotted nationalist; Sylviacola is shy of him,
Matrosenhosens nose the joke; shows the sinews of peace in his chest-o-wars;
fiefeofhome, ninehundred and thirtunine years of copyhold; is aldays open
for polemypolity's sake when he's not suntimes closed for the love of Janus;
sucks life's eleaxir from the pettipickles of the Jewess and ruoulls in
sulks if any popeling runs down the Huguenots; Boomaport, Walleslee,
Ubermeerschall Blowcher and Supercharger, Monsieur Ducrow, Mister Mudson,
master gardiner; to one he's just paunch and judex, to another full of beans
and brehons; hallucination, cauchman, ectoplasm; passed for baabaa
blacksheep till he grew white woo woo woolly; was drummatoysed by Mac
Milligan's daughter and put to music by one shoebard; all fitzpatricks in
his emirate remember him, the boys of wetford hail him babu; indanified
himself with boro tribute and was schenkt publicly to brigstoll; was given
the light in drey orchafts and entumuled in threeplexes; his likeness is in
Terrecuite and he giveth rest to the rainbowed; lebriety, frothearnity and
quality; his reverse makes a virtue of necessity while his obverse mars a
mother by invention; beskilk his gunwale and he's the second imperial, untie
points, unhook tenters and he's lath and plaster; calls upon Allthing when
he fails to appeal to Eachovos; basidens, ardree, kongsemma, rexregulorum;
stood into Dee mouth, then backed broadside on Baulacleeva; either eldorado
or ultimate thole; a kraal of fou feud fires, a crawl of five pubs; laid out
lashings of laveries to hunt down his family ancestors and then pled double
trouble or quick quits to hush the buckers up; threw pebblets for luck over
one sodden shoulder and dragooned peoplades armed to their teeth; pept as
Gaudio Gambrinus, grim as Potter the Grave; ace of arts, deuce of damimonds,
trouble of clubs, fear of spates; cumbrum, cumbrum, twiniceynurseys fore a
drum but tre to uno tips the scale; reeled the titleroll opposite a brace of
girdles in Silver on the Screen but was sequenced from the set as Crookback
by the even more titulars, Rick, Dave and Barry; he can get on as early as
the twentysecond of Mars but occasionally he doesn't come offbefore
Virgintiquinque Germinal; his Indian name is Hapapoosiesobjibway and his
number in arithmosophy is the stars of the plough; took weapon in the
province of the pike and let fling his line on Eelwick; moves in vicous
cicles yet remews the same; the drain rats bless his offals while the park
birds curse his floodlights; Portobello, Equadocta, Therecocta, Percorello;
he pours into the softclad shellborn the hard cash earned in Watling Street;
his birth proved accidental shows his death its grave mistake; brought us
giant ivy from the land of younkers and bewitthered Apostolopolos with the
gale of his gall; while satisfied that soft youthful bright matchless girls
should bosom into fine silkclad joyous blooming young women is not so
pleased that heavy swearsome strongsmelling irregularshaped men should
blottout active handsome wellformed frankeyed boys; herald hairyfair, alloaf
the wheat; husband your aunt and endow your nepos; hearken but hush it,
screen him and see; time is, an archbishopric, time was, a tradesmen's
entrance; beckburn brooked with wath, scale scarred by scow; his rainfall is
a couple of kneehighs while his meanst grass temperature marked three in the
shade; is the meltingpoint of snow and the bubblingplace of alcohol; has a
tussle with the trulls and then does himself justice; hinted at in the
eschatological chapters of Humphrey's Justesse of the Jaypees and hunted for
by Theban recensors who sniff there's something behind the Bug of the Deaf;
thc king was in his cornerwall melking mark so murry, the queen was steep in
armbour feeling fain and furry, the mayds was midst the hawthorns shoeing up
their hose, out pimps the back guards (pomp !) and pump gun they goes; to
all his foretellers he reared a stone and for all his comethers he planted a
tree; forty acres, sixty miles, white stripe, red stripe, washes his fleet
in annacrwatter; whou missed a porter so whot shall he do for he wanted to
sit for Pimploco but they've caught him to stand for Sue?; Dutchlord,
Dutchlord, overawes us; Headmound, king and martyr, dunstung in the Yeast,
Pitre-le-Pore-in Petrin, Barth-the-Grete-by-theExchange; he hestens towards
dames troth and wedding hand like the prince of Orange and Nassau while he
has trinity left behind him like Bowlbeggar Bill-the-Bustonly; brow of a
hazelwood, pool in the dark; changes blowicks into bullocks and a well of
Artesia into a bird of Arabia; the handwriting on his facewall, the
cryptoconchoidsiphonostomata in his exprussians; his birthspot lies beyond
the herospont and his burialplot in the pleasant little field; is the yldist
kiosk on the pleninsula and the unguest hostel in Saint Scholarland; walked
many hundreds and many score miles of streets and lit thousands in one
nightlights in hectares of windows; his great wide cloak lies on fifteen
acres and his little white horse decks by dozens our doors; O sorrow the
sail and woe the rudder that were set for Mairie Quai!; his suns the huns,
his dartars the tartars, are plenty here today; who repulsed from his burst
the bombolts of Ostenton and falchioned each flash downsaduck in the deep;
apersonal problem, a locative enigma; upright one, vehicule of arcanisation
in the field, lying chap, floodsupplier of celiculation through ebblanes; a
part of the whole as a port for a whale; Dear Hewitt Castello, Equerry, were
daylighted with our outing and are looking backwards to unearly summers,
from Rhoda Dundrums; is above the seedfruit level and outside the
leguminiferous zone; when older links lock older hearts then he'll resemble
she; can be built with glue and clippings, scrawled or voided on a buttress;
the night express sings his story, the song of sparrownotes on his stave of
wires; he crawls with lice, he swarms with saggarts; is as quiet as a
mursque but can be as noisy as a sonogog; was Dilmun when his date was palmy
and Mudlin when his nut was cracked; suck up the sease, lep laud at ease,
one lip on his lap and one cushlin his crease; his porter has a mighty grasp
and his baxters the boon of broadwhite; as far as wind dries and rain eats
and sun turns and water bounds he is exalted and depressed, assembled and
asundered; go away, we are deluded, come back, we are disghosted; bored the
Ostrov, leapt the Inferus, swam the Mabbul and flure the Moyle; like fat,
like fatlike tallow, of greasefulness, yea of dripping greasefulness; did
not say to the old, old, did not say to the scorbutic, scorbutic; he has
founded a house, Uru, a house he has founded to which he has assigned its
fate; bears a raaven geulant on a fjeld duiv; ruz the halo offhis varlet
when he appeared to his shecook as Haycock, Emmet, Boaro, Toaro, Osterich,
Mangy and Skunk; pressed the beer of aled age out of the nettles of
rashness; put a roof on the lodge for Hymn and a coq in his pot pro homo;
was dapifer then pancircensor then hortifex magnus; the topes that tippled
on him, the types that toppled off him; still starts our hares yet gates our
goat; pocketbook packetboat, gapman gunrun; the light of other days, dire
dreary darkness; our awful dad, Timour of Tortur; puzzling, startling,
shocking, nay, perturbing; went puffing from king's brugh to new customs,
doffing the gibbous off him to every breach of all size; with Pa's new heft
and Papa's new helve he's Papapa's old cutlass Papapapa left us; when
youngheaded oldshouldered and middlishneck aged about; caller herring
everydaily, turgid tarpon overnight; see Loryon the comaleon that changed
endocrine history by loeven his loaf with forty bannucks; she drove him dafe
till he driv her blind up; the pigeons doves be perchin all over him one day
on Baslesbridge and the ravens duv be pitchin their dark nets after him the
next night behind Koenigstein's Arbour; tronf of the rep, comf of the priv,
prosp of the pub; his headwood it's ideal if his feet are bally clay; he
crashed in the hollow of the park, trees down, as he soared in the vaguum of
the phoenix, stones up; looks like a moultain boultter and sounds like a
rude word; the mountain view, some lumin pale round a lamp of succar in
boinyn water; three shots a puddy at up blup saddle; made up to Miss
MacCormack Ni Lacarthy who made off with Darly Dermod, swank and swarthy;
once diamond cut garnet now dammat cuts groany; you might find him at the
Florence but watch our for him in Wynn's Hotel; theer's his bow and wheer's
his leaker and heer lays his bequiet hearse, deep; Swed Albiony, likeliest
villain of the place; Hennery Canterel -- Cockran, eggotisters, limitated;
we take our tays and frees our fleas round sadurn's mounted foot; built the
Lund's kirk and destroyed the church's land; who guesse his title grabs his
deeds; fletch and prities, fash and chaps; artful Juke of Wilysly;
Hugglebelly's Funniral; Kukkuk Kallikak; heard in camera and excruciated;
boon when with benches billeted, bann if buckshotbackshattered;
heavengendered, chaosfoedted, earthborn; his father presumptively ploughed
it deep on overtime and his mother as all evince must have travailled her
fair share; a footprinse on the Megacene, hetman unwhorsed by Searingsand;
honorary captain of the extemporised fire brigade, reported to be friendly
with the police; the door is still open; the old stock collar is coming
back; not forgetting the time you laughed at Elder Charterhouse's duckwhite
pants and the way you said the whole township can see his hairy legs; by
stealth of a kersse her aulburntress abaft his nape she hung; when his
kettle became a hearthsculdus our thorstyites set their lymphyamphyre; his
yearletter concocted by masterhands of assays, his hallmark imposed by the
standard of wrought plate; a pair of pectorals and a triplescreen to get a
wind up; lights his pipe with a rosin tree and hires a towhorse to haul his
shoes; cures slavey's scurvy, breaks barons boils; called to sell polosh and
was found later in a bedroom; has his seat of justice, his house of mercy,
his com o'copious and his stacks a'rye; prospector, he had a rooksacht,
retrospector, he holds the holpenstake; won the freedom of new yoke for the
minds of jugoslaves; acts active, peddles in passivism and is a gorgon of
selfridgeousness; pours a laughsworth of his illformation over a larmsworth
of salt; half heard the single maiden speech La Belle spun to her Grand
Mount and wholed a lifetime by his ain fireside,wondering was it hebrew set
to himmeltones or the quicksilversong of qwaternions; his troubles may be
over but his doubles have still to come; the lobster pot that crabbed our
keel, the garden pet that spoiled our squeezed peas; he stands in a lovely
park, sea is not far, importunate towns of X, Y and Z are easily over
reached; is an excrescence to civilised humanity and but a wart on Europe;
wanamade singsigns to soundsense an yit he wanna git all his flesch nuemaid
motts truly prural and plusible; has excisively large rings and is
uncustomarily perfumed; lusteth ath he listeth the cleah whithpeh of a
themise; is a prince of the fingallian in a hiberniad of hoolies; has a
hodge to wherry him and a frenchy to curry him and a brabanson for his
beeter and a fritz at his switch; was waylaid of a parker and beschotten by
a buckeley; kicks lintils when he's cuppy and casts Jacob's arroroots, dime
after dime, to poor waifstrays on the perish; reads the charms of H. C.
Endersen all the weaks of his evenin and the crimes of Ivaun the Taurrible
every strongday morn; soaps you soft to your face and slaps himself when
he's badend; owns the bulgiest bungbarrel that ever was tiptapped in the
privace of the Mullingar Inn; was bom with a nuasilver tongue in his mouth
and went round the coast of Iron with his lift hand to the scene; raised but
two fingers and yet smelt it would day; for whom it is easier to found a see
in Ebblannah than for I or you to find a dubbeltye in Dampsterdamp; to live
with whom is a lifemayor and to know whom a liberal education; was dipped in
Hoily Olives and chrysmed in Scent Otooles; hears cricket on the earth but
annoys the life out of predikants; still turns the durc's ear of Darius to
the now thoroughly infurioted' one of God; made Man with juts that jerk and
minted money mong maney; likes a six acup pudding when he's come whome
sweetwhome; has come through all the eras of livsadventure from moonshine
and shampaying down to clouts and pottled porter; woollem the farsed,
hahnreich the althe, charge the sackend, writchad the thord; if a mandrake
shricked to convultures at last surviving his birth the weibduck will wail
bitternly over the rotter's resurrection; loses weight in the moon night but
gird girder by the sundawn; with one touch of nature set a veiled world
agrin and went within a sheet of tissuepaper of the option of three gaols;
who could see at one blick a saumon taken with a lance, hunters pursuing a
doe, a swallowship in full sail, a whyterobe lifting a host; faced flappery
like old King Cnut and turned his back like Cincinnatus; is a farfar and
morefar and a hoar father Nakedbucker in villas old as new; squats aquart
and cracks aquaint when it's flaggin in town and on haven; blows whiskery
around his summit but stehts stout upon his footles; stutters fore he falls
and goes mad entirely when he's waked; is Timb to the pearly mom and Tomb to
the mourning night; and an he had the best bunbaked bricks in bould Babylon
for his pitching plays he'd be lost for the want of his wan wubblin wall?
Answer: Finn MacCool!
2. Does your mutter know your mike?
Answer: When I tum meoptics, from suchurban prospects, 'tis my filial's
bosom, doth behold with pride, that pontificator, and circumvallator, with
his dam night garrulous, slipt by his side. Ann alive, the lisp of her,
'twould grig mountains whisper her, and the bergs of Iceland melt in waves
of fire, and her spoonme-spondees, and her dirckle-me-ondenees, make the
Rageous Ossean, kneel and quaff a lyre! If Dann's dane, Ann's dirty, if he's
plane she's purty, if he's fane, she's flirty, with her auburnt streams, and
her coy cajoleries, and her dabblin drolleries, for to rouse his rudderup,
or to drench his dreams. If hot Hammurabi, or cowld Clesiastes, could espy
her pranklings, they'd burst bounds agin, and renounce their ruings, and
denounce their doings, for river and iver, and a night. Amin !
3. Which title is the true-to-type motto-in-lieu for that Tick for Teac
thatchment painted witt wheth one darkness, where asnake is under clover and
birds aprowl are in the rookeries and a magda went to monkishouse and a
riverpaard was spotted, which is not Whichcroft Whorort not Ousterholm
Dreyschluss not Haraldsby, grocer, not Vatandcan, vintner, not Houseboat and
Hive not Knox-atta-Belle not O'Faynix Coalprince not Wohn Squarr Roomyeck
not Ebblawn Downes not Le Decer Le Mieux not Benjamin's Lea not Tholomew's
Whaddingtun gnot Antwarp gnat Musca not Corry's not Weir's not the Arch not
The Smug not The Dotch House not The Uval nothing Grand nothing Splendid
(Grahot or Spletel) nayther Erat Est Erit noor Non michi sed luciphro?
Answer: Thine obesity, O civilian, hits the felicitude of our orb!
4. What Irish capitol city (a dea o dea!) of two syllables and six
letters, with a deltic origin and a ruinous end, (ah dust oh dust!) can
boost of having a) the most extensive public park in the world, b) the most
expensive brewing industry in the world, c) the most expansive peopling
thoroughfare in the world, d) the most phillohippuc theobibbous pa--pulation
in the world: and harmonise your abecedeed responses?
Answer: a) Delfas. And when ye'll hear the gould hommers of my heart,
my floxy loss, bingbanging again the ribs of yer resistance and the
tenderbolts of my rivets working to your destraction ye'll be sheverin wi'
all yer dinful sobs when we'll go riding acope-acurly, you with yer orange
garland and me with my conny cordial, down the greaseways of rollicking into
the waters of wetted life. b) Dorhqk. And sure where can you have such good
old chimes anywhere, and leave you, as on the Mash and how'tis I would be
engaging you with my plovery soft accents and descanting upover the scene
beunder me of your loose vines in their hairafall with them two loving loofs
braceleting the slims of your ankles and your mouth's flower rose and
sinking ofter the soapstone of silvry speech. c) Nublid. Isha, why wouldn't
we be happy, avourneen, on. the mills'money he'll soon be leaving you as
soon as I've my own owned brooklined Georgian mansion's lawn to recruit upon
by Doctor Cheek's special orders and my copper's panful of soybeans and
Irish in my east hand and a James's Gate in my west, after all the errears
and erroriboose of combarative embottled history, and your goodself churning
over the newleaved butter (more power to you), the choicest and the cheapest
from Atlanta to Oconee, while I'll be drowsing in the gaarden. d) Dalway. I
hooked my thoroughgoing trotty the first down Spanish Place, Mayo I make,
Tuam I take, Sligo's sleek but Galway's grace. Holy eel and Sainted Salmon,
chucking chub and ducking dace, Rodiron's not your aequal! says she, leppin
half the lane. abcd) A bell a bell on Shalldoll Steepbell, ond be'll go
massplon pristmoss speople, Shand praise gon ness our fayst moan neople, our
prame Shandeepen, pay name muy feepence, moy nay non Aequallllllll!
5. Whad slags of a loughladd would retten smuttyflesks,emptout old
mans, melk vitious geit, scareoff jackinjills fra tiddle anding, smoothpick
waste papish pastures, insides man outsiders angell, sprink dirted water
around village, newses, tobaggon and sweeds, plain general kept, louden on
the kirkpeal, foottreats given to malafides, outshriek hyelp hyelf nor his
hair efter buggelawrs, might underhold three barnets, putzpolish crotty
bottes, nightcoover all fireglims, serve's time till baass, grindstone his
kniveses, fullest boarded, lewd man of the method of godliness, perchance he
nieows and thans sits in the spoorwaggen, X.W.C.A. on Z.W.C.U., Doorsteps,
Limited, or Baywindaws Bros swobber preferred. Walther Clausetter's and Sons
with the H. E. Chimneys' Company to not skreve, will, on advices, be bacon
or stable hand, must begripe fullstandingly irers' langurge, jublander or
northquain bigger prefurred, all duties, kine rights, family fewd, outings
fived, may get earnst, no get combitsch, profusional drinklords to please
obstain, he is fatherlow soundigged inmoodmined pershoon but aleconnerman,
nay, that must he isn't?
Answer: Pore ole Joe!
6. What means the saloon slogan Summon In The Housesweep Dinah?
Answer: Tok. Galory bit of the sales of Cloth nowand I have to beeswax
the bringing in all the claub of the porks to us how I thawght I knew his
stain on the flower if me ask and can could speak and he called by me midden
name Tik. I am your honey honeysugger phwhtphwht tha Bay and who bruk the
dandleass and who seen the blackcullen jam for Tomorrha's big pickneck I
hope it'll pour prais the Climate of all Ireland I heard the grackles and I
skimming the crock on all your sangwidges fippence per leg per drake.Tuk.
And who eight the last of the goosebellies that was mowlding from measlest
years and who leff that there and who put that here and who let the kilkenny
stale the chump. Tek. And whowasit youwasit propped the pot in the yard and
whatinthe nameofsen lukeareyou rubbinthe sideofthe flureofthe lobbywith.
Shite! will you have a plateful? Tak.
7. Who are those component partners of our societate, the doorboy, the
cleaner, the sojer, the crook, the squeezer, the lounger, the curman, the
tourabout, the mussroomsniffer, the bleakablue tramp, the funpowtherplother,
the christymansboxer, from their pr‚s sal‚s and Donnybrook prater and
Roebuck's campos and the Ager Arountown and Crumglen's grassy but Kimmage's
champ and Ashtown fields and Cabra fields and Finglas fields and Santry
fields and the feels of Raheny and their fails and Baldoygle to them who are
latecomers all the year's round by anticipation, are the porters of the
passions in virtue of retroratiocination, and, contributting their
conflingent controversies of differentiation, unify their voxes in a vote of
vaticination, who crunch the crusts of comfort due to depredation, drain the
mead for misery to incur intoxication, condone every evil by practical
justification and condam any good to its own gratification, who are ruled,
roped, duped and driven by those numen daimons, the feekeepers at their
laws, nightly consternation, fortnightly fornication, monthly
miserecordation and omniannual recreation, doyles when they deliberate but
sullivans when they are swordsed, Matey, Teddy, Simon, Jorn, Pedher, Andy,
Barty, Philly, Jamesy Mor and Tom, Matt and Jakes Mac Carty?
Answer: The Morphios!
8. And how war yore maggies?
Answer: They war loving, they love laughing, they laugh weeping, they
weep smelling, they smell smiling, they smile hating, they hate thinking,
they think feeling, they feel tempting, they tempt daring, they dare
waiting, they wait taking, they take thanking, they thank seeking, as born
for lorn in lore of love to live and wive by wile and rile by rule of ruse
'reathed rose and hose hol'd home, yeth cometh elope year, coach and four,
Sweet Peck-at-my-Heart picks one man more.
9. Now, to be on anew and basking again in the panaroma of all flores
of speech, if a human being duly fatigued by his dayety in the sooty, having
plenxty off time on his gouty hands and vacants of space at his sleepish
feet and as hapless behind the dreams of accuracy as any camelot prince of
dinmurk, were at this auctual futule preteriting unstant, in the states of
suspensive exanimation, accorded, throughout the eye of a noodle, with an
earsighted view of old hopeinhaven with all the ingredient and egregiunt
whights and ways to which in the curse of his persistence the course of his
tory will had been having recourses, the reverberration of knotcracking
awes, the reconjungation of nodebinding ayes, the redissolusingness
of.mindmouldered ease and the thereby hang of the Hoel of it, could such a
none, whiles even led comesilencers to comeliewithhers and till
intempestuous Nox should catch the gallicry and spot lucan's dawn, byhold at
ones what is main and why tis twain, how one once meet melts in tother wants
poignings, the sap rising, the foles falling, the nimb now nihilant round
the girlyhead so becoming, the wrestless in the womb, all the rivals to
allsea, shakeagain, O disaster! shakealose, Ah how starring! but Heng's got
a bit of Horsa's nose and Jeff's got the signs of Ham round his mouth and
the beau that spun beautiful pales as it palls, what roserude and oragious
grows gelb and greem, blue out the ind of it ! Violet's dyed! then what
would that fargazer seem to seemself to seem seeming of, dimm it all?
Answer: A collideorscape!
10. What bitter's love but yurning, what' sour lovemutch but a bref
burning till shee that drawes dothe smoake retourne?
Answer: I know, pepette, of course, dear, but listen, precious !
Thanks, pette, those are lovely, pitounette, delicious! But mind the wind,
sweet! What exquisite hands you have, you angiol, if you didn't gnaw your
nails, isn't it a wonder you're not achamed of me, you pig, you perfect
little pigaleen! I'll nudge you in a minute ! I bet you use her best
Perisian smear off her vanity table to make them look so rosetop glowstop
nostop. I know her. Slight me, would she? For every got I care! Three
creamings a day, the first during her shower and wipe off with tissue. Then
after cleanup and of course before retiring. Beme shawl, when I think of
that espos of a Clancarbry, the foodbrawler, of the sociationist party with
hiss blackleaded chest, hello, Prendregast! that you, Innkipper, and all his
fourteen other fullback maulers or hurling stars or whatever the dagos they
are, baiting at my Lord Ornery's, just becups they won the egg and spoon
there so ovally provencial at Balldole. My Eilish assent he seed makes his
admiracion. He is seeking an opening and means to be first with me as his
belle alliance. Andoo musnoo play zeloso! Soso do todas. Such is Spanish.
Stoop alittle closer, fealse! Delightsome simply! Like Jolio and Romeune. I
haven't fell so turkish for ages and ages! Mine's me of squisious, the
chocolate with a soul. Extraordinary! Why, what are they all, the mucky lot
of them only? Sht! I wouldn't pay three hairpins for them. Peppt! That's
rights, hold it steady! Leg me pull. Pu! Come big to Iran. Poo! What are you
nudging for? No, I just thought you were. Listen, loviest! Of course it was
too kind of you, miser, to remember my sighs in shockings, my often
expressed wish when you were wandering about my trousseaurs and before I
forget it don't forget, in your extensions to my personality, when knotting
my remembrancetie, shoeweek will be trotting back with red heels at the end
of the moon but look what the fool bought cabbage head and, as I shall
answer to gracious heaven, I'll always in always remind of snappy new
girters, me being always the one for charms with my very best in proud and
gloving even if he was to be vermillion miles my youth to live on, the
rubberend Mr Polkingtone, the quonian fleshmonger who Mother Browne
solicited me for unlawful converse with, with her mug of October (a pots on
it!), creaking around on his old shanksaxle like a crosty old cornquake.
Airman, waterwag, terrier, blazer! I'm fine, thanks ever! Ha! O mind you poo
tickly. Sall I puhim in momou. Mummum. Funny spot to have a fingey! I'm
terribly sorry, I swear to you I am ! May you never see me in my birthday
pelts seenso tutu and that her blanches mainges may rot leprous off her
whatever winking maggis I'll bet by your cut you go fleurting after with all
the glass on her and the jumps in her stomewhere! Haha! I suspected she was!
Sink her! May they fire her for a barren ewe ! So she says: Tay for thee?
Well, I saith: Angst so mush: and desired she might not take it amiss if I
esteemed her but an odd. If I did ate toughturf I'm not a mishymissy. Of
course I know, pettest, you're so learningful and considerate in yourself,
so friend of vegetables, you long cold cat you! Please by acquiester to meek
my acquointance! Codling, snakelet, iciclist! My diaper has more life to it!
Who drowned you in drears, man, or are you pillale with ink? Did a weep get
past the gates of your pride? My tread on the clover, sweetness? Yes, the
buttercups told me, hug me, damn it all, and I'll kiss you back to life, my
peachest. I mean to make you suffer, meddlar, and I don't care this fig for
contempt of courting. That I chid you,sweet sir? You know I'm tender by my
eye. Can't you read by dazzling ones through me true? Bite my laughters,
drink my tears. Pore into me, volumes, spell me stark and spill me swooning.
I just don't care what my thwarters think. Transname me loveliness, now and
here me for all times ! I'd risk a policeman passing by, Magrath or even
that beggar of a boots at the Post. The flame? O, pardone! That was what?
Ah, did you speak, stuffstuff? More poestries from Chickspeer's with
gleechoreal music or a jaculation from the garden of the soul. Of I be leib
in the immoralities? O, you mean the strangle for love and the sowiveall of
the prettiest? Yep, we open hap coseries in the home. And once upon a week I
improve on myself I'm so keen on that New Free Woman with novel inside. I'm
always as tickled as can be over Man in a Surplus by the Lady who Pays the
Rates. But I'm as pie as is possible. Let's root out Brimstoker and give him
the thrall of our lives. It's Dracula's nightout. For creepsake don't make a
flush! Draw the shades, curfe you, and I'll beat any sonnamonk to love. Holy
bug, how my highness would jump to make you flame your halve a bannan in two
when I'd run my burning torchlight through (to adore me there and then cease
to be? Whatever for, blossoms?) Your hairmejig if you had one. If I am
laughing with you? No, lovingest, I'm not so dying to take my rise out of
you, adored. Not in the very least. True as God made my Mamaw hiplength
modesty coatmawther! It's only because the rison is I'm only any girl, you
lovely fellow of my dreams, and because old somebooby is not a roundabout,
my trysting of the tulipies, like that puff pape bucking Daveran assoiling
us behinds. What a nerve! He thinks that's what the vesprey's for. How
vain's that hope in cleric's heart Who still pursues th'adult' rous art,
Cocksure that rusty gown of his Will make fair Sue forget his phiz! Tame
Schwipps. Blessed Marguerite bosses, I hope they threw away the mould or
else we'll have Ballshossers and Sourdamapplers with their medical
assassiations all over the place. But hold hard till I've got my latchkey
vote and I'll teach him when to wear what woman callours. On account of the
gloss of the gleison Hasaboobrawbees isabeaubel. And because, you pluckless
lankaloot, I hate the very thought of the thought of you and because,
dearling, of course, adorest, I was always meant for an engindear from the
French college, to be musband, nomme d'engien, when we do and contract with
encho tencho solver when you are married to reading and writing which
pleasebusiness now won't be long for he's so loopy on me and I'm so leapy
like since the day he carried me from the boat, my saviored of eroes, to the
beach and I left on his shoulder one fair hair to guide hand and mind to its
softness. Ever so sorry! I beg your pardon, I was listening to every
treasuried word I said fell from my dear mot's tongue otherwise how could I
see what you were thinking of our granny? Only I wondered if I threw out my
shaving water. Anyway, here's my arm, pulletneck. Gracefully yours. Move
your mouth towards minth, more, preciousest, more on more! To please me,
treasure. Don't be a, I'm not going to! Sh! nothing! A cricri somewhere!
Buybuy! I'm fly! Hear, pippy, under the limes. You know bigtree are all
against gravstone. They hisshistenency. Garnd ond mand ! So chip chirp
chirrup, cigolo, for the lug of Migo! The little passdoor, I go you before,
so, and you're at my apron stage. Shy is him, dovey? Musforget there's an
audience. I have been lost, angel. Cuddle, ye divil ye! It's our
toot-a-toot. Hearhere! Sensation! Let them, their whole four courtships! Let
them, Bigbawl and his boosers' eleven makes twelve territorials. The Old
Sot's Hole that wants wide streets to commission their noisense in, at the
Mitchells v. Nicholls. Aves Selvae Acquae Valles! And my waiting twenty
classbirds, sitting on their stiles! Let me finger their eurhythmytic. And
you'll see if I'm selfthought. They're all of them out to please. Wait! In
the name of. And all the holly. And some the mistle and it Saint Yves.
Hoost! Ahem! There's Ada, Bett, Celia, Delia, Ena, Fretta, Gilda, Hilda,
Ita, Jess, Katty, Lou, (they make me cough as sure as I read them) Mina,
Nippa, Opsy, Poll, Queeniee, Ruth, Saucy, Trix, Una, Vela, Wanda, Xenia,
Yva, Zulma, Phoebe, Thelma. And Mee! The reformatory boys is goaling in for
the church so we've all comefeast like the groupsuppers and caught
lipsolution from Anty Pravidance under penancies for myrtle sins. When their
bride was married all my belles began ti ting. A ring a ring a rosaring!
Then everyone will hear of it. Whoses wishes is the farther to my thoughts.
But I'll plant them a poser for their nomanclatter. When they're out with
the daynurse doing Chaperon Mall. Bright pigeons all over the whirrld will
fly with my mistletoe message round their loveribboned necks and d crumb of
my cake for each chasta dieva. We keeps all and sundry papers. In th'
amourlight, O my darling! No, I swear to you by Fibsburrow churchdome and
Sainte Andr‚e's Undershift, by all I hold secret from my world and in my
underworld of nighties and naughties and all the other wonderwearlds! Close
your, notmust look! Now open, pet, your lips, pepette, like I used my sweet
parted lipsabuss with Dan Holohan of facetious memory taught me after the
flannel dance, with the proof of love, up Smock Alley the first night he
smelled pouder and I coloured beneath my fan, pipetta mia, when you learned
me the linguo to melt. Whowham would have ears like ours, the blackhaired!
Do you like that, silenzioso? Are you enjoying, this same little me, my
life, my love? Why do you like my whisping? Is it not divinely deluscious?
But in't it bafforyou? Misi misi! Tell me till my thrillme comes! I will not
break the seal. I am enjoying it still, I swear I am! Why do you prefer its
in these dark nets, if why may ask, my sweetykins? Sh sh! Longears is
flying. No, sweetissest, why would that ennoy me? But don't! You want to be
slap well slapped for that. Your delighted lips, love, be careful! Mind my
duvetyne dress above all! It's golded silvy, the newest sextones with
princess effect. For Rutland blue's got out of passion. So, so, my precious
! O, I can see the cost, chare! Don't tell me! Why, the boy in sheeps' lane
knows that. If I sell whose, dears? Was I sold here' tears? You mean those
conversation lozenges? How awful! The bold shame of me ! I wouldn't,
chickens, not for all the juliettes in the twinkly way! I could snap them
when I see them winking at me in bed. I didn't did so, my intended, or was
going to or thinking of. Shshsh! Don't start like that, you wretch! I
thought ye knew all and more, ye aucthor, to explique to ones the significat
of their exsystems with your nieu nivulon lead. It's only another queer fish
or other in Brinbrou's damned old trouchorous river again, Gothewishegoths
bless us and spare her! And gibos rest from the bosso ! Excuse me for
swearing, love, I swear to the sorrasims on their trons of Uian I didn't
mean to by this alpin armlet! Did you really never in all our cantalang
lives speak clothse to a girl's before? No! Not even to the charmermaid? How
marfellows! Of course I believe you, my own dear doting liest, when you tell
me. As I'd live to, O, I'd love to! Liss, liss! I muss whiss! Never that
ever or I can remember dearstreaming faces, you may go through me! Never in
all my whole white life of my matchless and pair. Or ever for bitter be the
frucht of this hour! With my whiteness I thee woo and bind my silk breasths
I thee bound! Always, Amory, amor andmore! Till always, thou lovest!
Shshshsh! So long as the lucksmith. Laughs!
II. If you met on the binge a poor acheseyeld from Ailing, when the
tune of his tremble shook shimmy on shin, while his countrary raged in the
weak of his wailing, like a rugilant pugilant Lyon O'Lynn; if he maundered
in misliness, plaining his plight or, played fox and lice, pricking and
dropping hips teeth, or wringing his handcuffs for peace, the blind
blighter, praying Dieuf and Domb Nostrums foh thomethinks to eath; if he
weapt while he leapt and guffalled quith a quhimper, made cold blood a blue
mundy and no bones without flech, taking kiss, kake or kick with a suck,
sigh or simper, a diffle to larn and a dibble to lech; if the fain shinner
pegged you to shave his immartial, wee skillmustered shoul with his ooh,
hoodoodoo ! broking wind that to wiles, woemaid sin he was partial, we don't
think, Jones, we'd care to this evening, would you?
Answer: No, blank ye! So you think I have impulsivism? Did they tell
you I am one of the fortysixths? And I suppose you heard I had a wag on my
ears? And I suppose they told you too that my roll of life is not natural?
But before proceeding to conclusively confute this begging question it would
be far fitter for you, if you dare! to hasitate to consult with and
consequentially attempt at my disposale of the same dime-cash problem
elsewhere naturalistically of course, from the blinkpoint of so eminent a
spatialist. From it you will here notice, Schott, upon my for the first
remarking you that the sophology of Bitchson while driven as under by a
purely dime-dime urge is not without his cashcash characktericksticks,
borrowed for its nonce ends from the fiery goodmother Miss Fortune (who the
lost time we had the pleasure we have had our little recherch‚ brush with,
what, Schott?) and as I further could have told you as brisk as your D.B.C.
behaviouristically paillet‚ with a coat of homoid icing which is in reality
only a done by chance ridiculisation of the whoo-whoo and where's hairs
theorics of Winestain. To put it all the more plumbsily. The speechform is a
mere sorrogate. Whilst the quality and tality (I shall explex what you ought
to mean by this with its proper when and where and why and how in the
subsequent sentence) are alternativomentally harrogate and arrogate, as the
gates may be.
Talis is a word often abused by many passims (I am working out a
quantum theory about it for it is really most tantumising state of affairs).
A pessim may frequent you to say: Have you been seeing much of Talis and
Talis those times? optimately meaning: Will you put up at hree of irish? Or
a ladyeater may perhaps have casualised as you temptoed her ... la sourdine:
Of your plates? Is Talis de Talis, the swordswallower, who is on at the
Craterium the same Talis von Talis, the penscrusher, no funk you ! who runs
his duly mile? Or this is a perhaps cleaner example. At a recent postvortex
piece infustigation of a determinised case of chronic spinosis an extension
lecturer on The Ague who out of matter of form was trying his seesers, Dr's
Het Ubeleeft, borrowed the question: Why's which Suchman's talis qualis? to
whom, as a fatter of macht, Dr Gedankje of Stoutgirth, who was wiping his
whistle, toarsely retoarted: While thou beast' one zoom of a whorl! (Talis
and Talis originally mean the same thing, hit it's: Qualis.)
Professor Loewy-Brueller (though as I shall promptly prove his whole
account of the Sennacherib as distinct from the Shalmanesir sanitational
reforms and of the Mr Skekels and Dr Hydes problem in the same connection
differs toto coelo from the fruit of my own investigations -- though the
reason I went to Jericho must remain for certain reasons a political secret
-- especially as I shall shortly be wanted in Cavantry, I congratulate
myself, for the same and other reasons -- as being again hopelessly vitiated
by what I have now resolved to call the dime and cash diamond fallacy) in
his talked off confession which recently met with such a leonine uproar on
its escape after its confinement Why am I not born like a Gentileman and why
am I now so speakable about my own eatables (Feigenbaumblatt and Father,
Judapest, 5688, A.M.) whole-heartedly takes off his gabbercoat and wig,
honest draughty fellow, in his public interest, to make us see how though,
as he says: 'by Allswill' the inception and the descent and the endswell of
Man is temporarily wrapped in obscenity, looking through at these accidents
with the faroscope of television, (this nightlife instrument needs still
some subtractional betterment in the readjustment of the more refrangible
angles to the squeals of his hypothesis on the outer tin sides), I can
easily believe heartily in my own most spacious immensity as my ownhouse and
microbemost cosm when I am reassured by ratio that the cube of my volumes is
to the surfaces of their subjects as the sphericity of these globes (I am
very pressing for a parliamentary motion this term which, under my guidance,
would establish the deleteriousness of decorousness in the morbidisation of
the modern mandaboutwoman type) is to the feracity of Fairynelly's vacuum. I
need not anthrapologise for any obintentional (I must here correct all that
school of neoitalian or paleoparisien schola of tinkers and spanglers who
say I'm wrong parcequeue out of revolscian from romanitis I want to be)
downtrodding on my foes. Professor Levi-Brullo, F.D. of SexeWeiman-Eitelnaky
finds, from experiments made by hinn with his Nuremberg eggs in the one
hands and the watches cunldron apan the oven, though it is astensably a case
of Ket's rebollions cooling the Popes back, because the number of squeer
faiths in weekly circulation will not be appreciably augmented by the
notherslogging of my cupolar clods. What the romantic in rags pines after
like all tomtompions haunting crevices for a deadbeat escupement and what
het importunes our Mitleid for in accornish with the Mortadarthella
taradition is the poorest commononguardiant waste of time. His everpresent
toes are always in retaliessian out throuth his overpast boots. Hear him
squak! Teek heet to that looswallawer how he bolo the bat! Tyro a toray!
When Mullocky won the couple of colds, when we were stripping in number
three, I would like the neat drop that would malt in my mouth but I fail to
see when (I am purposely refraining from expounding the obvious fallacy as
to the specific gravitates of the two deglutables implied nor to the lapses
lequou asousiated with the royal gorge through students of mixed
hydrostatics and pneumodipsics will after some difficulties grapple away
with my meinungs). Myrrdin aloer! as old Marsellas Cambriannus puts his.
But, on Professor Llewellys ap Bryllars, F.D., Ph. Dr's showings, the plea,
if he pleads, is all posh and robbage on a melodeontic scale since his man's
when is no otherman's quandour (Mine, dank you?) while,-- for aught I care
for the contrary, the all is where in love as war and the plane where me
arts soar you'd aisy rouse a thunder from and where I cling true'tis there I
climb tree and where Innocent looks best (pick!) there's holly in his ives.
As my explanations here are probably above your understandings,
lattlebrattons, though as augmentatively uncomparisoned as Cadwan, Cadwallon
and Cadwalloner, I shall revert to a more expletive method which I
frequently use when I have to sermo with muddlecrass pupils. Imagine for my
purpose that you are a squad of urchins, snifflynosed, goslingnecked,
clothyheaded, tangled in your lacings, tingled in your pants, etsitaraw
etcicero. And you, Bruno Nowlan, take your tongue out of your inkpot! As
none of you knows javanese I will give all my easyfree translation of the
old fabulist's parable. Allaboy Minor, take your head out of your satchel!
Audi, Joe Peters! Exaudi facts !
The Mookse and The Gripes.
Gentes and laitymen, fullstoppers and semicolonials, hybreds and
lubberds !
Eins within a space and a wearywide space it wast ere wohned a Mookse.
The onesomeness wast alltolonely, archunsitslike, broady oval, and a Mookse
he would a walking go (My hood! cries Antony Romeo),so one grandsumer
evening, after a great morning and his good supper of gammon and spittish,
having flabelled his eyes, pilleoled his nostrils, vacticanated his ears and
palliumed his throats, he put on his impermeable, seized his impugnable,
harped on his crown and stepped out of his immobile De Rure Albo (socolled
becauld it was chalkfull of masterplasters and had borgeously letout gardens
strown with cascadas, pintacostecas, horthoducts and currycombs) and set off
from Ludstown a spasso to see how badness was badness in the weirdest of all
pensible ways.
As he set off with his father's sword, his lancia spezzata, he was
girded on, and with that between his legs and his tarkeels, our once in only
Bragspear, he clanked, to my clinking, from veetoes to threetop, every inch
of an immortal.
He had not walked over a pentiadpair of parsecs from his azylium when
at the turning of the Shinshone Lanteran near Saint
Bowery's-without-his-Walls he came (secunding to the one one oneth of the
propecies, Amnis Limina Permanent) upon the most unconsciously boggylooking
stream he ever locked his eyes with. Out of the colliens it took a rise by
daubing itself Ninon. It looked little and it smelt of brown and it thought
in narrows and it talked showshallow. And as it rinn it dribbled like any
lively purliteasy: My, my, my! Me and me! Little down dream don't I love
And, I declare, what was there on the yonder bank of the stream that
would be a river, parched on a limb of the olum, bolt downright, but the
Gripes? And no doubt he was fit to be dried for why had he not been having
the juice of his times?
His pips had been neatly all drowned on him; his polps were charging
odours every older minute; he was quickly for getting the dresser's desdaign
on the flyleaf of his frons; and he was quietly for giving the bailiff's
distrain on to the bulkside of his cul de Pompe. In all his specious
heavings, as be lived by Optimus Maximus, the Mookse had never seen his
Dubville brooderon-low so nigh to a pickle.
Adrian (that was the Mookse now's assumptinome) stuccstill
phiz-...--phiz to the Gripes in an accessit of aurignacian. But Allmookse
must to Moodend much as Allrouts, austereways or wastersways, in roaming run
through Room. Hic sor a stone, singularly illud, and on hoc stone Seter satt
huc sate which it filled quite poposterously and by acclammitation to its
fullest justotoryum and whereopum with his unfallable encyclicling upom his
alloilable, diupetriark of the wouest, and the athemystsprinkled pederect he
always walked with, Deusdedit, cheek by jowel with his frisherman's blague?
Bellua Triumphanes, his everyway addedto wallat's collectium, for yea longer
he lieved yea broader he betaught of it, the fetter, the summe and the haul
it cost, he looked the first and last micahlike laicness of Quartus the
Fifth and Quintus the Sixth and Sixtus the Seventh giving allnight sitting
to Lio the Faultyfindth.
-- Good appetite us, sir Mookse ! How do you do it? cheeped the Gripes
in a wherry whiggy maudelenian woice and the jackasses all within bawl
laughed and brayed for his intentions for they knew their sly toad lowry
now. I am rarumominum blessed to see you, my dear mouster. Will you not
perhopes tell me everything if you are pleased, sanity? All about aulne and
lithial and allsall allinall about awn and liseias? Ney?
Think of it! O miserendissimest retempter! A Gripes!
-- Rats! bullowed the Mookse most telesphorously, the concionator, and
the sissymusses and the zozzymusses in their robenhauses quailed to hear his
tardeynois at all for you cannot wake a silken nouse out of a hoarse oar.
Blast yourself and your anathomy infairioriboos! No, hang you for an animal
rurale! I am superbly in my supremest poncif! Abase you, baldyqueens! Gather
behind me, satraps! Rots!
-- I am till infinity obliged with you, bowed the Gripes, his whine
having gone to his palpruy head. I am still always having a wish on all my
extremities. By the watch, what is the time, pace?
Figure it! The pining peever! To a Mookse!
-- Ask my index, mund my achilles, swell my obolum, woshup my nase
serene, answered the Mookse, rapidly by turning clement, urban, eugenious
and celestian in the formose of good grogory humours. Quote awhore? That is
quite about what I came on my missions with my intentions laudibiliter to
settle with you, barbarousse. Let thor be orlog. Let Pauline be Irene. Let
you be Beeton. And let me be Los Angeles. Now measure your length. Now
estimate my capacity. Well, sour? Is this space of our couple of hours too
dimensional for you, temporiser? Will you give you up? Como? Fuert it?
Sancta Patientia! You should have heard the voice that answered him !
Culla vosellina.
-- I was just thinkling upon that, swees Mooksey, but, for all the rime
on my raisins, if I connow make my submission, I cannos give you up, the
Gripes whimpered from nethermost of his wanhope.
Ishallassoboundbewilsothoutoosezit. My tumble, loudy bullocker, is my own.
My velicity is too fit in one stockend. And my spetial inexshellsis the
belowing things ab ove. But I will never be abler to tell Your Honoriousness
(here he near lost his limb) though my corked father was bott a
pseudowaiter, whose o'cloak you ware.
Incredible! Well, hear the inevitable.
-- Your temple, sus in cribro! Semperexcommunicambiambisumers.
Tugurios-in-Newrobe or Tukurias-in-Ashies. Novarome, my creature, blievend
bleives. My building space in lyonine city is always to let to leonlike Men,
the Mookse in a most consistorous allocution pompifically with immediate
jurisdiction constantinently concludded (what a crammer for the shapewrucked
Gripes!). And I regret to proclaim that it is out of my temporal to help you
from being killed by inchies, (what a thrust!), as we first met each other
newwhere so airly. (Poor little sowsieved subsquashed Gripes! I begin to
feel contemption for him!). My side,thank decretals, is as safe as
motherour's houses, he continued, and I can seen from my holeydome what it
is to be wholly sane. Unionjok and be joined to yok! Parysis, tu sais,
crucycrooks, belongs to him who parises himself. And there I must leave you
subject for the pressing. I can prove that against you, weight a momentum,
mein goot enemy! or Cospol's not our star. I bet you this dozen odd. This
foluminous dozen odd. Quas primas -- but 'tis bitter to compote my
knowledge's fructos of. Tomes.
Elevating, to give peint to his blick, his jewelled pederect to the
allmysty cielung, he luckystruck blueild out of a few shouldbe santillants,
a cloister of starabouts over Maples, a lucciolys in Teresa street and a
stopsign before Sophy Barratt's, he gaddered togodder the odds docence of
his vellumes, gresk, letton and russicruxian, onto the lapse of his prolegs,
into umfullth onescuppered, and sat about his widerproof He proved it well
whoonearth dry and drysick times, and vremiament, tu cesses, to the
extinction of Niklaus altogether (Niklaus Alopysius having been the once
Gripes's popwilled nimbum) by Neuclidius and Inexagoras and Mumfsen and
Thumpsem, by Orasmus and by Amenius, by Anacletus the Jew and by Malachy the
Augurer and by the Cappon's collection and after that, with Cheekee's
gelatine and Alldaybrandy's formolon, he reproved it ehrltogether when not
in that order sundering in some different order, alter three thirty and a
hundred times by the binomial dioram and the penic walls and the ind, the
Inklespill legends and the rure, the rule of the hoop and the blessons of
expedience and the jus, the jugicants of Pontius Pilax and all the
mummyscrips in Sick Bokes' Juncroom and the Chapters for the Cunning of the
Chapters of the Conning Fox by Tail.
While that Mooksius with preprocession and with proprecession,
duplicitly and diplussedly, was promulgating ipsofacts and sadcontras this
raskolly Gripos he had allbust seceded in monophysicking his
illsobordunates. But asawfulas he had caught his base semenoyous
sarchnaktiers to combuccinate upon the silipses of his aspillouts and the
acheporeoozers of his haggyown pneumax to synerethetise with the
breadchestviousness of his sweeatovular ducose sofarfully the loggerthuds of
his sakellaries were fond at variance with the synodals of his somepooliom
and his babskissed nepogreasymost got the hoof from his philioquus.
-- Efter thousand yaws, O Gripes con my sheepskins, yow will be belined
to the world, enscayed Mookse the pius.
-- Ofter thousand yores, amsered Gripes the gregary, be the goat of
MacHammud's, yours may be still, O Mookse, more botheared.
-- Us shall be chosen as the first of the last by the electress of Vale
Hollow, obselved the Mookse nobily, for par the unicum of Elelijiacks, Us am
in Our stabulary and that is what Ruby and Roby fall for, blissim.
The Pills, the Nasal Wash (Yardly's), the Army Man Cut, as british as
bondstrict and as straightcut as when that brokenarched traveller from
Nuzuland . . .
-- Wee, cumfused the Gripes limply, shall not even be the last of the
first, wee hope, when oust are visitated by the Veiled Horror. And, he
added: Mee are relying entirely, see the fortethurd of Elissabed, on the
weightiness of mear's breath. Puffut!
Unsightbared embouscher, relentless foe to social and business succes!
(Hourihaleine) It might have been a happy evening but . . .
And they viterberated each other, canis et coluber with the wildest
ever wielded since Tarriestinus lashed Pissasphaltium.
-- Unuchorn!
-- Ungulant!
-- Uvuloid !
-- Uskybeak!
And bullfolly answered volleyball.
Nuvoletta in her lightdress, spunn of sisteen shimmers, was looking
down on them, leaning over the bannistars and listening all she childishly
could. How she was brightened when Shouldrups in his glaubering hochskied
his welkinstuck and how she was overclused when Kneesknobs on his zwivvel
was makeacting such a paulse of himshelp! She was alone. All her nubied
companions were asleeping with the squirrels. Their mivver, Mrs Moonan, was
off in the Fuerst quarter scrubbing the backsteps of Number 28. Fuvver, that
Skand, he was up in Norwood's sokaparlour, eating oceans of Voking's
Blemish. Nuvoletta listened as she reflected herself, though the heavenly
one with his constellatria and his emanations stood between, and she tried
all she tried to make the Mookse look up at her (but he was fore too
adiaptotously farseeing) and to make the Gripes hear how coy she could be
(though he was much too schystimatically auricular about his ens to heed
her) but it was all mild's vapour moist. Not even her feignt reflection,
Nuvoluccia, could they toke their gnoses off for their minds with
intrepifide fate and bungless curiasity, were conclaved with Heliogobbleus
and Commodus and Enobarbarus and whatever the coordinal dickens they did as
their damprauch of papyrs and buchstubs said. As if that was their
spiration! As if theirs could duiparate her queendim! As if she would be
third perty to search on search proceedings! She tried all the winsome
wonsome ways her four winds had taught her. She tossed her
sfumastelliacinous hair like le princesse de la Petite Bretagne and she
rounded her mignons arms like Mrs Cornwallis-West and she smiled over
herself like the beauty of the image of the pose of the daughter of the
queen of the Emperour of Irelande and she sighed after herself as were she
born to bride with Tristis Tristior Tristissimus. But, sweet madonine, she
might fair as well have carried her daisy's worth to Florida. For the
Mookse, a dogmad Accanite, were not amoosed and the Gripes, a dubliboused
Catalick, wis pinefully obliviscent.
I see, she sighed. There are menner.
The siss of the whisp of the sigh of the softzing at the stir of the
ver grose O arundo of a long one in midias reeds: and shades began to
glidder along the banks, greepsing, greepsing, duusk unto duusk, and it was
as glooming as gloaming could be in the waste of all peacable worlds.
Metamnisia was allsoonome coloroform brune; citherior spiane an eaulande,
innemorous and unnumerose. The Mookse had a sound eyes right but he could
not all hear. The Gripes had light ears left yet he could but ill see. He
ceased. And he ceased, tung and trit, and it was neversoever so dusk of both
of them. But still Moo thought on the deeps of the undths he would
profoundth come the morrokse and still Gri feeled of the scripes he would
escipe if by grice he had luck enoupes.
Oh, how it was duusk! From Vallee Maraia to Grasyaplaina, dormimust
echo! Ah dew! Ah dew! It was so duusk that the tears of night began to fall,
first by ones and twos, then by threes and fours, at last by fives and sixes
of sevens, for the tired ones were wecking, as we weep now with them. O! O!
O! Par la pluie!
Then there came down to the thither bank a woman of no appearance (I
believe she was a Black with chills at her feet) and she gathered up his
hoariness the Mookse motamourfully where he was spread and carried him away
to her invisible dwelling, thats hights, Aquila Rapax, for he was the holy
sacred solem and poshup spit of her boshop's apron. So you see the Mookse he
had reason as I knew and you knew and he knew all along. And there came down
to the hither bank a woman to all important (though they say that she was
comely, spite the cold in her heed) and, for he was as like it as blow it to
a hawker's hank, she plucked down the Gripes, torn panicky autotone, in
angeu from his limb and cariad away its beotitubes with her to her unseen
shieling, it is, De Rore Coeli. And so the poor Gripes got wrong; for that
is always how a Gripes is, always was and always will.be. And it was never
so thoughtful of either of them. And there were left now an only elmtree and
but a stone. Polled with pietrous, Sierre but saule. O! Yes! And Nuvoletta,
a lass.
Then Nuvoletta reflected for the last time in her little long life and
she made up all her myriads of drifting minds in one. She cancelled all her
engauzements. She climbed over the bannistars; she gave a childy cloudy cry:
Nu‚e! Nu‚e! A lightdress fluttered. She was gone. And into the river that
had been a stream (for a thousand of tears had gone eon her and come on her
and she was stout and struck on dancing and her muddied name was
Missisliffi) there fell a tear, a singult tear, the loveliest of all tears
(I mean for those crylove fables fans who are 'keen' on the prettypretty
commonface sort of thing you meet by hopeharrods) for it was a leaptear. But
the river tripped on her by and by, lapping as though her heart was brook:
Why, why, why! Weh, O weh I'se so silly to be flowing but I no canna stay!
No applause, please! Bast! The romescot nattleshaker will go round your
circulation in diu dursus.
Allaboy, Major, I'll take your reactions in another place after themes.
Nolan Browne, you may now leave the classroom. Joe Peters, Fox.
As I have now successfully explained to you my own naturalborn rations
which are even in excise of my vaultybrain insure me that I am a mouth's
more deserving case by genius. I feel in symbathos for my ever devoted
friend and halfaloafonwashed, Gnaccus Gnoccovitch. Darling gem! Darling
smallfox! Horoseshoew! I could love that man like my own ambo for being so
baileycliaver though he's a nawful curillass and I must slav to
methodiousness. I want him to go and live like a theabild in charge of the
night brigade on Tristan da Cunha, isle of manoverboard, where he'll make
Number 106 and be near Inaccessible. (The meeting of mahoganies, be the
waves, rementious me that this exposed sight though it pines for an umbrella
of its own and needs a shelter belt of the true service sort to keep its
boles clean, -- the weeping beeches, Picea and Tillia, are in a wild state
about it -- ought to be classified, as Cricketbutt Willowm and his two
nurserymen advisers suggested, under genus Inexhaustible when we refloat
upon all the butternat, sweet gum and manna ash redcedera which is so
purvulent there as if there was howthorns in Curraghchasa which ought to
look as plane as a lodgepole to anybody until we are introduced to that
pinetacotta of Verney Rubeus where the deodarty is pinctured for us in a
pure stand, which we do not doubt ha has a habitat of doing, but without
those selfsownseedlings which are a species of proof that the largest
individual can occur at or in an olivetion such as East Conna Hillock where
it mixes with foolth accacians and common sallies and is tender) Vux
Populus, as we say in hickoryhockery and I wish we had some more glasses of
arbor vitae. Why roat by the roadside or awn over alum pot? Alderman
Whitebeaver is dakyo. He ought to go away for a change of ideas and he'd
have a world of things to look back on. Do,sweet Daniel! If I weren't a
jones in myself I'd elect myself to be his dolphin in the wildsbillow
because he is such a barefooted rubber with my supersocks pulled over his
face which I publicked in my bestback garden for the laetification of
siderodromites and to the irony of the stars. You will say it is most
unenglish and I shall hope to hear that you will not be wrong about it. But
I further, feeling a bit husky in my truths.
Will you please come over and let us mooremoore murgessly to each's
other down below our vices. I am underheerd by old billfaust. Wilsh is full
of curks. The coolskittle is philip deblinite. Mr Wist is thereover beyeind
the wantnot. Wilsh and wist are as thick of thins udder as faust on the
deblinite. Sgunoshooto estas preter la tapizo malgranda. Lilegas al si en
sia chambro. Kelkefoje funcktas, kelkefoje srumpas Shultroj. Houdian Kiel vi
fartas, mia nigra sinjoro? And from the poignt of fun where I am crying to
arrive you at they are on allfore as foibleminded as you can feel they are
My heeders will recoil with a great leisure how at the outbreak before
trespassing on the space question where even michelangelines have fooled to
dread I proved to mindself as to your sotisfiction how his abject all
through (the quickquid of Professor Ciondolone's too frequently hypothecated
Bettlermensch) is nothing so much more than a mere cashdime however genteel
he may want ours, if we please (I am speaking to us in the second person),
for to this graded intellecktuals dime is cash and the cash system (you must
not be allowed to forget that this is all contained, I mean the system, in
the dogmarks of origen on spurios) means that I cannot now have or nothave a
piece of cheeps in your pocket at the same time and with the same manners as
you can now nothalf or half the cheek apiece I've in mind unless Burrus and
Caseous have not or not have seemaultaneously sysentangled themselves,
selldear to soldthere, once in the dairy days of buy and buy.
Burrus, let us like to imagine, is a genuine prime, the real choice,
full of natural greace, the mildest of milkstoffs yet unbeaten as a risicide
and, of course, obsoletely unadulterous whereat Caseous is obversely the
revise of him and in fact not an ideal choose by any meals, though the
betterman of the two is meltingly addicted to the more casual side of the
arrivaliste case and, let me say it at once, as zealous over him as is
passably he. The seemsame home and histry seeks and hidepence which we used
to be reading for our prepurgatory, hot, Schott? till Duddy shut the shopper
op and Mutti, poor Mutti! brought us our poor suppy, (ah who! eh how!) in
Acetius and Oleosus and Sellius Volatilis and Petrus Papricus! Our Old Party
quite united round the Slatbowel at Commons: Pfarrer Salamoss himself and
that sprog of a Pedersill and his Sprig of Thyme and a dozen of the
Murphybuds and a score and more of the hot young Capels and Lettucia in her
greensleeves and you too and me three, twinsome bibs but hansome ates, like
shakespill and eggs! But there's many a split pretext bowl and jowl; and
(snob screwing that cork, Schott!) to understand this as well as you can,
feeling how backward you are in your down-to-the-ground benches, I have
completed the following arrangement for the coarse use of stools and if I
don't make away with you I'm beyond Caesar outnullused
The older sisars (Tyrants, regicide is too good for you!) become
unbeurrable from age, (the compositor of the farce of dustiny however makes
a thunpledrum mistake by letting off this pienofarte effect as his furst act
as that is where the juke comes in) having been sort-of-nineknived and
chewly removed (this soldier -- author -- batman for all his commontoryism
is just another of those souftsiezed bubbles who never quite got the
sandhurst out of his eyes so that the champaign he draws for us is as flop
as a plankrieg) the twinfreer types are billed to make their reupprearance
as the knew kneck and knife knickknots on the deserted champ de bouteilles.
(A most cursery reading into the Persic-Uraliens hostery shows us how
Fonnumagula picked up that propper numen out of a colluction of prifixes
though to the permienting cannasure the Coucousien oafsprung of this sun of
a kuk is as sattin as there's a tub in Tobolosk) Ostiak della Vogul Marina!
But that I dannoy the fact of wanton to weste point I could paint you to
that butter (cheese it!) if you had some wash. Mordvealive! Oh me none
onsens! Why the case is as inessive and impossive as kezom hands! Their
interlocative is conprovocative just as every hazzy hates to having a
hazbane in her noze. Caseous may bethink himself a thought of a caviller but
Burrus has the reachly roundered head that goes best with thofthinking
defensive fideism. He has the lac of wisdom under every dent in his lofter
while the other follow's onni vesy milky indeedmymy. Laughing over the
linnuts and weeping off the uniun. He hisn't the hey og he lisn't the lug,
poohoo. And each night sim misses mand he winks he had the semagen. It was
aptly and corrigidly stated (and, it is royally needless for one ex ungue
Leonem to say by whom) that his seeingscraft was that clarety as were the
wholeborough of Poutresbourg to be averlaunched over him pitchbatch he could
still make out with his augstritch the green moat in Ireland's Eye. Let me
sell you the fulltroth of Burrus when he wore a younker. Here it is, and
chorming too, in six by sevens! A cleanly line, by the gods! A king off duty
and a jaw for ever! And what a cheery ripe outlook, good help me Deus v
Deus! If I were to speak my ohole mouthful to arinam about it you should
call me the ormuzd aliment in your midst of faime. Eat ye up, heat ye up!
sings the somun in the salm. Butyrum et mel comedet ut sciat reprobare malum
et eligere bonum. This, of course, also explains why we were taught to play
in the childhood: Der Haensli ist ern Butterbrot, mein Butterbrot! Und Koebi
iss dein Schtinkenkot! Ja! Ja! Ja!
This in fact, just to show you, is Caseous, the brutherscutch or puir
tyron: a hole or two, the highstinks aforefelt and anygo prigging wurms.
Cheesugh! you complain. And Hi Hi High must say you are not Hoa Hoa Hoally
in the wrong!
Thus we cannot escape our likes and mislikes, exiles or ambusheers,
beggar and neighbour and -- this is where the dimeshow advertisers advance
the temporal relief plea -- let us be tolerant of antipathies. Nex quovis
burro num fit mercaseus? I am not hereby giving my final endorsement to the
learned ignorants of the Cusanus philosophism in which old Nicholas pegs it
down that the smarter the spin of the top the sounder the span of the buttom
(what the worthy old auberginiste ought to have meant was: the more stolidly
immobile in space appears to me the bottom which is presented to use in time
by the top primomobilisk &c.). And I shall be misunderstord if understood to
give an unconditional sinequam to the heroicised furibouts of the Nolanus
theory, or, at any rate, of that substrate of apart from hissheory where the
Theophil swoors that on principial he was the pointing start of his odiose
by comparison and that whiles eggs will fall cheapened all over the walled
the Bure will be dear on the Brie.
Now, while I am not out now to be taken up as unintentionally
recommending the Silkebjorg tyrondynamon machine for the more economical
helixtrolysis of these amboadipates until I can find space to look into it
myself a little more closely first I shall go on with my decisions after
having shown to you in good time how both products of our social stomach
(the excellent Dr Burroman, I noticed by the way from his emended food
theory, has been carefully digesting the very wholesome criticism I helped
him to in my princeps edition which is all so munch to the cud) are
mutuearly polarised the incompatabilily of any delusional acting as
ambivalent to the fixation of his pivotism. Positing, as above, too males
pooles, the one the pictor of the other and the omber the Skotia of the one,
and looking wantingly around our undistributed middle between males we feel
we must waistfully woent a female to focus and on this stage there
pleasantly appears the cowrymaid M. whom we shall often meet below who
introduces herself upon us at some precise hour which we shall again agree
to call absolute zero or the babbling pumpt of platinism. And so like that
former son of a kish who went up and out to found his farmer's ashes we come
down home gently on our own turnedabout asses to meet Margareen.
We now romp through a period of pure lyricism of shamebred music
(technologically, let me say, the appetising entry of this subject on a fool
chest of vialds is plumply pudding the carp before doevre hors) evidenced by
such words in distress as I cream for thee, Sweet Margareen, and the more
hopeful O Margareena! O Margareena! Still in the bowl is left a lump of
gold! (Correspondents, by the way, will keep on asking me what is the
correct garnish to serve drisheens with. Tansy Sauce. Enough). The
pawnbreaking pathos of the first of these shoddy pieces reveals it as a
Caseous effort. Burrus's bit is often used for a toast. Criniculture can
tell us very precisely indeed how and why this particular streak of yellow
silver first appeared on (not in) the bowel, that is to see, the human head,
bald, black, bronze, brown, brindled, betteraved or blanchemanged where it
might be usefully compared with an earwig on a fullbottom. I am offering
this to Signorina Cuticura and I intend to take it up and bring it under the
nosetice of Herr Harlene by way of diverting his attentions. Of course the
unskilled singer continues to pervert our wiser ears by subordinating the
space-element, that is to sing, the aria, to the time-factor, which ought to
be killed, ill tempor. I should advise any unborn singer who may still be
among my heeders to forget her temporal diaphragm at home (the best thing
that could happen to it!) and attack the roulade with a swift colpo di
glottide to the lug (though Maace I will insist was reclined from overdoing
this, his recovery often being slow) and then, O ! on the third dead beat, O
! to cluse her eyes and aiopen her oath and see what spice I may send her.
How? Cease thee, cantatrickee! I fain would be solo. Arouse thee, my valour!
And save for e'er my true Bdur!
I shall have a word to say in a few yards about the acoustic and
orchidectural management of the tonehall but, as ours is a vivarious where
one plant's breaf is a lunger planner's byscent and you may not care for
argon, it will be very convenient for me for the emolument to pursue Burrus
and Caseous for a rung or two up their isocelating biangle. Every admirer
has seen my goulache of Marge (she is so like the sister, you don't know,
and they both dress A L I K E !) which I titled The Very Picture of a
Needlesswoman which in the presence ornates our national cruetstand. This
genre of portraiture of changes of mind in order to be truly torse should
evoke the bush soul of females so I am leaving it to the experienced victim
to complete the general suggestion by the mental addition of a wallopy bound
or, should the zulugical zealot prefer it, a congorool teal. The hatboxes
which composed Rhomba, lady Trabezond (Marge in her excelsis), also
comprised the climactogram up which B and C may fondly be imagined ascending
and are suggestive of gentlemen's spring modes, these modes carrying us back
to the superimposed claylayers of eocene and pleastoseen formation and the
gradual morphological changes in our body politic which Professor
Ebahi-Ahuri of Philadespoinis (Ill) -- whose bluebutterbust I have just
given his coupe de grass to -- neatly names a boŒte ... surprises. The
boxes, if I may break the subject gently, are worth about fourpence pourbox
but I am inventing a more patent process, foolproof and pryperfect (I should
like to ask that Shedlock Homes person who is out for removing the roofs of
our criminal classics by what deductio ad domunum he hopes de tacto to
detect anything unless he happens of himself, movibile tectu, to have a
slade off) after which they can be reduced to a fragment of their true crust
by even the youngest of Margees if she will take plase to be seated and
smile if I please.
Now there can be no question about it either that I having done as
much, have quite got the size of that demilitery young female (we will
continue to call her Marge) whose types may be met with in any public
garden, wearing a very "dressy" affair, known as an "ethel" of instep length
and with a real fur, reduced to 3/9, and muffin cap to tone (they are
"angelskin" this fall), ostentatiously hemming apologetically over the
shirtness of some "sweet" garment, when she is not sitting on all the free
benches avidously reading about "it" but ovidently on the look out for "him"
or so "thrilled" about the best dressed dolly pram and beautiful elbow
competition or at the movies swallowing sobs and blowing bixed mixcuits over
"childe" chaplain's "latest" or on the verge of the gutter with some
bobbedhair brieffrocked babyma's toddler (the Smythe-Smythes now keep TWO
domestics and aspire to THREE male ones, a shover, a butlegger and a
sectary) held hostage at armslength, teaching His Infant Majesty how to make
waters worse.
(I am closely watching Master Pules, as I have regions to suspect from
my post that her "litde man" is a secondary schoolteacher under the boards
of education, a voted disciple of Infantulus who is being utilised thus
publicly by the seducente infanta to conceal her own more mascular
personality by flaunting frivolish finery over men's inside clothes, for the
femininny of that totamulier will always lack the musculink of a verumvirum.
My solotions for the proper parturience of matres and the education of
micturious mites must stand over from the moment till I tackle this tickler
hussy for occupying my uttentions.)
Margareena she's very fond of Burrus but, alick and alack! she velly
fond of chee. (The important influence exercised on everything by this
eastasian import has not been till now fully flavoured though we can
comfortably taste it in this case. I shall come back for a little more say
farther on.) A cleopatrician in her own right she at once complicates the
position while Burrus and Caseous are contending for her misstery by
implicating herself with an elusive Antonius, a wop who would appear to hug
a personal interest in refined chees of all chades at the same time as he
wags an antomine art of being rude like the boor. This
Antonius-Burrus-Caseous grouptriad may be said to equate the qualis
equivalent with the older socalled talis on talis one just as quantly as in
the hyperchemical economantarchy the tantum ergons irruminate the quantum
urge so that eggs is to whey as whay is to zeed like your golfchild's abe
boob caddy. And this is why any simple philadolphus of a fool you like to
dress, an athemisthued lowtownian, exlegged phatrisight, may be awfully
green to one side of him and fruitfully blue on the other which will not
screen him however from appealing to my gropesarching eyes, through the
strongholes of my acropoll, as a boosted blasted bleating blatant bloaten
blasphorus blesphorous idiot who kennot tail a bomb from a painapple when he
steals one and wannot psing his psalmen with the cong in our gregational
pompoms with the canting crew.
No! Topsman to your Tarpeia! This thing, Mister Abby, is nefand. (And,
taking off soutstuffs and alkalike matters, I hope we can kill time to reach
the salt because there's some forceglass neutric assets bittering in the
soldpewter for you to plump your pottage in). The thundering legion has
stormed Olymp that it end. Twelve tabular times till now have I edicted it.
Merus Genius to Careous Caseous! Moriture, te salutat! My phemous themis
race is run, so let Demoncracy take the highmost! (Abraham Tripier. Those
old diligences are quite out of date. Read next answer). I'll beat you so
lon. (Bigtempered. Why not take direct action. See previous reply). My
unchanging Word is sacred. The word is my Wife, to exponse and expound, to
vend and to velnerate, and may the curlews crown our nuptias! Till Breath us
depart! Wamen. Beware would you change with my years. Be as young as your
grandmother! The ring man in the rong shop but the rite words by the rote
order! Ubi lingua nuncupassit, ibi fas! Adversus hostem semper sac! She that
will not feel my fulmoon let her peel to thee as the hoyden and the
impudent! That mon that hoth no moses in his sole nor is not awed by
conquists of word's law, who never with humself was fed and leaves his soil
to lave his head, when his hope's in his highlows from whisking his woe, if
he came to my preach, a proud pursebroken ranger, when the heavens were
welling the spite of their spout, to beg for a bite in our bark Noisdanger,
would meself and Mac Jeffet, four-in-hand, foot him out? -- ay! -- were he
my own breastbrother, my doubled withd love and my singlebiassed hate, were
we bread by the same fire and signed with the same salt, had we tapped from
the same master and robbed the same till, were we tucked in the one bed and
bit by the one flea, homogallant and hemycapnoise, bum and dingo, jack by
churl, though it broke my heart to pray it, still I'd fear I'd hate to say!
12. Sacer esto?
Answer: Semus sumus!
Shem is as short for Shemus as Jem is joky for Jacob. A few toughnecks
are still getatable who pretend that aboriginally he was of respectable
stemming (he was an outlex between the lines of Ragonar Blaubarb ant Horrild
Hairwire and an inlaw to Capt. the Hon. and Rev. Mr Bbyrdwood de Trop Blogg
was among his most distant connections) but every honest to goodness man in
the land of the space of today knows that his back life will not stand being
written about in black and white. Putting truth and untruth together a shot
may be made at what this hybrid actually was like to look at.
Shem's bodily getup, it seems, included an adze of a skull, an eight of
a larkseye, the whoel of a nose, one numb arm up a sleeve, fortytwo hairs
off his uncrown, eighteen to his mock lip, a trio of barbels from his
megageg chin (sowman's son), the wrong shoulder higher than the right, all
ears, an artificial tongue with a natural curl, not a foot to stand on, a
handful of thumbs, a blind stomach, a deaf heart, a loose liver, two fifths
of two buttocks, one gleetsteen avoirdupoider for him, a manroot of all
evil, a salmonkelt's thinskin, eelsblood in his-cold toes, a bladder
tristended, so much so that young Master Shemmy on his very first debouch at
the very dawn of protohistory seeing himself such and such, when playing
with thistlewords in their garden nursery, Griefotrofio, at Phig Streat III
Shuvlin, Old Hoeland, (would we go back there now for sounds, pillings and
sense? would we now for annas and annas? would we for fullscore eight and a
liretta? for twelve blocks one bob? for four testers one groat? not for a
dinar! not for jo!) dictited to of all his little brothron and sweestureens
the first riddle of the universe: asking, when is a man not a man?: telling
them take their time, yungfries, and wait till the tide stops (for from the
first his day was a fortnight) and offering the prize of a bittersweet crab,
a little present from the past, for their copper age was yet unminted, to
the winner. One said when the heavens are quakers, a second said when
Bohemeand lips, a third said when he, no, when hold hard a jiffy, when he is
a gnawstick and detarmined to, the next one said when the angel of death
kicks the bucket of life, still another said when the wine's at witsends,
and still another when lovely wooman stoops to conk him, one of the
littliest said me, me, Sem, when pappa papared the harbour, one of the
wittiest said, when he yeat ye abblokooken and he zmear hezelf zo zhooken,
still one said when you are old I'm grey fall full wi sleep, and still
another when wee deader walkner, and another when he is just only after
having being semisized, another when yea, he hath no mananas, and one when
dose pigs they begin now that they will flies up intil the looft. All were
wrong, so Shem himself, the doctator, took the cake, the correct solution
being -- all give it up? -- ; when he is a -- yours till the rending of the
rocks, -- Sham.
Shem was a sham and a low sham and his lowness creeped out first via
foodstuffs. So low was he that he preferred Gibsen's teatime salmon tinned,
as inexpensive as pleasing, to the plumpest roeheavy lax or the friskiest
parr or smolt troutlet that ever was gaffed between Leixlip and Island
Bridge and many was the time he repeated in his botulism that no junglegrown
pineapple ever smacked like the whoppers you shook out of Ananias' cans,
Findlater and Gladstone's, Corner House, Englend. None of your inchthick
blueblooded Balaclava fried-at-belief-stakes or juicejelly legs of the
Grex's molten mutton or greasilygristly grunters' goupons or slice upon slab
of luscious goosebosom with lump after load of plumpudding stuffing all
aswim in a swamp of bogoakgravy for that greekenhearted yude! Rosbif of Old
Zealand! he could not attouch it. See what happens when your somatophage
merman takes his fancy to our virgitarian swan? He even ran away with
hunself and became a farsoonerite, saying he would far sooner muddle through
the hash of lentils in Europe than meddle with Irrland's split little pea.
Once when among those rebels in a state of hopelessly helpless intoxication
the piscivore strove to lift a czitround peel to either nostril, hiccupping,
apparently impromptued by the hibat he had with his glottal stop, that he
kukkakould flowrish for ever by the smell, as the czitr, as the kcedron,
like a scedar, of the founts, on mountains, with limon on, of Lebanon. O!
the lowness of him was beneath all up to that sunk to! No likedbylike
firewater or firstserved firstshot or gulletburn gin or honest brewbarrett
beer either. O dear no! Instead the tragic jester sobbed himself
wheywhingingly sick of life on some sort of a rhubarbarous maundarin
yellagreen funkleblue windigut diodying applejack squeezed from sour
grapefruice and, to hear him twixt his sedimental cupslips when he had
gulfed down mmmmuch too mmmmany gourds of it retching off to almost as low
withswillers, who always knew notwithstanding when they had had enough and
were rightly indignant at the wretch's hospitality when they found to their
horror they could not carry another drop, it came straight from the noble
white fat, jo, openwide sat, jo, jo, her why hide that, jo jo jo, the
winevat, of the most serene magyansty az archdiochesse, if she is a duck,
she's a douches, and when she has a feherbour snot her fault, now is it?
artstouchups, funny you're grinning at, fancy you're in her yet, Fanny
Aint that swell, hey? Peamengro! Talk about lowness! Any dog's quantity
of it visibly oozed out thickly from this dirty little blacking beetle for
the very fourth snap the Tulloch-Turnbull girl with her coldblood kodak
shotted the as yet unremuneranded national apostate, who was cowardly gun
and camera shy, taking what he fondly thought was a short cut to Caer Fere,
Soak Amerigas, vias the shipsteam Pridewin, after having buried a hatchet
not so long before, by the wrong goods exeunt, nummer desh to tren, into
Patatapapaveri's, fruiterers and musical florists, with his Ciaho, chavi!
Sat shin, shillipen? she knew the vice out of bridewell was a bad fast man
by his walk on the spot.
[Johns is a different butcher's. Next place you are up town pay him a
visit. Or better still, come tobuy. You will enjoy cattlemen's spring meat.
Johns is now quite divorced from baking. Fattens, kills, flays, hangs,
draws, quarters and pieces. Feel his lambs ! Ex ! Feel how sheap! Exex! His
liver too is great value, a spatiality! Exexexl COMMUNICATED.]
Around that time, moravar, one generally, for luvvomony hoped or at any
rate suspected among morticians that he would early tum out badly, develop
hereditary pulmonary T.B., and do for himself one dandy time, nay, of a
pelting night blanketed creditors, hearing a coarse song and splash off Eden
Quay sighed and rolled over, sure all was up, but, though he fell heavily
and locally into debit, not even then could such an antinomian be true to
type. He would not put fire to his cerebrum; he would not throw himself in
Liffey; he would not explaud himself with pneumantics; he refused to
saffrocake himself with a sod. With the foreign devil's leave the fraid bom
fraud diddled even death. Anzi, cabled (but shaking the worth out of his
maulth: Guardacosta leporello? Szasas Kraicz!) from his Nearapoblican asylum
to his jonathan for a brother: Here tokay, gone tomory, we're spluched, do
something, Fireless. And had answer: Inconvenient, David.
You see, chaps, it will trickle out, freaksily of course, but the tom
and the shorty of it is: he was in his bardic memory low. All the time he
kept on treasuring with condign satisfaction each and every crumb of
trektalk, covetous of his neighbour's word, and if ever, during a Munda
conversazione commoted in the nation's interest, delicate tippits were
thrown out to him touching his evil courses by some wellwishers, vainly
pleading by scriptural arguments with the opprobrious papist about trying to
brace up for the kidos of the thing, Scally wag, and be a men instead of a
dem scrounger, dish it all, such as: Pray, what is the meaning, sousy, of
that continental expression, if you ever came acrux it, we think it is a
word transpiciously like canaille?: or: Did you anywhere, kennel, on your
gullible's travels or during your rural troubadouring, happen to stumble
upon a certain gay young nobleman whimpering to the name of Low Swine who
always addresses women out of the one comer of his mouth, lives on loans and
is furtivefree yours of age? without one sigh of haste like the supreme prig
he was, and not a bit sorry, he would pull a vacant landlubber's face, root
with earwaker's pensile in the outer of his lauscher and then, lisping, the
prattlepate parnella, to kill time, and swatting his deadbest to think what
under the canopies of Jansens Chrest would any decent son of an
Albiogenselman who had bin to an university think, let a lent hit a hint and
begin to tell all the intelligentsia admitted to that tamileasy samtalaisy
conclamazzione (since, still and before physicians, lawyers merchant, belfry
pollititians, agricolous manufraudurers, sacrestanes of the Pure River
Society, philanthropicks lodging on as many boards round the panesthetic at
the same time as possible) the whole lifelong swrine story of his entire low
cornaille existence, abusing his deceased ancestors wherever the sods were
and one moment tarabooming great blunderguns (poh!) about his farfamed fine
Poppamore, Mr Humhum, whom history, climate and entertainment made the first
of his sept and always up to debt, though Eavens ears ow many fines he
faces, and another moment visanvrerssas,cruaching three jeers (pah!) for his
rotten little ghost of a Peppybeg, Mr Himmyshimmy, a blighty, a reeky, a
lighty, a scrapy, a babbly, a ninny, dirty seventh among thieves and always
bottom sawyer, till nowan knowed how howmely howme could be, giving
unsolicited testimony on behalf of the absent, as glib as eaveswater to
those present (who meanwhile, with increasing lack of interest in his
semantics, allowed various subconscious smickers to drivel slowly across
their fichers), unconsciously explaining, for inkstands, with a meticulosity
bordering on the insane, the various meanings of all the different foreign
parts of speech he misused and cuttlefishing every lie unshrinkable about
all the other people in the story, leaving out, of course, foreconsciously,
the simple worf and plague and poison they had cornered him about until
there was not a snoozer among them but was utterly undeceived in the heel of
the reel by the recital of the rigmarole.
He went without saying that the cull disliked anything anyway
approaching a plain straightforward standup or knockdown row and, as often
as he was called in to umpire any octagonal argument among slangwhangers,
the accomplished washout always used to rub shoulders with the last speaker
and clasp shakers (the handtouch which is speech without words) and agree to
every word as soon as half uttered, command me!, your servant, good, I
revere you, how, my seer? be drinking that! quite truth, gratias, I'm yoush,
see wha'm hearing?, also goods, please it, me sure?, be filling this!,
quiso, you said it, apasafello, muchas grassyass, is there firing-on-me?, is
their girlic-on-you?, to your good self, your sulphur, and then at once
focuss his whole unbalanced attention upon the next octagonist who managed
to catch a listener's eye, asking and imploring him out of his piteous
onewinker, (hemoptysia diadumenos) whether there was anything in the world
he could do to please him and to overflow his tumbletantaliser for him yet
once more.
One hailcannon night (for his departure was attended by a heavy
downpour) as very recently as some thousand rains ago he was therefore
treated with what closely resembled parsonal violence, being soggert all
unsuspectingly through the deserted village of Tumblin-on-the-Leafy from Mr
Vanhomrigh's house at 81 bis Mabbot's Mall as far as Green Patch beyond the
brickfields of Salmon Pool by rival teams of slowspiers counter quicklimers
who finally, as rahilly they had been deteened out rawther laetich, thought,
busnis hits busnis, they had better be streaking for home after their
Auborne-to-Auborne,with thanks for the pleasant evening, one and all
disgustedly, instead of ruggering him back, and awake, reconciled (though
they were as jealous as could be cullions about all the truffles they had
brought on him) to a friendship, fast and furious, which merely arose out of
the noxious pervert's perfect lowness. Again there was a hope that people,
looking on him with the contemp of the contempibles, after first gaving him
a roll in the dirt, might pity and forgive him, if properly deloused, but
the pleb was born a Quicklow and sank alowing till he stank out of sight.
All Saints beat Belial! Mickil Goals to Nichil! Notpossible! Already?
In Nowhere has yet the Whole World taken part of himself for his
Wife; By Nowhere have Poorparents been sentenced to Worms, Blood and
Thunder for Life Not yet has the Emp from Corpsica forced the Arth out
of Engleterre; Not yet have the Sachsen and Judder on the Mound of a Word
Warre; Not yet Witchywithcy of Wench struck Fire of his Heath from on
Hoath; Not yet his Arcobaleine forespoken Peacepeace upon Oath;
Cleftfoot from Hempal must tumpel, Blamefool Gardener's bound to
fall; Broken Eggs will poursuive bitten Apples for where theirs is Will
there's his Wall; But the Mountstill frowns on the Millstream while
their Madsons
leap his Bier And her Rillstrill liffs to His Murkesty all her daft
Daughters laff
in her Ear. Till the four Shores of deff Tory Island let the douze dumm
whiggs raille! Hirp! Hirp! for their Missed Understandings! chirps the
Ballat of
O fortunous casualitas! Lefty takes the cherubcake while Rights cloves
his hoof Darkies never done tug that coon out to play non-excretory,
anti-sexuous, misoxenetic, gaasy pure, flesh and blood games, written and
composed and sung and danced by Niscemus Nemon, same as piccaninnies play
all day, those old (none of your honeys and rubbers !) games for fun and
element we used to play with Dina and old Joe kicking her behind and before
and the yellow girl kicking him behind old Joe, games like Thom Thom the
Thonderman, Put the Wind up the Peeler, Hat in the Ring, Prisson your
Pritchards and Play Withers Team, Mikel on the Luckypig, Nickel in the Slot,
Sheila Harnett and her Cow, Adam and Ell, Humble Bumble, Moggie's on the
Wall, Twos and Threes, American Jump, Fox Come out of your Den, Broken
Bottles, Writing a Letter to Punch, Tiptop is a Sweetstore, Henressy Crump
Expolled, Postman's Knock, Are We Fairlys Represented?, Solomon Silent
reading, Appletree Bearstone, I know a Washerwoman, Hospitals, As I was
Walking, There is Oneyone's House in Dreamcolohour, Battle of Waterloo,
Colours, Eggs in the Bush, Habberdasherisher, Telling your Dreams, What's
the Time, Nap, Ducking Mammy, Last Man Standing, Heali Baboon and the Forky
Theagues, Fickleyes and Futilears, Handmarried but once in my Life and I'll
never commit such a Sin agin, Zip Cooney Candy, Turkey in the Straw, This is
the Way we sow the Seed of a long and lusty Morning, Hops of Fun at
Miliken's Make, I seen the Toothbrush with Pat Farrel, Here's the Fat to
graze the Priest's Boots, When his Steam was like a Raimbrandt round Mac
Now it is notoriously known how on that surprisingly bludgeony Unity
Sunday when the grand germogall allstar bout was harrily the rage between
our weltingtoms extraordinary and our pettythicks the marshalaisy and Irish
eyes of welcome were smiling daggers down their backs, when the roth, vice
and blause met the noyr blank and rogues and the grim white and cold bet the
black fighting tans, categorically unimperatived by the maxims, a rank funk
getting the better of him, the scut in a bad fit of pyjamas fled like a
leveret for his bare lives, to Talviland, ahone ahaza, pursued by the
scented curses of all the village belles and, without having struck one
blow, (pig stole on him was lust he lagging it was becaused dust he shook)
kuskykorked himself up tight in his inkbattle house, badly the worse for
boosegas, there to stay in afar for the life, where, as there was not a
moment to be lost, after he had boxed around with his fortepiano till he was
whole bach bamp him and bump him blues, he collapsed carefully under a
bedtick from Schwitzer's, his face enveloped into a dead warrior's telemac,
with a lullobaw's somnbomnet and a whotwaterwottle at his feet to stoke his
energy of waiting, moaning feebly, in monkmarian monotheme, but tarned long
and then a nation louder, while engaged in swallowing from a large ampullar,
that his pawdry's purgatory was more than a nigger bloke could bear,
hemiparalysed by the tong warfare and all the shemozzle, (Daily Maily,
fullup Lace! Holy Maly, Mothelup Joss!) his cheeks and trousers changing
colour every time a gat croaked.
How is that for low, laities and gentlenuns? Why, dog of the
Crostiguns, whole continents rang with this Kairokorran lowness! Sheols of
houris in chems upon divans, (revolted stellas vespertine vesamong them) at
a bare (O!) mention of the scaly rybald exclaimed: Poisse!
But would anyone, short of a madhouse, believe it? Neither of those
clean little cherubum, Nero or Nobookisonester himself, ever nursed such a
spoiled opinion of his monstrous marvellosity as did this mental and moral
defective (here perhaps at the vanessance of his lownest) who was known to
grognt rather than gunnard upon one occasion, while drinking heavily of
spirits to that interlocutor a latere and private privysuckatary he used to
pal around with, in the kavehazs, one Davy Browne-Nowlan, his heavenlaid
twin, (this hambone dogpoet pseudoed himself under the hangname he gave
himself of Bethgelert) in the porchway of a gipsy's bar (Shem always
blaspheming, so holy writ, Billy, he would try, old Belly, and pay this one
manjack congregant of his four soups every lass of nexmouth, Bolly, so sure
as thair's a tail on a commet, as a taste for storik's fortytooth, that is
to stay, to listen out, ony twenny minnies moe, Bully, his Ballade
Imaginaire which was to be dubbed Wine, Woman and Waterclocks, or How a Guy
Finks and Fawkes When He Is Going Batty, by Maistre Sheames de la Plume,
some most dreadful stuff in a murderous mirrorhand) that he was avoopf (parn
me!) aware of no other shaggspick, other Shakhisbeard, either prexactly
unlike his polar andthisishis or procisely the seem as woops (parn!) as what
he fancied or guessed the sames as he was himself and that, greet scoot,
duckings and thuggery, though he was foxed fux to fux like a bunnyboy rodger
with all the teashop lionses of Lumdrum hivanhoesed up gagainst him, being a
lapsis linquo with a ruvidubb shortartempa, bad cad dad fad sad mad nad
vanhaty bear, the consciquenchers of casuality prepestered crusswords in
postposition, scruff, scruffer, scrufferumurraimost andallthatsortofthing,
if reams stood to reason and his lankalivline lasted he would wipe alley
english spooker, multaphoniaksically spuking, off the face of the erse.
After the thorough fright he got that bloody, Swithun's day, though
every doorpost in muchtried Lucalizod was smeared with generous erstborn
gore and every free for all cobbleway slippery with the bloods of heroes,
crying to Welkins for others, and noahs and cul verts agush with tears of
joy, our low waster never had the common baalamb's pluck to stir out and
about the compound while everyone else of the torchlit throng, slashers and
sliced alike, mobbu on massa, waaded and baaded around, yampyam pampyam,
chanting the Gillooly chorus, from the Monster Book of Paltryattic Puetrie,
O pura e pia bella! in junk et sampam or in secular sinkalarum, heads up, on
his bonafide avocation (the little folk creeping on all fours to their
natural school treat but childishly gleeful when a stray whizzer sang out
intermediately) and happy belongers to the fairer sex on their usual quest
for higher things, but vying with Lady Smythe to avenge MacJobber, went
stonestepping with their bickerrstaffs on educated feet, plinkity plonk,
across the sevenspan ponte dei colori set up over the slop after the
war-to-end war by Messrs a charitable government for the only once (dia dose
Finnados!) he did take a tompip peepestrella throug a threedraw eighteen
hawkspower durdicky telescope, luminous to larbourd only like the lamps in
Nassaustrass, out of his westernmost keyhole, spitting at the impenetrablum
wetter, (and it was porcoghastly that outumn) with an eachway hope in his
shivering soul, as he prayed to the cloud Incertitude, of finding out for
himself, on akkount of all the kules in Kroukaparka or oving to all the
kodseoggs in Kalatavala, whether true conciliation was forging ahead or
falling back after the celestious intemperance and, for Duvvelsache, why,
with his see me see and his my see a corves and his frokerfoskerfuskar layen
loves in meeingseeing, he got the charm of his optical life when he found
himself (hic sunt lennones!) at pointblank range blinking down the barrel of
an irregular revolver of the bulldog with a purpose pattern, handled by an
unknown quarreler who, supposedly, had been told off to shade and shoot shy
Shem should the shit show his shiny shnout out awhile to look facts in their
face before being hosed and creased (uprip and jack him !) by six or a dozen
of the gayboys.
What, para Saom Plaom, in the names of Deucalion and Pyrrha, and the
incensed privy and the licensed pantry gods and Stator and Victor and Kutt
and Runn and the whole mesa redonda of Lorencao Otulass in convocacaon, was
this disinterestingly low human type, this Calumnious Column of Cloaxity,
this Bengalese Beacon of Biloxity, this Annamite Aper of Atroxity, really
at, it will be precise to quarify, for he seems in a badbad case?
The answer, to do all the diddies in one dedal, would sound: from
pulling himself on his most flavoured canal the huge chesthouse of his
elders (the Popapreta, and some navico, navvies!) he had flickered up and
flinnered down into a drug and drunkery addict, growing megalomane of a
loose past. This explains the litany of septuncial lettertrumpets honorific,
highpitched, erudite, neoclassical,which he so loved as patricianly to
manuscribe after his name. It would have diverted,if ever seen,the
shuddersome spectacle of this semidemented zany amid the inspissated grime
of his glaucous den making believe to read his usylessly unreadable Blue
Book of Eccles, ‚dition de t‚nŠbres, (even yet sighs the Most Different, Dr.
Poindejenk, authorised bowdler and censor, it can't be repeated!) turning
over three sheets at a wind, telling himself delightedly, no espellor mor
so, that every splurge on the vellum he blundered over was an aisling vision
more gorgeous than the one before t.i.t.s., a roseschelle cottage by the sea
for nothing for ever, a ladies tryon hosiery raffle at liberty, a sewerful
of guineagold wine with brancomongepadenopie and sickcylinder oysters worth
a billion a bite, an entire operahouse (there was to be stamping room only
in the prompter's box and everthemore his queque kept swelling) of
enthusiastic noblewomen flinging every coronetcrimsoned stitch they had off
at his probscenium,one after the others, inamagoaded into ajustilloosing
themselves, in their gaiety pantheomime, when, egad, sir, acordant to all
acountstrick, he squealed the topsquall im Deal Lil Shemlockup Yellin
(geewhiz, jew ear that far! soap ewer! loutgout of sabaous! juice like a
boyd!) for fully five minutes,infinitely better than Baraton Mc Gluckin with
a scrumptious cocked hat and three green, cheese and tangerine trinity
plumes on the right handle side of his amarellous head, a coat macfarlane
(the kerssest cut, you understand?) a sponiard's digger at his ribs,
(Alfaiate punxit) an azulblu blowsheet for his blousebosom blossom and a
dean's crozier that he won from Cardinal Lindundarri and Cardinal
Carchingarri and Cardinal Loriotuli and Cardinal Occidentaccia (ah ho!) in
the dearby darby doubled for falling first over the hurdles, madam, in the
odder hand, a.a.t.s.o.t., but what with the murky light, the botchy print,
the tattered cover, the jigjagged page, the fumbling fingers, the
foxtrotting fleas, the lieabed lice, the scum on his tongue, the drop in his
eye, the lump in his throat, the drink in his pottle, the itch in his palm,
the wail of his wind, the grief from his breath, the fog of his mindfag, the
buzz in his braintree, the tic of his conscience, the height up his rage,
the gush down his fundament, the fire in his gorge, the tickle of his tail,
the bane in his bullugs, the squince in his suil, the rot in his eater, the
ycho in his earer, the totters of his toes, the tetters on his tumtytum, the
rats in his garret, the bats in his belfry, the budgerigars and bumbosolom
beaubirds, the hullabaloo and the dust in his ears since it took him a month
to steal a march he was hardset to mumorise more than a word a week. Hake's
haulin! Hook's fisk! Can you beat it? Whawe! I say, can you bait it? Was
there ever heard of such lowdown blackguardism? Positively it woolies one to
think over it.
Yet the bumpersprinkler used to boast aloud alone to himself with a
haccent on it when Mynfadher was a boer constructor and Hoy was a lexical
student, parole, and corrected with the blackboard (trying to copy the stage
Englesemen he broughts their house down on, shouting: Bravure, surr Chorles!
Letter purfect! Culossal, Loose Wallor! Spache!) how he had been toed out of
all the schicker families of the klondykers from Pioupioureich, Swabspays,
the land of Nod, Shruggers' Country, Pension Danubierhome and Barbaropolis,
who had settled and stratified in the capital city after its hebdomodary
metropoliarchialisation as sunblistered, moonplastered, gory, wheedling,
joviale, litcherous and full, ordered off the gorgeous premises in most
cases on account of his smell which all cookmaids eminently objected to as
ressembling the bombinubble puzzo that welled out of the pozzo. Instead of
chuthoring those model households plain wholesome pothooks (a thing he never
possessed of his Nigerian own) what do you think Vulgariano did but study
with stolen fruit how cutely to copy all their various styles of signature
so as one day to utter an epical forged cheque on the public for his own
private profit until, as just related, the Dustbin's United Scullerymaid's
and Househelp's Sorority, better known as Sluttery's Mowlted Futt, turned
him down and assisted nature by unitedly shoeing the source of annoyance out
of the place altogether and taytotally on the heat of the moment, holding
one another's gonk (for no-one, hound or scrublady, not even the Turk,
ungreekable in purscent of the armenable, dared whiff the polecat at close
range) and making some pointopointing remarks as they done so at the
perfects of the Sniffey, your honour, aboon the lyow why a stunk, mister.
[Jymes wishes to hear from wearers of abandoned female costumes,
gratefully received, wadmel jumper, rather full pair of culottes and
onthergarmenteries, to start city life together. His jymes is out of job,
would sit and write. He has lately commited one of the then commandments but
she will now assist. Superior built, domestic, regular layer. Also got the
boot. He appreciates it. Copies. ABORTISEMENT.]
One cannot even begin to post figure out a statuesquo ante as to how
slow in reality the excommunicated Drumcondriac, nate Hamis, really was. Who
can say how many pseudostylic shamiana, how few or how many of the most
venerated public impostures, how very many piously forged palimpsests
slipped in the first place by this morbid process from his pelagiarist pen?
Be that as it may, but for that light phantastic of his gnose's glow as
it slid lucifericiously within an inch of its page (he would touch at its
from time to other, the red eye of his fear in saddishness, to ensign the
colours by the beerlitz in his mathness and his educandees to outhue to
themselves in the cries of girlglee: gember ! inkware ! chonchambre !
cinsero ! zinnzabar ! tincture and gin!) Nibs never would have quilled a
seriph to sheepskin. By that rosy lampoon's effluvious burning and with help
of the simulchronic flush in his pann (a ghinee a ghirk he ghets there!) he
scrabbled and scratched and scriobbled and skrevened nameless shamelessness
about everybody ever he met, even sharing a precipitation under the idlish
tarriers' umbrella of a showerproof wall, while all over up and down the
four margins of this rancid Shem stuff the evilsmeller (who was devoted to
Uldfadar Sardanapalus) used to stipple endlessly inartistic portraits of
himself in the act of reciting old Nichiabelli's monolook interyerear Hanno,
o Nonanno, acce'l brubblemm'as, ser Autore, q.e.d., a heartbreakingly
handsome young paolo with love lyrics for the goyls in his eyols, a
plaintiff's tanner vuice, a jucal inkome of one hundred and thirtytwo
dranchmas per yard from Broken Hill stranded estate, Camebreech mannings,
cutting a great dash in a brandnew two guinea dress suit and a burled
hogsford hired for a Fursday evenin merry pawty, anna loavely long pair of
inky Italian moostarshes glistering with boric vaseline and frangipani. Puh!
How unwhisperably so!
The house O'Shea or O'Shame, Quivapieno, known as the Haunted
Inkbottle, no number Brimstone Walk, Asia in Ireland, as it was infested
with the raps, with his penname SHUT sepiascraped on the doorplate and a
blind of black sailcloth over its wan phwinshogue, in which the
soulcontracted son of the secret cell groped through life at the expense of
the taxpayers, dejected into day and night with jesuit bark and bitter bite,
calicohydrants of zolfor and scoppialamina by full and forty Queasisanos,
every day in everyone's way more exceeding in violent abuse of self and
others, was the worst, it is hoped, even in our western playboyish world for
pure mousefarm filth. You brag of your brass castle or your tyled house in
ballyfermont? Niggs, niggs and niggs again. For this was a stinksome
inkenstink, quite puzzonal to the wrottel. Smatterafact, Angles aftanon
browsing there thought not Edam reeked more rare. My wud ! The warped
flooring of the lair and soundconducting walls thereof, to say nothing of
the uprights and imposts, were persianly literatured with burst loveletters,
telltale stories, stickyback snaps, doubtful eggshells, bouchers, flints,
borers, puffers, amygdaloid almonds, rindless raisins, alphybettyformed
verbage, vivlical viasses, ompiter dictas, visus umbique, ahems and ahahs,
imeffible tries at speech unasyllabled, you owe mes, eyoldhyms, fluefoul
smut, fallen lucifers, vestas which had served, showered ornaments, borrowed
brogues, reversibles jackets, blackeye lenses, family jars, falsehair
shirts, Godforsaken scapulars, neverworn breeches, cutthroat ties,
counterfeit franks, best intentions, curried notes, upset latten tintacks,
unused mill and stumpling stones, twisted quills, painful digests,
magnifying wineglasses, solid objects cast at goblins, once current puns,
quashed quotatoes, messes of mottage, unquestionable issue papers, seedy
ejaculations, limerick damns, crocodile tears, spilt ink, blasphematory
spits, stale shestnuts, schoolgirl's, young ladies, milkmaids',
washerwomen's, shopkeepers' wives, merry widows', ex nuns', vice abbess's,
pro virgins', super whores', silent sisters', Charleys' aunts',
grandmothers', mothers'-in-laws,fostermothers', godmothers' garters, tress
clippings from right, lift and cintrum, worms of snot, toothsome pickings,
cans of Swiss condensed bilk, highbrow lotions, kisses from the antipodes,
presents from pickpockets, borrowed plumes, relaxable handgrips, princess
promises, lees of whine, deoxodised carbons, convertible collars,
diviliouker doffers, broken wafers, unloosed shoe latchets, crooked strait
waistcoats, fresh horrors from Hades, globules of mercury, undeleted glete,
glass eyes for an eye, gloss teeth for a tooth, war moans, special sighs,
longsufferings of longstanding, ahs ohs ouis sis jas jos gias neys thaws
sos, yeses and yeses and yeses, to which, if one has the stomach to add the
breakages, upheavals distortions, inversions of all this chambermade music
one stands, given a grain of goodwill, a fair chance of actually seeing the
whirling dervish, Tumult, son of Thunder, self exiled in upon his ego,a
nightlong a shaking betwixtween white or reddr hawrors, noondayterrorised to
skin and bone by an ineluctable phantom (may the Shaper have mercery on him
!) writing the mystery of himsel in furniture.
Of course our low hero was a self valeter by choice of need so up he
got up whatever is meant by a stourbridge clay kitchenette and
lithargogalenu fowlhouse for the sake of akes (the umpple does not fall very
far from the dumpertree) which the moromelodious jigsmith, in defiance of
the Uncontrollable Birth Preservativation (Game and Poultry) Act, playing
lallaryrook cookerynook, by the dodginess of his lentern, brooled and cocked
and potched in an athanor, whites and yolks and yilks and whotes to the
frulling fredonnance of Mas blanca que la blanca hermana and Amarilla, muy
bien, with cinnamon and locusts and wild beeswax and liquorice and Carrageen
moss and blaster of Barry's and Asther's mess and Huster's micture and
Yellownan's embrocation and Pinkingtone's patty and stardust and sinner's
tears, acuredent to Sharadan's Art of Panning, chanting, for all regale to
the like of the legs he left behind with Litty fun Letty fan Leven, his
cantraps of fermented words, abracadabra calubra culorum, (his oewfs ... la
Madame Gabrielle de l'Eglise, his avgs ... la Mistress B. de B. Meinfelde,
his eiers Usquadmala ... la pomme de ciel, his uoves, oves and uves ... la
Sulphate de Soude, his ochiuri sowtay sowmmonay a la Monseigneur, his
soufflosion of oogs with somekat on toyast ... la MŠre Puard, his
Poggadovies alla Fenella, his Frideggs ... la Tricarˆme) in what was meant
for a closet (Ah ho! If only he had listened better to the four masters that
infanted him Father Mathew and Le PŠre Noble and Pastor Lucas and Padre
Aguilar--not forgetting Layteacher Baudwin! Ah ho!) His costive Satan's
antimonian manganese limolitmious nature never needed such an alcove so,
when Robber and Mumsell, the pulpic dictators,on the nudgment of their legal
advisers, Messrs Codex and Podex, and under his own benefiction of their
pastor Father Flammeus Falconer, boycotted him of all muttonsuet candles and
romeruled stationery for any purpose, he winged away on a wildgoup's chase
across the kathartic ocean and made synthetic ink and sensitive paper for
his own end out of his wit's waste. You ask, in Sam Hill, how? Let manner
and matter of this for these our sporting times be cloaked up in the
language of blushfed porporates that an Anglican ordinal, not reading his
own rude dunsky tunga, may ever behold the brand of scarlet on the brow of
her of Babylon and feel not the pink one in his own damned cheek.
Primum opifex, altus prosator, ad terram viviparam et cunctipotentem
sine ullo pudore nec venia, suscepto pluviali atque discinctis perizomatis,
natibus nudis uti nati fuissent, sese adpropinquans, flens et gemens, in
manum suam evacuavit (highly prosy, crap in his hand, sorry!), postea,
animale nigro exoneratus, classicum pulsans, stercus proprium, quod
appellavit deiectiones suas, in vas olim honorabile tristitiae posuit, eodem
sub invocatione fratrorum geminorum Medardi et Godardi laete ac melliflue
minxit,psalmum qui incipit: Lingua mea calamus scribae velociter scribentis:
magna voce cantitans (did a piss, says he was dejected, asks to be
exonerated), demum ex stercore turpi cum divi Orionis iucunditate mixto,
cocto, frigorique exposito, encaustum sibi fecit indelibile (faked O'Ryan's,
the indelible ink).
Then, pious Eneas, conformant to thc fulminant firman which enjoins on
the tremylose terrian that, when the call comes, he shall produce
nichthemerically from his unheavenly body a no uncertain quantity of obscene
matter not protected by copriright in the United Stars of Ourania or bedeed
and bedood and bedang and bedung to him, with this double dye, brought to
blood heat, gallic acid on iron ore, through the bowels of his misery,
flashly, faithly, nastily, appropriately, this Esuan Menschavik and the
first till last alshemist wrote over every square inch of the only foolscap
available, his own body, till by its corrosive sublimation one continuous
present tense integument slowly unfolded all marryvoising moodmoulded
cyclewheeling history (thereby, he said, reflecting from his own individual
person life unlivable, transaccidentated through the slow fires of
consciousness into a dividual chaos, perilous, potent, common to allflesh,
human only, mortal) but with each word that would not pass away the
squidself which he had squirtscreened from the crystalline world waned
chagreenold and doriangrayer in its dudhud. This exists that isits after
having been said we know. And dabal take dabnal! And the dal dabal dab
aldanabal! So perhaps, agglaggagglomeratively asaspenking, after all and
arklast fore arklyst on his last public misappearance, circling the square,
for the deathfˆte of Saint Ignaceous Poisonivy, of the Fickle Crowd (hopon
the sexth day of Hogsober, killim our king, layum low !) and brandishing his
bellbearing stylo, the shining keyman of the wilds of change, if what is
sauce for the zassy is souse for the zazimas,the blond cop who thought it
was ink was out of his depth but bright in the main.
Petty constable Sistersen of the Kruis-Kroon-Kraal it was, the
parochial watch, big the dog the dig the bog the bagger the dugger the
begadag degabug, who had been detailed from pollute stoties to save him,
this the quemquem, that the quum, from the ligatureliablous effects of foul
clay in little clots and mobmauling on looks, that wrongcountered the
tenderfoot an eveling near the livingsmeansuniumgetherum, Knockmaree, Comty
Mea, reeling more to the right than he lurched to the left, on his way from
a protoprostitute (he would always have a (stp!) little pigeoness somewhure
with his arch girl, Arcoiris, smockname of Mergyt) just as he was butting in
rand the coyner of bad times under a hideful between the rival doors of warm
bethels of worship through his boardelhouse fongster, greeting for grazious
oras as usual: Where ladies have they that a dog meansort herring? Sergo,
search me, the incapable reparteed with a selfevitant subtlety so obviously
spurious and, raising his hair, after the grace, with the christmas under
his clutcharm, for Portsymasser and Purtsymessus and Pertsymiss and
Partsymasters, like a prance of findingos, with a shillto shallto slipny
stripny, in he skittled. Swikey! The allwhite poors guardiant, pulpably of
balltossic stummung, was literally astundished over the painful sake, how he
burstteself, which he was gone to, where he intent to did he, whether you
think will, wherend the whole current of the afternoon whats the souch of a
surch hads of hits of hims, urged and staggered thereto in his countryports
at the caledosian capacity for Lieutuvisky of the caftan's wineskin and even
more so, during, looking his bigmost astonishments, it was said him, aschu,
fun the concerned outgift of the dead med dirt, how that, arrahbejibbers,
conspuent to the dominical order and exking noblish permish, he was namely
coon at bringer at home two gallonts,as per royal,full poultry till his
murder. Nip up and nab it!
Polthergeistkotzdondherhoploits ! Kick? What mother? Whose porter?
Which pair? Why namely coon? But our undilligence has been plutherotested so
enough of such porterblack lowneess, too base for printink! Perpending that
Putterick O'Purcell pulls the coald stoane out of Winterwater's and Silder
Seas sing for Harreng our Keng,sept okt nov dez John Phibbs march! We
cannot,in mercy or justice nor on the lovom for labaryntos,stay here for the
residence of our existings,discussing Tamstar Ham of Tenman's thirst.
JUSTIUS (to himother): Brawn is my name and broad is my nature and I've
breit on my brow and all's right with every feature and I'll brune this bird
or Brown Bess's bung's gone bandy. I'm the boy to bruise and braise. Baus!
Stand forth, Nayman of Noland (for no longer will I follow you
obliquelike through the inspired form of the third person singular and the
moods and hesitensies of the deponent but address myself to you, with the
empirative of my vendettative, provocative and out direct), stand forth,
come boldly, jolly me,-- move me, zwilling though I am, to laughter in your
true colours ere you be back for ever till I give you your talkingto! Shem
Macadamson, you know me and I know you and all your shemeries. Where have
you been in the uterim, enjoying yourself all the morning since your last
wetbed confession? I advise you to conceal yourself, my little friend, as I
have said a moment ago and put your hands in my hands and have a nightslong
homely little confiteor about things. Let me see. It is looking pretty black
against you, we suggest, Sheem avick. You will need all the elements in the
river to clean you over it all and a fortifine popespriestpower bull of
attender to booth.
Let us pry. We thought, would and did. Cur, quicquid, ubi, quando,
quomodo, quoties, quibus auxiliis? You were bred, fed, fostered and fattened
from holy childhood up in this two easter island on the piejaw of hilarious
heaven and roaring the other place (plunders to night of you, blunders
what's left of you, flash as flash can!) and now, forsooth, a nogger among
the blankards of this dastard century, you have become of twosome twiminds
forenenst gods, hidden and discovered, nay, condemned fool, anarch, egoarch,
hiresiarch, you have reared your disunited kingdom on the vacuum of your own
most intensely doubtful soul. Do you hold yourself then for some god in the
manger, Shehohem, that you will neither serve not let serve, pray nor let
pray? And here, pay the piety, must I too nerve myself to pray for the loss
of selfrespect to equip me for the horrible necessity of scandalisang (my
dear sisters, are you ready?) by sloughing off my hope and tremors while we
all swin together in the pool of Sodom? I shall shiver for my purity while
they will weepbig for your sins. Away with covered words, new Solemonities
for old Badsheetbaths! That inharmonious detail, did you name it? Cold
caldor! Gee! Victory! Now, opprobro of underslung pipes, johnjacobs, while
yet an adolescent (what do I say?), while still puerile in your tubsuit with
buttonlegs,you got a handsome present of a selfraising syringe and twin
feeders (you know, Monsieur Abgott, in your art of arts, to your cost as
well as I do (and don't try to hide it) the penals lots I am now poking at)
and the wheeze sort of was you should (if you were as bould a stroke now as
the curate that christened you, sonny douth-the-candle!) repopulate the land
of your birth and count up your progeny by the hungered head and the angered
thousand but you thwarted the wious pish of your cogodparents, soph, among
countless occasions of failing (for, said you, I will elenchate), adding to
the malice of your transgression, yes, and changing its nature, (you see I
have read your theology for you) alternating the morosity of my delectations
-- a philtred love, trysting by tantrums, small peace in ppenmark -- with
sensibility, sponsibility, passibility and prostability, your lubbock's
other fear pleasures of a butler's life, even extruding your strabismal
apologia, when legibly depressed, upon defenceless paper and thereby adding
to the already unhappiness of this our popeyed world, scribblative! -- all
that too with cantreds of countless catchaleens, the mannish as many as the
minneful, congested around and about you for acres and roods and poles or
perches, thick as the fluctuant sands of Chalwador, accomplished women,
indeed fully educanded, far from being old and rich behind their dream of
arrivisme, if they have only their honour left, and not deterred by bad
weather when consumed by amorous passion, struggling to possess themselves
of your boosh, one son of Sorge for all daughters of Anguish, solus cum sola
sive cuncties cum omnibobs (I'd have been the best man for you, myself),
mutely aying for hat natural knot, debituary vases or vessels preposterous,
for what would not have cost you ten bolivars of collarwork or the price of
one ping pang, just a lilt, let us trillt, of the oldest song in the wooed
woodworld, (two-we! to-one!), accompanied by a plain gold band! Hail! Hail!
Highbosomheaving Missmisstress Morna of the allsweetheartening
bridemuredemeanour! Her eye's so gladsome we'll all take shares in the ----
Sniffer of carrion, premature gravedigger, seeker of the nest of evil
in the bosom of a good word, you, who sleep at our vigil and fast for our
feast, you with your dislocated reason, have cutely foretold, a jophet in
your own absence, by blind poring upon your many scalds and burns and
blisters, impetiginous sore and pustules, by the auspices of that raven
cloud, your shade, and by the auguries of rooks in parlament, death with
every disaster, the dynamitisation of colleagues, the reducing of records to
ashes, the levelling of all customs by blazes, the return of a lot of
sweetempered gunpowdered didst unto dudst but it never stphruck your
mudhead's obtundity (O hell, here comes our funeral! O pest, I'll miss the
post!) that the more carrots you chop, the more turnips you slit, the more
murphies you peel, the more onions you cry over, the more bullbeef you
butch, the more mutton you crackerhack, the more potherbs you pound, the
fiercer the fire and the longer your spoon and the harder you gruel with
more grease to your elbow the merrier fumes your new Irish stew.
O, by the way, yes,another thing occurs to me. You let me tell you,
with the utmost politeness, were very ordinarily designed, your birthwrong
was, to fall in with Plan, as our nationals should, as all nationists must,
and do a certain office (what, I will not tell you) in a certain holy office
(nor will I say where) during certain agonising office hours (a clerical
party all to yourself) from such a year to such an hour on such and such a
date at so and so much a week pro anno (Guinness's, may I remind, were just
agulp for you, failing in which you might have taken the scales off boilers
like any boskop of Yorek) and do your little thruppenny bit and thus earn
from the nation true thanks, right here in our place of burden, your bourne
of travail and ville of tares, where after a divine's prodigence you drew
the first watergasp in your life, from the crib where you once was bit to
the crypt you'll be twice as shy of, same as we, long of us, alone with the
colt in the curner, where you were as popular as an armenial with the
faithful, and you set fire to my tailcoat when I hold the paraffin smoker
under yours (I hope that chimney's clear) but, slackly shirking both your
bullet and your billet, you beat it backwards like Boulanger from Galway
(but he combed the grass against his stride) to sing us a song of alibi,
(the cuthone call over the greybounding slowrolling amplyheaving
metamorphoseous that oozy rocks parapangle their preposters with) nomad,
mooner by lamplight, antinos, shemming amid everyone's repressed laughter to
conceal your scatchophily by mating, like a thoroughpaste prosodite,
masculine monosyllables of the same numerical mus, an Irish emigrant the
wrong way out, sitting on your crooked sixpenny stile, an unfrillfrocked
quackfriar, you (will you for the laugh of Scheekspair just help mine with
the epithet?) semisemitic serendipitist, you (thanks, I think that describes
you) Europasianised Afferyank!
Shall we follow each others a steplonger, drowner of daggers, whiles
our liege, tilyet a stranger in the frontyard of his happiness, is taking,
(heal helper! one gob, one gap, one gulp and gorger of all!) his
There grew up beside you,amid our orisons of the speediest. in Novena
Lodge, Novara Avenue, in Patripodium-am-Bummel, oaf, outofwork, one remove
from an unwashed savage, on his keeping and in yours, (I pose you know why
possum hides is cause he haint the nogumtreeumption) that other,
Immaculatus, from head to foot, sir, that pure one, Altrues of other times,
he who was well known to celestine circles before he sped aloft, our
handsome young spiritual physician that was to be, seducing every sense to
selfwilling celebesty, the most winning counterfeuille on our incomeshare
lotetree, a chum of the angelets, a youth those reporters so pettitily
wanted as gamefellow that they asked his mother for ittle earps brupper to
let him tome to Tindertarten? pease, and bing his scooter 'long and 'tend
they were all real brothers in the big justright home where Dodd lives, just
to teddyfy the life out of him and pat and pass him one with other like musk
from hand to hand, that mothersmothered model, that goodlooker with not a
flaw whose spiritual toilettes were the talk of half the town, for sunset
wear and nightfallen use and daybroken donning and nooncheon showing and the
very thing for teasetime, but him you laid low with one hand one fine May
morning in the Meddle of your Might, your bosom foe, because he mussed your
speller on you or because he cut a pretty figure in the focus of your
frontispecs (not one did you slay, no, but a continent!) to find out how his
innards worked !
Ever read of that greatgrand landfather of our visionbuilders, Baaboo,
the bourgeoismeister, who thought to touch both himmels at the punt of his
risen stiffstaff and how wishywashy sank the waters of his thought? Ever
thought of that hereticalist Marcon and the two scissymaidies and how
bulkily he shat the Ructions gunorrhal? Ever hear of that foxy, that lupo
and that monkax and the virgin heir of the Morrisons, eh, blethering ape?
Malingerer in luxury, collector general, what has Your Lowness done in
the mealtime with all the hamilkcars of cooked vegetables, the hatfuls of
stewed fruit, the suitcases of coddled ales, the Parish funds, me schamer,
man, that you kittycoaxed so flexibly out of charitable butteries by yowling
heavy with a hollow voice drop of your horrible awful poverty of mind so as
you couldn't even pledge a crown of Thorne's to pawn a coat off Trevi's and
as how you was bad no end, so you was, so whelp you Sinner Pitre and Sinner
Poule, with the chicken's gape and pas mal de siŠcle, which, by the by,
Reynaldo, is the ordinary emetic French for grenadier's drip. To let you
have your plank and your bonewash (O the hastroubles you lost!), to give you
your pound of platinum and a thousand thongs a year (O, you were
excruciated, in honour bound to the cross of your own cruelfiction !) to let
you have your Sarday spree and holinight sleep (fame would come to you twixt
a sleep and a wake) and leave to lie till Paraskivee and the cockcock crows
for Danmark. (O Jonathan, your estomach!) The simian has no sentiment
secretions but weep cataracts for all me, Pain the Shamman! Oft in the
smelly night will they wallow for a clutch of the famished hand, I say, them
bearded jezabelles you hired to rob you, while on your sodden straw
impolitely you encored (Airish and nawboggaleesh!) those hornmade ivory
dreams you reved of the Ruth you called your companionate, a beauty from the
bible, of the flushpots of Euston and the hanging garments of Marylebone.
But the dormer moonshee smiled selene and the lightthrowers knickered: who's
whinging we? Comport yourself, you inconsistency! Where is that little
alimony nestegg against our predictable rainy day? Is it not the fact
(gainsay me, cakeeater!) that, while whistlewhirling your crazy elegies
around Templetombmount joyntstone, (let him pass, pleasegoodjesusalem, in a
bundle of straw, he was balbettised after haymaking) you squandered among
underlings the overload of your extravagance and made a hottentot of
dulpeners crawsick with your crumbs? Am I not right? Yes? Yes? Yes? Holy wax
and holifer! Don't tell me, Leon of the fold, that you are not a loanshark!
Look up, old sooty, be advised by mux and take your medicine. The Good
Doctor mulled it. Mix it twice before repastures and powder three times a
day. It does marvels for your gripins and it's fine for the solitary worm.
Let me finish! Just a little judas tonic, my ghem of all jokes, to make
you go green in the gazer. Do you hear what I'm seeing, hammet? And remember
that golden silence gives consent, Mr Anklegazer! Cease to be civil, learn
to say nay! Whisht! Come here, Herr Studiosus, till I tell you a wig in your
ear. We'll do a whisper drive, for if the barishnyas got a twitter of it
they'd tell the housetops and then all Cadbury would go crackers. Look! Do
you see your dial in the rockingglass? Look well ! Bend down a stigmy till
I! It's secret! Iggri, I say, the booseleers! I had it from Lamppost Shawe.
And he had it from the Mullah. And Mull took it from a Bluecoat schooler.
And Gay Socks jot it from Potapheu's wife. And Rantipoll tipped the wink
from old Mrs Tinbullet. And as for she was confussed by pro-Brother
Thacolicus. And the good brother feels he would need to defecate you. And
the Flimsy Follettes are simply beside each other. And Kelly, Kenny and
Keogh are up up and in arms. That a cross may crush me if I refuse to
believe in it. That I may rock anchor through the ages if I hope it's not
true. That the host may choke me if I beneighbour you without my charity!
Sh! Shem, you are. Sh! You are mad!
He points the deathbone and the quick are still. Insomnia, somnia
somniorum. Awmawm.
MERCIUS (of hisself): Domine vopiscus! My fault, his fault, a kingship
through a fault! Pariah, cannibal Cain, I who oathily forswore the womb that
bore you and the paps I sometimes sucked, you who ever since have been one
black mass of jigs and jimjams, haunted by a convulsionary sense of not
having been or being all that I might have been or you meant to becoming,
bewailing like a man that innocence which I could not defend like a woman,
lo,you there, Cathmon-Carbery, and thank Movies from the innermost depths of
my still attrite heart,Wherein the days of youyouth are evermixed mimine,
now ere the compline hour of being alone athands itself and a puff or so
before we yield our spiritus to the wind, for (though that royal one has not
yet drunk a gouttelette from his consummation and the flowerpot on the pole,
the spaniel pack and their quarry, retainers and the public house proprietor
have not budged a millimetre and all that has been done has yet to be done
and done again, when's day's woe, and lo, you're doomed, joyday dawns and,
la, you dominate) it is to you, firstborn and firstfruit of woe, to me,
branded sheep, pick of the wasterpaperbaskel, by the tremours of Thundery
and Ulerin's dogstar, you alone, windblasted tree of the knowledge of
beautiful andevil, ay, clothed upon with the metuor and shimmering like the
horescens, astroglodynamonologos, the child of Nilfit's father, blzb, to me
unseen blusher in an obscene coalhole, the cubilibum of your secret sigh,
dweller in the downandoutermost where voice only of the dead may come,
because ye left from me, because ye laughed on me, because, O me lonly son,
ye are forgetting me!, that our turfbrown mummy is acoming, alpilla,
beltilla, ciltilla, deltilla, running with her tidings, old the news of the
great big world, sonnies had a scrap, woewoewoe! bab's baby walks at seven
months, waywayway ! bride leaves her raid at Punchestime, stud stoned before
a racecourseful, two belles that make the one appeal, dry yanks will visit
old sod, and fourtiered skirts are up, mesdames, while Parimiknie wears
popular short legs, and twelve hows to mix a tipsy wake, did ye hear, colt
Cooney? did ye ever, filly Fortescue? with a beck, with a spring, all her
rillringlets shaking, rocks drops in her tachie, tramtokens in her hair, all
waived to a point and then all inuendation, little oldfashioned mummy,
little wonderful mummy, ducking under bridges, bellhopping the weirs,
dodging by a bit of bog, rapidshooting round the bends, by Tallaght's green
hills and the pools of the phooka and a place they call it Blessington and
slipping sly by Sallynoggin, as happy as the day is wet, babbling, bubbling,
chattering to herself, deloothering the fields on their elbows leaning with
the sloothering slide of her, giddygaddy, grannyma, gossipaceous Anna Livia.
He lifts the lifewand and the dumb speak.
-- Quoiquoiquoiquoiquoiquoiquoiq!
O tell me all about
Anna Livia! I want to hear all about Anna Livia. Well, you know Anna
Livia? Yes, of course, we all know Anna Livia. Tell me all. Tell me now.
You'll die when you hear. Well, you know, when the old cheb went futt and
did what you know. Yes, I know, go on. Wash quit and don't be dabbling. Tuck
up your sleeves and loosen your talktapes. And don't butt me -- hike! --
when you bend. Or whatever it was they threed to make out he thried to two
in the Fiendish park. He's an awful old reppe. Look at the shirt of him !
Look at the dirt of it! He has all my water black on me. And it steeping and
stuping since this time last wik. How many goes is it I wonder I washed it?
I know by heart the places he likes to saale, duddurty devil! Scorching my
hand and starving my famine to make his private linen public. Wallop it well
with your battle and clean it. My wrists are wrusty rubbing the mouldaw
stains. And the dneepers of wet and the gangres of sin in it! What was it he
did a tail at all on Animal Sendai? And how long was he under loch and
neagh? It was put in the newses what he did, nicies and priers, the King
fierceas Humphrey, with illysus distilling, exploits and all. But toms will
till. I know he well. Temp untamed will hist for no man. As you spring so
shall you neap. O, the roughty old rappe! Minxing marrage and making loof.
Reeve Gootch was right and Reeve Drughad was sinistrous! And the cut of him!
And the strut of him! How he used to hold his head as high as a howeth, the
famous eld duke alien, with a hump of grandeur on him like a walking wiesel
rat. And his derry's own drawl and his corksown blather and his doubling
stutter and his gullaway swank. Ask Lictor Hackett or Lector Reade of Garda
Growley or the Boy with the Billyclub. How elster is he a called at all?
Qu'appelle? Huges Caput Earlyfouler. Or where was he born or how was he
found? Urgothland, Tvistown on the Kattekat? New Hunshire, Concord on the
Merrimake? Who blocksmitt her saft anvil or yelled lep to her pail? Was her
banns never loosened in Adam and Eve's or were him and her but captain
spliced? For mine ether duck I thee drake. And by my wildgaze I thee gander.
Flowey and Mount on the brink of time makes wishes and fears for a happy
isthmass. She can show all her lines, with love, license to play. And if
they don't remarry that hook and eye may ! O, passmore that and oxus
another! Don Dom Dombdomb and his wee follyo! Was his help inshored in the
Stork and Pelican against bungelars, flu and third risk parties? I heard he
dug good tin with his doll, delvan first and duvlin after, when he raped her
home, Sabrine asthore, in a parakeet's cage, by dredgerous lands and devious
delts, playing catched and mythed with the gleam of her shadda, (if a flic
had been there to pop up and pepper him!) past auld min's manse and Maisons
Allfou and the rest of incurables and the last of immurables, the quaggy
waag for stumbling. Who sold you that jackalantern's tale? Pemmican's pasty
pie! Not a grasshoop to ring her, not an antsgrain of ore. In a gabbard he
barqued it, the boat of life, from the harbourless Ivernikan Okean, till he
spied the loom of his landfall and he loosed two croakers from under his
tilt, the gran Phenician rover. By the smell of her kelp they made the
pigeonhouse. Like fun they did! But where was Himself, the timoneer? That
marchantman he suivied their scutties right over the wash, his cameleer's
burnous breezing up on him, till with his runagate bowmpriss he roade and
borst her bar. Pilcomayo! Suchcaughtawan! And the whale's away with the
grayling! Tune your pipes and fall ahumming, you born ijypt, and you're
nothing short of one! Well, ptellomey soon and curb your escumo. When they
saw him shoot swift up her sheba sheath, like any gay lord salomon, her
bulls they were ruhring, surfed with spree. Boyarka buah! Boyana bueh~He
erned his lille Bunbath hard, our staly bred, the trader. He did. Look at
here. In this wet of his prow. Don't you know he was kaldt a bairn of the
brine, Wasserbourne the waterbaby? Havemmarea, so he was! H.C.E. has a
codfisck ee. Shyr she's nearly as badher as him herself. Who? Anna Livia?
Ay, Anna Livia. Do you know she was calling bakvandets sals from all around,
nyumba noo, chamba choo, to go in till him, her erring cheef, and tickle the
pontiff aisy-oisy? She was? Gota pot! Yssel that the limmat? As El Negro
winced when he wonced in La Plate. O, tell me all I want to hear, how loft
she was lift a laddery dextro ! A coneywink after the bunting fell. Letting
on she didn't care, sina feza, me absantee, him man in passession, the
proxenete! Proxenete and phwhat is phthat? Emme for your reussischer Honddu
jarkon! Tell us in franca langua. And call a spate a spate. Did they never
sharee you ebro at skol, you antiabecedarian? It's just the same as if I was
to go par examplum now in conservancy's cause out of telekinesis and
proxenete you. For coxyt sake and is that what she is? Botlettle I thought
she'd act that loa. Didn't you spot her in her windaug, wubbling up on an
osiery chair, with a meusic before her all cunniform letters, pretending to
ribble a reedy derg on a fiddle she bogans without a band on? Sure she can't
fiddan a dee, with bow or abandon! Sure, she can't! Tista suck. Well, I
never now heard the like of that! Tell me moher. Tell me moatst. Well, old
Humber was as glommen as grampus, with the tares at his thor and the buboes
for ages and neither bowman nor shot abroad and bales allbrant on the crests
of rockies and nera lamp in kitchen or church and giant's holes in Grafton's
causeway and deathcap mushrooms round Funglus grave and the great tribune's
barrow all darnels occumule, sittang sambre on his sett, drammen and
drommen, usking queasy quizzers of his ruful continence, his childlinen
scarf to encourage his obsequies where he'd check their debths in that
mormon's thames, be questing and handsetl, hop, step and a deepend, with his
berths in their toiling moil, his swallower open from swolf to fore and the
snipes of the gutter pecking his crocs, hungerstriking all alone and holding
doomsdag over hunselv, dreeing his weird, with his dander up, and his fringe
combed over his eygs and droming on loft till the sight of the sternes,
after zwarthy kowse and weedy broeks and the tits of buddy and the loits of
pest and to peer was Parish worth thette mess. You'd think all was dodo
belonging to him how he durmed adranse in durance vaal. He had been belching
for severn years. And there she was, Anna Livia, she darent catch a winkle
of sleep, purling around like a chit of a child, Wendawanda, a fingerthick,
in a Lapsummer skirt and damazon cheeks, for to ishim bonzour to her dear
dubber Dan. With neuphraties and sault from his maggias. And an odd time
she'd cook him up blooms of fisk and lay to his heartsfoot her meddery eygs,
yayis, and staynish beacons on toasc and a cupenhave so weeshywashy of
Greenland's tay or a dzoupgan of Kaffue mokau an sable or Sikiang sukry or
his ale of ferns in trueart pewter and a shinkobread (hamjambo, bana?) for
to plaise that man hog stay his stomicker till her pyrraknees shrunk to
nutmeg graters while her togglejoints shuck with goyt and as rash as she'd
russ with her peakload of vivers up on her sieve (metauwero rage it swales
and rieses) my hardey Hek he'd kast them frome him, with a stour of scorn,
as much as to say you sow and you sozh, and if he didn't peg the platteau on
her tawe, believe you me, she was safe enough. And then she'd esk to vistule
a hymn, The Heart Bowed Down or The Rakes of Mallow or Chelli Michele's La
Calumnia Š un Vermicelli or a balfy bit ov old Jo Robidson. Sucho fuffing a
fifeing 'twould cut you in two! She'd bate the hen that crowed on the
turrace of Babbel. What harm if she knew how to cockle her mouth ! And not a
mag out of Hum no more than out of the mangle weight. Is that a faith?
That's the fact. Then riding the ricka and roya romanche, Annona, gebroren
aroostokrat Nivia, dochter of Sense and Art, with Sparks' pirryphlickathims
funkling her fan, anner frostivying tresses dasht with virevlies,-- while
the prom beauties sreeked nith their bearers' skins!--in a period gown of
changeable jade that would robe the wood of two cardinals' chairs and crush
poor Cullen and smother MacCabe. O blazerskate! Theirs porpor patches! And
brahming to him down the feedchute, with her femtyfyx kinds of fondling
endings, the poother rambling off her nose: Vuggybarney, Wickerymandy!
Hello, ducky, please don't die! Do you know what she started cheeping after,
with a choicey voicey like waterglucks or Madame Delba to Romeoreszk? You'll
never guess. Tell me. Tell me. Phoebe, dearest, tell, O tell me and I loved
you better nor you knew. And letting on hoon var daft about the warbly sangs
from over holmen: High hellskirt saw ladies hensmoker lilyhung pigger: and
soay and soan and so firth and so forth in a tone sonora and Oom Bothar
below like Bheri-Bheri in his sandy cloak, so umvolosy, as deaf as a yawn,
the stult! Go away! Poor deef old deary! Yare only teasing! Anna Liv? As
chalk is my judge! And didn't she up in sorgues and go and trot doon and
stand in her douro, puffing her old dudheen, and every shirvant siligirl or
wensum farmerette walking the pilend roads, Sawy, Fundally, Daery or Maery,
Milucre, Awny or Graw, usedn't she make her a simp or sign to slip inside by
the sullyport? You don't say, the sillypost? Bedouix but I do! Calling them
in, one by one (To Blockbeddum here! Here the Shoebenacaddie!) and legging a
jig or so on the sihl to show them how to shake their benders and the dainty
how to bring to mind the gladdest garments out of sight and all the way of a
maid with a man and making a sort of a cackling noise like two and a penny
or half a crown and holding up a silliver shiner. Lordy, lordy, did she so?
Well, of all the ones ever I heard! Throwing all the neiss little whores in
the world at him! To inny captured wench you wish of no matter what sex of
pleissful ways two adda tammar a lizzy a lossie to hug and hab haven in
Humpy's apron!
And what was the wyerye rima she made! Odet! Odet! Tell me the trent of
it while I'm lathering hail out of Denis Florence MacCarthy's combies. Rise
it, flut ye, pian piena! I'm dying down off my iodine feet until I lerryn
Anna Livia's cushingloo, that was writ by one and rede by two and trouved by
a poule in the parco! I can see that, I see you are. How does it tummel?
Listen now. Are you listening? Yes, yes ! Idneed I am ! Tarn your ore ouse !
Essonne inne !
By earth end the cloudy but I badly went e brandnew bankside, bedamp
and I do, and a plumper at that!
For the putty affair I have is wore out, so it is, sitting,yaping and
waiting for my old Dane hodder dodderer, my life in death companion, my
frugal key of our larder, my much-altered camel's hump, my jointspoiler, my
maymoon's honey, my fool to the last Decemberer, to wake himself out of his
winter's doze and bore me down like he used to.
Is there irwell a lord of the manor or a knight of the shire at strike,
I wonder, that'd dip me a dace or two in cash for washing and darning his
worshipful socks for him now we're run out of horsebrose and milk?
Only for my short Brittas bed made's as snug as it smells it's out I'd
lep and off with me to the slobs deua Tolka or the plage au Clontarf to
feale the gay aire of my salt troublin bay and the race of the saywint up me
Onon! Onon! tell me more. Tell me every tiny teign. I want to know
every single ingul. Down to what made the potters fly into jagsthole. And
why were the vesles vet. That homa fever's winning me wome. If a mahun of
the horse but hard me! We'd be bundukiboi meet askarigal. Well, now comes
the hazelhatchery part. After Clondalkin the Kings's Inns. We'll soon be
there with the freshet. How many aleveens had she in tool? I can't rightly
rede you that. Close only knows. Some say she had three figures to fill and
confined herself to a hundred eleven, wan bywan bywan, making
meanacuminamoyas. Olaph lamm et, all that pack? We won't have room in the
kirkeyaard. She can't remember half of the cradlenames she smacked on them
by the grace of her boxing bishop's infallible slipper, the cane for Kund
and abbles for Eyolf and ayther nayther for Yakov Yea. A hundred and how?
They did well to rechristien her Pluhurabelle. O loreley! What a loddon
lodes! Heigh ho! But it's quite on the cards she'll shed more and merrier,
twills and trills, sparefours and spoilfives, nordsihkes and sudsevers and
ayes and neins to a litter. Grandfarthring nap and Messamisery and the knave
of all knaves and the joker. Heehaw! She must have been a gadabount in her
day, so she must, more than most. Shoal she was, gidgad. She had a flewmen
of her owen. Then a toss nare scared that lass, so aimai moe, that's agapo!
Tell me, tell me, how cam she camlin through all her fellows, the neckar she
was, the diveline? Casting her perils before our swains from Fonte-in-Monte
to Tidingtown and from Tidingtown tilhavet. Linking one and knocking the
next, tapting a flank and tipting a jutty and palling in and pietaring out
and clyding by on her eastway. Waiwhou was the first thurever burst? Someone
he was, whuebra they were, in a tactic attack or in single combat. Tinker,
tilar, souldrer, salor, Pieman Peace or Polistaman. That's the thing I'm
elwys on edge to esk. Push up and push vardar and come to uphill
headquarters! Was it waterlows year, after Grattan or Flood, or when maids
were in Arc or when three stood hosting? Fidaris will find where the Doubt
arises like Nieman from Nirgends found the Nihil. Worry you sighin foh,
Albern, O Anser? Untie the gemman's fistiknots, Qvic and Nuancee! She can't
put her hand on him for the moment. Tez thelon langlo, walking weary! Such a
loon waybashwards to row! She sid herself she hardly knows whuon the annals
her graveller was, a dynast of Leinster, a wolf of the sea, or what he did
or how blyth she played or how, when, why, where and who offon he jumpnad
her and how it was gave her away. She was just a young thin pale soft shy
slim slip of a thing then, sauntering, by silvamoonlake and he was a heavy
trudging lurching lieabroad of a Curraghman, making his hay for whose sun to
shine on, as tough as the oaktrees (peats be with them!) used to rustle that
time down by the dykes of killing Kildare, for forstfellfoss with a plash
across her. She thought she's sankh neathe the ground with nymphant shame
when he gave her the tigris eye ! O happy fault ! Me wish it was he ! You're
wrong there, corribly wrong! Tisn't only tonight you're anacheronistic! It
was ages behind that when nullahs were nowhere, in county Wickenlow, garden
of Erin, before she ever dreamt she'd lave Kilbride and go foaming under
Horsepass bridge, with the great southerwestern windstorming her traces and
the midland's grainwaster asarch for her track, to wend her ways byandby,
robecca or worse, to spin and to grind, to swab and to thrash, for all her
golden lifey in the barleyfields and pennylotts of Humphrey's
fordofhurdlestown and lie with a landleaper, wellingtonorseher. Alesse, the
lagos of girly days! For the dove of the dunas! Wasut? Izod? Are you sarthin
suir? Not where the Finn fits into the Mourne, not where the Nore takes
lieve of Bl÷m, not where the Braye divarts the Farer, not where the Moy
changez her minds twixt Cullin and Conn tween Cunn and Collin? Or where
Neptune sculled and Tritonville rowed and leandros three bumped heroines
two? Neya, narev, nen, nonni, nos ! Then whereabouts in Ow and Ovoca? Was it
yst with wyst or Lucan Yokan or where the hand of man has never set foot?
Dell me where, the fairy ferse time! I will if you listen. You know the
dinkel dale of Luggelaw? Well, there once dwelt a local heremite, Michael
Arklow was his riverend name, (with many a sigh I aspersed his lavabibs!)
and one venersderg in junojuly, oso sweet and so cool and so limber she
looked, Nance the Nixie, Nanon L'Escaut, in the silence, of the sycomores,
all listening, the kindling curves you simply can't stop feeling, he plunged
both of his newly anointed hands, the core of his cushlas, in her singimari
saffron strumans of hair, parting them and soothing her and mingling it,
that was deepdark and ample like this red bog at sundown. By that Vale
Vowclose's lucydlac, the reignbeau's heavenarches arronged orranged her.
Afrothdizzying galbs, her enamelled eyes indergoading him on to the vierge
violetian. Wish a wish! Why a why? Mavro ! Letty Lerck's lafing light throw
those laurals now on her daphdaph teasesong petrock. Maass! But the majik
wavus has elfun anon meshes. And Simba the Slayer of his Oga is slewd. He
cuddle not help himself, thurso that hot on him, he had to forget the monk
in the man so, rubbing her up and smoothing her down, he baised his lippes
in smiling mood, kiss akiss after kisokushk (as he warned her niver to,
niver to, nevar) on Anna-na-Poghue's of the freckled forehead. While you'd
parse secheressa she hielt her souff'. But she ruz two feet hire in her
aisne aestumation. And steppes on stilts ever since. That was kissuahealing
with bantur for balm! O, wasn't he the bold priest? And wasn't she the
naughty Livvy? Nautic Naama's now her navn. Two lads in scoutsch breeches
went through her before that, Barefoot Burn and Wallowme Wade,
Lugnaquillia's noblesse pickts, before she had a hint of a hair at her fanny
to hide or a bossom to tempt a birch canoedler not to mention a bulgic
porterhouse barge. And ere that again, leada, laida, all unraidy, too faint
to buoy the fairiest rider, too frail to flirt with a cygnet's plume, she
was licked by a hound, Chirripa-Chirruta, while poing her pee, pure and
simple, on the spur of the hill in old Kippure, in birdsong and
shearingtime, but first of all, worst of all, the wiggly livvly, she
sideslipped out by a gap in the Devil's glen while Sally her nurse was sound
asleep in a sloot and, feefee fiefie, fell over a spillway before she found
her stride and lay and wriggled in all the stagnant black pools of rainy
under a fallow coo and she laughed innocefree with her limbs aloft and a
whole drove of maiden hawthorns blushing and looking askance upon her.
Drop me the sound of the findhorn's name, Mtu or Mti, sombogger was
wisness. And drip me why in the flenders was she frickled. And trickle me
through was she marcellewaved or was it weirdly a wig she wore. And whitside
did they droop their glows in their florry, aback to wist or affront to sea?
In fear to hear the dear so near or longing loth and loathing longing? Are
you in the swim or are you out? O go in, go on, go an! I mean about what you
know. I know right well what you mean. Rother! You'd like the coifs and
guimpes, snouty, and me to do the greasy jub on old Veronica's wipers. What
am I rancing now and I'll thank you? Is it a pinny or is it a surplice?
Arran, where's your nose? And where's the starch? That's not the vesdre
benediction smell. I can tell from here by their eau de Colo and the scent
of her oder they're Mrs Magrath's. And you ought to have aird them. They've
moist come off her. Creases in silk they are, not crampton lawn. Baptiste
me, father, for she has sinned! Through her catchment ring she freed them
easy, with her hips' hurrahs for her knees'dontelleries. The only parr with
frills in old the plain. So they are, I declare! Welland well! If tomorrow
keeps fine who'll come tripping to sightsee? How'll? Ask me next what I
haven't got! The Belvedarean exhibitioners. In their cruisery caps and
oarsclub colours. What hoo, they band! And what hoa, they buck! And here is
her nubilee letters too. Ellis on quay in scarlet thread. Linked for the
world on a flushcaloured field. Annan exe after to show they're not Laura
Keown's. O, may the diabolo twisk your seifety pin! You child of Mammon,
Kinsella's Lilith! Now who has been tearing the leg of her drawars on her?
Which leg is it? The one with the bells on it. Rinse them out and aston
along with you! Where did I stop? Never stop! Continuarration! You're not
there yet. I amstel waiting. Garonne, garonne!
Well, after it was put in the Mericy Cordial Mendicants'
Sitterdag-Zindeh-Munaday Wakeschrift (for once they sullied their white
kidloves, chewing cuds after their dinners of cheeckin and beggin, with
their show us it here and their mind out of that and their when you're quite
finished with the reading matarial), even the snee that snowdon his hoaring
hair had a skunner against him. Thaw, thaw, sava, savuto! Score Her Chuff
Exsquire! Everywhere erriff you went and every bung you arver dropped into,
in cit or suburb or in addled areas, the Rose and Bottle or Phoenix Tavern
or Power's Inn or Jude's Hotel or wherever you scoured the countryside from
Nannywater to Vartryville or from Porta Lateen to the lootin quarter you
found his ikom etsched tipside down or the cornerboys cammocking his guy and
Morris the Man, with the role of a royss in his turgos the turrible,
(Evropeahahn cheic house, unskimmed sooit and yahoort, hamman now cheekmee,
Ahdahm this way make, Fatima, half tum!) reeling and railing round the local
as the peihos piped und ubanjees twanged, with oddfellow's triple tiara
busby rotundarinking round his scalp. Like Pate-by-the-Neva or
Pete-over-Meer. This is the Hausman all paven and stoned, that cribbed the
Cabin that never was owned that cocked his leg and hennad his Egg. And the
mauldrin rabble around him in areopage, fracassing a great bingkan cagnan
with their timpan crowders. Mind your Grimmfather! Think of your Ma! Hing
the Hong is his jove's hangnomen ! Lilt a bolero, bulling a law ! She swore
on croststyx nyne wyndabouts she's be level with all the snags of them yet.
Par the Vulnerable Virgin's Mary del Dame! So she said to herself she'd
frame a plan to fake a shine, the mischiefmaker, the like of it you niever
heard. What plan? Tell me quick and dongu so crould! What the meurther did
she mague? Well, she bergened a zakbag, a shammy mailsack, with the lend of
a loan of the light of his lampion, off one of her swapsons, Shaun the Post,
and then she went and consulted her chapboucqs, old Mot Moore, Casey's
Euclid and the Fashion Display and made herself tidal to join in the
mascarete. O gig goggle of gigguels. I can't tell you how! It's too
screaming to rizo, rabbit it all! Minneha, minnehi minaaehe, minneho! O but
you must, you must really! Make my hear it gurgle gurgle, like the farest
gargle gargle in the dusky dirgle dargle! By the holy well of Mulhuddart I
swear I'd pledge my chanza getting to heaven through Tirry and Killy's mount
of impiety to hear it all, aviary word! O, leave me my faculties, woman, a
while! If you don't like my story get out of the punt. Well, have it your
own way, so. Here, sit down and do as you're bid. Take my stroke and bend to
your bow. Forward in and pull your overthepoise! Lisp it slaney and crisp it
quiet. Deel me longsome. Tongue your time now. Breathe thet deep. Thouat's
the fairway. Hurry slow and scheldt you go. Lynd us your blessed ashes here
till I scrub the canon's underpants. Flow now. Ower more. And pooleypooley.
First she let her hair fal and down it flussed to her feet its teviots
winding coils. Then, mothernaked, she sampood herself with galawater and
fraguant pistania mud, wupper and lauar, from crown to sole. Next she
greesed the groove of her keel, warthes and wears and mole and itcher, with
antifouling butterscatch and turfentide and serpenthyme and with leafmould
she ushered round prunella isles and eslats dun, quincecunct, allover her
little mary. Peeld gold of waxwork her jellybelly and her grains of incense
anguille bronze. And after that she wove a garland for her hair. She pleated
it. She plaited it. Of meadowgrass and riverflags, the bulrush and
waterweed, and of fallen griefs of weeping willow. Then she made her
bracelets and her anklets and her armlets and a jetty amulet for necklace of
clicking cobbles and pattering pebbles and rumbledown rubble, richmond and
rehr, of Irish rhunerhinerstones and shellmarble bangles. That done, a dawk
of smut to her airy ey, Annushka Lutetiavitch Pufflovah, and the lellipos
cream to her lippeleens and the pick of the paintbox for her pommettes, from
strawbirry reds to extra violates, and she sendred her boudeloire maids to
His Affluence, Ciliegia Grande and Kirschie Real, the two chirsines, with
respecks from his missus, seepy and sewery, and a request might she passe of
him for a minnikin. A call to pay and light a taper, in Brie-on-Arrosa, back
in a sprizzling. The cock striking mine, the stalls bridely sign, there's
Zambosy waiting for Me! She said she wouldn't be half her length away. Then,
then, as soon as the lump his back was turned, with her mealiebag slang over
her shulder, Anna Livia, oysterface, forth of her bassein came.
Describe her! Hustle along, why can't you? Spitz on the iern while it's
hot. I wouldn't miss her for irthing on nerthe. Not for the lucre of lomba
strait. Oceans of Gaud, I mosel hear that! Ogowe presta! Leste, before Julia
sees her! Ishekarry and washemeskad, the carishy caratimaney? Whole lady
fair? Duodecimoroon? Bon a ventura? Malagassy? What had she on, the liddel
oud oddity? How much did she scallop, harness and weights? Here she is,
Amnisty Ann! Call her calamity electrifies man.
No electress at all but old Moppa Necessity, angin mother of injons.
I'll tell you a test. But you must sit still. Will you hold your peace and
listen well to what I am going to say now? It might have been ten or twenty
to one of the night of Allclose or the nexth of April when the flip of her
hoogly igloo flappered and out toetippit a bushman woman, the dearest little
moma ever you saw, nodding around her, all smiles, with ems of embarras and
aues to awe, between two ages, a judyqueen, not up to your elb. Quick, look
at her cute and saise her quirk for the bicker she lives the slicker she
grows. Save us and tagus ! No more? Werra where in ourthe did you ever pick
a Lambay chop as big as a battering ram? Ay, you're right. I'm epte to
forgetting, Like Liviam Liddle did Loveme Long. The linth of my hough, I say
! She wore a ploughboy's nailstudded clogs, a pair of ploughfields in
themselves: a sugarloaf hat with a gaudyquiviry peak and a band of gorse for
an arnoment and a hundred streamers dancing off it and a guildered pin to
pierce it: owlglassy bicycles boggled her eyes: and a fishnetzeveil for the
sun not to spoil the wrinklings of her hydeaspects: potatorings boucled the
loose laubes of her laudsnarers: her nude cuba stockings were
salmospotspeckled: she sported a galligo shimmy of hazevaipar tinto that
never was fast till it ran in the washing: stout stays, the rivals, lined
her length: her bloodorange bockknickers, a two in one garment, showed
natural nigger boggers, fancyfastened, free to undo: her blackstripe tan
joseph was sequansewn and teddybearlined, with wavy rushgreen epaulettes and
a leadown here and there of royal swansruff: a brace of gaspers stuck in her
hayrope garters: her civvy codroy coat with alpheubett buttons was
boundaried round with a twobar tunnel belt: a fourpenny bit in each
pocketside weighed her safe from the blowaway windrush; she had a clothespeg
tight astride on her joki's nose and she kep on grinding a sommething quaint
in her fiumy mouth and the rrreke of the fluve of the tail of the gawan of
her snuffdrab siouler's skirt trailed ffiffty odd Irish miles behind her
Hellsbells, I'm sorry I missed her! Sweet gumptyum and nobody fainted !
But in whelk of her mouths? Was her naze alight? Everyone that saw her said
the dowce little delia looked a bit queer. Lotsy trotsy, mind the poddle!
Missus, be good and don't fol in the say! Fenny poor hex she must have
charred. Kickhams a frumpier ever you saw! Making mush mullet's eyes at her
boys dobelon. And they crowned her their chariton queen, all the maids. Of
the may? You don't say! Well for her she couldn't see herself. I recknitz
wharfore the darling murrayed her mirror. She did? Mersey me! There was a
koros of drouthdropping surfacemen, boomslanging and plugchewing,
fruiteyeing and flowerfeeding, in contemplation of the fluctuation and the
undification of her filimentation, lolling and leasing on North Lazers' Waal
all eelfare week by the Jukar Yoick's and as soon as they saw her meander by
that marritime way in her grasswinter's weeds and twigged who was under her
archdeaconess bonnet, Avondale's fish and Clarence's poison, sedges an to
aneber, Wit-uponCrutches to Master Bates: Between our two southsates and the
granite they're warming, or her face has been lifted or Alp has doped!
But what was the game in her mixed baggyrhatty? Just the tembo in her
tumbo or pilipili from her pepperpot? Saas and taas and specis bizaas. And
where in thunder did she plunder? Fore the battle or efter the ball? I want
to get it frisk from the soorce. I aubette my bearb it's worth while
poaching on! Shake it up, do, do! That's a good old son of a ditch! I
promise I'll make it worth your while. And I don't mean maybe. Nor yet with
a goodfor. Spey me pruth and I'll tale you true.
Well, arundgirond in a waveney lyne aringarouma she pattered and swung
and sidled, dribbling her boulder through narrowa mosses, the diliskydrear
on our drier side and the vilde vetchvine agin us, curara here, careero
there, not knowing which medway or weser to strike it, edereider, making
chattahoochee all to her ain chichiu, like Santa Claus at the cree of the
pale and puny, nistling to hear for their tiny hearties, her arms encircling
Isolabella, then running with reconciled Romas and Reims, on like a lech to
be off like a dart, then bathing Dirty Hans' spatters with spittle, with a
Christmas box apiece for aisch and iveryone of her childer, the birthday
gifts they dreamt they gabe her, the spoiled she fleetly laid at our door!
On the matt, by the pourch and inunder the cellar. The rivulets ran aflod to
see, the glashaboys, the pollynooties. Out of the paunschaup on to the pyre.
And they all about her, juvenile leads and ingenuinas, from the slime of
their slums and artesaned wellings, rickets and riots, like the Smyly boys
at their vicereine's levee. Vivi vienne, little Annchen! Vielo Anna, high
life! Sing us a sula, O, susuria! Ausone sidulcis! Hasn't she tambre!
Chipping her and raising a bit of a chir or a jary every dive she'd neb in
her culdee sacco of wabbash she raabed and reach out her maundy
meerschaundize, poor souvenir as per ricorder and all for sore aringarung,
stinkers and heelers, laggards and primelads, her furzeborn sons and
dribblederry daughters, a thousand and one of them, and wickerpotluck for
each of them. For evil and ever. And kiks the buch. A tinker's bann and a
barrow to boil his billy for Gipsy Lee; a cartridge of cockaleekie soup for
Chummy the Guardsman; for sulky Pender's acid nephew delto‹d drops,
curiously strong; a cough and a rattle and wildrose cheeks for poor
Piccolina Petite MacFarlane; a jigsaw puzzle of needles and pins and
blankets and shins between them for Isabel, Jezebel and Llewelyn Mmarriage;
a brazen nose and pigiron mittens for Johnny Walker Beg; a papar flag of the
saints and stripes for Kevineen O'Dea; a puffpuff for Pudge Craig and a
nightmarching hare for Techertim Tombigby; waterleg and gumboots each for
Bully Hayes and Hurricane Hartigan; a prodigal heart and fatted calves for
Buck Jones, the pride of Clonliffe; a loaf of bread and a father's early aim
for Val from Skibereen; a jauntingcar for Larry Doolin, the Ballyclee
jackeen; a seasick trip on a government ship for Teague O'Flanagan; a louse
and trap for Jerry Coyle; slushmincepies for Andy Mackenzie; a hairclip and
clackdish for Penceless Peter; that twelve sounds look for G. V. Brooke; a
drowned doll, to face downwards for modest Sister Anne Mortimer; altar falls
for Blanchisse's bed; Wildairs' breechettes for Magpeg Woppington; to Sue
Dot a big eye; to Sam Dash a false step; snakes in clover, picked and
scotched, and a vaticanned viper catcher's visa for Patsy Presbys; a reiz
every morning for Standfast Dick and a drop every minute for Stumblestone
Davy; scruboak beads for beatified Biddy; two appletweed stools for Eva
Mobbely; for Saara Philpot a jordan vale tearorne; a pretty box of
Pettyfib's Powder for Eileen Aruna to whiten her teeth and outflash Helen
Arhone; a whippingtop for Eddy Lawless; for Kitty Coleraine of Butterman's
Lane a penny wise for her foolish pitcher; a putty shovel for Terry the
Puckaun; an apotamus mask for Promoter Dunne; a niester egg with a
twicedated shell and a dynamight right for Pavl the Curate; a collera
morbous for Mann in the Cloack; a starr and girton for Draper and Deane; for
Will-of-the-Wisp and Barny-the-Bark two mangolds noble to sweeden their
bitters; for Oliver Bound a way in his frey; for Seumas, thought little, a
crown he feels big; a tibertine's pile with a Congoswood cross on the back
for Sunny Twimjim; a praises be and spare me days for Brian-the Bravo;
penteplenty of pity with lubilashings of lust for Olona Lena Magdalena; for
Camilla, Dromilla, Ludmilla, Mamilla, a bucket, a packet, a book and a
pillow; for Nancy Shannon a Tuami brooch; for Dora Riparia Hopeandwater a
cooling douche and a warmingpan; a pair of Blarney braggs for Wally Meagher;
a hairpin slatepencil for Elsie Oram to scratch her toby, doing her best
with her volgar fractions; an old age pension for Betty Bellezza; a bag of
the blues for Funny Fitz; a Missa pro Messa for Taff de Taff; Jill, the
spoon of a girl, for Jack, the broth of a boy; a Rogerson Crusoe's Friday
fast for Caducus Angelus Rubiconstein; three hundred and sixtysix poplin
tyne for revery warp in the weaver's woof for Victor Hugonot; a stiff
steaded rake and good varians muck for Kate the Cleaner; a hole in the
ballad for Hosty; two dozen of cradles for J.F.X.P. Coppinger; tenpounten on
the pop for the daulphins born with five spoiled squibs for Infanta; a
letter to last a lifetime for Maggi beyond by the ashpit; the heftiest
frozenmeat woman from Lusk to Livienbad for Felim the Ferry; spas and
speranza and symposium's syrup for decayed and blind and gouty Gough; a
change of naves and joys of ills for Armoricus Tristram Amoor Saint
Lawrence; a guillotine shirt for Reuben Redbreast and hempen suspendeats for
Brennan on the Moor; an oakanknee for Conditor Sawyer and musquodoboits for
Great Tropical Scott; a C3 peduncle for Karmalite Kane; a sunless map of the
month, including the sword and stamps, for Shemus O'Shaun the Post; a jackal
with hide for Browne but Nolan; a stonecold shoulder for Donn Joe Vance; all
lock and no stable for Honorbright Merreytrickx; a big drum for Billy
Dunboyne; a guilty goldeny bellows, below me blow me,for Ida Ida and a
hushaby rocker,Elletrouvetout,for Who-issilvier -- Where-is-he?; whatever
you like to swilly to swash, Yuinness or Yennessy, Laagen or Niger, for
Festus King and Roaring Peter and Frisky Shorty and Treacle Tom and O. B.
Behan and Sully the Thug and Master Magrath and Peter Cloran and O'Delawarr
Rossa and Nerone MacPacem and whoever you chance to meet knocking around;
and a pig's bladder balloon for Selina Susquehanna Stakelum. But what did
she give to Pruda Ward and Katty Kanel and Peggy Quilty and Briery Brosna
and Teasy Kieran and Ena Lappin and Muriel Maassy and Zusan Camac and
Melissa Bradogue and Flora Ferns and Fauna Fox-Goodman and Grettna Greaney
and Penelope Inglesante and Lezba Licking like Leytha Liane and Roxana Rohan
with Simpatica Sohan and Una Bina Laterza and Trina La Mesme and Philomena
O'Farrell and Irmak Elly and Josephine Foyle and Snakeshead Lily and
Fountainoy Laura and Marie Xavier Agnes Daisy Frances de Sales Macleay? She
gave them ilcka madre's daughter a moonflower and a bloodvein: but the
grapes that ripe before reason to them that devide the vinedress. So on
Izzy, her shamemaid, love shone befond her tears as from Shem, her penmight,
life past befoul his prime.
My colonial, wardha bagful! A bakereen's dusind with tithe tillies to
boot. That's what you may call a tale of a tub ! And Hibernonian market! All
that and more under one crinoline envelope if you dare to break the
porkbarrel seal. No wonder they'd run from her pison plague. Throw us your
hudson soap for the honour of Clane! The wee taste the water left. I'll raft
it back, first thing in the marne. Merced mulde! Ay, and don't forget the
reckitts I lohaned you. You've all the swirls your side of the current.
Well, am I to blame for that if I have? Who said you're to blame for that if
you have? You're a bit on the sharp side. I'm on the wide. Only snuffers'
cornets drifts my way that the cracka dvine chucks out of his cassock, with
her estheryear's marsh narcissus to make him recant his vanitty fair. Foul
strips of his chinook's bible I do be reading, dodwell disgustered but
chickled with chuckles at the tittles is drawn on the tattlepage. Senior ga
dito: Faciasi Omo! E omo fu fo. Ho! Ho! Senior ga dito: Faciasi Hidamo!
Hidamo se ga facess.... Ha! Ha! And Die Windermere Dichter and Lefanu
(Sheridan's) old House by the Coachyard and Mill (J.) On Woman with Ditto on
the Floss. Ja, a swamp for Altmuehler and a stone for his flossies ! I know
how racy they move his wheel. My hands are blawcauld between isker and suda
like that piece of pattern chayney there, lying below. Or where is it? Lying
beside the sedge I saw it. Hoangho, my sorrow, I've lost it! Aimihi! With
that turbary water who could see? So near and yet so far! But O, gihon! I
lovat a gabber. I could listen to maure and moravar again. Regn onder river.
Flies do your float. Thick is the life for mere.
Well, you know or don't you kennet or haven't I told you every telling
has a taling and that's the he and the she of it. Look, look, the dusk is
growing! My branches lofty are taking root. And my cold cher's gone ashley.
Fieluhr? Filou! What age is at? It saon is late. 'Tis endless now senne eye
or erewone last saw Waterhouse's clogh. They took it asunder, I hurd thum
sigh. When will they reassemble it? O, my back, my back, my bach! I'd want
to go to Aches-les-Pains. Pingpong! There's the Belle for Sexaloitez! And
Concepta de Send-us-pray! Pang! Wring out the clothes! Wring in the dew!
Godavari, vert the showers! And grant thaya grace! Aman. Will we spread them
here now? Ay, we will. Flip ! Spread on your bank and I'll spread mine on
mine. Flep! It's what I'm doing. Spread ! It's churning chill. Der went is
rising. I'll lay a few stones on the hostel sheets. A man and his bride
embraced between them. Else I'd have sprinkled and folded them only. And
I'll tie my butcher's apron here. It's suety yet. The strollers will pass it
by. Six shifts, ten kerchiefs, nine to hold to the fire and this for the
code, the convent napkins,twelve, one baby's shawl. Good mother Jossiph
knows, she said. Whose head? Mutter snores? Deataceas! Wharnow are alle her
childer, say? In kingdome gone or power to come or gloria be to them
farther? Allalivial, allalluvial! Some here, more no more, more again lost
alla stranger. I've heard tell that same brooch of the Shannons was married
into a family in Spain. And all the Dunders de Dunnes in Markland's Vineland
beyond Brendan's herring pool takes number nine in yangsee's hats. And one
of Biddy's beads went bobbing till she rounded up lost histereve with a
marigold and a cobbler's candle in a side strain of a main drain of a
manzinahurries off Bachelor's Walk. But all that's left to the last of the
Meaghers in the loup of the years prefixed and between is one kneebuckle and
two hooks in the front. Do you tell me. that now? I do in troth. Orara por
Orbe and poor Las Animas! Ussa, Ulla, we're umbas all! Mezha, didn't you
hear it a deluge of times, ufer and ufer, respund to spond? You deed, you
deed! I need, I need! It's that irrawaddyng I've stoke in my aars. It all
but husheth the lethest zswound. Oronoko ! What's your trouble? Is that the
great Finnleader himself in his joakimono on his statue riding the high hone
there forehengist? Father of Otters, it is himself! Yonne there! Isset that?
On Fallareen Common? You're thinking of Astley's Amphitheayter where the
bobby restrained you making sugarstuck pouts to the ghostwhite horse of the
Peppers. Throw the cobwebs from your eyes, woman, and spread your washing
proper! It's well I know your sort of slop. Flap! Ireland sober is Ireland
stiff Lord help you, Maria, full of grease, the load is with me! Your
prayers. I sonht zo! Madammangut! Were you lifting your elbow, tell us,
glazy cheeks, in Conway's Carrigacurra canteen? Was I what, hobbledyhips?
Flop! Your rere gait's creakorheuman bitts your butts disagrees. Amn't I up
since the damp tawn, marthared mary allacook, with Corrigan's pulse and
varicoarse veins, my pramaxle smashed, Alice Jane in decline and my oneeyed
mongrel twice run over, soaking and bleaching boiler rags, and sweating
cold, a widow like me, for to deck my tennis champion son, the laundryman
with the lavandier flannels? You won your limpopo limp fron the husky
hussars when Collars and Cuffs was heir to the town and your slur gave the
stink to Carlow. Holy Scamander, I sar it again! Near the golden falls. Icis
on us! Seints of light! Zezere! Subdue your noise, you hamble creature! What
is it but a blackburry growth or the dwyergray ass them four old codgers
owns. Are you meanam Tarpey and Lyons and Gregory? I meyne now, thank all,
the four of them, and the roar of them, that draves that stray in the mist
and old Johnny MacDougal along with them. Is that the Poolbeg flasher
beyant, pharphar, or a fireboat coasting nyar the Kishtna or a glow I behold
within a hedge or my Garry come back from the Indes? Wait till the honeying
of the lune, love! Die eve, little eve, die! We see that wonder in your eye.
We'll meet again, we'll part once more. The spot I'll seek if the hour
you'll find. My chart shines high where the blue milk's upset.
Forgivemequick, I'm going! Bubye! And you, pluck your watch, forgetmenot.
Your evenlode. So save to jurna's end! My sights are swimming thicker on me
by the shadows to this place. I sow home slowly now by own way, moyvalley
way. Towy I too, rathmine.
Ah, but she was the queer old skeowsha anyhow, Anna Livia, trinkettoes!
And sure he was the quare old buntz too, Dear Dirty Dumpling, foostherfather
of fingalls and dotthergills. Gammer and gaffer we're all their gangsters.
Hadn't he seven dams to wive him? And every dam had her seven crutches. And
every crutch had its seven hues. And each hue had a differing cry. Sudds for
me and supper for you and the doctor's bill for Joe John. Befor! Bifur! He
married his markets, cheap by foul, I know, like any Etrurian Catholic
Heathen, in their pinky limony creamy birnies and their turkiss indienne
mauves. But at milkidmass who was the spouse? Then all that was was fair.
Tys Elvenland ! Teems of times and happy returns. The seim anew. Ordovico or
viricordo. Anna was, Livia is, Plurabelle's to be. Northmen's thing made
southfolk's place but howmulty plurators made eachone in person? Latin me
that, my trinity scholard, out of eure sanscreed into oure eryan! Hircus
Civis Eblanensis! He had buckgoat paps on him, soft ones for orphans. Ho,
Lord ! Twins of his bosom. Lord save us! And ho! Hey? What all men. Hot? His
tittering daughters of. Whawk?
Can't hear with the waters of. The chittering waters of. Flittering
bats, fieldmice bawk talk. Ho! Are you not gone ahome? What Thom Malone?
Can't hear with bawk of bats, all thim liffeying waters of. Ho, talk save us
! My foos won't moos. I feel as old as yonder elm. A tale told of Shaun or
Shem? All Livia's daughtersons. Dark hawks hear us. Night! Night! My ho head
halls. I feel as heavy as yonder stone. Tell me of John or Shaun? Who were
Shem and Shaun the living sons or daughters of? Night now! Tell me, tell me,
tell me, elm! Night night! Telmetale of stem or stone. Beside the rivering
waters of, hitherandthithering waters of. Night!
Ïîïóëÿðíîñòü: 11, Last-modified: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 05:43:20 GmT